Disclaimer. I don't not own the characters of Mortal Instruments. Cassandra Clare does.

Chapter 3: Ascending and Falling

Charles hadn't been expecting the Redheaded beauty in front of him to make the first move. Neither was he expecting such a vicous assault of quick jabs, and swinging kicks mixed with her raising knees and elbow strikes. The Hightower boy was on the defensive, keeping his arms and his head ducked down trying to negate some of the strikes that were throw at him. Charles knew he had to make a move soon or it was over for him. And on top of that the Ravenscar girl had pissed him off saying he was just showing off his shadowhunter power, she caught him off guard the second the supervisor had given them the signal to begin, the scarlett girl burst into action. Her calm composure was replaced by feral ferocity.

The jabs and kicks were like blurs to his grey eyes. Not even the Boxing trainers in his old high school could match this young girls speed much less her strength. Charles was pretty sure he only lasted this long because of his opponents animosity for him. The quick glimpses that he got of her eyes told him he wasn't even a challenge and more over the same disgust right before the match had begun. He was getting tired of this, being pushed around by a little redhead was embrassassing. Charles lashed out with a few quick jabs of his own but all were intercepted by the flurry of redness. He attacked again hoping to push her into a defensive stance only to have her shift her body to the side. Charles lost control of his momentum and the Ravenscar girl was inside his reach. She kicked his left leg out of under him, grabbing his left arm spinning herself and twisting his arm in a unnatural position. She threw the Hightower Giant over her shoulder and slammed him into the ground so hard the mats might have been paper on pavement.

"Hightower down, the victor is Ravenscar!" the Supervisor yelled. The scarlett haired girl left the mat with eyes from nearly everyone who wasn't training at the moment on her. Some were accusing glares, others were grateful twinkles and everyone else had shocked stares. "Hightower can you move?" His Supervisor asked him with a small amount of concern. "Sort of." He managed to say. "What's her problem?"

"She told you her problem with you." His concern gone. "perhaps you should think about what she said."

"She just called me out and then humilated me in front of everyone!" Charles whined. He got up and looked around until he found the source of his anger and humilation. Wasn't hard to find her in the crowds of training shadowhunters. Who else would have such hair like it was dyed in blood. The Ravenscar girl was at the benches sipping on a bottle of water with a blue hand towel around her neck. Though if she worked up a sweat you couldn't tell by looking at her. "Hey I want a rematch!" he told her.

She just looked at him with the same disgusted eyes. "Actually learn how to fight before you go charging in." She said to him. "Otherwise your going to get your comrades killed." Was she lecturing him? First she insulted him, then humilated him, now she was berating him. Charles didn't want anything from this girl anymore. Only to express his anger upon her.

"And stop being so childish." She scolded him once again. "This isn't some high school where all you need is some ripped body and good looks to get by." The Ravenscar girl turned her back to Charles who was fuming. His Ego was in tatters now and he wanted to take it all out on her.

"Charles hey man this isn't worth it." Simon came up from behind and put himself between Charles and the Redhead."You used to be the Daylighter?" The girl asked.

"Um yes i used to be." Simon answered though truthfully caught off guard by her sudden question. "I know it's hard to believe but its true."

"Oh I don't doubt your story." She pointed out. "You have experience with shadowhunters before you became one, that's a rare boon for mundanes." Simon did not fail to catch the acceptance in her voice. "I'm sorry for his rudeness...um i don't believe you gave your name." He was holding back a steaming Charles the best he could.

"It's Amelia." She said. "Amelia Ravenscar.

x x x

After Isabelle had calmed down from her murderous rage, she had broken into a small cry. Isabelle who never crys and never shows any sign of kind weakness had crumbled in front of the white haired devil that was Sebastion. She wouldn't call him anything else, she couldn't. They all had thought he was dead and finally could give in to peace and happiness. She wanted to live a life of honor and love with Simon, but now the object of her hatred had returned, and to make it worse he wasn't evil anymore or wasn't to begin with. Isabelle didn't know, just that after Alec had held her during her fit. He left to go back to the basement. "Jace said something that's worrying me." Alec said. Then left her alone with Maia who was sitting on one of the chairs, her legs pulled up and face buried in her arms.

It was safe to assume to that no one had any good memories of Clary's brother. Maia had watched Sebastion thrust a sword into her ex-boyfriends back. Tricked them all by being the friendly Sebastion Verlac, who he killed and impersonated. Unleashed demons for his father Valentine's Army that killed a number of shadowhunters and downworlders alike. brainwashed Jace into becoming his slave. Turning shadowhunters into Endarkened for the purpose of eliminating them all, and killed her and Alec's little brother Max who was just nine years old. That was one thing that she just couldn't let go. Max was her brother and she was there and she failed to protect him. Isabelle couldn't count the number of times that she wished it had been her and max survived.

