Hi, everybody! It's good to be back! If I have some of those wonderful readers from my last story, I'm so happy to see you! This AN will be a smidge longer, so bear with me! TADA! My surprise is a massive, complex, and intriguing sequel to the Excaliferb episode! For those who were wondering when More Than Enough would be posted, the reason for its delay is this baby right here! I'm 125 pages into this story… so I decided I should probably start posting!
I will mass-post the first three chapters so you have something to really sink your teeth into, but I'd love a response to each chapter, if you feel so inclined! For those who read Enough, you know I used to post a new 12 page chapter every two days… Due to the complexity and girth of this monster, it will not be so quick XD but it will still be very timely, I promise!
I have a partner in all of this. Her name is HeroXLink, and she is AMAZING! She's designing character outfits and maps, and whatnot, so when we get those up, I'll direct you guys to DeviantArt so you can see them! Ultimate props to her.
IMPORTANT: Now time for story stuff… Excaliferb ended on a humorous note, as is typical of the creators of the show, but this story will be very serious. Because of that, there are some basic assumptions I'd like to lay down...
a) Malifishmirtz (though his doofy, utterly ridiculous side is adorable and wonderful) is a legitimate threat. He may seem OOC for the show, since that Malifishmirtz is far from threatening, but I'm forming his character in this story as menacing and serious.
b) The "Peace Accord" mentioned at the end of the episode was with the monsters, NOT with Malifishmirtz; let's all pretend it ended with an epic fight with our heroes standing triumphant, before "Malifishmirtz escaped, bent on laying the grounds for the sequel." I promise you an engaging story if you do so ^.^
c) Yes, Excaliferb broke. That stays, but the notion that they all just quite fighting, as Carl read, is being discarded. It was a giant battle, and Perrible beat Malifishmirtz.
Just go into this with an appetite for a serious fantasy quest jam-packed with all the PnF characters you know and love, and we'll have a great time!
Disclaimer: I do not own Phineas and Ferb.
The Mirror Mist
"You know I have no reason to lie to you, Syneia. Corlithan and his sprites are gone. Every last one of them wiped out."
Syneia shook her head at this answer, her eyes locked on the surface of a small pool. Its water was the deepest blue, coursing with sprite magic that made it shimmer despite the darkness of the underground. Reflected in it were the images of the other three Mist Weavers, their expressions just as troubled and deep in thought as hers.
"And we are certain that Malifishmirtz stole their magic?" she demanded.
"You know very well that he took their magic," a scruffy, bearded sprite grumbled. "You could feel the loss of Corlithan just as well as every one of us. Don't waste our time with superfluous questions."
"Peace, Torias," Syneia sighed. She ran her hand over the water, covering the surface in gentle ripples and sending the Mirror Mist wafting upward in a cloud. "If we are going to survive Malifishmirtz's second rise, we need to make sure we all understand. Knowledge never favors discretion."
"Indeed," spoke Gevenora, her willowy voice echoing from the water. "The loss of a fellow Mist Weaver is tragic, but I fear it is not the largest challenge we face. I am certain that you have not forgotten the prophecy. Is that not of a higher priority right now than loss of one of our council and his camp of sprites?"
This brought a silence, each sprite faltering with her words. Syneia expected Torias to once again complain; Gevenora's question was the most superfluous of all. They remembered the Lady of the Lake's prophecy with painful accuracy.
"Alright," Torias exhaled. Syneia watched his Mist reflection in the pool run a tired hand over his face. "Alright, I'll ask the question that needs to be asked; what of the girl?"
"Yes," Gevenora agreed. "This is most pressing of all. While we make this decision together, you understand that its execution lies solely upon your shoulders, Syneia."
"Of course," Syneia agreed. "But I am uncertain if there is any decision to be made."
