A/N, Sorry for the delays on my other stuff, I've been super busy and unwell. RL hates me sometimes. lol. This is the first chapter of the promised sequel to Operation Comescu. Thank you to all who have waited and prodded about the sequel.

Disclaimer, as usual I own what I own and I don't what I don't.

In the name of…

Chapter 1

Previously in Operation Comescu…

In D.C. Gibbs dropped his coffee at his desk and looked up to Leon's office.

Leon was exiting MTAC and called down, "Gibbs."

Gibbs nodded and jogged up the stairs to his office, "Sit down." Vance said and poured him a drink.

"I'm on duty Leon."

"You'll need this…I'm going to fill you in on a classified Operation, called Operation Comescu." He said as Gibbs took a drink.

They talked for an hour as Hunter paced up and down on the mezzanine level and kept looking down at her father's team.

"Who do you think that is?" Bishop asked from her desk.

Tony shrugged "I don't know…" he said, "But she has a badge, maybe an Agent?"

McGee didn't know either, so they worked on the case from yesterday.

An hour and three bourbons later, Gibbs was sitting in shock in his office, "That happened to G, and my…Kelly? Are you sure?" he asked amazed.

Leon nodded, "Is she still alive?" Gibbs asked his heart in his throat.

Leon pressed a button and the door knocked.

"Come in?" he said with a smile.

Hunter opened the door and walked in, she stood with her back to the door her hand still on the handle.

"Hello daddy." She said as Gibbs dropped his glass.


Gibbs sat there in shock, a young woman, obviously the right age, she had his eyes, and Shannon's long straight hair, but it was black, maybe dyed?

"Kelly?" he said again tentatively not believing it himself.

Hunter - Kelly nodded. "It's really me…" she said her voice soft and scared, Gregori had said that it would be ok, it had been ok for him and Ilena when they had been reunited with their father but the anger, sorrow and fear that had run through her father's eyes made he not want to let go of the door handle.

"How?" he choked out his voice failing him.

"You two need to talk, I'll be downstairs," Vance said and let himself out.

Kelly moved to let Leon through the door and as she did, Gibbs stood up and crossed the room taking her in his arms.

He smelled just like she remembered, sawdust and coffee…and something else…something new. She threw her arms around his neck, "Daddy!" she sobbed. She hadn't cried in so long the factory had bred that need out of her, but now…? Now she was no longer compelled to follow the factories rules, now the threat of her murdering her father wasn't there, now she could hold him and cry.

Gibbs didn't care the second he held her in his arms all doubt vanished this was his Kelly, he wanted to know where she had been all those years, why she hadn't contacted him, but right now all he wanted to do was hold his baby girl.

DiNozzo looked up as Gibbs came down the stairs with his arm around the Agent who had been pacing the mezzanine level a few hours ago; he was smiling which was strange for him as he stopped in the bullpen.

"Pack it up, you've got a week off," Gibbs said.

Tony looked up surprised, "boss?" he asked.

"Go home DiNozzo…team dinner my house tomorrow, 18.00hrs." Gibbs squeezed Kelly's hand and let go, "It's all good Tony, and no one is getting reassigned." He said reassuring his SFA.

The team gathered their stuff and got ready to leave as Gibbs strode towards the elevator.

"Coming Kels?" he called.

Kelly grabbed her bag and followed as Tony and Tim dropped theirs, their mouths hanging open.

Both of them turned and Tony turned to Tim, "Do you think?" he asked.

"No?...No…but she's the right age, isn't she?" Tim asked.

"Who?" Bishop asked as the boy's scrambled for their phones.

Six on the dot. Bishop, McGee, Tony, Abby, Ducky and Jimmy were at Gibbs' front door.

"Hey boss!" Tony called as they walk in.

Kelly walked out of the kitchen, "Hi." She said.

They pulled up and smiled, "Hi…Agent?" Tim started.

"Hunter…Lau…Sorry," she shook her head with a smile, "It's been a long time, Gibbs, Kelly Gibbs." She said and suddenly found herself with an armful of squealing Goth.

"Oh My God! They said it was you!" she squealed.

Kelly smiled, "Good to see you guys are as good as Dad says." She laughed.

They moved into the living room as Gibbs came out from the kitchen with drinks, "So they figured it out yet?" He asked with a smile.

"Before the elevator doors closed boss." Tim said.

Gibbs smiled, "I know you all want to know how, but I want us to all eat first then we'll explain everything. We are off for a week for Kelly to settle back into normal life and for us to decide what our next move will be, and whether or not we are going to take the case Kelly has brought back with her."

They ate and after dinner Kelly sat down and filled them in on the factory, what it had been doing, how much information she and Gregori had managed to find and she filled them in on what had happened during Operation Comescu.

They sat in silence each one processing the horrors that had been done; both to Kelly, Ilena and Gregori, but also, Detective Deeks' involvement in the factories plan as well.

"And you knew all along who your father was?" Abby asked as they finished.

Kelly nodded, "But just as G was programmed to kill his father, I was under the same compunction, had I at any point attempted even indirectly to contact my father and let him know I was alive, I was programmed to kill both him and myself." She explained.

"But Hetty's dead now, I don't understand, you said that when she died the programming faded." Tim said.

Kelly nodded and sipped her beer, "Yeah, As I worked with her she was the one controlling my programming, the same as G's and Laney's," She said slipping into G's nickname for his sister, using Ilena hurt her too much, reminding her of the time she had been undercover as Ilena Comescu.

