Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my E/C Fanficiton! This is the first chapter of my story, it is kind of long but it opens up the entire plot line of my story, and i promise you that it will get better from this chapter on! R&R!
Your obedient servant,
Chapter 1: Memories Brought Back
Paris 1919
The Opera Populaire is in ruins compared to its former glory making those who used to work there reminiscent of the days of the past. The once grand palace does not attract eyes anymore for the splendor of the opera, but for the auction sign posted out front. A few men and women are attracted inside to buy a piece of the historical site, some want the landmark to pass down to their generations and some are looking for cheap ways to make a profit by selling the props to others.
Madame Giry was walking outside when she saw once more the place that was her childhood, and most of her adulthood. A small smile slipped through her stern composure as she remembered the many triumphs she made as the former Prima Ballerina during her time in the spotlight. She longed to once again hear the encores after her solo ballet and the many roses that graced the stage even long after her dance was completed. A sigh escaped her mouth as she remembered that was in the past now and her brittle bones would not dare endure another plié. Nevertheless, she was determined to obtain something that had escaped from the fire's grasp to remember her time there well. As she set off towards the entrance of the opera house she was unaware of a fellow friend whom was attending the auction as well.
Raoul DeChagny was watching the grand opera house come into view during his carriage ride into the main streets of Paris. He utterly despised the place and wish it had burned down completely. However, he immediately took back the thought as soon as he began to remember the many good times that held to his heart. He remembered the infamous masquerade ball that he and Christine had attended together, the many opera's with Christine as the star, the rooftop with Christine. Yes, the place in itself reminded him completely of Christine Daae, the most amazing and beautiful woman he had ever met. The joy of the memories of her soon washed the Vicomte into a deep depression once more as he stepped out in front of the Opera Populaire for the first time in fifty years.
One of Raoul's nurses went and grabbed his wheelchair and his doorman opened the door. Despite the loss of his use of his legs, Raoul was determined to show the strength that was left in him and refused the help of the doorman and got himself into the chair without further help. Soon he realized how much energy it had taken to do this and allowed the nurse to maneuver him inside the opera house.
Once they were inside the nurse found herself in awe of the opera house's former glory and looked beyond the dust, cobwebs, and grime and saw what used to be a magnificent building which obviously held many memories. Raoul gently tapped her out of her deep thought and pointed towards the small crowd with his shaky finger. The nurse nodded once and gently guided the Vicomte to the auctioneer.
The auctioneer's booming voice disturbed the peaceful silence. "Sold. Your number sir? Thank you. Lot 663 then, ladies and gentlemen: a poster from this house's production of "Hannibal" by Chalumeau." A stage hand for the auction then shouted "Showing here!" The small group looked quietly at the poster, most of which contained La Carlotta in her former glory before Christine Daae came. A scowl came upon both Madame Giry and Raoul, however, neither of them knew they were there together.
The auctioneer slightly grunted to regain everyone's attention. "Do I have ten francs?" The auctioneer encouraged the crowd with his reasonable price. When no one took the beginning offer the auctioneer lowered it, "Five then, Five I am bid." Hands started to shoot up at once and the auctioneer continued. "Six, seven. Against you, sir, seven. Eight?" The man nodded his head and the auctioneer mandatorily called out "Eight once. Selling twice. Sold, to M. Lefevre. Thank you very much." The monsieur was handed his slip of paper identifying him as the new owner of the poster and the auction continued on.
The auctioneer boomed "Lot: a wooden pistol and three human skulls, from the production of "Robert le Diable" by Meyerbeer. Ten francs for this." A woman's hand shot up, "Ten, thank you. Ten still." Another taker rose their hand soon. "Fifteen, thank you. Fifteen I am bid. Going at fifteen." When no one offered to raise the price more, "Your number sir?" The auction continued on.
"Lot ladies and gentlemen: a papier-mâché musical box in the shape of a barrel organ. Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes, playing the cymbals. This item, discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order, ladies and gentlemen. Showing here." The monkey began playing its haunting tune that struck Madame Giry and the Vicomte's attention immediately, bringing back memories of the past.
