Noah woke up the next morning with someone shaking him. Recalling the events of the night before, he realized it was Cody shaking him.

And when he opened his eyes, he also realized he was cuddling Cody. Again.

"Oh my God!" Noah sat up, feeling his face burning. "I'm sorry, Cody, I-"

"Dude, chill," Cody said. "It's fine." His eyes widened. "Not that I'm...just friends."

"Right," Noah said, still feeling disappointed. "Um, want to go get some breakfast?"

"Sure," Cody agreed. "We can eat at the snack bar in the pool."

"They have breakfast there?"

"Yep," Cody said, grinning. "So how about we both change into our bathing suits and I'll meet you there?"

Noah smiled. "Okay."

"This food is SO good," Noah mumbled through a bite of chocolate chip pancakes. "So, so good-" He stuffed another bite in his mouth.

Cody laughed and Noah's heart lifted. He'd made Cody laugh. "Yep, it sure is," Cody agreed.

After breakfast, they swam and talked, getting to know each other more, and one time Noah even got up the courage to hold Cody's hand. Cody smiled at him and squeezed his hand, making Noah feel a glimmer of hope.

At night, all the Total Drama former contestants were sitting around the pool. "So, what should we do?" Katie asked.

"We should play Truth or Dare," Tyler suggested.

"That's a girl's game," Noah scoffed.

"Come on, man, it'll be fun," Cody said.

That was when Chris popped out of nowhere, making Noah scream like a girl. Everyone laughed as Chris said, "I'm afraid you have no choice, Noah. You have no choice, as this is a challenge. However, in unlike any other Truth or Dare game, you will be split up into teams."

"Different teams than the ones we had on the island?" Justin asked.

"Yes," Chris answered. "The first team is: Katie, Izzy, Ezekiel, and Cody. Second team: anyone who I didn't call - Justin, Noah, Eva, and Tyler.

"Noah and I are on opposite teams?" Cody asked. "But we're friends - you can't do that."

"Too bad, so sad," Chris answered as Noah and Cody exchanged a glance.

"Why did you have to suggest Truth or Dare?" Noah glared at Katie.

"Hey, I didn't know Chris was going to make it into a challenge," Katie pointed out, and Noah didn't say anything to that, knowing she was right.

"Oh, and another thing," Chris went on. "Instead of choosing Truth or Dare, you'll be drawing it out of a hat. There will be an equal number of truths and dares in the hat. And, if you don't tell the truth, my intern here can tell a truth from a lie like no one else." Chris's intern walked up, and he looked as intimidating as Duncan.

Noah gulped.

"That's not how you play," Noah grumbled. "Now this sounds even less fun.

This time, Cody didn't answer to that. Chris said, "First up, Izzy!"

The redhead shrugged and drew a paper out of the hat. "Dare," she called.

Chris looked at the paper, then at a book of note cards he was holding. "Drink some of Chef's mysterious drink."

Chef came over and handed Izzy a cup of something that smelled strange. Noah cringed as Izzy shrugged again and drank it, acting like it was nothing.

At least it wasn't him.

Katie was next. She got dare, and since she was afraid of heights, Chris dared her to jump off the high dive. Eva had to give up her MP3 player for exactly twenty four hours - she wasn't too happy about it - and then it was Noah's turn.

He sighed, reached in the hat, and opened the paper to find "Truth" written on it. Chris laughed. "I was hoping you'd get that one."

Of course he was.

"Fine, lay it on me," Noah said. "I just want this stupid game to be over."

Chris grinned. "All rightie then," he said. "Noah, you spooned a guy and made out with his ear on Total Drama Island. Some of your teammates-" -Noah glared at Izzy- "-have said you have a crush on Cody. Is it true?"

Noah cringed and glanced at Chris's intern, who grinned dangerously and waved. He gulped. Everyone was looking at him expectantly. Finally he sighed in defeat and said, "Okay. Yes. Yes, it's true."

AN: Cliffhanger :) I love writing those. Sorry it's been so long since I updated! I'll try to update sooner this time. Hope you enjoyed it anyway and tell me if I got Noah more in character - I think I did.