Chapter I: The Job Request
The number one guild in Magnolia, Fairy Tail. A true wonder to everyone. On this day, it is abnormally quiet. All the guild members are either on a job or preparing for the Magic Games coming up. Only Natsu and Lucy are sitting at a table in the guild when...
"Ugh!" Lucy put her face on the cold countertop. "Do we have to?" She complains to Natsu.
"Yes Luce, you need the money. Plus, it'll be fun." Natsu smiled at the blushing Lucy.
"Well I guess." Lucy replies. she gets up and walks over to the job request board and examines it. "Say, Natsu, how about this one?" Lucy walks back to where Natsu is and hands him the request paper."It's perfect for my rent and it sounds easy." Lucy says sitting down next to Natsu. He takes the paper and reads;
'Reward 7,000; find strange pair with dark past; possibly part of a dark guild-'
"Sounds like our thing." Natsu says handing the paper back to Lucy. He stands up and clentches his fist. "Putting an end to dark guilds is our job." Natsu says walking over towards the door. He looks back. "I'm all fired up now! He bumps his flaming fist together causing sparks to fly. Lucy stands up and grins at Natsu.
"Alright. We will leave at six. Meet me at my place.": Lucy said walking past Natsu out the door. As she walks home she continues to read the small print on the bottom of the request. 'Far West; take main train; pink shack' Lucy thought to herself. "Could our client be any more specific?" she asks herself, sarcasticly. She walks along the edge of the river and the stone walk way. Finally, Lucy reaches home. She runs up stairs and unlocks her door. "Aha! home sweet home!" Lucy looks around and sees Natsu sitting on her bed. She was surprised. "Natsu? I told you at six-" Lucy glances over to the clock. "5:50? Already?" She looks back at Natsu.
"I know I'm early but this is our first job since the memento of your father." Natsu says. "I guess I was just excited" Natsu said looking embaressed. Lucy blushed.
"Well, let's not waste anytime! Lets get going before sun down." Lucy smiled. Natsu got up.
"Sweet! Lets go!" Natsu gave her a big smile and ran downstairs. Lucy followed behind him. She was happy to be able to go on a job with Natsu again, it truely has been awhile. Both Natsu and Lucy made it down. "To the train station!" Natsu yelled. He kept running along with Lucy.
"Natsu! Help me!" a familiar voice yelled. Natsu and Lucy looked back. A small, pale blue cat with a green bag on his back was flying towards them.
"Happy?" Natsu asked. "Happy! I've been wondering where you were all day." Natsu said as Happy flew into Natsu's chest. "Where have you been?" Natsu asked.
"I made sure Wendy and Carla made it safetly to Porlyusica's place." Happy said blushing a little.
"Awww.. How sweet making sure your girlfriend got there safetly" Lucy said. It was revenge for all those times he's said Natsu and herself like each other. She smiled at Happy. Happy was embaressed.
"Why are you and Natsu together? Oh! I know, because you liiike each other!" Happy smiled. Happy isnt the only one who can play these games he thought to himself. This time, Lucy was blushing.
"We have excepted a job request. Do you want to come along?": Natsu asked Happy. Natsu was clearly ignoring the conversation Happy and Lucy just had. The only thing Natsu had on his mind was the job.
"Aye sir!" Happy answered. He looked at Lucy and had an evil grin on his face. Lucy knew this was going to be a long trip.
"Then lets get going! The trains stop coming after 6:45. We have to hurry" Lucy said and she begun running towards the train station. Natsu pasted her up. He was on fire running. He really was fired up for this job. As for Happy, he was at the same level as Lucy. Finally the reache dthe train station, breathless. "We have to go on the West Main train." Lucy looked around. "There!" She pointed to a train. Everyone boarded the train and the only one left was the conductor.
"Last call for passengers!" the conductor called out. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy ran over to the train. The conductor started to go inside the train. He noticed the three running towards him. "Dont take off yet! We have three more passengers!" The conductor yelled to the driver. "You three made it in a nick of time, please enjoy your ride." The conductor smiled and let them on the train.
"Thank you." Lucy said walking past him finding open seats. Everyone on the train looked odd. Their clothing looked like old English apparel. Lucy admired the look but wondered why they were wearing it in Magnolia. "Here are a couple seats." Lucy pointed and slid into the window seat. "The paper says to get out at the last stop. That will be a couple hours, there are thirteen stops. We get off at the thirteenth." Lucy explained to Natsu and Happy who were looking at the people.
"Weird outfits. But that one is pretty cool!" Natsu pointed at a man in top hat and suit. Lucy grabbed him arm and tugged him down into his seat.
"Its rude to point. Sit down and relax. We have to go quite aways." Lucy said.
"Yeah I guess how long is the ri-" Natsu got pale and sick looking. Happy flew over to Lucy.
"I dont feel like getting thrown up on today." Happy said. "I forgot about his motion sickness for a minute there." Happy looked up at Lucy.
"Get off!" Lucy put Happy back on Natsu. "Dont be too loud, it bothers people around us." Poor Natsu she thought. Lucy leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes. "Natsu's only weakness... Motion sickness." Lucy chuckled and dooze off. Natsu couldnt talk from being in his motion sickness mode. Natsu didnt want to wait so long for the last stop. Happy, who was on his lap fell asleep. Only Natsu was awake out of the three of them. He sighed and tried to get dome rest too. That seemed impossible for even Natsu. But he managed to fall asleep. As the train keeps going, it stops twelve times before the three of the has to get off. Natsu woke up at the twelth stop. He managed to say " Im getting fired up." Then Natsu turned even paler than before. Damn motion sickness, he thought.