TWO MONTHS HAS PASSED OH MY DEAR GOD! I am so sorry, holy shit! I never forgot about you, I promised! But my computer was taken away and I couldn't write! But I'll make up for that now! I swear!

Let's not waste any time and just quickly hurry up with starting this chapter, shall we?

I held the crippled paper closer and closer to my eyes, but I still couldn't understand a thing. I was so sure that I had drawn a perfectly accurate map of almost the entire mansion (in what little time I had before Raito returned), and yet there I was, standing in front of a wall where there should have been a turn to the left.

In fact, I couldn't find a single place on the map where there was just a sudden stop like this one.

What the hell is going on?

I didn't have time with this. I was so stressed out that I couldn't even stand still and take it easy while trying to find out where I was. Feeling like this was too much of a waste of time, I hurried up and ran back to the last place I recognized and knew that I had labeled on the paper.

Maybe I'd just made a miscalculation? If this now was the case, at least there was – luckily enough – more than one way to get out of the place.

I took off to the next direction, but it didn't take long before I was greeted by another wall. Once again, I looked at the map and was absolutely sure that the hall was supposed to continue and lead to the kitchen. But it didn't. It didn't even look like the wall was supposed to be there, even though I could both see and feel it.

How could I have missed this dead-end when I drew the map?

There was still one option to go that was supposed to be able to lead out, even if it was a detour. I was able to run for a period of time long enough for me to think that I'd finally gotten on the right path, but even that one eventually showed led me to another wall that I was absolutely sure shouldn't be there.

Everything so far had made sense to what I'd made on my map earlier, except all these unexpected walls.

And I didn't have the time. There was no time.

I didn't understand and was so unbelievably foiled at the time that I couldn't think. I ripped the awfully fucking failed map in half, crumbled it into an ugly paper ball and threw it to the floor. The map was absolutely useless and I didn't even want to look at it anymore. It only made me angrier. I'm sure it wouldn't be of much help, but I would do better without it.

My hands flew up to cover my face, and very close to screaming out my confusion and frustration, I turned around to try and find another way. But I didn't make it one single step forward before seeing who was blocking my way.

There was a smirk twisted up into a bloodthirsty snarl on him as his eyes glanced over me, resting at my face to savor the expressions. "Look at you, running around so easily. Have you been practicing in secret while I wasn't around?"

He was only maybe two meters away, but had been completely silent and prevented me from noticing him. If I hadn't been careful, I would've rushed straight into his chest and been caught against it.

"And here I was, believing that you couldn't even stand on your unsteady little legs. Were you keeping your recovered state hidden because you were scared of what I'd do to you, Bitch-chan?" Raito took a few steps closer. I backed. "Have you perhaps been planning to run away like this for a long time?"

"What are you doing here?"

My throat felt dry and I swallowed several times to no avail. My heavy panting from all running could be heard clearly, but it didn't at all bother me as much as my heartbeat. I wanted to move, but stood still as a statue, only being able to stare at Raito while feeling my slightly parted lips tremble.

"Your face looks pale." He smirked, the cockiness evident in the tone he spoke in. "What's the matter? Didn't this work out the way you planned?"

Gritting my teeth and clutching my fists, I felt the rest of my body starting to tremble from anguish and anger. Rage was fogging my eyes and didn't at all calm down my breathing.

There wasn't something wrong with my map at all. Raito had done something to ruin everything for me, and it was driving me crazy with absolute fury and made me feel downright pissed.

"You can't do that," I said, and was forced to talk quietly due to barely being able to keep my voice steady. "It's not fair."

I hadn't been clear in my trembling voice when I'd said that, but Raito had still managed to catch all words and was now having a malicious smirk lapped onto his face, thin green eyes glowing with malevolence. He proceeded to move swiftly like a dangerous animal toward me, but I still couldn't move out of my place.

It was ridiculous, but I felt so defeated and hopeless. The way he closed in on me made me feel small and weak like his hunted prey, and the black shadow of his encasing me was the cage. I found myself staring helplessly into his captivating eyes and being imprisoned by them, my own ones wide open and without any stray of light left.

"Why aren't you running, Bitch-chan?" He shocked me back to reality, and as if I'd been freed from his hypnotizing spell, I automatically took a step back at the sound of his voice being so close. He was towering over me, staring down with eyes filled with amusement and lust. Eyes that made the blood in me freeze. "There's still time before sunrise."

I bit my lower lip and glanced discreetly behind him. I wanted to take a step forward, but didn't have enough space to do such a small movement. "You're in my way."

"Oh, I'm not going to let you escape, Bitch-chan."

Red, boiling anger fired through my veins, and I shot up my head from the ground to look at him as I backed away and screamed. "You can't do this! This wasn't part of our deal! You're breaking our rules!"

