Ariel kept brushing and brushing her hair at the vanity mirror. Although she wasn't vain, she remembered the first time Eric brought her to the castle. She was pretty in pink and used a fork to brush her hair in front of the confused dinner table. Eric walked in the room, smiling. Ariel smiled back at him through the mirror before he spoke.

"You always had such beautiful hair." he said, taking a step toward her.

Ariel simply laughed and nodded her head. Eric began removing his shoes and put them beside the bed, with a look of worry etched across his face.

"Eric, what's wrong?" asked Ariel, placing the brush down. "Is Melody alright?" Their daughter, Melody, could be a handful sometimes, especially now, as a teenager. It had been almost two years since Morgana had been defeated after giving Melody her short dream of being a mermaid.

Eric shook his head. "Your father just appeared next to my boat, while we were coming into port." Before coming to bed, Eric would sometimes go out with his crew to sail and come back to dock. "He surprised me actually..." Eric began to talk in circles. "The crew was surprised."

"Eric?" Ariel said, lifting his chin up. "What did my father say?"

Eric looked at his wife with sadness. "For the last few days, Atlantica's been under attack by sea monsters."

Ariel was confused. "But Morgana or Ursula could only-." She stopped herself. There wasn't any way possible those two could return. "How?"

"I don't know." Eric said. "But they've been able to handle most of them."

"There's another "but" coming isn't there?"

"The monsters may attack land next." Eric sighed. " He didn't want me to worry you."

Ariel stood up. Her home was (and probably still is) under attack an now her new home was about to be. "Why wouldn't he tell me?"

Eric grabbed her shoulders from behind. "I told you, he didn't want you to worry."

Ariel shrugged Eric's hands off of her. "I need to check on Melody." She walked from the bedroom into her daughter's room rather quickly, seeing her daughter asleep and as beautiful as ever. As quick as she came in, she turned to leave, and Eric was standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry, Ariel." he whispered. "I really am."

Ariel began to fight back tears and flew into his arms. Eric cradled her as they watched their daughter's chest rise fall from peaceful sleep. Both of them began to walk back to their bedroom, but Ariel stopped at the window overlooking the sea. A rainstorm was starting to brew and the waves were untidy, creating large ripples. She needed to see her father, her sisters, Flounder and Sebastian. She needed to know they were alright. Suddenly, she saw one person she was wanting to see, her father, floating in the waves.

"Daddy?" she whispered to herself. The glow of his trident intensified. It was her father. "Eric!" she shouted a little too loudly. "My father's out there."

Eric walked towards the window and squinted. "I don't see him." he said. "Look, you're just tired, maybe-."

Ariel took off running downstairs to get outside before he could finish.

"Ariel, come back!" he called after her.

Ariel kept running down the stairs and out the doors, until finally she reached the open shore. "Daddy, where are you?!" she shouted. She had lost sight of him. Rain had begun pouring down and an odd fog was coming to the shore. It surrounded her so much that she could no longer see the palace or the ocean.

"Ariel!" Eric had reached the outside of the palace.

"Eric!" Ariel shouted back.

But it was no use. If she couldn't see him, he couldn't see her. Then, there was a voice. A voice Ariel had heard years ago.

"Eric, oh Eric!" the voice mocked. "Come save me!"

"Ursula?" Ariel said in disbelief.

The voice of Ursula laughed as the fog kept closing in around her. Frightened, Ariel ran towards, what she hoped was the way she came. She couldn't risk swimming in the ocean as it was not her friend right now. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled as she made her way through the endless fog. The laughter of Ursula grew louder and louder until Ariel found herself in a staring match with the sea witch. She had run right into her.