"However we still haven't found out if Detective Deeks received any training or programming as a child or not and there have been rumors that since Hetty's death, that someone else is planning on restructuring the factory. That can't be allowed to happen." She snapped.

The others agreed with her completely.

"Leon has approved us working an operation in conjunction with Agent Comescu of the LA team. We have a month to get the information we need together, Gregori has some personal things he's planning on dealing with and he has to get the LA office settled to having him as a new operations manager, then we get to work on this."

Gibbs stood up, "Guys this is strictly voluntary and under the radar, Leon knows what we are going to do but he can't back us up until it's over."

They looked at each other and nodded.

"Ducky, Palmer, Abs…You can't be directly involved with this, we need you here running interference, although Abby you'll need to co-ordinate with Eric on occasion, but from here. This is why we need the extra time. Tim, I'm having an operations center built in my basement."

"You're what!" Tim asked in shock.

"Need you to help with the hardware doohickeys'." He grinned as Tim rolled his eyes at the term.

"Ok Boss," Tim got up and walked over to Abby to discuss what they needed for the 'Operations Center'.

"This may be a long term operation, we don't know how long it's going to be yet," Gibbs said looking the remaining team members in the eye, "Bishop you have a husband, if you want to stay behind and help Abby co-ordinate that'll be fine. Tim, Tony…your coming to Los Angeles with Kelly and me is totally voluntary,"

"We're in Boss." Tony said.

Bishop looked at them, "I…I need to talk to Jake. But I'm in." she said knowing that he'd hate it, but wanting to help, she had a soft spot for children and knowing what had happened to those children irked her.

Gibbs nodded in appreciation.

"So we had better get started tomorrow morning then," he looked up at them, as they got ready to go. "Remember this is top secret nothing to be shared at all." He reminded them as they left.

Both Abby and Ellie hugged Kelly as they left, "I'm glad you're not dead." Ellie said and Kelly laughed.

"Me too," she replied.

As the door closed, she yawned and turned to Gibbs.

"I'm gonna call G and fill him in. make sure he has room for us in a months' time." She said.

Gibbs nodded and headed down to his basement to enjoy the little time he had left with it until it became in essence the bat cave as Abby had christened it earlier.

A month later Tony, Tim and Bishop stood in MTAC with Kelly and Gibbs as Eric stood at the view screen looking uncomfortable as Vance walked in the room.

"Eric." He said.

"Director Vance, G…Agent Comescu asked if you wouldn't mind waiting, he's just talking to his wife. He won't be long." He said nervously.

"Everything's alright isn't it?" Kelly asked.

"As far as I know Agent Hunter."

"Gibbs, its Agent Kelly Gibbs," she corrected him.


G's voice was heard off screen; "Is he there yet Eric?" he called breathlessly after running up the stairs.

"Yes G, he's waiting…" Eric said.

"Ok, Thanks." G jogged on Camera, "Hey guys! Gibbs, Kels." He grinned.

"G!" Kelly grinned, "How's it going?" she asked.

"Anya's blowing a gasket, I missed a sonogram this morning the kids went with her instead."

"She knows you're not always gonna be available G, Anya's a great girl."

Gregori laughed, "That's not why she's blowing a gasket… She's threatening to have me castrated Kel!" he looked worried.

The two friends carried on not noticing the others for a second. "It's twins again." He sighed.

Kelly laughed, Gibbs stopped and smiled, it was the first time in years he had heard her laugh and he liked it.

"Congratulations Agent Comescu." Vance said.

G nodded in appreciation and looked over at Gibbs; he'd had a month of planning, time to make his decision. He knew if Gibbs hadn't found anything worth investigating there wasn't anything there so he'd left it to Kelly and Gibbs to see what they could find.

"So, Jethro…are you in or out?" G asked. "Is there something, anything left to follow?"

"I'm in, Vance filled me in on Operation Comescu, I know we took 'her' out but, Kelly still has a list of names," Gibbs said. "They can't be allowed to get away with this, this is Child trafficking, SecNav agrees, she read your file G and is totally in your corner, this is a joint investigation, but we will be coming out to work with you on this for as long as it takes, can you get us rooms?" Gibbs asked.

"Well…Tony…Tim and…?" G stopped looking at the small blond woman.

"Ellie…Ellie Bishop." She said "Hi!" she gave a small wave and G smiled.

"Hi." He waved back, "And Ellie can stay with the kids, they brought the house next door to ours and you and Kelly can stay with me and Anya."

"Ok that's fine," Gibbs nodded, "I'll get McGee to book flights."

Callen smirked, "Don't worry, I'll send the Jet to the airport, it's got an open window back in three hours should give you enough time to pack."

"Jet? OSP has its own jet?" Tony said in awe and looked longingly at Vance who shook his head.

"This is Agent Comescu's own jet, his family is wealthy he lets us use it for NCIS purposes." He smiled.

Gibbs looked impressed.

"Don't say it Jethro." G growled.

"I wasn't thinking anything…." Jethro grinned. Although he did think about ribbing his boy personally when he got up there.

"Just remember I outrank you." G warned.

Gibbs laughed. "One day kid…one Day… It'll be nice to see Anya again, have you told her your 'father' is coming."

G turned red. "No…She may want to kill you for that." He warned.

"Hey I introduced you too!" he grinned.

G rolled his eyes, "Go before I call my plane back and make you all fly coach." He warned. He smiled as Tony and Tim bolted for the door.

"Stay low G."

"You too Gibbs."