The auctioneer waited a moment after the playing stopped. "May I commence at fifteen francs?" A man rose his hand slightly "Fifteen, thank you sir." Raoul had no idea who wanted the monkey but gestured towards his nurse to raise her hand in offer. "Yes, twenty from you, sir, thank you very much." He spoke towards Raoul and the Vicomte nodded in return.
Madame Giry shot up her hand. Memories swirled inside her mind bring her back to the days when she was younger and the opera house was in its former glory. "Madame Giry, twenty-five, thank you Madame. Twenty-five I am bid. Do I hear thirty?"
Raoul was quite persistent and rose his hand this time. "Thirty. And thirty-five?" The auctioneer motioned towards Madame Giry who in turn shook her head slightly and allowed Raoul this piece of closure. "Thirty once, thirty twice. Sold, for thirty francs to the Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you sir."
The monkey was immediately handed to Raoul who carefully looked over the familiar piece that so haunted his life before in this opera house. Suddenly as if caught in a terrible dream HIS voice filled his mind and the haunting melody captured himself once more. "A collector's piece indeed...every detail exactly as she said...will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead..." The auctioneer's voice soon brought Raoul out of his reverie of the Angel.
"Lot then: a chandelier in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera: a mystery never fully explained. We are told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster. Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts of it for the new electric light. Perhaps we can frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination? Gentlemen?" The auctioneer chuckled slightly at his own joke and beckoned towards the men who began helping to lift the chandelier up once more.
Paris, The Opera Populaire
The entire cast and crew were in a hurry setting up everything for the night's gala and the performance of Hannibal. The singers were warming up their voices, the dancers were stretching and the stage crew, well they were doing what they did best and that was drinking and spying on the scantily clad slave dancers.
The conductor M. Reyer had all the performers on stage in very little time practicing their main song.
"This trophy from our saviours, from our saviours, from the enslaving force of Rome! With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation!"
Madame Giry and M. Lefevre, the owner of the Opera Populaire greeted and soon brought in a younger man, "Vicomte, welcome" M. Lefevre said with firmly shaking the young man's hand. All the while, the company continued to practice.
"The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to our step on the ground! Hear the drums, Hannibal comes!" The large burly leading tenor stepped towards the front to take the stage with a little man next to his side. "Sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Roma's far-reaching grasp." The conductor immediately started tapping his small pedestal to grab the men's attention "Gentlemen, gentlemen."
However, M. Lefevre was walking into the middle of the rehearsal with two men at his side with they were speaking. "Rehearsals, as you see, are under way, for a new production of Chalumeau's 'Hannibal'". M. Reyer was slightly annoyed at the stopping of his rehearsal and announced it himself, "M. Lefevre, I am rehearsing."
M. Lefevre nodded his head but continued on. "M. Reyer, Mme. Giry, ladies and gentlemen, please, if I can have your attention, thank you." He waited as everyone slowly stopped what they were doing in order to give him their full attention. Once the room was silent he continued on.
"As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true, and it is my pleasure to introduce to you the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, M. Richard Firmin and M. Gilles Andre. I'm sure you've read their recent fortune in the junk business..."
M. Andre immediately jumped in to correct M. Lefevre, "Scrap metal, actually." M. Lefevre quietly apologized while two dancers in the back of the group quietly spoke of the two men, "He must be rich!" The older and more mature of the two friends spoke with a little laugh. The two girls knew that they could get many of things off these men if they used their gifts perfectly.
M. Lefevre continued on with his many introductions. "And we're deeply honored to introduce our new patron, the Vicomte de Chagny." Many women, if not all, clapped heartily as the young man walked in towards the older men with an air of arrogance that one was gifted when they were spoiled throughout their life.
Christine Daae, one of the many dancers saw him and her eyes widen with horror. She couldn't believe that it was him, she thought she had left him behind for good. She looked around, not wanting HIM to find her this stressed because then he knew something was not right. When she didn't see him she hid behind Meg. Meg didn't know what was wrong with Christine and immediately looked at her with worry shining through her eyes.
