A/N: I originally published this story in Tumblr for Father's Day. It was inspired by a drawing made by a friend of mine.

In the cool summer night, the town of Magnolia had started to settle in to sleep, preparing itself for the day coming ahead. Many of the stores and restaurants had closed their doors, and anyone that was still on the streets quickly rushed back to their homes. It seemed that all was peaceful and quiet throughout the entire town.

Well, with the possible exception of one small house near the outskirts of town.

"Shhh, shhhh, it's okay now, I'm here," a young woman, with her long blonde hair unkempt and her eyes tired from exhaustion, consoled her baby as she rocked her back and forth. Her words fell on deaf eyes, however, as the newborn only started wailing even louder.

The mother continued to cradle her daughter as she walked to the rocking chair. As she sat down, she held the crying baby closer to her breast. She knew that she didn't need to be fed, nor did she need a diaper change, as she had already checked on her earlier. Her worry, combined with the lack of sleep she had the past few nights, has started to bring her to the edge of tears herself now. "Oh, sweetheart, I wish I knew some way to calm you down."

Just then, her husband, with the same tired look on his face, suddenly entered in from the door. "You okay in there, Lucy?"

Lucy sighed. "I just can't seem to calm her down, Natsu."

"How about I take over for you over there? You look like you're about to cry."

"Thank you…" she said with relief as she rose up to give the crying baby to her husband.

Natsu carefully held the baby in his arms, gently rocking her. "Oy, oy, please stop crying," he said to her as he cradled her closer to his chest. "Your mama and papa need to sleep too, you know." And as he continued rocking her, the baby's loud cries became softer and softer, until they were just quiet whimpers. "Yeah, that's more like it."

Lucy could only smile at the sight before her. "Hey, how about we let her sleep with us tonight," she said.

"Huh? What made you think of that?"

"Well," she said sheepishly, "we wouldn't have to keep walking back and forth if she starts crying again."

"Good point," he then looked at his now sleeping daughter. "Well, she's asleep now. Let's go."

The two parents quietly went back to their bedroom. As they got to their bed, Natsu carefully laid the baby on her back on the center before he and Lucy settled in. They both faced each other as they were lying down, forming a protective wall around their daughter. They continued to watch over her; how her wispy, pink hair covered the top of her head, the way her little body would rise with each breath she took, and how her arms and legs would occasionally move as she slumbered.

"You're not gonna sleep?"

"No…she might wake up again any minute." Lucy paused for a minute. "What about you?"

Natsu put his arm around the baby as she started to stir.
