Dean Ambrose just broke up with his long time girlfriend and he has been down and out. Brie Bella is the unlikely person who gets him through. After revealing things she's never told a soul on national television; she needs him to be the saving grace. After all these years of pain will Dean heal her?

The interview with Gina Sampson was going great. Brie was asked questions about her job and all her career highlights. It was like any other interview, except Nikki wasn't there. She got a chance to shine instead of sharing the limelight with her sister. Things took a turn. The questions got more personal. Gia Sampson gets down to the gritty most personal places. She was like a therapist. This woman would never take no for an answer when she wanted information out of a person. Brie knew that she would have to answer anything no matter how revealing her response is. They talked about her past friendships and struggles with keeping and making friends. "Have you always kept yourself from not having close relationships?" This was one of her therapist like questions. She was trying to get to a deeper root. This question is one she has dreaded. "that's a good question" she pondered to find the right words for a moment. "Back in middle school I experienced friends distancing themselves from me. Instead of moving on, I stopped trusting people and not getting close to them. I stopped myself from doing things. Nikki would ask all the time if I wanted to hang out with her and her friends and I would pass."
She felt like she was going to cry. She had that feeling in her throat that made it hurt and tried not to bust out in tears. This is the first she's opened up about this. No one knows, not even Nikki. Nikki was the person she trusted most, but never told. She also didn't know that Brie has been holding back on telling Nikki things. Even though that was her twin sister, she still felt like some things should be kept secret.
"In regard to your sister, did you feel the same?"
"I-I did. I couldn't tell her everything after that experience. I have told her things that I have felt, but not everything. It was hard for me. I went into a deep depression." She stopped herself. Did she really just reveal her darkest secret on national television. Not even her mom knew. Now apparently she does. "Let's talk about that. Have you told anyone?"
"No one." She started feeling sick in the pit of her stomach. "I kept that inside for 18 years."

She walked off the set once the interview was over. She went to the back in the dressing room. She looked at herself in the mirror and cried. She couldn't believe she revealed her deepest darkest secret. Everything was bound to change. Now her family knew and co workers knew. She felt kind of embarrassed. She started to take off her eye makeup since it was dripping down her face.

"Jon , we need to talk." Dean Ambrose's girlfriend Olivia was at his door. "Yeah babe come in." He shut the door after she walked in. Her head was down, she didn't even look at him. It was odd. "So what do you want to talk about?" he walked over to where she was standing. He put his hand on her shoulder. She turned around and caused his hand to drop to his side. Tears were welling up in her eyes. "Liv, what's wrong?" he lifted her face up by her chin gently so she would look at him. She moved back a step. "I did something bad."
"Like?" he shook his head and leaned his head forward a bit. "This past month I've a relationship with someone else." She said it fast. It was a weight off her shoulders.
His face dropped. He wasn't sure if he heard her right.
"Relationship?" She nodded.
"What kind? Sexual?"
"Yes Jon yes. I feel so horrible, please forgive me." She looked deep into his eyes for the first time this whole conversation.
"Just get out of my house. I'm fucking done. This has happened to me before and every time it sucked more. It's the worst coming from you" he shouted at her. She left fast, crying more.
He gave her three years of his life. All he has been was faithful and loving. She was the only woman he truly loved. He even thought he would marry her and he's not even the marriage type, according to him. He needed something so he took his jacket and left for the bar. One thing tat never let him down was beer.