Well, it's kind of obvious that we're having Without You 2. I really hope you all enjoy this, I'm really exciting to continue this story! Updates might come slowly, I'm still going through Softball with the State Championship. I'll try to update sometime next week if I can. I made the rating M because I plan on doing a lemon sometime in the middle, but that might change if some people disagree. Enjoy!

Based off the series: Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu

Sequel of Without You: Back Again

Chapter 1: Prologue

The janitor pushed the loud contraption across the tile floors of the empty high school. His blue uniform was dull and worn out from the years of working. To the janitor, it was an ordinary night, school was soon to be released for the summer, seniors were heading off to college, but that vacation for the students kept him in that prison. Even after all students of Ninjago High left the drama-filled halls, him along with the rest of the staff had to stay until the end of July, to make sure all paper work, and everything was cleaned for the first day of school in August.

The loud screams and clapping from the Auditorium made the middle-aged man cringe in pain as his head started to pound. The pounding of feet on the floor made the hallway vibrate and rumble, making the mans head start to ache mildly. Soon, after the pounding for ten long excruciating seconds, the mans headache turned into a mild migraine. Canceling out the noise, the hum of the machine soothed the mans headache, making him sigh in relief.

At last the man finally finished, the hallway commonly known as 'Long Hall', named for the fact that the hallway stretched on for what seemed like forever, was now waxed. Students, often complained that the hallway was too big for the small school. Unhooking his walkie talkie form his belt, he cleared his throat, "Hey, Susan, are you done in the English hallway?" The man let his finger off the button, letting the static echo through the long hallway.

"Sure am, come on back to the office John." Susan's soft voice said over the walkie talkie. "Rodger that." John put the talkie back on his belt clip, and rolled the wax machine back to the janitors office, passing the doors to the commons, where the graduation ceremony was going on. By the doors were two water fountains, pulling out his rag, he quickly polished the handle. John continued walking, toting the heavy machine.

A loud crash emitted from behind him, dust and debris hit the mans back, "What the hell?!" John turned around, the wall that held the two different height water fountains was destroyed. Once the dust cleared the man could finally see.

Two graduating seniors stood in the rumble, the one of the right has brown hair put up in a tight bun. As for the one on the left, had mid-night black hair, that was shaggy in the back. The janitor knew exactly who these two particular characters were, the twins that shared the title of the Green Ninja.

Standing parallel to the twins, were two men, their pitch black skin, four arms, and piercing red eyes, was frightening. Fortunately, the janitor knew his history all too well. Those two men were none other than, Lord Garmadon, and Lloyd Garmadon. Father and son. Fighting brother and sister.

"Mr. Moore, you might want to find some where safe to hide." Jayden turned slightly looking at the high school staff member. He dropped the waxing machine and ran to the janitors office.

Lord Garmadon held his four arms at his sides, smirking he was excited for the fight to begin. As for his son, Lloyd, he crossed his arms, frowning. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but his body wouldn't listen to his mind. Lloyd wanted to cry, run and hug Matthew and Jayden, tell them that he was sorry for all the trouble had caused them.

But he couldn't, Garmadon spoke, "Nice to see the both of you!"

"The feeling's not returned." Matthew gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists.

"You two have grown. We might actually have a challenge." Lloyd laughed, letting his arms fall limp to his sides. Matthew being impatient and angry, ran forward and started to attack Lloyd. Leaving Garmadon and Jayden to fight.

Unlike Lloyd and Matthew, Jayden and Garmadon stood still, not daring to move. Jayden was visibly shaking, not because she was nervous, but she was scared of what could happen.

"You know," Garmadon paused, "You can't keep the secret from daddy and big brother forever." Jayden's eyes widened, how did he know? The only people that knew about that, were Oliver, Nya, and Sensei Wu. All of them knowing for different reasons.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about telling them." Garmadon smirked, running at lighting speed, the dark lord performed a round-house kick hitting Jayden full force in the stomach.

Screaming out in pain, Jayden fell to the ground in excruciating pain, Garmadon called Lloyd over,standing shoulder-to-shoulder Lloyd raised his hand, two sliver balls hit the ground, and they disappeared.

Jayden rolls onto her back, glancing onto the floor, she see's blood. Her blood. Tears start to roll down her cheeks. Sobbing and screaming, Jayden could only think about one thing.

Her secret was out.