I'm SO SORRY this took SO LONG! I keep telling you I'll get the chapters out faster, and I never do. This time I sort of have an excuse... See, I had decided how I was going to end this, and then I got a lot of reviews encouraging me the other way... So now I don't know again. But after this, I only plan to have three more chapters.... So I guess I'll HAVE to decide by then... Anyway, here we go.

*Disclaimer* You know the drill... I own the whole world... Except Inuyasha.

Chapter 7: (I realize sometimes I make titles for chapters and sometimes I don't, but who cares? It's not like it matters if I'm totally consistant)

The sun was warm that afternoon, and the wind was a gentle caress against Isota's skin. His red eyes were closed as he dreamed about Kagome's soft skin... It had been so long since he had seen an attractive female in the air rip... Which he had been in for a very long time. Despite the fact that she was human, Kagome was VERY attractive.

Anyway, he had his plans all laid out. When they reached Geramelyn Canyon, youkai would swamp them, and in the confusion, Kagome would be his. If all worked out, her two bodyguards would be trapped in the underground labyrinth that ran through the walls of the canyon... To actually get out of the canyon's labyrinth was nearly impossible.

They'll kill each other trying to get out, he thought with a smile... To bad I won't be able to watch.


Outside the air rip, the weather was very different. It was a cold day, and Kagura was sitting on the ground at the edge of a cliff, unsure what to do. The bond she felt with Naraku seemed to have almost completely dissapated. She felt free, or almost free anyway. And except for the mystery of Naraku's disappearance, she was happy... Except for one thing. She was wondering about the strange wolf youkai whose tribe she had cruelly destroyed.

He really wasn't so bad, she decided. In fact, she almost felt bad about what she had done... It had not been something she really wanted to do, anyway, Naraku had ordered it...

What are you thinking about so hard you can't even sense my approach?

Kagura looked up sharply to see the object of her thoughts. she said.

I see... So, um, where are you headed?

Absolutely nowhere... I think I'm released from Naraku, and I really don't know what to do now. It's like... I don't know. I've lost all my confidence.

Oh, poor baby, Kouga taunted with a grin.

I can still take you! Kagura bit out shaply.

Would you like to test that theory?

Kagura grinned. I could use the exercise.

And then they flew at each other, both smiling as their practice fight began.


Jessui and Kanna were also feeling the cold weather. When they reached Jessui's small hut, Jessui suggested they go inside to avoid the cold and that Kanna stay the night.

Kanna consented, feeling strangely affected by the young youkai's display of kindness.

You know, you're awfully pale, Jessui said, examining her new friend' closely. What kind of youkai are you anyway.

I am nothingness, Kanna said.

Nothingness? I don't think so, Jessui said, her green hair bobbing as she laughed.

Kanna was perplexed. And why, exactly, do you not think so?

Well, if someone were nothingness, you wouldn't be able to sense them. They would have no emotions, no feelings, nothing.

And you do not believe that I fit these criteria? Kanna asked, her mind's wheels turning.

No, I can sense you, and you seem to have emotions. Say... Do you want something to eat?

Kanna stared at the strange bread loaf that Jessui offered, and realized with shock that she was hungry... But that wasn't possible, was it? Kanna wondered again where Naraku was, and if she was actually being released from her bond with him.

Yes, I... I'm hungry, Kanna said.

Great! This bread is really good! Jessui said. After you eat we can play a game!

A... game? Kanna asked. And then she did and said something she'd never done or said before. She smiled. Sure, that wound be fun.


We should be there tommorrow, Miroku said with an appreciative look at Sango's backside.

Sango, instead of slapping him, only smiled at him wryly when she noticed his look. Anyway, I think we've travelled far enough today, let's stop, she suggested.

Rin likes that idea! the little girl cooed excitedly, But Rin misses Sesshoumaru-sama!

That really is disconcerting, Shippo mumbled.

Anyway, that clearing looks like a good place, Miroku said.

When they had set up camp, Sango and Miroku decided to take a walk,' leaving Shippo and Rin alone.

