Magix University is the most renowned university in the entire country of the universe. The campus hosts over five hundred thousand students per year and was built on three hundred thousand acres of land. All the buildings were made of steel and concrete and had Gothic Revival architecture.

A female with long brunette hair, green eyes, tan skin stood in front of one of twenty co-ed dorm complex with three large pink suitcases, matching colour duffle bag and a two strap bag. She had on a pink and green long sleeved top with a hot pink miniskirt, and a thin pink headband. Her high heel boots were pink and knee length.

"Excuse me." She called out to some persons that walked passed her. "Can you help me please?"

Every one of them walked passed her. The brunette sighed. 'I just want to know where my dorm room is. I wish the lady in the office gave me better directions.'

"You need some help?" She heard someone asking from behind her. The brunette turned around to see a male with fair skin, blue eyes and raven coloured hair which was cut into spiky fringes. He had on a blue shirt with black jeans and blue and white sneakers.

"That would be nice." She replied. "I am looking for the Red Fountain Dormitory."

"It's a few metres from here to your right." He answered. "That's where I am dorming so can show you the way."

"Thank you." She smiled. "My name is Flora Linpeha by the way. What's yours?"

He gladly returned her smile. "My name is Helia Knightly. Flora is the Latin name for the Roman goddess of plants, flowers and fertility."

"My parents were into Roman myths and since nature is my power, it only seemed fitting to give me that name. Helia is Greek, the last time I checked and means sun ray." Flora replied.

Helia nodded. "A nature fairy, Am I correct?"

"Yes, I am." Flora answered. "The only one of my kind I have been told."

"A nature fairy is rare." Helia stated. "Of all the fairies in the universe, one with the power of nature has never been found."

"Not sure why is that but I am happy with my power. I adore nature."

"I adore nature also." Helia's eyes lit up. "My room and balcony holds a lot of plants"

"That's cool. I am sharing a room and if my roommate doesn't like plants I will be have to put what I can on the balcony." Flora stated.

"I am sharing a room also." Helia said. "My roommate hasn't come as yet but I made sure to keep all of the plants to my side of the room. Let me show you to your dorm room."

Flora nodded. Snapping her fingers two of her suitcases levitated and minimize them small enough to fit into her pocket.

"I can never seem to minimize all of them at the same time." Flora groaned, placing two of the suitcases into her pocket.

Helia snapped his fingers and the remaining suitcase minimized before floating into his hand. "Don't worry; I have a problem with some of my spells."

"Wizard?" Helia nodded. "That's cool. I don't get to meet a lot of males that has powers."

"I know mostly defensive spells and few attacking ones." The raven hair male stated.

"I was taught mostly attacking spells." Flora explained. "I want to learn more defensive spells though."

Helia took Flora's duffle bag as the two began to walk. "How about I teach you some of the defensive spells I know and maybe you can teach me some of your attacking ones."

"That sounds great, Helia. Thank you."

The two talked for another three minutes before the seven storey dorm complex.

Walking to the door, Helia and Flora took out their pass to get in. Reaching inside they headed to the nearest elevator. Helia pressed the button for the elevator to come down.

"Place your ID on to the scanning machine and it will carry you to the floor you're assigned to." Helia explained. "Once you reach the floor, the room number will be revealed to you on the back. According to the members of staff it is a security process to block any unwanted and unexpected visitors from coming in."

"Supposed someone steals your ID and know where you broad?" Flora questioned.

"The ID is magically locked to its owner. The ID would be useless to anyone else but the person it belongs to." Helia informed her.

Once the doors were opened Helia and Flora went inside. Flora placed IDs on the scanning machine before the doors locked.

Flora looked on the number that appeared and saw seven appear. "What floor are you coming off?"

"Seven actually." Helia answered, placing his ID on the machine.

Seven appeared for Helia also. Seconds later the door opened. Once the two stepped out, the doors shut. The room numbers soon appeared on the back of each ID.

Flora looked at the ID before looking around. There were only five rooms on this floor so the dorm rooms were supposed to be very spacious. Pinpointing her room, she said. "I found my room."

"What number is it?" Helia asked.

"Number one. What about you?" She responded.

"Room one." He showed her his ID. "They don't usually pair males and females into the same rooms."

"They must have made a mistake with room assigning and thought I was a girl." Helia pointed out.

Flora looked at the front of his ID and saw M under gender. "They didn't make a mistake. Your gender is correct on the ID so maybe they already paired up everyone with the same gender, had an extra male or female and decided to make us share the same room."

"Well I don't have a problem with it, if you don't." Helia blushed. 'At least I get a beautiful, nice and sexy looking roommate. Wonder if Flora is single. No way could someone as amazing as her be single.'

"I don't have a problem with it." Flora's cheeks redden. 'Helia is really cute and he seems really nice. Wonder if he is seeing anyone. Someone as good looking and wonderful as Helia must have a girlfriend.'

The two used their ID to let themselves into the room. Holding the door, Helia let Flora in first. The room was spacious just as Flora had predicted. It had twin beds at the centre with two night tables, two dressers, two closets, a bathroom, a computer table and a balcony. The side that Helia had taken had five plants lined up against the wall. The two windows in the room were left open to avoid carbon dioxide poisoning.

"I will leave you to unpack and we can practice later, if anything." Helia suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea." Flora snapped her fingers. All the clothes in the suitcases and duffle bag appeared and were packed into dresser and closet that were provided for Flora. The suitcases and duffle bag soon disappeared into the closet and out of sight. "Well I am finished. Ready Helia?"

"Sure." He answered. 'This girl could be the one I have been looking for. Before coming here I asked and prayed to find my Princess and by the looks of things my prayers have been answered.'

'Could Helia be the one for me?' Flora thought. 'I made a wish to not only do well in school but to find my soulmate. Only time can tell what happens.'

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