So, I honestly hope you enjoyed this. I am making this a crackfic. Harry will have a massive harem and lots of babies! He will be godlike and there is a reason for it instead of him just becoming that through thinking it. I will write short chapters, however I think I can make up for it because I update a lot. He is five in this chapter.

Harry dug into the grass as he searched for the treasure Dudley had told him was there. He didn't know if he could believe Dudley, he had tricked him before. But-but he wanted the mysterious treasure of Aphrodite, which had been said to posess the powers of the gods. It made Harry smile in curiosity, oh how the treasure would change his life.

"Freak! All I found was a stupid pebble!"Dudley said as his royal fatness came to backyard. He seemed to be in a terrible mood.

"Well at least you found something Dudley!" Harry told Dudley in attempt to cheer him up," I didn't find anything at all." Harry did not want to get in trouble for Dudley's stupid complaining.

He seemed a smug after that and started to say," Yeah, you're right, you didn't find anything at all! However, I will give you the pebble because it is a pebble Freak. Only a Freak can have a pebble!"

Harry 's beauty of a smile started to show again. At least Dudley was giving him a present.

Harry's small hand grasped the dirty pebble and had the treasure. He kept on laughing until he realized that he had squished the pebble into a fine color of silver. There Harry's dream crashed into pieces. What he didn't realize was that the silver dust started floating up into his nostrils.

Harry sneezed. His allergies must be acting up again.

Harry looked down at his hands only to find out that the dust was gone. Oh no, if Dudley wanted it back again, Harry would be in big, big trouble.

He glanced around on where he could hide and round an opening inside a great oak just outside of the picket white fence that was very short so Aunt Petunia could spy.

His small feet ran towards it and climbed over the fence using epic skill Harry didn't even know he had, nor did he care. All he wanted to do was get out of there.

He climbed into the hole of the tree and surprisingly it closed up with Harry inside.

So Dudley told on Harry after all was all Harry thought as he was left in the darkness of the tree.

How was it? Was it good? Bad? I need to know. Is there something I should add? I still need a beta! Also, I am not going to say his powers besides the wizards one. If you are looking for a story where Harry immediately jumps into Nymphadora's bed when he is eleven I suggest you leave. I personally don't want reviews screaming "Put Hermione or Ginny in the harem!" I am not saying I am not going to, but I will say that I am probably not going to just obey my viewers orders.