Christine moved closer to her ear and whispered, "It's Raoul, when I was young my father and I used to live near him in a small house. His father was fond of my father's playing and paid my father greatly. However, Raoul saw me one day and took a great interest in me and continued to trail after me despite my obvious disinterest in him. I had to tell him 'Raoul I cannot simply like you. You are absolutely horrid.' Of course I left him in such a state of shock but it was only the necessary thing to do."
Meg listened to every word and was quite thankful when she ultimately knew that her friend, nay sister, had no interest in the man she was looking at now. "Christine, he is so handsome!" Christine sighed and thought to herself about how handsome another man she knew was.
Raoul's voice boomed above all the whispering women's. "My parents and I are honored to support the arts. Especially the world-renowned Opera Populaire." Another round of applause came from the company, which the Vicomte graciously accepted.
M. Lefevre looked towards the leading soprano, heavily cladded in gold and a hat as large as her ego, and kissed her hand while he showered her with compliments to the three men who now oversaw the opera house. "Gentlemen, Signora Carlotta Guidicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons now." The women bowed over dramatically towards the men who were now her managers. Her servants behind her bellowed loudly, "Bravo! Bravo!" towards her. While her husband, cleared his throat.
M. Lefevre walked towards the leading tenor and properly introduced him. "Signor Ubaldo Piangi." M. Piangi bowed his head lowly towards the Vicomte who responded with, "An honor, Signor. I believe I'm keeping you from your rehearsal. I will be here this evening to share your great triumph." Raoul looked towards the conductor, "My apologies, monsieur." and left.
M. Reyer nodded his head towards the Vicomte, "Thank you, M. Le Vicomte, once more if you please, Signor," and M. Piangi was once again practicing his solo. Carlotta, currently, was in the back with her servants telling herself, "He love me, he love me".
Christine was now beaming with a smile that Meg hadn't seen in a while, "He didn't recognize me!" She hugged her friend while Meg encouraged her, "He didn't see you either!" The two girls laughed and soon ran to their spots to wait for their turn to gleam in the stage light.
Mme. Giry had to move M. Firmin and M. Andre to the wings of the auditoriums stage for the ballerinas to enter from the right side to perform their dance as the slaves. "If you please, monsieurs. We take a particular pride in the excellence of our ballets, monsieurs." She spoke to the two men while they admired the females portraying the punished slaves of Rome.
M. Firmin nodded his head in agreement with Mme. Giry and pointed out, "I see why, especially that little blonde angel." Mme. Giry looked to where he was pointing. "My daughter, Meg Giry," while M. Andre pointed towards Christine. "And that exceptional beauty, no relation I trust?" He looked towards Mme. Giry hoping that the young beauty was not her daughter. "Christine Daae, promising talent, M. Andre, very promising."
M. Firmin's interest increased greatly as he spoke, "Daae, you say? No relation to the famous Swedish violinist?" Mme. Giry continued walking along the perimeter of the stage while answering the manager. "His only child, orphaned at seven when she came to live and trained in the ballet dormitories." M. Andre spoke with a little much earnest, "An orphan, you said?"
Mme. Giry smirked slightly as she answered their shared silent question. "I think of her as a daughter also. Gentlemen, if you would kindly stand to one side." The disappointment was very obvious in the two gentlemen as they viewed the dress rehearsal from the wings of the stage while the rest of the cast and crew continued on with their song.
"Hannibal's friends!" The many men and women chorused. However, as Piangi was moving away he stepped on Carlotta's dress as she was moving away and made it tear. She glared towards him screeching, "Oh no, not on my dress, why?" Causing the lead tenor to shy away quickly.
"The trumpeting elephants-hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to their step on the ground-hear the drums! Hannibal comes!" Carlotta looked over at the managers to make sure they were paying attention to her, however, she grew completely furious when all she saw was their eyes locked onto Christine.
Carlotta began walking away yelling, "Ah Daae, all that they want is your dancing!" While M. Lefevre tried to calm the situation by reminding her of tonight. "The Vicomte is very excited about tonight's gala-" But Carlotta's hand silenced him as she continued.
