Claudius Templesmith sat with the head game-maker, Menoetius Torquatus, to go over the Hunger Game that will start soon. Faceless holograms with blank name tags hovered over the small copy of the real arena. Since the reapings haven't started yet, there were no actual tributes on the map. "You need to be careful," Claudius said "President Snow wasn't too happy with the last game. This year should be something big, something memorable, newer, better. Push the tributes so hard, that they'll break. Make sure that this year will be something different. We need to see careers crying, district 4 drowning, and district 5 getting electrified. Actually, don't take it too seriously. I like district 4." Menoetius banged his head on the table. He had a wife and 3 children at home. He didn't plan to die soon. He did have a plan, but now he has to take everything to the extreme. No more mutts and illusions, they were over used. This year would be something no one had ever seen. President Snow would have to love it. He's a monster himself. 'Synthetic biology, here I come.'

The map of the arena started taking on shape. President Snow looked at the workers that were busy building the strangest arena he had ever seen. It was going to either be a major success, or a big failure.

Caesar was already on the stage, waiting to announce the start of the 43rd Hunger Games. Menoetius smiled 'here we go'.

Hello everyone,

This is my new SYOT. This is the best idea for an arena that I have ever come up with myself.

Please submit tributes. Tell me if you liked this prologue, favorite and follow.

You don't have to fill in everything, but it would be nice. Otherwise, I'll fill it in with what I think would be right, and I don't promise to be nice. I'll also have the entry form on my profile, to those who prefer it.






Reaction/ reason:


Appearance (detail people!):


Personality (detail!):


Weaknesses (the same number as strengths):


Favorite monster:


Family and friends (try to be detailed) :

Backstory (detailed):

Interview angle:

Privet session strategy:

Arena strategies:

Will he/ she kill? :


Favorite weapon:

At least 2 quotes :

Why should she/he win? :

Who says goodbye to them? :

Other (outfits for the reaping/ chariot rides/ interviews, opinion on the Capitol/Games, favorite color, preferred death, etc.) :