Morivan, the last of the council, cleared his throat. "I agree with Syneia. Any actions regarding the girl right now would be rash and ill thought. Nothing should—"
"The loss of Corlithan and his sprites changes the situation," Gevenora protested. "Syneia, your camp is the closest to Corlithan's. If Malifishmirtz finds you next—if he finds the girl—"
"I hear you, Weaver, but I believe she is still safer here, where I can keep an eye on her. The girl has barely made it to her eleventh year. Sending her out from our care would be a death sentence."
"Is that affection in your voice, Syneia?" Torias ventured, his tone taunting and cold. Syneia sniffed indignantly.
"Of course not. I care not for the girl, but our duty is to the kingdom. Her death is a death sentence for us all. She will surely die if she is removed from our supervision."
"But imagine what it would be if Malifishmirtz found your camp, Syneia."
"Better here than out there."
"And yet that is what we said about Corlithan and his sprites. Now they're all gone and Malifishmirtz is that much stronger."
A silence befell them all. This was why there were always five Mist Weavers for the sprite council; stalemates over the fate of their kind were never an issue. Now, when there were only four… Syneia's wings twitched in her deliberation.
"I don't know, Weavers. I still do not—"
"Discussing important matters, are we?" spoke a new voice, and the surface of the pool began rippling with power.
"Greetings, Your Ladyship," Gevenora addressed the newcomer, the other sprites in the pool following her example.
"Lady of the Lake, we welcome you," Syneia hummed. "Your timing could not have been more perfect. I was just telling the others that the girl—"
"Is no longer safe amongst the sprites," the Lady of the Lake finished. Gevenora and Torias nodded with her words.
That was the discussion. The debate was over. The Mist Weavers were never to question the wisdom of the Lady of the Lake; it was she whom all sprites served.
"I acquiesce, Your Ladyship," Syneia sighed with a bow. "But I must know… what makes you possibly think the girl will be safe on her own? What makes you believe she will not fall victim to Malifishmirtz's minions scouring the entire kingdom in search of us?"
Torias' wings flapped violently. "Syneia, you do not question—"
"It's alright, my spritelings," soothed the Lady of the Lake. "These are valid questions. Although I cannot glean all that will occur, I can assure you that she will find protection."
"You believe she will find a way to remain hidden from Malifishmirtz?"
"I do," she reiterated. "The little sprite is not as alone as we might think."
"There is another issue here," Morivan cut in. "Before we send her away, do we undo our spell?"
"Removing the spell may be beneficial for the child," Gevenora offered, but Torias growled at the prospect.
"Removing the spell would only make her that much easier to find. Might as well paint a target on her wings and spread the word across the entire kingdom to help Malifishmirtz. No, the spell stays."
"For once I agree with Torias," Syneia stated. "The spell must remain intact. Anything less would be a disaster. Do you agree, Your Ladyship?"
The following silence resounded through the hollow space with an eerie finality, but when the Lady of the Lake spoke, her voice was as strong as ever.
"I do. This is a fight placed upon her shoulders at birth, but a fight she shan't face alone. She will seek out others. It shall align in ways I cannot even begin to fathom, and those of the prophecy will step forth. When the time comes, we just have to hope that it will be enough."
Syneia let out a deep breath. "I believe we have reached an accord, then. It is too large of a risk to have the girl remain with my camp of sprites. I shall take care of the problem."
The other sprites nodded their approval before, one by one, their images faded from the pool. Syneia waved her hand over the water, and the last of the Mirror Mist that clung to its surface dissipated. Her small cavern fell once again into darkness, but she didn't mind; she had to return to the world above anyway.
With a strong burst of movement from her wings, she took off.
She had to find Isabel.
Review, please!
Don't worry if you're confused; that's often how prologues are supposed to be!
Every other chapter from here out is centered completely on the PnF characters; I simply had to have this OC one to establish a few things. It may not seem like much of a start, but keep going. Let me try to get you hooked!
The adventure begins...
~Lilly-Belle and HeroXLink