"Hehe." Isabelle gave off a little laugh. If Simon could see her now he would hold her and tell her that it's going to be ok. Then probably scorn her for wishing something that can't be done. However Simon wasn't there. He was training at the Academy in Idris with her mother supervising him. That made Alec the Head of the Institute temporarily. Like anyone is going to take a 19 year old seriously right now.

"Hey Iz." Alec was at the entrance to the Library. Isabelle took a good look at her brother's face hoping for good news. "Are you ok?"

"No." She said flatly. "I just saw a man wearing a demons face." She turned her back to her brother, hiding the silent tears that stubbornly would not cease.

"I know how you feel Iz but considering what Jace got out of him, He's not the Sebastion that killed our brother." Alec tried to reason with her.

"Something just doesn't add up." Isabelle said. "Why is he here in the first place?"

When he woke up in the wine cellar thanks to the noise of laughing voices and rotten floorboards. Cacciatore had a much unwanted headache, like his brain had decided to try back flips and failed miserably. Portaling through dimensions was much harder on the body than he had anticipated. The uncalculable speeds mixed with the flashes of gold and twisting dark winds were nearly enough to make any untrained shadowhunter vomit or land in horrible positions the first time. He wouldn't have mind if the people upstairs had continued with they're little party however someone had vomited on the floor directly above the indolent man and some bile leaked through the floor falling on his left cheek.

"Disgusting." He growled to himself. "And i just wanted to rest for a bit." Cacciatore pulled himself up out of the bales of hay that he had fallen upon. As he stood, his black gear was covered in brown straw, cracks could be heard all through out his body. "Well I guess it was a good thing I got moving sooner, my body would've started to have fallen asleep on me." He said streching his arms over his head.

Done with his streching, Cacciatore found a mirror on the far side of the wine cellar. "Well isn't that convenient." He washed off of the bile on his cheek. And with one last glance he looked himself. Copper eyes, hair that had the sheen of bronze, and smile of like dark amber. However what he was really looking at was the runes that were drawn on his skin. Red, twisted, hungry for death, speaking of the language of demons.

"Everything looks good." He chimed. And went up the steps leaving his point of entry into the realm he had come in. "Why does this happen, honestly Grave needs to fix this bug." He complained to himself. Cacciatore opened the door leaving the cellar nearly running into a drunken man in blue flannel. "Oops sorry about that guess I've had one to many!" he said, even taking effort to make the words come out of his mouth.

"Oh no it was my fault my good sir." Cacciatore told him. "Here let me apologize." With a single pat on the shoulder. The man suddenly fell like his legs had given out on him. "I'll send you on a special one way trip to meet my god." He said kindly like he actually thought he was doing the drunk man a favor. "And don't worry I'll be sending you company very soon so your not lonely okay!" and gave the dying man another pat on the shoulder like a good fellow.

Cacciatore took one look at his surroundings. Couples dancing at one side of the floor, others drinking at a counter with various beverages in brown bottles. Twangy music playing from multiple speakers stationed at the corners of the ceiling. Cacciatore had never seen humans act so carefree with they're lives. It struck a nerve in him to know that they were enjoying themselves in his presence. The people of his realm were struck with fear and awe when they were before him. "We'll just have to do something about this." He said to himself unheard by the drunken stupor of maggots. Cacciatore reach for his belt and pulled a glass tube with the color of shade from it. "Amon." He said to it and the glass shaft was enveloped in wicked shadow. Producing a blade of dark glass coated in flaming darkness that began to swallow the light its surroundings and the bright mood of the people nearby.

With the bar becoming darker and the mood vexed by the sudden chill that came out of nowwhere. Cacciatore then wasted no time before engaging in his much anticipated work. The humans cut by the dark blade were instantly burned from the inside out, flesh and skin burnt black, blood evaporating, and bones becoming char and brittle. It took him less than minute to slaughter every human being in the bar. By the time he was done Cacciatore took a small coin of dark silver from his hard leather jacket and flicked it into the mess of the blacken bodies. "There a gift for our Shadowhunter friends of this realm."

Cacciatore walked out of the bar and into a brighting daybreak. The sun rose with a blood hue shining all with its crimson radiance."Such a proper sunrise to welcome your destoryer." He greeted the coming morning. "It's as if you know your end is coming at last by the Children of Belial." Cacciatore said with a grin.

Reviews please! Sorry for the wait works been a hassel. Hope you enjoyed it, I know its not as long as the others but I will do better as the story begins going deeper into the plot. Tell me what you think and thanks for everyone who has favorited, following and reviewed so far. The support is so much appreciated.