Inazuma Gohan

*Author Note: Hi everyone ! This is my very first fanfic. So Don't be too harsh please! All kinds of criticism are welcome as well your ideas on how can I improve myself. This is a Dragon Ball Z and Inazuma Eleven Crossover.

Disclaimer: I don't own neither DBZ nor Inazuma Eleven.

Hiya! I know I haven't updated in quite a while but I was quite busy with college. Nevertheless I apologize for the delay! For that here is the chapter! Enjoy and tell me your thoughts about it.

Chapter 7:

Gouenji was excited. After almost a year's worth of self loathing, he finally decided to resume soccer. His sister's accident had him temporarily give up, but with the help of his new friends, Gohan and Endou, he managed to overcome his grief. Now he was filled with determination. He promised to win the Football Frontier tournament with his friends. But first he would have to join Raimon's team.

With that he headed towards the soccer club's shed. Along with him was Endou. Since Endou was the captain, he was tasked to introduce Gouenji to the rest of the club members. Gohan would have accompanied too but he had been called to the principal's office. The reason for this was still unknown but he was sure Gohan would tell them later.

Shrugging off that thought, the duo finally reached the clubroom. It took a while to get the introductions done. The members were surprised yet again that another student had joined them. First Gohan and now Gouenji. With this they now had nine people in their club and just needed two more players to create a soccer team of eleven.

Maybe they could play proper matches after all!

Filled with joy, all members wholeheartedly accepted Gouenji as a club member.

"Hehehe.. Hey guys I have an idea! Lets go to the soccer pitch near the river bank today. Lets all play soccer to celebrate Gouenjii's joining. What do you say?" Endou suggested with an excited grin on his face.

"Fine by me" Gouenjii smirked.

"Hmm sounds good to me!" Someoka grinned. He had heard a lot about Gouenjii's skills. He wanted to test whether the rumours were true or not.

"I think it's a great idea Endou-kun" Aki, the team's unofficial manager chirped. She looked happy at finally seeing some hope for Endou's club.

"Yeah let's do this Endou!" Handa agreed.

"Hehehe sounds fun.."Kurimatsu chimed in.

"I agree. This will be interesting." Shourinji responded.

"Ohhh how exciting! Yes yes lets go!" Shishido sure was excited.

"Umm I-I'm not sure if its a good idea... I mean someone could get hurt. Or what if someone fell into the river and drowned..." Kabeyama was unsure.

The rest of the members groaned at this. Same old Kabeyama. For someone as large as him, he sure gets spooked really easily.

"Tch. Oh come on Kabeyama! Man up will you! It will be simple practice. No one will get hurt." Someoka told him. He didn't mean to sound so harsh but Kabeyama's uncertainty sometimes really got on his nerves. Endou and the others also reassured Kabeyama that all they would be playing was some light soccer. Thats all. No one would get hurt.

Sure enough after repeated reassurances, Kabeyama calmed down and agreed to the practice.

The members of the soccer club were really excited. Finally it seemed like there was hope for the club. Surely now with new members joining, the club won't be disbanded by the authorities. Who knows they might even get to represent their school in inter-school soccer matches. That would be epic!

"Ok then we'll wait for Gohan a bit and then head to practice. But man... What is he doing in there anyways? Its been an 3 hours already! Damn he is really late! When the hell will he come back?" Rambled Endou

"I'm back~"

"KKKKKKKKYYYYYYYAAAAAAA!" Endou obviously startled, jumped and unleashed his *ahem* manly shriek. He turned around and tried to calm his rapidly beating heart.

"*pant* D-damn it *pant* Gohan! *pant* Dont scare me like that!" Endou took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Hehehehe sorry sorry. I just couldn't resist." Gohan apologized with a sheepish smile. But then his face turned serious. Seeing this put everyone on edge. They had a feeling that an important announcement was on its way.

Now that he had their attention, Gohan spoke.

"Guys... I have a good news and bad news. Good news is that the governor has decided to give the soccer club a chance. He has set up an exhibition match against another school. The match is 10 days from now." Gohan told his friends.

Endou and the rest couldn't believe what they were hearing. Finally! They have finally been given an opportunity! It was unbelievable. A couple of weeks ago, the club was on the verge of disbanding. Yet here they were. Granted a chance to play a proper match against another school! Things were looking up for them.

Before they could lose themselves in thoughts anymore, Gouenjii brought them down to reality.