"He's excited by dancing girls as your new managers!" She yelled as she pointed towards M. Andre and Firmin. Once she saw everyone was watching her next reaction she went on.
"Because I will not be singing! Goodbye, everyone!" She turned and began to leave the opera house as M. Lefevre muttered, "Now it's finished," as he began walking after her. Carlotta continued giving out orders to her servants.
"Get my doggie, bring my doggie. Bye, bye!" The two new managers were scared to death and began begging M. Lefevre.
"What do we do?" M. Lefevre sighed and muttered to them "Grovel, grovel, grovel." He gestured towards the diva with his hands and the two men said "Right," in unison as Carlotta spoke above everyone, "See you later, beecause I'm going out. It is finished!"
Andre and Firmin managed to catch up with her and began sputtering compliments. "Principessa! Bella diva! Goddess of song!" Carlotta stopped and began nodding her head. "Si, si!" She agreed with the two managers.
M. Andre cocked his head towards the conductor and spoke louder. "M. Reyer, isn't there a rather marvelous aria for Elisa in Act Three of 'Hannibal'?" He smiled as he glanced towards Carlotta expecting her to become happier, however, that did not occur.
The diva bobbed her head, "Yes, yes, yes. Ma no! Because I have not my costume for act because somebody finish it! And I hate my hat!" She accused her maids and she began to cry.
Monsieur Firmin took the stage this time. "I wonder, Signora, as a personal favor if you would oblige us with a private rendition. Unless, of course, M. Reyer objects..."
Carlotta once again raised her hand and spoke. "No. Aspetta, aspetta. If my managers command..." She said as she smiled and laughed a little bit. The managers in turn laughed lightly with her and faced the conductor. "M. Reyer?"
The conductor straightened his jacket and nodded towards Carlotta, "If you diva commands?" Carlotta hardened towards him demanding, "Yes, I do." As the diva prepared herself the conductor quieted everyone.
The two managers, now exhausted, moved towards Monsieur Lefevre and began small talk. "Monsieur Lefevre, where exactly are you retiring?" M. Lefevre answered with "My house." with M. Firmin returning with "I see."
Once the orchestra was prepared the conductor looked at Carlotta. "Signora?" Carlotta sprayed her red wine down her throat and answered him with a throaty "Maestro" while the music slowly began to play.
Carlotta began to sing with the most nasal, off key, voice that was ever heard in France causing M. Andre to wince slightly and producing a large headache in M. Firmin's head. "Think of me, think of me fondly when you've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while please promise me you'll try. When you find that once again you long to take your heart..."
Suddenly a stage prop fell onto the diva as she was croaking her song! The managers yelled "Signora!" as Carlotta dramatically fell on the floor screaming. Christine looked up into the catwalks to see the familiar black coat that gave away exactly who did this. She smiled softly as a single red rose with the black ribbon fell in front of her. She picked it up quickly and caught a whiff of his familiar husky, amber rich, cologne. Meg ran over whispering "He's here the Angel of the Opera..." as the managers continued fretting over the diva. "Signora! Are you all right?"
M. Lefevre shouted upward towards the catwalks. "Buquet! For God's sake, man, what's going on there?" A fat, dirty, greasy man leaned over as he began pulling the prop back into its former position. "Please, monsieur, don't look at me: as God's my judge, I was not at my post. Please, monsieur, there's no one there: or if there is, well then, it must be a ghost..."
The managers, obviously shaking, looked at the diva. "Signora, these things do happen." Carlotta's face turned as red as her hair as she began yelling at the two short men. "For the past years, these things do happen. And did you stop them from happening? No! And you too, you are as bad as them, these things do happen. Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen! Ubaldo! Andiamo! Bring my doggy, and boxy!" Carlotta pointed at the managers and finally at her husband and the midget. As the now former lead tenor walked past the men he scoffed, "Amateurs!" behind his back.
Carlotta shouted above the chaos, "Now you see. Byebye I'm leaving." And for once she truly left the opera house grounds.
