AN: I don't own anything that you recognize in the slightest, except the plot! Hello it's me! Enjoy!

Skye's name is pronounced 'Shy-uh' or 'Shy'




"Phil, I need to explain your suit a bit, and Ward, you'll need to talk to River before you decide to play with that gun," I said. They nodded and agreed. Then I realized exactly what river had said to Skye.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Boy-talk!? RIVER!" I raced into Sexy.

CH: 6


I raced inside after them, and found them giggling in the wardrobe. Skye was telling River about Ward, and mocking him, and river was laughing along with her. River started telling her about me and I cringed, fleeing as fast as I could. I rushed out, and Coulson and Ward laughed at my red face when I emerged. Nothing River said was private, but still! There's no need to tell Skye about how 'show-offy' I am! It's not true! I am not a show off! I flopped down in a chair. Not that I was pouting or anything. I was actually planning a family with just River,Skye, and I. It was going to be brilliant! We were going to take her on a proper tour of our favorite rooms in Sexy.

A picnic on the beach, climbing the memory tree, a dance party in the zero-g room...she would love it. And since it was just us three, we could tell Skye things we never dared tell her before. Not in front of everyone else.


I led Skye to the wardrobe, chatting with her about our respective boys. I knew my nosy husband was listening, and I heard him run away. That was exactly what I was hoping for. "Shai, I want to show you something. Your father would never let me show this to you, but you need to see."

She bites her lip, but nods slowly. I take her hand and lead her to the back of the wardrobe and open a hidden door. When we walk through, we're standing in my cell at Stormcage. "Shai, I know you saw this, when you dropped me off, and I know your father didn't offer any explanation. I thought it was only fair that you know why I'm here. Sometimes Sexy links the two wardrobes together for convenience."

She slowly walks around, picking up small knick-knacks, running her hands over my quilts, looking at the papers covering the wall before picking up my diary and sitting down on the cot. I gently pry it from her hands and tuck it into the small bedside table. "Perks of being here as long as I have, I can do as I please. The guards know I'll come back if I leave, and that I'm the least troublesome prisoner."

She takes a deep breath and looks at me. "Tell me Mom. I want to know. Please."

I settle down beside her and curl up, pulling her close. "It's a long story, Sweetheart. And it starts long before I was born. Your daddy has a habit of saving people and getting into trouble. And somebody took notice. They wanted to get rid of him, so they stole a baby. they trained her up to be an assassin. Forced her to kill the man she loved. But she had a secret."

I whisper in her ear so the guards and cameras can't hear. "He never died. He married her instead, and they faked it. But she ended up in prison anyway, to keep their cover. That's the short version, as best as I can tell it, Sweetheart."

She looks up at me sadly. "But it isn't fair! Why can't you just break out,and stay out?"

"Because. This is how it has to be. In order for me to even be here, it has to be this way." I stroke her hair and smile sadly. "I've accepted my lot in my life, made my peace with it and done my best to make it happy. It's alright for now."


I listened to Mom as she told me the story, as short as it was, and my heart broke in two. I couldn't believe she could be happy with a life that bad...but thinking about it...she had Dad... she had me...that had to count for something. Mom loved us a lot, and she clearly would do anything for us. I want to be just like her when I grow up. She's everything I've ever tried to be, only more. I hug her tightly and she rubs my back. "Shai, your father is going to try and get you to have a father daughter day with you."

"Really?" She laughs at that.

"Oh yes. He wants to do something special with you, and he won't tell me." She pouts. "But we are having a family day soon, just the three of us. Now, let's get going before they miss us." She gets up and pulls me to my feet and right through the wardrobe again. She then proceeded to hand me a beautiful sundress and a pair of sandals. When I put them on, she does my hair up in some deceptively simple know of braids and curls and loans me some jewelry. "There. Now Ward will fall all over himself at the sight of you."

I blush but she just leads me out of Sexy. Ward's jaw drops and he stares, on the verge of drooling. Dad glances at me, then at word, and then proceeds to stand and step in front of Ward so he can't see me as he talks to Mom.

AN: Hope you didn't hate it, your friendly neighborhood Renegade. - RebelUp