Author's note:

This is my first fan fic... EVER, so please go easy on me. I'm not satisfied with this one but hopefully you guys will find it entertaining. I posted this on tumblr and it was suggested to me that I post my stories here. I apologize for my bad writing if ever you find it so terrible.

Watchtower, 5:30 am

Clark watched the sun reappear itself. Its rays burst into life as the visible side of the world experience another start. An illumination of the night. Sunrise is truly beautiful when you watch it from the Watchtower.

The computer screen signaled that Javelins one and two are arriving at the port. This meant that his shift for monitor duty has ended. He stood up, stretched his arms upward and yawned. He wondered who was next to take a seat on the monitor womb's lone chair. Probably Wally or Shayera, he silently guessed. The league's schedule changes confused him more often than the busy atmosphere at the Daily Planet. But, as long as everybody did their part, everything will be A-Ok

Then, his super hearing picked up the machines doing their work at the cafeteria.


And it smelled great.

Without further hesitation, Clark flew, intending to reach the cafeteria within seconds. He could already smell pancakes and bacon. It reminded him of his hometown. He missed Ma's cooking. Terribly. Just when he was about to reach the corridor towards his goal a sound halted him.


Footsteps? Someone's as hungry as him, he guessed. Maybe Wally's back already from his last mission. The possibility of Flash hording the food, first thing in the morning, isn't exactly far-fetched. But then his super hearing picked up something else.

"Good morning, princess"

It was Batman. He floated nearer as an impulse to eavesdrop even though he could perfectly hear everything from where he was. There was something odd about Batman's voice. He sounded… light… relaxed.

"Morning? I didn't even noticed it was dawn. Must be fatigue."

Last night, Wonder Woman had gone out to save people during an earthquake in Japan. It was just about right that she'd come back around this time in the morning. But Bruce? Why is he here? The dark knight's presence baffled Clark. Batman doesn't have monitor duty for today. That, at least, he certainly knew about the schedule. In that case, he'd brood in Gotham. Not in the floating fortress of the Justice League. Unless it's an emergency. But it doesn't seem like he's here for an emergency.

Clark couldn't fight the temptation to listen. And he felt a bit ashamed about it. To make it even worse, he used his x-ray vision. Curosity got the Kryptonian.

He could see that there were nobody else but the two. Batman stood beside Diana who was sitting on one of the cafeteria chairs. As expected, she looks thaggard and sleepy. The earthquake must've been really bad.

"You need some rest" suggested Batman.

Diana just sighed and placed her elbows on the table. Her palms supported her head.

"How come you're not tired? Didn't you just come from patrol?" asked Diana, still with lazy eyes.

"I'm used to working late" he replied casually. After saying that, he sat down beside Diana.

"Still, you should be resting too" yawned the princess.

Her eyes drooped. She yawned again, this time, without words getting mixed. Then, as if it was normal for her to do so, she rested her head on Batman's shoulder. Batman didn't looked like he was comfortable with it but he didn't move away. It was like the action was not foreign anymore but he hadn't gotten used to it. He just stayed there and let Diana make a pillow out of his Kevlar-covered shoulder.

"Why are you here, Bruce?" she muttered while her eyes closed.

"Just checking things out here"

"I doubt there's a super villain hiding here at the cafeteria"

Batman smiled at that. Clark had never seen him smile that big in that number of seconds.

"Ok. You got me"

"You know, you gotta stop checking up on me."

"I was…"

"Worried. I know. It was just an earthquake, Bruce."

There was a pause. A long pause. Just when Batman was about to say something. Wonder Woman snored. Not loudly, but enough for Clark to hear. Batman sighed but smirked at Diana's peaceful face. He then proceeded to carry Diana, careful not to wake her up - left hand behind her knees and right hand on her right side below the shoulder. Clark panned his view, following Bruce.

Diana leaned on Batman's chest like it was second nature. Like he had carried her in this fashion before. Batman reached the door of her quarters, opened it, placed her on her bed carefully and covered her with a blanket. Soon after that he stroded back to the door, but he stopped at the edge and turned around. He looked at her. Just a quick look before finally leaving the room. After he closed the door, Clark finally ended his spying.

He didn't really fully understand what he just saw. And it was the first time he saw this kind of interaction between the two. Maybe Bruce and Diana had become close friends. But then he remembered how much of a loner Bruce was. The man drove people away except for his trusted butler.

But Diana. She was treated differently by the Batman. And she welcomed Batman's presence like he was…

"Uh… Supes?"

Clark turned around at the voice. Flash was suddenly there carrying boxes of pizza, that seemed to tower above him, which he most likely bought just before coming here at the watchtower. The scarlet speedster placed the boxes on the ground and then chomped on a slice that was already on his mouth. He maintained a puzzled eye on Superman.

"You've been floating there for a long time."

Clark felt he was caught.


And then he remembered about breakfast.

"I… I have to eat. See ya later, Wally."

And then he flew away while trying to force the idea of eating pancakes in his head.