A/N Hello my dear readers, and welcome to a nice little two-shot called Even A Miracle Needs A Hand. This is something I decided to write to make up for all the time I spent having writers block with Scary Stories. I'm planning on finishing this story before that one and I'm hoping that I can get this finished pretty soon so I can finish the next chapter of Scary Stories. Sorry for any typos or OOC people. I didn't sleep at all last night and I'm running on empty. Plus, my computer seems to not recognize letter that I type unless I'm literally slamming on the keys. The stories title is a reference to my favorite song from the Christmas movie Twas the Night Before Christmas. The song is literally called Even a Miracle Needs a Hand. Without further ado, I'm proud to present Chapter One: Confessions and Confusion.

Update: I went back to edit any grammatical errors I could find and I'm about halfway through the second chapter. Unfortunately, summer was busy then school happened. I also wrote a one shot that kinda just popped into my head when I couldn't sleep one night and Uploaded that recently so check that out if you have the chance. Warning it's a lot darker than any of my other stories.

Disclaimer: I do not own Persona 4. I wish I did, but it ain't ever gonna happen. Oh well...

POV Narrator

"Why…?" Naoto asked, her voice small and uneven. Yu had just put his life in danger to protect her from a man with a knife. However, that knife was nothing but a knife-shaped radio she made as a child. Why would he treat her life with more importance than his own? Naoto felt her stomach knot and her throat clench up to a point where she could hardly take even breaths. His reply was kind and genuine, but it still took her by surprise.

"Because I love you."

Huh? D-did Senpai just say what I think he said? In an instant her fight-or-flight response kicked in. She ran from the Tatsuhime Shrine. From Yu. Her body acted instinctively before she could even think.

Yu remained in that same place, stunned by what just happened.

POV Yosuke

Something's been up with Yu lately. He's been acting kinda weird for the past few days. He seems more distant than usual and a lot less sociable. Something's up with my partner, and it looks like I've gotta find out what. Looks like a job for Yosuke Hanamura, Ace Detective.

Okay, maybe not Ace Detective…

I have to find out when he started acting weird. First stop, the Dojima residence. I rang the bell and Nanako-chan answered. Good, if anyone would notice anything wrong, it'd be Nanako-chan.

"Hey, Nanako-chan. I was wondering if I could ask you a question." I could tell just by the look on her face that she knew something was wrong with her Big Bro. Without waiting for her to respond I asked, "Do you know when or why your big bro has been acting weird lately?"

"No, I wish I did though. Big bro seems really upset, but I don't know why. He just came home two nights ago acting weird. But when I asked what was wrong, he said that it wasn't important." The tone of her voice was enough to tell me that she was really worried. I smiled at her reassuringly and promised to try and figure out what was wrong with Yu for her. She gave me a carefree smile. She must have been relieved to hear that I was gonna get to the bottom of this. I said goodbye before heading out to my next destination…

POV Rise

Okay something is seriously up with Naoto-kun. She seems really nervous and she hardly ever talks to anyone. I mean she normally doesn't strike up random conversations anyway, but at least she used to talk to us. Now it's like she's completely avoiding everyone! She's been acting like this for a couple days. Maybe I should see what's up…

I was walking home from school and I heard a couple of students gossiping. Seriously! Don't they have anything better to do? But I stopped to listen when I heard one of them mention Naoto-kun.

"I saw Naoto running out of the shrine in a hurry. I wonder what happened."

"I heard she's completely avoiding people now. What's up with that?"

"She's been hanging out with Narukami-senpai a lot lately. Maybe he has something to do with it!"

Huh? Naoto-kun's been hanging out with Senpai a lot? I wonder if something happened. I thought about it and decided I should try calling Senpai to ask what's up with Naoto-kun when I almost bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't watching where I was go- Yosuke-senpai?" The person I almost bumped into was Yosuke-senpai. He looked pretty distracted, like something was wrong. "Is something wrong, Yosuke-senpai?"

"Yeah. Yu's been acting weird lately, and I'm trying to figure out why. He's been all distant since two days ago…"

"Wait! Two days ago? Naoto-kun has been acting weird for the last two days, too. I wonder if it's related…"

"Alright, Rise, let's split up and look for clues! We're gonna find out what's wrong with Yu and Naoto and do whatever it takes to fix it!" His voice sounded more excited than normal. But I couldn't help but feel a little of the enthusiasm rub off on me.

"Whoo-hoo! That's the spirit, Yosuke-senpai!" Okay, maybe more than a little.

With that, we split up to look for clues! We're on the case!

POV Narrator

Meanwhile, Naoto was at home, nervously pacing around her room. Yu's confession was so sudden and unexpected that Naoto felt like she was going to be sick. She tried to keep her mind occupied with menial tasks, but her thoughts just went back to his words.

Because I love you…

Her heart was beating faster and faster to the point where she could no longer tell that it was beating. Whenever she replayed those words in her head, her heart skipped a beat and she momentarily forgot how to breathe.