A feeling of dread and panic settled itself in the pit of my stomach when I was done and realized more comprehending what this all meant. I had almost zero chance of winning this, and my arrogance in the beginning had caused me agree to him doing whatever he wished if he won. Which he surely was if this went on.

But there was also an ocean of rage that was quickly flowing up inside of me. I could almost feel it start to boil the more I thought about what Raito was doing. He was getting himself involved and participating in "the game" by ruining all of my chances of triumph, something that I most definitely had not agreed with. And not only was he somehow changing, abolishing and creating paths and corridors, but he was also getting in my way to prevent me from getting anywhere at all.

His cold eyes bore into me and observed my expressions with jeering amusement. He seemed to see right through me as if I was a transparent hologram, and knew all of what I was feeling at that moment. He liked to crush and break me down like that, and came with the coup de grâce.

"What rules?"

My heart plopped down to the pit of my stomach. The ocean of anger began to ebb out, while the dread and panic started to bury their roots with a painful thump meanwhile, as if they were both planning to stay for a long visit. The word I spoke came out ruefully in almost a whimper. "What?"

"There were no such rules, Bitch-chan." Raito shook his head with a smile still haunting his face. His eyes were locked to mine as his slender hands slid down his pockets and his back hit the wall to my left. His casual position was inviting me to go for it and run.

But I just stood there, not daring to take a step. My mind was even debating on whether or not it was worth it, whereas one of the main arguments was that I would probably not succeed anyway. Was it only a waste of energy that I would need later, or should I say fuck it and run? Would I only look like a fool for trying? Did looking like a fool even matter anymore?

"You're not going to try and run, Bitch-chan?" Raito's voice took my back from my thoughts. Eyes narrowing and smile widened, he tilted his head to the side and tapped his wrist with an index finger. "It's quite the time you're wasting here."

I looked at him suspiciously, but still fairly astounded. The last part made me especially stressed, and I hurried to reply. "Didn't you just say that you weren't going to let me escape?"

His smile turned into an almost toothy grin, where the fangs were being slightly exposed over the lower lip. "I'm not satisfied with you yet, Bitch-chan. I want to see more of your struggle as you're being chased around like a hunted animal, so make sure to scream and fight as much as you like. I'll have you entertain me until you pass out."

I stared at him. He really was so sick that it was making me feel like I would throw up in nausea and disgust. How could he do something like this to another person? He made me not even want to run, because I felt like it was all in vain and just something he'd enjoy. Because after all, what we were doing was just a game for him. For me it was a matter of life and death.

He returned my gaze with an animal-like stare, and my eyes budged a bit. It frightened me to the core now, because those cold, emerald orbs were silently whispering orders into my mind, demanding me to start moving.

"You can't get away from me anymore, Bitch-chan," he cooed quietly when he saw my reactions from his gaze. There was a weird soothing tone in it, as if his words were supposed to be calming. The next line was spoken a lot harder and demanding. "Now run and pray to God that you find out before I catch you."

I obeyed him and involuntarily dashed off, running quickly and having one of the hardest times in my life to breathe. It was as if I was having a panic attack, feeling like my heart had gone up from the pit of my stomach but exaggerating and was now pounding high up in my throat. Behind me, I could clearly make out the chuckle elapsing from deep within a bloodthirsty monster.

"I'll never let you escape, Bitch-chan. When I catch you, you'll belong to me forever," he said, and I felt my legs work faster and pick up the pace.

I felt so stupid and wished that I hadn't stayed for so long and wasted time. Even if the walls moved in this place, there could still be some sort of pattern. Or maybe I could just be lucky and manage to get out before sunrise.

Or before Raito finds me.

Walls the color of dark purple taupe sped past me in a foggy blur, and I had no idea where I was heading. Suddenly, it didn't just seem like there were sudden dead-ends popping up, but it felt like the whole mansion had been refurnished and converted. Like there was a whole different scene that I was seeing and no telling where the next corridor would lead me.

I should have seen this coming from Raito. The arrogance and pride had clouded my mind and caused oblivion to inflict my visions of pure fact and understanding. If only I'd made him agree to a rule where he was not allowed to get involved. Then this might not have happened, even if there was no guarantee that he would stay true to what we agreed on. I completely forgot all about those things since I was so sure in my plan and in my success of winning it all because of some stupid map – that proved to be useless in the end. It was my fault for being so blind. I cursed myself for it over and over again as I ran through the halls and corridors of the mansion.

I was heading right toward a turn to the right when my ears picked up the sound of footsteps prodding on the floor around the corner, and I felt a stab of anxiety. I stopped as quietly as possible and tried to back away without making too much sound that could give away my position.