Where do you suppose they're going? Rin asked.

To do perverted adult stuff, Shippo answered.

Ooooh, like what a mommy and a daddy do?

I suppose.

Let's go see!

Shippo facefaulted. You're- you're not really supposed to watch those kind of things.

Why not? Rin asked innocently.

But Shippo couldn't think of much of a reason. Alright, let's go.


Miroku leaned over further, pushing Sango to the ground, their lips urgently seeking one another's.

Sango whispered. I... I think I love you.

Miroku grinned, pulling away slightly to smiled at her. You only think? I know I love you.

Sango said. I don't know about that. After all, you are a lecher.

Sango! I've changed, sort of. You're the only one I can look at now. What?! It's true! he cried when Sango made an incredulous expression. Honestly though, he said. You're the only girl I want to bear my child anymore.

Sango smiled. Well, hurry up and kiss me again.

And they kissed and kissed and kissed, and then Miroku started to take off Sango's travelling clothes.


Shippo and Rin had snuck away several minutes ago.

Well, I don't think it looked very difficult, Shippo said.

Does Shippo want to try the lip thing with Rin?

Shippo blushed. The... lip thing? Okay.

Rin lay back on the grass, her smile bright. Now, I close my eyes and you put your lip on my lip.

Shippo leaned over and touched his lips very briefly to hers. How was that? he asked nervously.

Rin opened her eyes. Well, I think you did it right, but it took them longer. Then Rin grinned brightly. I can't wait to tell Sesshoumaru-sama I did the lip thing with Shippo!

Shippo cringed at the thought of Rin telling the ice-cold youkai lord about this little escapade. He could imagine several scenarios... And most of them involved him dying repeatedly. Um, Rin, you'd better not... Say, do you want to play tag?

Rin cried.

Hadori was sitting at the table inside her small hut, looking down at her untouched meal. She was nervous about the upcoming trip into the air rip... For many reasons, one of which was that soon she would have to escort two other people into the air rip... It was just... Dangerous.

Inuyasha walked up and sat at the table beside her. The two had not been getting along too well, and Inuyasha thought it was entirely Hadori's fault.

Where's Kikyo? Hadori asked.

I don't know, the man beside her said. I think she took a walk.

They sat there, in silence. Say, how long do you think it will be until we can go through the air rip?

I don't know. Everything's been working out okay, I suppose, but it's going to be difficult taking both of you through.

I suppose you just want to take Kikyo? Inuyasha said in a taunting voice.

I didn't say that! Why are you always jumping to conclusions?

Who's jumping to conclusions? Who thought I killed Kikyo?

Anyone could have made that mistake!

Yeah, whatever bitch.

Hadori cried. How dare you! I'm the one who's helping you out so that you can rescue your girlfriend!

She is NOT my girlfriend!

Then how come you're so desperate to rescue her?!

Inuyasha couldn't really think of an answer for a moment. Then he remembered his stock answer. She's my shard detector.

Shikon shards? Can't Kikyo do that?

Inuyasha was again hard put to come up with an answer. Well, you see, Kagome's been with us from the beginning- she shattered the jewel. It's my responsibility to look out for her. There, that sounded good, he thought.

Bang up job you're doing, Hadori said with a sly smile.

Shut the hell up, you stuck-up hawk! Inuyasha cried.

Stuck up?!

Well, you think you can fight, don't you? I bet you couldn't even beat a human.

Hadori said, her eyes gleaming dangerously. I bet I can beat a hanyou, though. You want to have a little match?

Sure thing. Let's see how good you really are.


Kouga and Kagura lay on the ground giggling together. Their match had quickly disappated into a tickling contest, and, contrary to popular belief, Kagura was very ticklish. She had to beg Kouga to stop.

When he did he smiled down at her, and then started to tickle her again.


Kagome held on to Sesshoumaru's shoulders as they hurried across the plain. Geramelyn Canyon was just ahead, but no one cared too much. After all, they'd have no problems getting across.

They were seconds from the canyon when it began. Youkai rushed at them from all directions. Kagome screamed as the demons rushed at them.

