Hey guys! It's me again. You should probably read chapter 11 before this one since I uploaded them together. Anyway, knowing about TLM fandom, I know several people want to see Eric as a merman. From several fan arts, I can see blue is a common color choice for his fins. Well, you're about to get your wish! -Miss Peabody

Eric POV

Triton shouted as his trident began to glow. "What happened?!"

Eric had just explained what had happened to his daughter and how Ursula had taken her over to do her bidding. But, Eric realized this question was asked out of shock and wasn't to be answered again.

"I'm sorry, sir." Eric said sadly. "She was taken from me by that evil witch." "She's no longer the love I knew."

Triton's anger seemed to subside. Then, he put his hand on Eric's shoulder. "I'm sorry too, Eric." He started. "I just wanted to protect her like you."

Eric looked at his father-in-law and understood. Both of them had failed at protecting both Ariel and Melody. Melody tapped him on the shoulder.

"Dad," she began, "we have to save her and Atlantica."

"Right." Eric said, shaking away his guilt. He then looked at Triton and spoke. "Sir, I need you to make us merpeople." "It's the only way to save your daughter and kingdom."

Triton seemed taken aback, but then nodded sternly. They walked out into the water and Triton raised his trident and directed it at his son-in-law and granddaughter. In a flash of yellow, he could feel his legs coming together to from a tail. But, there was no pain at all. He looked at his daughter smiling at the red fins she was given before. At that moment, Eric saw beneath the waves, his own blue fins waving up at him.

"Melody," he said firmly. "Stay close to me and don't leave my sight."

"Yes, daddy." She replied. But before, they went into the fathoms below, she asked one last question. "There's still one more thing that puzzles me, and that's how Ursula was able to connect with mom."

Eric thought for a moment. "I supposed it was the night she was hit by that thunderbolt."

Triton looked as if he'd been shot. "Thunderbolt?" he repeated incredulously. Suddenly, he dove beneath the waves without bidding goodbye.

Eric called for him to come back as did Melody, but it was no use. They had to follow him. Quickly, Melody dove beneath the surface with her father following. Eric cursed himself as he attempted to hold his breath, forgetting merpeople could breathe underwater. You've had to sacrifice so much to be a part of my world, Ariel. He thought. Perhaps it's time I sacrifice my life to save you by becoming a part of yours.

He began to swim narrowly toward his daughter, eyeing the King ahead all the way. Unfortunately, the King and Melody were used to having fins. So, the King swam very fast due to experience, while Melody swam almost as good due to her small time of having fins. Eric kicked his fins with all his might, but by the time he could catch up, they had almost gone.

"Melody!" he called, noting the bubbles coming from his mouth. "Triton!"

Luckily, both Triton and Melody turned to look at the novice merman. Eric swam up to both of them to catch his breath(?).

"Daddy's just getting used to this, grandpa." Melody said sweetly. "Now why are you in such a hurry?" she inquired.

"Things are worse than I originally thought." Triton began to explain. "Ursula has managed to get her hands on the dark Trident of Poseidon."

Melody gasped. "There's another trident?"

By the way, I hope to use DisneyGurl12's idea and have a reunion between Melody and Tip and Dash later. As always, thanks for reviews and/or ideas! :D