M. Lefevre took his turn for the managers' attention. "Gentlemen. Good luck. If you need me, I should be in Australia." M. Firmin groaned loudly while M. Andre trekked after Lefevre, "Signora Guidicelli, she will be coming back, won't she?" A spark of hope glittered in the manager's eye. Lefevre looked back at him, "You think so, monsieur?" And he too left the opera house for good.
The two managers were becoming quite stressed and it was only their first day at work! They had to replace not only the leading tenor but the leading soprano as well! Not to mention a handful of workers trailed after her.
Christine Daae watched as chaos ensued and silently smiled to the "empty" Box Five. She watched the dark hoping for a glimpse of his presence but alas he did not make himself shown. She sighed silently wishing for just a little encouragement to help her with her bashful behavior. During her moment of thought Mme. Giry took center stage to put the upheaval to rest.
As Giry walked towards her managers she procured a letter, all too familiar to Christine, and handed it to the two clueless men. "I have a message, sirs, from the Opera Ghost." M. Firmin roughly grabbed it from the older ballet instructor and shouted, "God in heaven, you're all obsessed!" He tore open the envelope and quickly scanned the letter while Mme. Giry continued on.
"He welcomes you to his opera house-" she began again when she was interrupted by Firmin.
"His opera house?!" Firmin appalled while Mme. Giry continued on.
"And commands that you continue to leave Box Five empty for his use and reminds you that his salary is due." She pointed her cane towards the box that was closest to the stage and the one that had the most spectacular view of any performance.
"His salary?" M. Andre questioned as he tried to get a look at the mysterious letter that was given to him. The opera cast was standing by curiously to see how the new managers would react to the strict rules of the Opera Ghost. Yes, even they know it was not wise to question the motives of a ghost that has brought nothing short of success to their opera house.
"Monsieur Lefevre used to give him twenty thousand francs a month. Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron." Giry smirked at them when their jaws dropped at the significant amount of money that was in possession of nothing but a ghost.
"Twenty thousand francs?!" Andre half shouted.
"Madame, I had hoped to make that announcement public tonight when the Vicomte was to join us at the gala, but obviously we shall now have to cancel as it appears we have lost our star!" Firmin told Giry, and most likely everyone else, as he began ripping up the letter. Christine gasped quietly at their reckless behavior towards the Angel, her Angel, and knew that he will not be happy tonight during their lessons.
"There should be an understudy," Andre asked more than stated towards the conductor.
"Understudy? There is no understudy for La Carlotta!" Reyer scoffed towards the foolish man. Reyer knew that these men had no idea what opera was really about, that's what the Opera Populaire gets for hiring men in the junk business.
Firmin began to get extremely scared. "A full house, Andre, we shall have to refund a full house!" The numbers were flying through his head summing at a large amount, thousands of francs that they will lose tonight.
Christine sighed heavily for she loved to perform in front of crowds and grew very sad that they would not be able to perform one of her more favorite opera's. She loved to silently tell them stories through song and dance.
As the new managers were stressing about the large amount of money they would be losing on their first day of work Christine decided to take a little walk to clear her mind. Her Angel had always taught her that as a performer she must be able to control her emotions.
She wished that her Angel could be here to help her through this turmoil ensuing and began looking for her Angel and suddenly saw a fluttering above her in the catwalks. As she looked closely she saw the familiar red rose with a note attached. Christine grabbed the rose and once again smelled his warm scent then opened the letter. She admired the perfect curves and grooves that her Angel wrote with along with the fantastic black ink and red bordered paper he used.
Darling you are ready for the stage, as it has long been ready to grace your presence. Sing for the men who are running my opera house and make our song take flight.
Christine closed the letter and her eyes and sent a small prayer to God and her father asking for strength to do this. Once her mind was calm and steady she walked towards the men who were frantically searching for some way to not have to give back money.
As Christine walked back into the room she saw Madame Giry coming straight at her and gently lead her to the new owners. Christine began shaking with fear that she would disappoint not only her father and Madame Giry but her Angel too.
"Christine Daae could sing it sir." Christine immediately stood straighter as she began remembering her Angel's lessons on proper stance for singing.
Andre scoffed towards the two women in front of him. "The chorus girl? Don't be silly!" However, he kept his attention on the young girl that he was admiring not an hour ago.
