Chained to You

By, SilentTaboo

Disclaimer (for entire story): I'm going to be realistic: I don't own it.

Chapter 1: The Shard

"Ember Ashton do you really want to play this game?" Asked the sadistic Sector Seven agent as I held my breath hoping he wouldn't find me.

"You saw what running got your father. Just give us the Shard, and we'll leave you alone…-ish." I shook my head from where I sat against dumpster.

I knew better than to listen to listen to him. He and the gun he carried were the reasons I was covered in my father's blood. I put a shaking hand over my mouth to muffle the sob escaping my throat. Why did my father have to take that job? Why did he take the Shard?

My hand went to the black heavy chain around my neck that held the shard as I remember the instructions my father had given to me earlier that night when he knew we didn't have time to run and Sector Seven had finally found us.

"I need you to take this and get out of here. If the government finds it, there is no telling what havoc their curiosity can bring with the Shard. The Prime is coming. He'll be here soon, and then you need to give this to him. He'll know what it is and what to do with it. Tell him you're my daughter, and he'll protect you." He looked at me with a hint of regret. "There was so much I never told you Em. So much you need to know. Now there is no time, and you'll have to figure it out on your own. Remember, I love yo-" He was cut short by a gunshot, and my world was turned red.

I heard a radio voice come from about where the Agent was 10 yards away, "Simmons where are you?"

"In an alleyway off of Tenths Street." The agent replied.

"Have you caught the kid yet?" The voice asked in a rather annoyed mannor.

"No, still no sign of her." Simmons replied. We're going to send Wheeljack's body for testing back at base and search the house for the Shard. Plus where has the kid got to go? She'll show back up here eventually."

"Roger that. Over and out." Simmons said swearing under his breath.

"You win this round kid, but when we find you, you are going to wish you came quietly." I let out a silent shaky breath before sagging against my shelter.

What was it about the rock around my neck that was so important my father had to die for it? Why did they shoot him? Didn't they know I needed him? There was so much I wanted to ask him. So much he promised me we'd do once this "Prime" had come and solved everything. So many promises broken by that solid "bang".

I curled up where I lay and began to sob. Why couldn't this Prime have come sooner? Why couldn't he have saved my father? Just why?

I cried myself to sleep long after I ran out of questions, my father's blood drying on my skin.

I woke up groggy, with an intense headache, swollen eyes, and throbbing sinuses. I sat up slowly rubbing my sore head trying to figure out what had woken me. I heard a car door slam and an engine shut off.

So that's what woke me. I stiffened hoping it wasn't Sector Seven again before peeking out from behind the dumpster. What I saw baffled me. There were two teens, probably about five years older than me standing in front of a new Camaro.

What were they doing in the alleyway? I didn't have to wait long as the scene got even more confusing. A semi truck pulled up in front of the teens and began to change into a giant metal man. The teens looked just as confused as I was.

My head gave a particularly painful throb as I became quite certain I was hallucinating. This couldn't be real, could it?

I ducked back behind the dumpsters as I heard more engines closing in. I didn't know if these guys were friendly, and quite frankly, I didn't want to learn the hard way.

I heard metal scraping metal before a metallic smooth voice asked, "Are you Samuel Witwicky, descendant of Arcibald Witwicky?" I didn't hear the answer as more metal scraped metal.

"I'm Optimus Prime. We are Autotonimus Organisms from the planet Cybertron." The thing said after a moment, and I could feel my heart stop.

Prime? This thing was what my father wanted me to hand my safety and the shard to? Really?

"Hold up Optimus there something here." Another metallic voice said with a light British accent.

My heart started again and began to make up for lost time as the metallic beings became really quiet.

"What is it Ratchet?" Optimus asked.

"A human… I think. There's something off about it."

"Do you know where it is?" I could almost feel my heart beating through my chest now. I put my head in my knees and tried to even my breathing.

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