Hey people! I'm still alive, yay! So… I haven't updated in a year soooo…. JK more like 3 months ago but yeah, I am SO sorry I couldn't update faster. Most of you probably don't want to hear my excuses but I'll just say this. School. Busy. I think that explains pretty much all of it. Anyways thanks soooo much for all the reviews, I really appreciate it! I got a lot asking if the mystery person was Poseidon, but I guess you'll just have to find out!


This never shows up I don't know why. My fandom account on Instagram is: .

In case it doesn't show: Ivolunteerasfangirl (PERIOD AFTER "I" AND EVERY OTHER WORD)

Okay I'm done. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: My anaconda don't! My anaconda don't! My anaconda don't own none of this ish hun!

Chapter 6

Percy's POV

Standing there, with her piercing gaze, was… Aphrodite?

"Uhhh… Lady Aph-"I caught myself. But what was she doing here?

"Lady um A… what are you doing here", I asked, trying not to show my surprise. "Hello, Perseus. You may be wondering what I'm doing in your Marine Biology class. Well, I'm here to tell you that a few of the gods will be down here for a couple of days, just to make sure all goes well. Now, Athena wasn't too happy about me being down here, but oh well. I don't want to be holding you up, so I will take down the mist which made the teacher remember he left some important files in the car. Well, good luck!"

And with that she vanished, in a puff of pink perfume. Percy walked over to his seat quietly, and sat down.

About a minute later, a bright green sign on the wall caught my attention. It took me about 5 minutes to decipher, because of my dyslexia, but after I did, this is what it said:



Tryouts had been moved up! I rummaged through my backpack to see if I had my swim trunks. Great! They were there.


In a few minutes the teacher stumbled in, looking exhausted. He went on and on about the curriculum. I thought this class would be fun…. But I guess since it's the first day….

-Time skip to tryouts-


Yes! Finally, I'm freeeee!

I hurried into the boys' locker room, to change into my swim trunks. I quickly showered and came out to the pool area. As I looked up on the stands, I saw Annabeth and the rest of the gang cheering and waving at me.

Annabeth's POV

I looked down and saw Percy emerging from the locker room. He saw me and waved. I waved back, smiling. Then, I heard the whistle blow. Percy dived in, and flew through the water like a bullet. Uh oh. We couldn't have anyone noticing his speed. Thankfully, he slowed down a bit.

When he finished the two laps he was told to do, he pulled himself out of the pool. The coach told him he was only 5 seconds behind the world record. He probably could have easily broken it, but that would have been too suspicious.

The next person to dive into the pool was… Jake Smith… uh oh. When he finished (he was nowhere near as good as Percy) he winked at me. The nerve! I glared at him and looked over to Percy, only to see him glaring at Jake.

-Time skip-

At the end of tryouts, the coach announced the team. Percy was captain. Everyone cheered and Leo slapped him on the back when he came over.

After he showered and got dressed we drove home. He gave a sweet kiss, and everyone piled out.

Then, Thalia shouted, "Truth or Dare, anyone?"

This would be a long night.


Did you like it? Review! Ideas for T/D will be appreciated, but make sure they are appropriate for a T rated story. K bye!