"She's been taking lessons from a great teacher." Giry continued on, pressuring the men into employing her. Christine began wondering how Madame Giry knew that she had an Angel teaching her how to sing but soon dismissed the notion because everyone knew that Madame Giry simply knew everything that went on the Opera Populaire.
"Who?" M. Firmin asked Christine directly.
It took a moment for Christine to find her voice and shakily answered Firmin. "I don't know his name, monsieur." Of course she actually knew his name, Angel, but she wasn't ready to share this information yet. Guessing by the way that her Angel never spoke of the outside world, she decided that he was not ready for his presence here be known yet either.
"Let her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught." Madame Giry persisted on. The two managers looked at each other knowing there was no point in arguing with the ballet mistress.
"Alright, come on, don't be shy, come on, come on," Andre said as he held out his hand for the chorus girl. Christine took a deep breath and walked towards him while she mentally prepared herself for the ultimate test.
"Just, just..." Andre began trying to instruct Christine what to do. However Monsieur Reyer stepped in and took over.
"From the beginning of the aria mademoiselle." The conductor readied the orchestra. Andre walked back over towards Firmin who began talking again.
"Andre, this is doing nothing for my nerves." Firmin stated as he went over the many events that happened in such a short span of time.
"She's very pretty," Andre noted about Christine. He thought to himself that perhaps they could go search for a soprano for the Opera Populaire around France and Italy if this does not go well.
The conductor raised his baton and looked at Christine for her que. Once Christine nodded towards the conductor the music took over her. At first she closed her eyes to feel the music but soon the words were flowing out of her heart. She looked towards Box Five hoping that her Angel would be in his regular spot to watching her performance for him and him alone.
"Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while please promise me you'll try. When you find that, once again, you long to take your heart back and be free if you ever find a moment spare a thought for me..."
Andre and Firmin stopped her singing with their massive applause and brava's. They nearly tripped over their own feet as they flew to her wanting to know how she is able to sing like so and stay as a mere dancer.
Christine smiled and softly raised her hand like Carlotta, however, with her it was a much visible kinder gesture. "Monsieurs I would gladly play Elisa in tonight's opera, but I only ask of two things." Christine felt quite guilty for already beginning to sound like the stereotypical Prima Donna but she had to make sure that these two things were strictly obeyed for her and Angel.
Andre jumped up at her acceptance. "Of course mademoiselle! Anything you want is yours to have, what is it my darling that you wish for?" Christine did not take too kindly for the pet name he had just used but continued to smile hoping the Angel did not act upon the little word the older man used.
"I wish for one of Carlotta's former rooms, the one with the mirror…" Christine begged the two men to not question her for why she wants that particular room for she could not bear to lie.
Her angel informed her that there is indeed someone called by the Opera Ghost that roamed the opera. Angel explained to Christine that the Opera Ghost helps him oversee the entire opera, and will begin to help Christine with her music lessons. At the time Christine implored to know why her Angel of Music wouldn't be able to help her all the time and he replied with that there are so many others that need his help and guidance that he couldn't possibly be with her all the time.
Christine would always ask more about the Opera Ghost and her Angel would answer her every question. Throughout their time talking about the ghost she learned that he used Box Five and anything that happened during the rehearsals or performances was of his doing. Her Angel informed her that he was also called the Phantom by the cast and crew and that she will need to fear him because the Angel and the ghost are one in the same.
"Of course Ms. Daae! And what is the second thing you desire?" M. Firmin said as he gently took Christine's hand. Christine released it quickly to point towards the Box Five.
"I would like to honor the Opera Ghost's wishes and to allow his continual usage of Box Five. You see, sirs, he has helped the Opera Populaire immensely throughout the seasons past and I fear if we anger him it would only end in disaster." Christine was afraid for everyone else if his orders were not followed. She knew that he would not lay a finger on her, he must admire her just as much as her Angel does.