"But thats not all, is it Gohan? You said there was bad news as well. Well then, tell us! Whats the bad news?" Gouenjii asked his friend.

Gohan sighed. He was hoping to avoid this. He didn't want to bring their moods down. But alas it had to be done.

"The bad news is the opponent we will be playing and the consequences of the match. The team we will be playing against is none other than Teikoku Gakuen! The freaking best team in the country! And thats not the worst part. If we were to lose this match... the soccer club will be disbanded!" Gohan explained with a solemn face.

Hearing this, everyone's good mood went down the drain. This was not good at fact this was possibly the worst that could happen. They were stuck. They only had two choices.

Choice #1: Lose the match and have the club be disbanded.

For obvious reasons, this was unacceptable. After such a long time there was hope for the soccer club. The members were finally showing interest in soccer. Having it disbanded now would be disastrous. No they couldn't afford to let that happen. So this option was a no go.

Choice #2: Win the match and save the club from being dissolved.

Easier said than done. Teikoku was an opponent to be feared for a reason. They were the best in the country. Their 40 year old winning streak at the national tournament said it all. Another thing about them was that they were ruthless. Teikoku has a notorious reputation of challenging schools for exhibition matches and demolishing them after winning. Just last week they destroyed a school nearby. It seems that this time it was Raimon's turn.

On top of Teikoku's prowess, another fact made the odds even more against Raimon. They didn't have a proper team. Their club only had 9 members so far. Even if they were to assemble a full team, they would still lack in terms of experience.

All in all them facing Teikoku... a disastrous match-up thats for sure. Yeah... things were definitely not looking good for them.

"Thats not good. Thats not good at all. We have no choice but to win this match. But it wont be easy. First we have to assemble a full team. Searching for new members will take up a lot of our training time." Gouenji mused.

Gohan smirked. "Hehe! Its okay. We wont have to worry about that. I already took care of the problem of finding new members."

Everyone looked at him, confused.

Seeing this Gohan elaborated. "Why do you think it took me so long to get back? I was out of the principal's office after only a couple of minutes. So I decided to gather a few members for our team. Hehe I even recruited two extra members." Gohan gave a sheepish smile.

Just as he finished, there was a knock on the door. Turning around they saw 4 people standing there.

First was Kazemaru Ichirouta. He had aquamarine hair tied into a ponytail with a red band, with bangs that cover his left eye. He had light brown eyes.

Second was Matsune Kuusuke. He has light skin, round eyes and an orange nose. He was wearing a pink and blue cat-design cap.

Next was Kageno Jin. He had fair skin, long, straight, light purple hair that always obscures his eyes which makes him look like a ghost.

And the final person was Megane Kakeru. He was quite short, with fair skin, brown hair, small black eyes and blue glasses. He didn't look one for sports at all though.

"Now that all the introductions are done lets start training guys! Our opponent is tough. Very very tough. But we cant let that stop us! This is our chance to prove everyone how good we are! Lets show them all our soccer!" Endou encouraged his friends.

Hearing his words caused everyone's nervousness to disappear. Endou was right! This was the chance they were waiting for! This was their time to shine! "YES CAPTAIN!" With a mighty roar all of them headed to the river bank to practice till they drop. Endou followed them with a grin.

Now only Gohan and Gouenjii remained in the shack. Contrary to their teammates, both of them had frowns on their faces.

Gohan turned to Gouenji. "Endou's speech may have reassured the others but it won't be enough. No matter how much they train, a time period of 10 days is way too short to improve enough to challenge Teikoku."

Gouenjii nodded.

"Yeah. Right now you and I are the only ones in this team who can actually play with the players of Teikoku evenly. In the team's current state, Teikoku is the worst possible opponent for us. If we want to stand a chance against them, simply practicing hard wont help. We need a proper strategy. A plan to utilize everyone's strength to the maximum and yet at the same time a plan to cover all our weaknesses."

Gohan agreed with Gouenjii.

"You're right. Currently the team is in a horrible shape. Its completely unbalanced. But I guess that is to be expected. We just formed a proper team after all. So of course it wont be balanced right away. However, as we are now, we don't stand a chance to win this game."

Gouenji sighed. Gohan was right. The team was too unbalanced. Working out a proper formation will be extremely difficult.

It also didn't help that aside from Gouenji, Gohan and Endou, the team members weren't much skilled. Gouenjii was the best in the team in terms of skills and finesse. He lacked raw power but more than made up for it with technique. He was perfect for attack.

