I would like to formally apologize to every single one of fans for the extended hiatus I have been on… I really just don't like to type that much. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy writing its just that it takes up too much time and effort. I mean really I have other things to worry about. I am a junior in high school so typing gets hard.

I had one of my reviewers once ask me if I dropped out of school, got kicked out of my house and live on the streets. No that is not what has happened. I am just very lazy and don't want to type. But I will explain to you why I have decided to write this.

Over the past two weeks I have been up my grandmothers house. Which meant no internet for those two weeks. No Facebook. No Fanfiction. No Typing. Just me and my family with no one bothering me. I have a cousin who is only Four, and the entire time I was there I had to watch cartoons such as Paw Patrol, Thomas and Friends and more importantly NinjaGo. Which got me in the mood to type again. SIGH!

I decided to write full stories to match the 50 drabbles I originally wrote. Now this will take me a long time but with you guys help I think I can do it for all 50. We shall see.

P.S I have not watched any of the new episodes for NinjaGo. I have no idea what is going on nor do I care. I will write this story like the first season. If you do not like this you don't have to read it.


Drabble 1: Agitated

It was a surprisingly peaceful day. For all that has happened in the past few weeks, with Lloyd becoming the green ninja and all the Serpentine activity, they were all surprised to have a day off or two. It was much better than running around and worrying about the citizens of NinjaGo City. Since they all got this one day off, they were all eager to enjoy themselves.

Jay was tinkering as he usually did when he had nothing better to do. The lightning ninja had all he could ask for, material and time to have fun with it. Which of course meant new inventions, and plenty of failures. Everything he built seemed to blow up back in his face. Which resulted him being electrocuted and covered in soot in no time. With a heavy sigh he set his tools aside and decided to call it quits for awhile, finally getting tired of the mess ups.

Zane was busying himself with cooking. It was nearing dinner time and it was his day. To celebrate a full day of peace he planned to make his friends a large supper. Which was fine with him, after all he did enjoy cooking. Zane believed that his friends and fellow ninja deserved something nice for once. At least it was him cooking, and not Cole, nobody would enjoy the meal otherwise.

Nya was out enjoying the evening sun as much as she possibly could. Just because they were in the middle of saving the world, didn't mean she couldn't tan. So there she was laying out in her bathing suit on the deck of the bounty. She had been out there most the day, flipping over when necessary to get equal sun on all of her body. Her skin may have been hot and maybe even a little burned, but that had not stopped her from having a nice long relaxing day.

Lloyd however was not receiving the same treatment. Ever since becoming the green ninja, he had been training none stop for weeks. Honestly he was getting a little fed up with all the expectations that was weighing him down. However he knew how important it was and kept training despite the ache in his muscles.

Cole had spent most of his day doing nothing but sleeping. It was no secret that Cole was kind of a night owl, only going to bed early when Kai forced him too. Therefore he got much less sleep than everyone else the previous night. Which of course caused him to sleep into the afternoon hours. After waking up he had spent the rest of the time reading the books his father sends him.

Unlike everyone else, Kai could not find it in himself to sit down and relax. It just wasn't him, and he didn't like not having anything to do all day. Since Cole was asleep most the day, he found himself bored with nothing to do. It wasn't until Zane was about to call them all to supper when he decided to get rid of his boredom.

Sneaking into the room next to his in which he like to name Cole's reading room, considering that was all Cole did there. Upon entering the room he was greeted by the sight of his lover sitting on the floor, on a pillow to keep from his legs from hurting, hutched over reading his book that was place on the table in front of him. Cole wasn't one to hold the book up while he read it.

Kai smiled at his target of distraction, entering the room with the stealth of a ninja, and walked quietly up behind his lover. Lowering himself to the ground, directly behind Cole, Kai smiled and raised a finger to move and press into Cole's side unexpectedly.

Cole let out a loud squeal of surprise and wiped around to face the perpetrator. Cole frowned angrily at Kai and crossed his arms. Kai smiled innocently before Cole picked his book up and slapped Kai in the arm with it.

"You jerk I almost had a heart attack!" Cole declared with an over dramatic tone of voice. He then put his bookmark back in the book and set it aside. Cole knew there was no way that he could possibly get any reading done with Kai next to him. It was next to near impossible especially if Kai was bored, and he was.

Kai spent the next few minutes continuing to poke his fingers into Cole's sides. Enjoying the sight of his boyfriend squirming under his touch. The fire ninja had known for a long time that Cole was ticklish and he was having too much fun bothering his lover. Cole however was getting annoyed fast and was ready to punch Kai again if he didn't quit.

"Kai," Cole sighed loudly all while attempting to swat Kai's hand away from him, he sighed once again, "Quit poking me!" Cole commanded loudly. Kai chuckled loudly. Kai recoiled his hands from Cole's side in favor of wrapping his arms completely around Cole's waist.

"Aww but Cole! I'm bored and you are just so soft and fun to poke. I couldn't resist." Kai declare happily, glad to see the blush that spread across Cole's face at his actions. He heard Cole huff at him.

"I'm not soft and don't say that again." Cole told him, and Kai pouted. He nodded however, since he wanted Cole to forgive him for irritating him. After a few minutes of sitting in the same position, all within a comfortable silences, Cole suggested they go and get ready for supper, which was due any minute. Kai agreed and they both stood up. On the way out the door, Kai could not stop himself from poking Cole one last time.

With a hiss and a threat from his lover, Kai decided that he enjoyed teasing Cole and made it his overall goal to do as such as much as he could. Despite if Cole liked it or not.


I would like to apologize for the extremely long first Authors Note. I really didn't think it would be that long. I can say the others will no be though.

If you have noticed I didn't use exactly what was in the original drabble. That is because I wanted to make it into a 'story' and I don't really like using the exact words for the 'story'. It's too easy to just copy and paste. It's another thing to read the drabble and change it, and make it better.

Anyway I hoped you like it, and Review.