Rosemary Birch, District 7 Mentor

Rosemary Birch sat together with Stump Birch in the justice building. Stump was her husband for a year now. This is the first time that they mentored together. The third mentor died a month after she won at age 27. Rosemary believed that their beloved president had something to do with it. They sat together on a worn out, pale orange couch. Elina Pinkenglimmer, the district's escort, sat across from them. She was a cheerful Capitol woman. She always wore a neon colored, puffy, curly wig. Today she wore a bright yellow- green track suit that went well with the neon pink wig she chose to wear.

"So, do you know who will be this year's tribute?" Elina was curious. Rosemary knew that she couldn't tell her the names. "Eli dear, you know we're not allowed to tell you, and besides, there may be volunteers. " Elina huffed "District 7 never has volunteers. It's no fun at all." Not many people knew that the reapings actually took place a month before the reapings in the district. It's just a precaution the Capitol takes to make sure that the tributes won't ruin the games. So they monitor the tributes for a month, and if the tribute-to-be I rebellious, he finds his death and another tribute is chosen in his place. The problem is with volunteers. You can't control who will volunteer. So in the career districts, the Capitol monitors the training centers (like The Academy in District 2), but they have no way to know who will volunteer in the other districts. Good thing there aren't many volunteers from there. Rosemary toyed with her wedding ring. She was tired and a little cranky. Stump, Elina, and her talked about ideas for the upcoming games the whole day. She wasn't good at planning. Stump and Elina did all the work so what was the point in making her come the stupid meeting?

He wanted to go home, to Victors' Village. To feed her Asian Shepherd dog, Sunshine. She forgot to feed it in the morning and she hoped that it hasn't eaten the cats or her other pets. Rosemary's hobby that she had to find after the games was animals. She loved animals. She won the games by finding a wolf mutt in the arena and training it to kill the other tributes. Sadly, when there were only 5 tributes left, someone poisoned it. She had to kill the rest of the tributes in combat. Stump's hobby was calligraphy. She absolutely loved it when he wrote her love-letters.

"Rosemary, are you listening?" Stump shook her carefully, fully waking her up from her day dreaming. "Yeah, I guess… just tired. What were we talking about?" She took Stump's hand in her own and played with his ring. "We were talking about ideas for the interview outfits." How rosemary hated that topic. " Isn't it the stylists' job? Why do we have to do that? And besides, what's wrong with a boring, green and brown tux again? It looked lovely on you when you wore it on your interviews." Elina giggled, and covered her mouth with her hands. "Not the tributes, silly. What are we going to wear?" rosemary still didn't see the difference, "But we have stylists too. And besides, since when do people remember what the mentor had wore and looked like. The tributes are the center of attention. We were also in the spotlight once. Stump can were a green tux with a brown tie again. He always wears it on the interviews. I sent it to dry cleaning last week. He's gonna look as handsome as he looked the last 5 times."

Elina huffed, but Stump only laughed, "You see, that's why I married her. She's awfully realistic." Rosemary has a sarcastic nature, "So you marry every realistic girl out there? Wow, and I thought I was your one and only." Stump kissed her forehead "Hush Rosie, you know I was only kidding." Elina didn't like the change of topic "Alright lovebirds, I can see why you were voted couple of the year." Rosemary hated it when people reminded her the stupid title that Stump and her had won. It was quite ridiculous. Her love-life was supposed to e private, and now he has a certificate framed on her living room wall confirming the fact that she and Stump are perfect for each other. "What are you going to wear dear?" Elina asked. Rosemary honestly didn't know. She didn't want something revealing, but her stylist apparently thought that clothes are too constricting, as he insisted she'll wear a little as possible. "I want something pretty and simple, but with my stylist I'll probably wear something extravagant. He'll probably have me wearing a puffy dress from brightly colored leaves and pompoms. I'll need to stand the whole night, since when I'll sit I'll need at least four chairs. "Stump tried to joke, " I didn't think you're pregnant yet." Rosemary rolled her eyes, "good thing I didn't marry you for your sense of humor. We would have divorced a week after the wedding." Stump laughed. Agh, Rosemary hated the weeks previous to the games. "We're almost done for today." Elina said. "I'll just give you tomorrow's schedule. Rosie dear, it's important for you to be on time. Your stylist wants to come tomorrow to get your size for the outfits you'll wear." Rosemary groaned, "Does she think I'm pregnant? I'm the same size as I was on the victory tour." Elina handed her the schedule. "Tell her that tomorrow when you see her." Stump took Rosemary's coat and helped her into it. The small, helpful gesture made her think about the ugly certificate. She planned to hang a picture from the wedding there, and now she has a meaningless piece of paper with Snow's signature on it. The thought almost made her throw up. "Goodnight Elina" Elina buttoned her orange jacket. "Goodnight, my dears". Rosemary didn't get her hopes up. The nights before the games were always horrific.

Hi guys,

Sorry for the long wait. I really didn't have time… I missed you :(

But now I'm back :)

Review, favorite, follow, and please, I'm begging you, submit tributes!


Here is the list of tributes and open places. The form is on my profile, please PM me the tribute. Put it in a review only if you don't have another choice.

Love (but not really love, only like),