The two managers were reluctant to her second request. They were speaking with the Vicomte alone who seemed quite interested in the usage of the Box Five, and this current impasse to keeping them and the Populaire in the Vicomte's good favor would be making the decision nearly impossible. However, the men knew that Christine made a valid point and they knew themselves that she is bound to bring in enough money to recover the financial loss of not allowing the Vicomte the box tenfold.
Andre turned towards Christine once more and smiled at her. "Very well Mademoiselle. The Opera Ghost may rest peacefully knowing that the box is secured for him and any guests he should choose to bring along."
Christine smiled widely and thanked the men immensely. Rehearsals were cut short for the day due to the excessive excitement which pleased everyone greatly. Christine ran back to Meg and hugged her while the two girls cried from happiness.
Meg pulled Christine back a little. "Oh Christine this is so exciting! You can sing now, and might I ask when you acquired such a lovely voice, it's so unfair!" Christine laughed at her sister's joke.
"Oh Meg you know my voice does not compare to your beauty! Why no one cares about me while they see you gracefully make a much more beautiful song with your dance than I do with my voice!" Christine joked back at Meg as the two girls held each other's arms as they walked back to their dormitories.
"You know everything will change now, don't you Christine? I mean now that you're the Prima Donna we won't have any more free time together." Meg told Christine with a little tear rolling out of her eye. Christine wiped it away and hushed Meg gently.
"Meg, sister, our fun will not be stopped just because I sing now." Christine stated matter-of-factly. Christine gave a sly smile as she added, "Besides I would never let that happen as the new Prime Donna!" She said with a laugh and little wink. The two girls were very joyous to anyone who saw, all beautiful and full of life.
Before they could make it into their dormitories the girls were soon stopped by Madame Giry. The ballet mistress stood in the two giggling girls' way and asked Christine to follow her to her new room. Meg sighed as she and Christine hugged and promised each other they would see each other soon. Once they were finished with their hug and kiss on the cheeks, Christine was soon following the only mother figure she had ever known.
Madame Giry looked at Christine and saw the new glow that illuminated throughout the young girl. She was proud of Christine's achievement and her modest acceptance of the position as well. She was very pleased with how she treated the role of lead soprano and expects much greatness from her adopted daughter.
Once they reached the room Madame Giry showed Christine her closet with each costume marked appropriately for each opera along with the according gloves, shoes, and makeup she will need. Christine mentally noted each set and the way to apply such makeup.
"Tonight, you will need the gold dress, pink dress, and white dress for your solo Christine. Then you will need the white shoes with the gold dress, the dark pink shoes with the pink dress, and the gray heels with your white dress. Do you understand?" Madame Giry tested the young girl to see if she was capable of this job.
"Yes Madame, I fully understand." Christine replied happily as she admired all the beautiful new costumes she was obtaining, and quite thankful that they were not as revealing as the dancer costumes.
"Good, I will leave you to yourself to get collected for tonight's gala. I am very proud of you Christine, you will do well." The ballet mistress told Christine as she hugged her. Madame Giry closed the door to give her daughter privacy.
Christine went and sat down at her new vanity, a vanity all for herself! She looked into her reflection noting every flaw and wondered of the makeup now in front of her. Some were more clay like and others were in a powder state. There were browns, blues, golds, reds, pinks, purples, and even black! Next to the various colors were different brushes and next to those were the lipsticks for her use. Alongside the makeup were oils to put in her hair and brushes of various sorts. Then, next to everything was a bowl of rose petals with a note attached.
Christine's heart began to race and gently opened the mysterious letter.
You made the song come to life as you sang today. If you are in need of my assistance all you have to do is ask. I look forward to hearing you sing tonight and I will introduce to you the Opera Ghost that has helped the Opera Populaire for many years
Forever yours,
Christine's heart began to race as she saw the letter Angel had given her. She slipped out of her clothes and walked towards the bathtub and filled it with warm water and some rose petals. As the aroma filled the room she slipped into the water and closed her eyes as she sang one of the songs her angel would sing for her when she was younger.
"Sometimes I watch you while you sleep, I know you're somewhere in a dream, and I'll cradle you in my arms tonight..."
