It was time. Jack was finally getting to join his parent's work. Team rocket. He had to wait 15 long, annoying, agonizing years but it came. The day he dreamed of, hoped for, waited and cherished. The day he made his parents proud. He smiled, trying his hardest to hold back his tears as he walked down the aisle in the middle of hundreds, maybe even thousands of fellow members on both of his sides, smiling in their uniform with a glint of pride shining in their eyes. He continued walking, eventually joining the rest of his welcome group. All these children, born and raised by other members, all joining now to join their parents and friends. Jack's eyes widen with awe as he saw a man walk up to the pedestal right in front of him. A giant, red R slapped on it, with "Rocket" painted right under. This man, in his expensive suit, a buzz, gray hair cut and a light colored, Persain with a ruby in it's forehead beside him, walked up and stood in front of the pedestal. He tapped the microphone, listening for feedback to make sure it worked before he started his speech to welcome the new employees who would help further the Rocket goal. He then spoke with a loud, thunderous voice, starting the speech with "Ladies and Gentleman. We gather here today, this very fine day, to celebrate."He looked over the crowd, making sure he had their attention. "As you know, we are a team. Today, we welcome new team mates." He said eagerly. "These team mates have waited 15 to 16 years to join us, to help us!" he stated. "Now, they are here, lined up in front of both of us, to be welcomed. Today, is the day of recruitment! I know you are all proud, you watched your children grow up from a baby, to toddler to a teen, and now today they are adults!" A single tear rolled down his cheek slowly as the memory of him watching his Son finally join flashed in his mind. "Now, we accept them. I, Giovanni, state here and now that every single one of you in front of me, are now an official team Rocket member!" The crowd went wild in congratulating them, and all the new recruits burst into tears. They did it. After hellish training, brutal beatings and a lifetime wait, they're in. "Now, young recruits, as you know you will have to battle sometimes. That is why you get the same first mission as everybody else. Go out in the world, and steal a pokemon. Come back when you have one, and we will go from there. Dismissed!" Giovanni then turned around, and walked off through a door. Jack's parents ran up, crying tears of pride. "We are so proud of you!" They said in sync. "T-thanks.." Jack replied, shyly. "Son, go out, and show the world the Rocket you are!" His father said proudly, while guiding him to the door. Jack exited the building, a huge smile across his face. "This is it. I'm now an official Rocket member!' he thought to himself. He put on his hat, and started walking south to the nearest town. It wasn't maybe 5 minutes when he saw a trainer with an Eevee. "That's a great starting pokemon, one that has 8 evolutions." Jack said, as he started to plot how to steal it.