I don't normally write crossovers, so I apologize if this is awful. I've had this idea in my head for a while, figured I'd give it a go. It's not set during any particular season for either of the shows, just using the basic characters/premise for each. This will be a very light two-shot, not even sure if anyone's interested. But hey, I had fun writing it, so I guess that's all that matters. If you have a minute, please review. I'll have the next chapter up as soon as I can.



Last week they were in Oklahoma; this week it's a small town in California. It sounded pretty – Beacon Hills – but the reality is disappointing. It feels like the reality is always disappointing. But they're here to do a job, not take in the scenery, which would be all well and good except for the fact that they can't seem to find a decent place to eat.

"Take the next left," Dean instructs.

Sam glances over at him. "Are you sure?"

"Trust me."

The next left leads them to a dead-end. As Sam's reversing out he gives his brother another disapproving look. Dean rolls his eyes.

"This is why you're in charge of navigating," he reminds him.

"And I wouldn't have had to take over driving if you hadn't nearly hit that truck back on the freeway."

"I was never going to hit it!"

"You were two inches away from the back of it -"

"And I wouldn't have been if it hadn't suddenly slowed down -"

Their bickering fills the car, fills the empty spaces, keeps them busy until they finally pull up outside a diner on the main street. As soon as their food arrives they're back to business, talking in hushed voices out of habit rather than necessity – there's no one else here.

It's nothing unusual, not really. A nest of vampires, holed up just outside of town. Trying to lure unsuspecting victims to them. As they're going over the finer points of their plan, they're interrupted. A group of teenagers – two boys and a girl – tumble through the door, talking quickly and quietly, but their voices grow louder and more alarmed as they reach a booth near the back.

The Winchesters stay where they are for a moment, their conversation falling silent as they listen to the teenagers. They're not talking much sense – something about the Sheriff and a pack. They're probably drunk.

After a shared look, Sam and Dean leave the diner. They've still got vampires to take care of, but they can deal with them tomorrow. For now, the only thing either of them wants is a good night's sleep.


Between the pair of them they get maybe five hours. Sam spends most of the night reading up on the history of the town, just in case there's something they've missed. It seems like there's been a lot of suspicious activity here in the past couple years – murders, disappearances, weird animal attacks. He wonders why they've never been here before.

Dean, on the other hand, spends most of his night in the hotel room next door, having met its very attractive female occupant at the bar earlier that night. No prizes for guessing how they passed the midnight hours.

But as soon as the sun goes down the next day, the Winchester brothers fall back into their professional roles. This may not be the most challenging case they've ever worked, but they know very well the price of being complacent. They can't afford to screw up.

They find the nest, exactly where Bobby had said it would be. It's easy enough to break into the old building and take out the pair of inexperienced vampires they left on guard. The room they walk into appears to be empty, until suddenly it isn't.

The damn things swarm in, surrounding them, fangs bared and a low hiss collectively emanating from them. Sam and Dean stand back to back, preparing for what will inevitably be a bloody fight.

It is, but it's over quickly. The brothers emerge victorious, albeit covered in blood, and as they watch the last vampire fall they turn their attention to the rest of the building.

Because they're suddenly aware that they're not alone.


The hunters split up, checking every room that branches off from the main one. It's Dean who finds the hostages, and calls Sam to come and help. There are five of them, all teenage girls. Each one is tied to a chair, eyes closed and blood dribbling down their necks.

"Damn it." Dean presses his fist to his mouth, cursing himself for not getting there sooner.

Sam takes a more practical approach, checking each of them for a pulse. One by one; he shakes his head, feeling sicker by the second. Until the last girl. He feels a flutter as his fingers press against her wrist, and she even lets out a low moan.

"She's still alive," Sam says, gesturing to Dean.

Between the two of them they manage to untie her. She tumbles forward into Sam's arms, and he struggles to lift her up. It looks like she's lost a lot of blood, and he's not sure she can support her own weight. She's barely conscious, mumbling something they can't hear.

"It's okay," Sam says as they start to take her back to the car. "It's okay, you're safe now. We'll take you to the hospital -"

"No," she murmurs, a clear enough word for them to understand this time. Sam slows down, giving her a curious look.

"What?" he asks.

Her eyes flutter open long enough to fix him with a gaze that's swimming with pain but bright with clarity. "Not the hospital," she says, her voice growing fainter with each word. "Stiles…"

Her head slumps against Sam's shoulder; she's out cold. They get her back to the car and set her up in the back seat, managing to stop the worst of the bleeding. When they're sure she's not in serious danger, they allow themselves a moment of confusion.

When they're both seated in the car – Dean back in the driver's seat – the brothers share a look.

Dean taps his fingers against the steering wheel. "All right, I'll ask." He pauses, looking back at the unconscious girl on the back seat. Then he turns to his brother and says, "What the hell is a Stiles?"



Oh yeah. This is totally a Stydia story by the way.