Christine was soon lulled into a half wake-half sleeping state and peacefully enjoyed the rest of her bath. After the water grew cold she retreated one of the robes for her to wear and sat down once again at her vanity to read the note again. She knew that he would have something to share with her after the performance, pointers to remember or even a quick lesson. But what Christine wanted most at the moment was to see him, and so she decided to call him.
"Come to me strange angel," Christine sang hauntingly. She waited eagerly for her Angel's standard reply when he came to see her. She set about straightening the room and her hair to please him. Once the room was in perfect order she sat down at her vanity to fix her hair and to try the rose oil. She gently lifted the top and smelled the warm aroma of roses and applied some into her hair and on her neck, wrists, and elbows.
She sat the oil back down on the vanity and felt around for the hairbrush as she looked at her reflection. However, she knocked down the oil and quickly replaced it before any of the contents would spill on the beautiful carpet floor.
She sat back up in her chair and began applying act one's makeup on her face. She took some of the blue eye shadow and placed her applicator brush on it and gently smudged it on her eyelids along with some black in a very thin line. Then she applied some rouge to her cheeks along with a deep red lipstick.
She stood up and rang her bell which allowed a maid to come in and help her get into her costume for Hannibal. She stood on the small platform as they stripped of all her clothes and began compressing her chest with the corset tightly.
"Please miss, only to twenty inches." She spoke roughly as her body was being shook from the dainty maid's strong fingers.
"But Miss Daae! You must be shrunk to eighteen inches according to the managers!" The one tying her corset implored.
Christine smiled and shook her head. "Well if the managers have a problem with me preserving my voice for tonight's performance they may come and discuss such matters with me and me alone. I will not allow my voice to be strained for beauty's sake." Once the maid set the corset to twenty inches Christine kindly asked her to leave.
As Christine finished her costume she sat at the table and began to feel her Angel's presence. She looked around foolishly, she knew that she would not be able to see an Angel. She scrunched up her eyebrows and spoke aloud.
"Angel?" Christine desperately wished to hear her Angel once more before the performance.
"Yes Christine?" His deep musical voice filled the empty room and Christine's heart. She began to smile as she heard the voice that she came to love over the years.
"Angel I do not wish to disappoint you tonight. I am afraid I will not live up to your expectations," Christine began rambling.
"Darling, you could never disappoint me. Never." Her Angel spoke the last word with such force Christine immediately believed him and knew not to question his faith in her any further. Oh if only her Angel possessed a body, she knew that she would never ask for any other thing!
"Now," her Angel's voice distracted her thoughts. "Christine, it is time for you to leave your dressing room to go to the wings of the stage to await to grace the audience with your presence. I will be in my box five watching you and if you are extra good tonight I will grace you with my vessel."
"Angel, if I may ask, what is a vessel?"
"A vessel is a container to hold something in. In my case, I am within a human body. However, because of this I cannot be perfect."
"Why will you not be perfect if you are an Angel?"
"Well Christine, angels are perfect beings who live in heaven, and so since I am turning myself into a human I will no longer be an angel and so I will not be perfect. My face with be deformed in some way I am unaware and I will spare you from its horribleness."
"I am sorry for questioning you my Angel," Christine answered after a while of processing all the information of which her Angel has been generously sharing with her. Christine silently chastised herself for ever questioning her Angel's abilities or reasons for certain things.
"Do not apologize Christine for there is simply nothing for you to apologize for. Now I must warn you I will be a human and that is all. When I am a human I would like you to treat me as you would anybody else, if you please." Christine could hear her Angel's voice grow softer and gentler than the commanding voice she had grown accustomed to hearing throughout the years.
"As you wish Angel," Christine bowed her head a little to her invisible Angel.
"Now, go along and make the music come to life once more." Christine nodded her head and started for the backstage area, humming a few scales to warm her voice up with before she faced the world.
Thank you to those who have made it to the end of this chapter! This was an idea i have put away for a couple of years and only recently have i decided to push through with it. My obsession with POTO has recently soared this month so i have been crazily writing chapters trying to fit in what i believe what would've happened had the movie gone my way. Anyway, thank you and please review on any ideas you have or questions/concerns!