Scanning the area with my eyes, I noticed a large window in the corridor displaying a periwinkle blue colored sky with an apricot orange lying as a blanket near the treetops. Sunrise was unbearably close.

The window went from ceiling to floor with two, big and heavy-looking, burgundy red curtains. I hurried behind the one falling to the left, hoping that I wouldn't be found.

Hope, however, was cut short when those footsteps from earlier could be heard somewhere in my corridor, on the floor right on the other side of the curtain I was hiding behind.

Raito wasn't too far away.

Not wanting to make any sound, I had my hands quickly go up and clasp onto my lips. Breathlessness could still be felt stinging in my chest and making my breathing unsteady, but I forced myself to bear with it and hold my breath. No doubt was present in my mind about Raito having the ability to pick up even the smallest noise. I suspected that vampires had enhanced senses, and maybe possessed more than just the usual five. But I didn't have any interest in trying to test that theory.

One footstep came right outside the curtain and a shrieking whimper escaped me and was muffled out over my hands. He was right in front of me now. Everything could just go fuck itself, I thought. Raito could go fuck himself with a goddamn chainsaw or something, but I thought of karma especially. What evil could I have ever done to deserve this?

Another step was heard and I prepared for the worst, praying for something in this world to save me.

Just when I thought that this was it, the footsteps suddenly disappeared. It was almost as if they had vanished from the surface of the earth, because they hadn't gradually gotten quieter as Raito walked away as you'd think they would. They were just gone, and I felt all of the tensed muscles in me relax a little bit.

I grabbed the curtain carefully, intending to move it to the side so that I could sneak a peek and see if he really had gone away. Instead of doing that, I froze in place, staring into nothingness with wide eyes and sadly noted that there was no need to sneak a peek. He was still here.

I started to tremble and swallowed down hard. I was close to whimpering as well, but I kept it inside so that he couldn't have just another thing to be satisfied about.

Raito blew a small, cold breeze into my neck that sent chills trailing across it and continuing down the spine. His voice came right next to my left ear, whispering softly with a sweet mumble. "Found you."

Startled and absolutely terrified at his close approach, I let out a screech and turned around. I tried to hurry and back away from him as panic controlled all my limbs, but only managed to stumble backwards, not really keeping track of where I had my legs, stepped on the part of the curtain that was tumbled on the floor, and ended up falling to the floor on my back.

Raito's eyes were locked on me during all this, and he let out a taunting laugh. Once again, I tried to get away from him by messily clambering backwards – because I felt like it would take too much time that I didn't have to turn around. Still being on my back and being too much in a panicked hurry to think clear, I didn't manage to get further away than just a bit from the curtains edge before Raito crawled on top of me and locked my wrists into his hands. He pressed them down against the floor, and I couldn't do more than kick with my legs against the floor, and that gave me nothing.

"Get off of me!" I yelled with pure rage and terror, pushing myself against him with all power I had in the attempt to get him off. I tried to lift up my arms and make his grip around my wrists to truckle, but he barely moved. "Get your fucking hands off, you sick fuck!"

He giggled and looked down at me with something in his eyes that resembled admiration. His grasp tightened, my wrist being slowly crushed in his hands with strength that caused tears to prickle in the corners of my eyes. I looked at him, trying to deliver a message through my facial expression, begging for him to get his hands off of me or I would somehow make him pay. I wasn't quite as sure if the image of my hard, fearless expression in my mind was the same as the one being bared to Raito.

"Oh, did I hurt you? I'm sorry." But the obvious mockery in his tone told me differently. "But don't worry, Bitch-chan. I'll make you feel good right away."

Goosebumps spread across my skin as his head dove down to my neck and I started to struggle and squirm around even harder. I yelled with all of the air I had for Raito to let go of me and go die or something, but he just laughed it off and returned to planting kisses that I didn't want on my neck. Every place he touched felt like it was on fire, but in a poisonous way. It brought me back to the dungeon and caused a sickness to twinge in my stomach that made me want to throw up.

"There's no point in fighting it, Bitch-chan. You won't win." He came up from my neck and locked eyes with me, having the same admiration like he'd had earlier – as if he was looking at an art of some sort. "You hate that, don't you? Having no control and knowing that you don't stand a chance. Knowing that you're at the mercy of the person you hate."

I gritted my teeth and kept my eyes glued to the side so that I wouldn't have to look at Raito. I couldn't stand looking at him. I hated having to listen to him as well, because every word he said stabbed a knife into me and twisted it around at the malicious tone.

As if to prove his point from earlier and show how easily he could contain me where I was, Raito took both of my wrists into one hand and placed them above my head. Only one hand was needed to keep me in place. With his free hand, he started to caress my cheek for only a mere second before it proceeded to instead grab my chin a little too roughly. It forced it to the side so that he could lean in with his lips so close to my ear that they touched when he talked.