Hold on, Sesshoumaru ordered as he leaped into the air, whipping his body around to slice at as many youkai as possible.

Isota watched from the shadows, a dark smile on his face. Soon... she'll be mine... Soon...

At that moment Sesshoumaru was flying, fighting his way through a crowd of youkai, Naraku a few yards away.

And then it happened. So quickly that no one could do anything about it. A youkai leaped to grab Kagome- Isota had instructed them all not to hurt her- and Sesshoumaru twisted so that she would not be attacked... But he twisted too fast, and Kagome couldn't hang on with both hands. She was hanging by one hand when a youkai's claws caught he shirt, and she was pulled from him. However, the claws could not catch her, and she tumbled into the canyon. H-help me! she cried out as she tumbled down, the wind rushing past her.

Sesshoumaru said, diving down to catch the miko.

No, don't let her hit the bottom! Isota cried as he leaped from behind a tree.

Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around Kagome just as his feet hit the ground, and a ripple went through him. What- what the hell is going on?! he cried as he felt his body being sucked into the floor- an uncounscious Kagome in his arms.

In a matter of seconds, the two had vanished.

What the hell just happened?! Naraku cried.

Isota was looking down in fury at the canyon floor. They have entered the labyrinth, he said darkly. And my plans are all spoiled.

Naraku asked, his face dark and angry. So YOU planned this, eh? I need that miko to get out of here... Well, he said with a dark and twisted Naraku- like the old Naraku- It was then that he realized how he had changed over the past few days. But now Kagome was gone and he was trapped here... And he was feeling very, very evil. Well now, maybe I'll just kill you, hmm? What do you think of that? You caused this after all?

Isota felt a chill of fear as he looked on the transformed Naraku, the anger smoldering in his eyes and the evil aura rolling off him in waves.

Sorry- I've got to go! Isota cried, and he took off at a speed so fast that not even Naraku could follow.


Hadori rushed at Inuyasha, her wings extended slightly to increase her speed but not slow her down. Inuyasha met her swinging claws with his own, and they locked together, flipping over and crashing into the ground, Hadori on top.

Inuyasha swung his legs up and raised his hips to roll her off him and jumped away, a grin on his face. You're not bad, Hadori.

I can still take you, was the response.

They clashed again, and Inuyasha was ready this time, and managed to use her speed to turn her around and throw her to the ground. He was on top, and he pinned her arms successfully.

Not quite. Hadori raised her legs sharply, kneeing his stomach and flipping him off her. He came at her again immediately and their claws clashed- twisting and turning and flipping- neither one able to get an advantage. After twenty minutes Hadori has pinned Inuyasha to the ground, but he grabbed one of her arms, twisting it so that she winced in pain and pulled back and off him. They both lay on the ground, panting.

What is going on here? came Kikyo's voice.

They both looked up at her in shock. Neither of them had noticed her approach. Her face was stoic, but Inuyasha and Hadori both noticed the slight twitch of her mouth... A twitch of amusement.

Hadori said with a smile. Anyway, I think it's time to go.

Into the air rip? Kikyo asked.

A few moments later, Kikyo, Hadori, and Inuyasha were standing around a small pot that stood on the ground of the clearing. They all stared at it.

Now remember, Hadori instructed, This doesn't work the way a regular air rip does. This one is much safer- but still dangerous.

They concentrated, staring at the strange pot, and the air around them started to swirl as Hadori chanted softly. The lid of the pot started to shake slightly... And then it started to spin, and then it rose, as if it were overflowing with some mysterious liquid... Then, in one brief instant, lighting seemed to flash across the sky and the lid shot off into the sky. Inuyasha felt his body shrinking, swirling, and he put up the mental barriers Hadori has instructed him to.

In a few seconds, Hadori, Kikyo, and Inuyasha were standing in the middle of a warm, hazy clearing.


Sesshoumaru found himself in a dimly lit underground corridor, Kagome unconscious in his arms. He looked down at her, worried that she may have been hurt... His eyes widened at what he saw. When the youkai's claws had snagged her shirt, her shirt had been ripped... Off. It was gone, revealing her lacy bra.