Endou on the other hand was the complete opposite. He didn't have much skill but his strength and endurance made up for it. But his most defining aspect was his sheer tenacity. No matter what the odds, he wouldn't falter. He never gave up. The harder the task, the harder he'll try. That was something to be admired. He was the only person who could be the goalkeeper and protect the goal zealously.

'But now the problem really begins...' Gouenji inwardly groaned.

The problem was to set Gohan's position.

In terms of physical capabilities, Gohan beat everyone hands down. His amazing strength and speed could make him a devastating striker. But at the same time, his high endurance and stamina could make him a monster defender.

With his variable skills, Gohan could be set in both offense and defense. But the problem was to choose the correct option.

If Gohan is placed as a defender, their defense will sky rocket and sharply reduce the opponent's chances to score. But this would cause their offense to weaken as only Gouenjii would be there to attack. This would be bad as they cannot win without scoring.

On the other hand, if Gohan is placed as a striker, their offensive power will be increased dramatically. With Gohan raw strength and speed their chances to score against the opposition would shoot up. But, this would weaken their defenses and leave themselves vulnerable to opposition's attack.

Both options had their pros and cons. The team needed Gohan's offensive power yet at the same time they cant weaken their defenses too much.

'Urgh... This is a tough decision... What to do? Should we play defensive and sacrifice offense? Or should we go all out on offensive but sacrifice defense?' This really put Gouenjii in a mental dilemma as Gohan's positioning would determine the team's strategy for the match.

"Any progress?" Gohan's question snapped him out of his thoughts. He turned and saw Gohan looking at him curiously.

"Umm not really.. Got any ideas?" He asked his friend. He would think about the positioning later and then tell Gohan. No need to put unnecessary pressure on him.

"Yeah. I was actually thinking about how to train the team members. After all, any formation is bound to fail if the players aren't physically ready. I think we need to work on their stamina first. Then on their speed and power. This will help them to at least put up some sort of fight against Teikoku. After working on their individual skills we can finally move on to some team training. You know like practicing the formations and their teamwork. How's that?" Gohan explained his idea.

Gouenjii thought about what his friend told him.

"Hmm.. I think its a pretty good idea. Right now its best to improve the team condition before we plan any strategy. And besides, just like you said, any strategy we make would fail if our team doesn't have the physical ability to implement it. So we'll go by your idea. And I guess that you already have a training schedule in mind?" Gouenjii asked his friend with a knowing smirk.

Gohan grinned in return although it did appear to have a sadistic touch to it.

"Oh man! I'm so glad you asked. Its time for my super-mega-ultra-special-training camp. Hehehe..."

Coincidently, everyone on the team felt a cold shiver up their spines. For some reason they were dreading the upcoming 10 days.

(10 days later)

After 10 days of brutal hell aka Gohan's intense training, it was finally match day. Today is the day when the fate of the soccer club will be decided. Everyone from Raimon's team arrived at school early that day. Today's match with Teikoku was critical for them. All of them were determined to play their best in it.

With that in mind, they began their early morning practice.

(Some time later)

After practicing and warming up a bit, it was finally time. A huge crowed had gathered around to see the match. Most of the crowd was from Raimon students. They were gathered not to cheer but to simply watch how their soccer club, which was on the verge of disbanding, will fare against the national champions. But there were some who were rooting for them. Namely the substitutes of the soccer team, Otonashi Haruna and Kino Aki.

Haruna and Aki had just met this morning and had instantly befriended each other. Aki told Haruna that she acts as the Soccer Club's manager and was there to support her team. Haruna told her that as she was part of the Newspaper club, she wanted to observe the match closely so as to write an article about it. She also came to cheer for her friend Gohan.

Their conversation came to stop as a huge vehicle appeared in front of the school gate. It was a giant black vehicle that resembled a bus of sorts. But that wasn't what garnered everyone's attention. No what drew all the attention was the flag with Teikoku's symbol on top of the bus.

This only meant one thing!

Teikoku Gakuen's team has arrived!


And there it is the seventh chapter. I hope it came out okay. If it's not satisfactory be free to tell me about what was it that you didn't like and I'll try to rectify it as much as I can.

Next Time: Raimon vs Teikoku!

Thank You for Reading

Review please! Also any kinds of opinions and ideas are appreciated.