"You lost, Bitch-chan. Time's up," he whispered, maniac eyes gleaming with a green fire. "You're mine now."

I slowly let my eyes wander to the right, breaking and crumbling to pieces at the awful, beautiful scene in front of me. I whimpered weakly and stared out the giant glass window, looking like a beautifully broken, ruined and trembling shell of what I used to be in Raito's eyes. The mere sight of me caused him so much pleasure and satisfaction that he couldn't keep his evil eyes away.

"You're truly a work of art like this, Bitch-chan," he hummed and confirmed my suspicion of the admiration in his gaze from earlier. "Captured and ruined under me, weak, disheveled and completely in my control suits you. The pained, glazed look your eyes hold as you realize that you've lost is simply intoxicating."

I started to cry out of pure incompetence from my side, as Raito's head disappeared from my sight and down to my neck, lips softly caressing the skin while his fangs worked to scare me even worse by scraping it. After growing tired of only scaring me, his fangs forced their way down my sweating neck and made me recall a feeling that I thought I had forgotten. The warm, throbbing sensation when it feels like something is ripping and tearing you apart, as well as the sickening want of more that follows.

Wailing and weeping echoed in the room. Out of anger, frustration and pain, but also from a horrible, involuntarily pleasure that could be felt coursing from my neck and throughout my body. It had been such a long time ago since I'd last felt like this, and I wanted nothing more than for it to stop.

I turned my eyes back to the scenery outside the window, watching it with cerulean eyes as lifeless as the one's of a doll, bearing a new set of tears surging down my heated red cheeks. The trees of the forest surrounding the mansion were like shadows having a bright ball of orange light peeking up over them. Their tops and silhouettes seemed to be stitched with a line of gleaming silver, and they only allowed streams and rays of pulsing light through that saturated everything with a golden haze.

My eyes carried on, wandering upwards to be greeted with a sky that had become a collection of colors melting together. Bright and dark pink, vigor orange and yellow, and many different varieties of blue was mixed together with clouds like a sea of lavender pink and peach cotton candy.

It was so disgustingly beautiful, but all it did was stab tiny nails into my heart over and over again. It was the sign that I had lost what may had been my greatest chance to escape so far, and I wanted it to get out of my sight. But I couldn't stop staring at it. I even went as far as to wondering how something could have the audacity to be so beautiful while also being the reason for my suffering.

Raito bit down again, on the other side, and was rewarded with a croaky whimper. "This blood," he moaned and licked his bloodstained lips, going back to sucking more of it from my neck. "I'll take it all from you. All of it belong to me and me alone."

"I will never belong to you," I quickly spat with a brittle, yet harsh voice. I still had some self-worth and pride left.

A husky laugh erupted from Raito and caused uncomfortable vibrations on my neck.

"Is that so? Haven't you forgotten anything, Bitch-chan?" He went up to meet my eyes, smile vanished from his face. "You're already mine."

His expression looked hard and serious, but when he saw how I reacted to it, it changed into a mocking grin again. Going back down , he bit down on a new place, my shoulder. I hated him so much, trying to claim me as his own. As if I was some sort of possession that he could control and do as he like with.

Not being able to stand it anymore and wanting to prove him terribly wrong, I began to struggle once again in his hands. I didn't even care how much it hurt to move around the part where he was sucking blood, because all I cared and wished for was to be out of his grasp.

In reply to that, he pulled his teeth out and came up from my shoulder to seal our lips, letting me taste my own metallic blood. I felt disgusted and tried to bite him, kiss being way worse than having my blood sucked in my opinion. Because having him take my blood was one thing. He did it to feed on me, it being a sick thing he and his kind did for pleasure. A kiss was different. It was unnecessary for him to do it, and gave you the illusion that maybe he cared more for you than just your blood. But I wouldn't let myself be fooled, and fought back even more viciously.

Just when I thought the awful kiss couldn't get worse, his fangs sunk down my tongue, biting it with a brute force that sent me wondering if it was going to tear in half. I gasped and felt tears sting even worse in the back of my eyes. The salty drops started to well down my face and I whimpered and pleaded pathetically for Raito to stop. He continued to suck the blood from my tongue as we bathed in the orange light of the ascending sun.

"Happy to have you recovered, Bitch-chan."

TODAY IS TUESDAY AND I AM SORRY. I know that I'm not a very reliable writer (I've proven that to you many times now), but I was away in the weekend and wasn't really able to update until today. And it's not even that long of a chapter!

God. Well, at least it's here now and I really hoped you enjoyed it. I haven't settled for which story to update next though, so let's just wait and see.