He gulped, stuggling to control his physical impulses as his body reacted to her visible physical attributes and to her alluring smell- she was still in heat.

He set her down on the ground and quickly removed his armor and his shirt, which he slipped over her head... After all, she would be embarassed waking up in such a state, and he did not need the temptation.

Sesshoumaru picked up his armor and looked at it... Well, he thought, he could have other armor made. It would be silly to carry it around and it would be even sillier to wear it without his shirt.

So, he set his armor down and picked up Kagome, chuckling softly at how silly she looked in his shirt... It was much too large for her. He held her, bridal style, and started to walk along the corridor... He had no idea where he was, after all, and he thought maybe it would be better to go slowly... And try to find a way out of this confounded place.

He walked for twenty minutes.. And the corridor didn't seem to change at all. It was all very annoying.

Then the girl in his arms started to stir. she whispered, cuddling against him bear chest more, causing him to stiffen and then relax, nearly purring with pleasure.

Mmmm, where am I? she muttered groggily.

I haven't the slightest idea, Sesshoumaru said with a grin.

Kagome's eyes shot open when she realized who was holding her. He's grinning?! she thought. And it looks damn sexy. Wow there Kagome.

Ummm, why am I wearing your shirt?

Due to unfortunate circumstances, you lost yours, he stated.

Then Kagome noticed that his chest was bare... And very nice. She started to struggle slightly, trying to get out of his arms.

Stop that, you shouldn't be walking yet.

Kagome blushed. Hey, hey put me down!

I don't feel like it, he said, his face stoic once more, but one corner turned up slightly.

I order you to put me down! she cried.

One elegant eyebrow raised. You're ordering me?

Kagome blushed more, and then she realized something. Hey- you're teasing me!

I am doing no such thing, Sesshoumaru said, annoyed at their circumstances but strangely glad that Naraku was gone and Kagome was here with him.

Oh yes you are, now put me down!


They had been walking together for hours, and although Sesshoumaru was find, Kagome was starting to get tired.

Would you like me to carry you? he asked.

Umm, No. I'm, I'm just fine. At that moment Kagome tripped on a rock. Sesshoumaru's arms shot out to catch her, and she fell against him, his silky bare chest rubbing against her through his shirt (the one she's wearing).

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Kagome stretched her neck up to kiss him, softly, gently.

He should have been shocked, but he was not... Not at all. This was right, somehow. He kissed her back, and it became more demanding. He pressed her against the tunnel walls, and let his hands trail along her body... Her beautiful human body...

You're beautiful, he whispered.

So are you, she whispered back, and they giggled as they kissed.

Sesshoumaru started to remove her clothing, but she grabbed his hands and pulled them away from her. No, I'm... I'm not ready yet.

Sesshoumaru growled slightly. Why not? he said... After all, he was ready. The darkest part of his mind told him not to give her a choice in the matter, but he pushed that part back.

I'm too young. I mean, where I come from...

Oh right, she's not from here, Sesshoumaru thought. She's from the future. What a mystery... Sesshoumaru pulled away from him, keeping his body in check with an act of will.

Well, shall we go then, he said a bit brusquely.

I didn't say I was done kissing you.


I can't believe you! Kagome cried. You've gotten us lost!

No, I believe you've gotten us lost. I wanted to go the other way.

All these passages look the same! Kagome groaned. This was such a mess... But somehow, with Sesshoumaru, it was okay. This is so strange, she thought, but she felt safe with him.

You've really done it this time, he was saying. We've been here before.

And how in the name of God can you tell that?!

The smell.

On second thought, Kagome said to herself. He can be annoying... But it's so cute... And his chest is so dreamy, and... Stop it, Kagome, stop it! Now's the time to be thinking about getting out of here.

How was that? To be honest, I don't like this story as much as - or maybe I'm just having a harder time writing it. Anyway, I won' t make any promises about next update, but I'll do my best! Ja ne! And remember to review!