(Chapter 10)

(Seth Pov)

I woke up in a jail cell laying next to Dean. I sat up and had a rush of pain in my head. I stared at Dean for a bit until realizing what happened. I gently touched my head and it started to bleed again. The guard comes in and grabs me. "You know. You comply a lot more than the other one that is in their with you. Good thing that you are awake now, so we can either stitch or staple your head up." She said as she gave me a mirror to look at the cuts. My eyes grew big when I saw the cuts. I had large cuts above and below my left eye, a good sized cut above my right eye, two large ones close to my hairline and the largest was on my forehead. I let out a sigh and zoned out. A doctor walked in and took a look at my head. "Can you tell me what happened to cause these injuries and how long ago did this happen?" The doctor asked. I sighed before speaking. "My brother that came in here with me. Was flirting with this Biker's girl and he pushed my brother. I walked over to stop it, I was shoved, My brother fought back, a cue stick was broken over my forehead, I told the person to leave my brother and I alone, I was struck with another, and everything went black." I said as I realized that everything was blurry as fuck. "How long ago was that?" He asked. I shrugged. "It happened about an hour ago." The guard said. I looked confused. "Where are my contacts at then?" I asked. "I saw you take them out when we got there to arrest you and your brother." The guard said. The doctor started to work on the wounds on my head. I received twenty-seven staples and twenty-seven stitches. Nine staples in each large wound and nine stitches in each wound around my eyes. I was taken back to the jail cell and laid on the bed whimpering because my head hurt a lot now. I dozed off on the bed.

(Roman Pov)

I was woken up to the ringing of my cellphone. "Hello." I groggily say into the phone. "Hello. This is Officer Brynn Hiltz and I have Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in custody." The woman on the other end of the phone said. I groaned. "What the hell did Dean do this time?" I asked. "He was in a bar fight and Seth was injured and they both fought back." she said. I groaned again with my hand over my face. "I'll be there to get one of them." I said as I hung up the phone. I got out of bed and dressed into a pair of jeans and a tank top. I walked down the stairs and grabbed my keys. "Romie. Where are you going?" April asked. I sighed. "To pick up Seth. Him and Dean got into a bar fight and he got hurt. Mom and Mark can go get Dean later. I want Seth home, so he can be taken care of." I said as April got up and walked up to me. "Romie. I am going with you." April stated as she got into my car. I got into the car and drove to the precinct. We walked in and saw a very familiar petite woman. "Hello. I am here to pick up Seth Rollins." I told her. She nodded and started to walk. "Right this way Mr. Reigns." She said. I followed her back. "It's been awhile hasn't it Roman?" She said. "Yeah. Last time I saw you, I was a lot less muscular then. Now look at me, I have Samoan tribal tattoos." I chuckled. April looked at us confused. "I watch you and your brothers every week on Raw and Smack Down. You three do great work." She said. "Thank and this is my Girlfriend April." I said. "Nice to meet you April. I am Officer Brynn Hiltz, I was the officer that found Roman years ago." She said as she shook April's hand. "Likewise. Now where is Sethie? Deanie can stay and deal with Vickie and Mark." She said. I couldn't help, but laugh at April. We followed Brynn until we were stopped in front of a jail cell. I heard whining and whimpering coming from it. "This one has been whimpering since we stapled and stitched him up. The poor guy has a massive black eye from the stitches. The other one had to be put in another holding cell when he heard the whimpering because he was being loud and threatening people." She said as she unlocked the cell door. "Romie. Is that you?" Seth said as he sounded like a scared child. "Yeah. It's me and are you alright?" I said soothingly. "Deanie is an asshole. He hurt me." Seth whined. I picked Seth up from the bed and he nuzzled into the crook of my neck. We walked back to the desk and filled out the proper paperwork to release Seth. We walked to the car and I buckle Seth up in the backseat. "Romie. Can we go to the Diner and can Katie come?" Seth asked. "Sure. We can go and I'll call Katie." April said before I could answer. She called Katie and we drove up to the dinner. "Romie. Can you carry me? I was told that I had taken out my bloody contacts when they arrested me." Seth asked. I nodded and picked him up again until we found a table. We ordered our meals when Katie walked up to the table. "Hey guys. Sorry I am late. Old Bessie finally died and I had to walk here." She said as she sat by April. April laughed. "That old truck of yours finally died after all these years. How many times did I put it in the ditch when you let me drive it." April teased. Katie smacked April. "Our adoptive father can take a look at it if you want, but we may need to tow it." Seth suggested. She nodded. "Sure. I can bring it over when I come over for our date." She said as our food came. We talked and ate for a bit until it was time to go. We dropped Katie and April off at Katie's place and left for home. When we walked in, we saw Dean laying on the floor with an ice pack on his back. "Mark got you didn't he?" I asked. Dean nodded and looked at Seth. "I got the worst of it and Mark doesn't want to punish the runt. He thinks that he is already punished from the staples and stitches." Dean whined and as on cue Mark walked in. I left the room, so I could take a nap and Dean followed to do the same.