Why is this happening? Is this what it feels like to be in love? Am I really in love? A million questions went through her mind as she tried to comprehend the situation. Of course, she already knew all the answers. She was in love with him, but she was just too scared to tell him her feelings. One question still remained…

What should I do?

POV Yosuke

I asked all around Junes and listened in on gossiping housewives, just trying to find any information. No one seemed to know anything though.

You'd think with how fast rumors spread around here *someone* would know something…

I didn't think I would find out anything, when suddenly I overheard a couple of first-years gossiping in the food court. I listened in on their conversation, careful not to look suspicious. But what I heard…wasn't what I expected.

"Hey did you hear about Yu-senpai and Naoto-kun?" The short-haired girl asked her friend.

What about them?

"Yeah, I heard all about it from someone in the shopping district." Her friend replied. "Apparently, Yu-senpai asked Naoto-kun out or something like that."


"I heard she rejected him and ran away, too. That's so stupid. Doesn't she realize how many girls would love to be in her place? I mean seriously, Senpai is so cool! He's…"

At that point I'd stopped listening. Is that seriously what happened. If it is, that would explain why they both have been acting so weird. Then again, it could also be another stupid rumor like the one about Naoto having a different secretary for every day of the week.

Still, I should let Rise know what I found out.

I shot Rise a quick text to meet me at Aiya. She gave a quick reply, and by what was written in the text, I could tell she found something out, too.

POV Rise

"Yosuke-senpai! You're not gonna believe what I heard!"

"Is it something about Yu apparently asking Naoto out? 'Cause that's what I heard from a couple of gossiping first-years at Junes."

That's not AT ALL what I heard.

I think Yosuke-senpai was able to read the shock on my face. My eyes went wide and I could hardly stop myself from gasping in surprise. I never would have thought that Senpai would ask Naoto out. But I still had a question…

Did she say yes?

"I also heard something about her turning him down or something and then running away."

"Huh. No wonder he's been acting all weird. That must have felt like a shot to the face for him." How could anyone turn down Senpai?

Then again, this was Naoto-kun we were talking about. Seriously, she never even had friends before. I can't imagine how it must have felt for her to get asked out by one of her first friends. I thought about this for a while before I remembered that I didn't tell Yosuke-senpai what I heard. Before I got the chance to tell him, he asked the exact question I was about to answer.

"So, Rise…If that wasn't what you heard, then what was it?" I couldn't tell if he was excited or worried or somewhere in between.

"I heard that Naoto-kun was almost attacked by some weird guy at the shrine. He pulled a knife on her or something and Yu-senpai protected her, but the guy just ran off. He was dressed in a black suit and wearing dark sunglasses, like someone from a secret agent movie."

He suddenly looked really worried. "Do you think that he could have been the culprit? I mean if he attacked them…then maybe he knows we've been saving the victims."

"Yeah, but if someone like that was the culprit, wouldn't someone have noticed. I mean a guy in a black suit and sunglasses kinda sticks out in a town this small. Plus, we were all kidnapped in broad daylight, right. So someone definitely should have noticed!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right… But if he wasn't the culprit, then who was he?"

"I dunno. But maybe we could ask them? Oh, wait if they've been acting distant, they probably wouldn't tell us anything." I thought for a minute on how we could get them to tell us. Then it hit me. "What if we play matchmaker?!"


"Yeah! If we can try and get them together, maybe they'll start acting normal again! Then we can ask them what happened!"

"I mean, it's not exactly a bad idea. But what if it doesn't work?"

"Aw, come on Yosuke-senpai. It'll definitely work. I'm sure of it!"

Yosuke-senpai sighed and said, "…alright I guess we're playing matchmaker, then."



A/N So how is it so far? I think for a person running on empty it's pretty gosh darn good! So Naoto is rejecting Yu and Rise and Yosuke have to play matchmaker. If you're wondering why I chose Rise and Yosuke, it's because Yosuke is Yu's best friend and Rise is the closest of the girls to Naoto. Besides I think anyone else would just make things worse.

BTW, did you guys watch the first episode of Persona 4 the Golden Animation? IT WAS AMAZING! The animation style is much better in this one than in the original anime. This one I think is going to focus more on Marie than the actual story, since the other one focused on the story of Persona 4. Also, that awakening scene was EPIC! Izanagi was so freakin' awesome! If you're wondering why Yu seems to have a different personality in this one, it's because this is kinda like a New Game+

Also, have you guys heard the fighting theme for Persona Q? It's called Light the Fire Up in the Night and there are two versions, a P3 and P4 version. I personally like the P4 version more, but they're both great! Seriously you guys, go listen to it. It's so amazing.

Who are your favorite characters from P3 and P4? Mine are Shinjiro and Naoto. Second would be Koromaru and Yosuke. Third is Junpei and Kanji (Stupei and Moronji XD)

As always leave a review if you want. I know there are a lot of things I can improve on. But thank you guys for reading. Arigatou Gozaimasu! (Yes I'm ending all my stories that way. What of it?)