A/N: This may be the chapter that wraps it all up unless I get some more interesting ideas; I've had lots of fun writing this. I will be writing more X Files fic in the future if the inspiration strikes (and I accept ideas any time, for any fandom I write...so what are you guys waiting for? :)). Thank you all for reading! Enjoy the fluff-fest! (No really, this may be one of the fluffiest things I've ever written. Not a lot of plot here, I must admit...)

I guess this is set around IWTB, could be before or after.

X Files doesn't belong to me.

Scully came home from her job at the hospital, a headache beginning to surface. She had a love-hate relationship with her job; she enjoyed getting to take care of people and putting her years of med school to use, but it was a stressful job with long days. She couldn't deny she was looking forward to her welcome-home kiss from Mulder.

She found him washing dishes, the radio blaring some old pop hits. She wanted to tell him to turn it off, but didn't have the heart. He looked like he was enjoying himself, singing along. When she walked in the door, he instantly took her in his arms and kissed her lips. "Hey," he murmured. She laughed.

"Hi. Are you just doing the dishes from breakfast this morning?"

"Better late than never, Scully."

She chuckled and wriggled out of his grip, going upstairs to change. Her headache seemed to dissolve. It amazed her, how happy he could make her even after all these years. She never believed the whole 'soulmate' thing; it was trite to her. But from the very beginning Mulder had stirred something deep within her that she couldn't deny. After going through so much, just the fact they were together at last made her happy.

When she came back downstairs, clad in her pajamas, Mulder was drying the dishes. She took his towel from him with a smirk and demanded she dry the dishes. The commericals on the radio ended and a familiar tune began to play. Scully bit her lip trying to remember what it was, but when the lyrics started, Mulder grabbed her waist and pulled her into his arms once more. "It's our song," he murmured against her ear.

"Walking in Memphis" was blaring in their kitchen. They hadn't heard that song since the concert they went to many years ago, but the memory brought grins that could split their faces in two. "You remember?" he asked.

"I couldn't forget," she replied.

"I wish I'd kissed you then. I wanted to."

"Kiss me now and make up for it," he dipped her dramatically and pressed his lips firmly to hers, pulling her back up and spinning her around. She cackled.

"You're gonna make me dizzy, Mulder!"

They swayed in each other's arms until the last note of the song. "Have I still got it?" Mulder asked.

"Always," she smiled. "You know, I really needed something like that tonight. Just to be with you."

"I could tell. You've been so stressed lately."

"I know I've been...snappy," she admitted. "But sometimes you deserve it!"

He laughed. "I know, I know. I'm an idiot."

"Hey!" she exclaimed. "You're not an idiot...well, if you are, you're my idiot."

"That's okay. As long as I'm yours." he grinned (she was happy he was smiling so much tonight; there hadn't been much of it lately.) and kissed her forehead.

"That's nice to hear."

"What, that I'm an idiot?"

Scully bit back a giggle. "No. That you're mine. Because I'm yours."

"It works out well, doesn't it?" Mulder asked.

"Perfect." she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, so happy.

"Maybe soulmates

Are just two ordinary people

Who are too stubborn

To let the world pull them apart."

A/N: I wasn't lying when I said it was fluffy. Sorry if you're dying of sugar overdose. I had to include that quote at the end, too, it just seemed to fit.

Thank you all for reading and sticking with me and reviewing, you guys are amazing.