(Seth Pov)

I was left in the living room alone with Mark. I slowly sat on the couch and waited for him to speak since I haven't spoken to him after mauling him. "Ya know. That I ain't mad at this or when ya mauled me several months back. I just want to apologize for being an ass to ya and your brothers. I had no right to hurt either of ya. I was pissed that my own pack members tried to hurt ya. I am sorry Seth. I just want ya to forgive me since the other two have." He said as he sat down beside me and wrapped an arm around me. "Mark. I am sorry for hurting you and saying all of those hurtful things to you. But I felt betrayed by all of what happened then." I said as I nuzzled up to him. We sat there in silence for a bit. "Hey Mark. Can you do me a huge favor?" I asked. "What is it Seth?" He asked. "I am taking this girl out on a date and her truck died this morning. I was kinda wondering if you could take a look at it while we were out. She is bringing it over when she comes over." I said. "Sure. I'll take a look at it and see what is wrong with it since your Ma went back to work and left us to fend for ourselves." Mark chuckled. I walked upstairs to get cleaned up for my date. I re-dyed my hair and shaved. I changed into a pair of jeans and my soccer jersey. I put my glasses on and walked down the stairs. "Got bored with your beard?" Mark asked when he saw me. I nodded and pulled my hair back. "Damn. They did a number on ya. Look at that shiner." Mark chuckled. "The black eye came out when they put the stitches in." I laughed. "Do ya remember playing little league and ya had walked in front of Roman swinging the bat and ya two met halfway. The bat gave ya two black eyes and I had to stop practice because ya need to go to the ER." Mark said while laughing. "Yeah and didn't mom lecture all four of us for it when we got home." I laughed. He nodded as we laughed harder. "I remember her threatening me with that damn newspaper because one of her babies was hurt and she was so fucking pissed. The sad part was that ya were laughing the entire time after ya got hit." He laughed again. "Beware the wrath of Vickie Guerrero." I laughed as I heard knocking on the door. Mark answered the door and smiled. "Hi Ladies. Looking for Seth and Roman?" He asked. "I have been staying here Dead Man and this is my good friend Katie." April said. Mark chuckled and let them in. "Roman is up stairs April." Mark said. April nodded and ran up the stairs. "So Seth. Are ya taking this lovely out or not?" Mark asked. "Yeah, but introductions are in order." I said. "Katie is this is Mark my adopted father better known as The Undertaker and Mark this Katie, I went to with her." I said. "Nice to meet ya Katie. Be good to this pup, he don't like getting hurt. Trust me. I have scars to prove it." Mark chuckled. Katie laughed and I blushed. "Nice to meet you too Mark." She said. "Now. About your truck is it here?" Mark asked. Katie nodded and gave him the keys. I grabbed Mark's keys and walked out with Katie. We drove to the arcade and entered it. "Wow! This place is awesome Seth!" Katie exclaims. "Yeah. I love going here ever since I was young. Paul and HBK took us here when they babysat us." I chuckled as we got a bunch of quarters. We played a bunch of games before getting a table. We ordered something to eat and drink. "So, out of your two brothers which one are you the closest to?" She asked. I thought for a bit. "I am extremely close to both of them, but I am a lot closer to Roman. Dean picks on me way too much." I said. "For example, he gets me into trouble and he locked me in a dog cage when I had my wisdom teeth pulled." I said. She started to laugh as we ate. "So, how many times did April put your truck in the ditch?" I asked. "About four times, but she was drunk all of those times and I was too." She laughed. I laughed harder. After we ate, we spent the rest of the quarters on games and I won Katie a stuffed wolf for the skill crane. I dropped Katie off at her house. "Seth. I had a great time today." She said as she kissed me. We break the kiss and she left up to her house. I started to drive home. I let out a loud howl while jamming out to music.

A/N: I hope you all liked this fic and the third one will be up Momentarily.