Alright, here is a story which I will explain for two reasons. One: Strangely there is one fanfic that I've seen of Ash heading into Naruto's world. Two: I wanted to. I deleted Ash's adventure in time in order to put this one in. I do not own Pokemon, or Naruto. I only own, my AU Ash. Like I explained before, Ash's reasons for world hopping will be explained in my story 'Training'.
Ash groans as he wakes up from unconsciousness. Ash gets up slowly before looking around. He groans as he looks around, tree's as far as the eye can see. "Where am I"? He asks himself while walking. Ash blinks as he came across a road, one heading towards a gate, and another towards nowhere. Ash was about to head to the gate when a person came from the other path. He was an elderly man with red and white robes with a hood that had the kanji sign for fire. Ash's aura picked up energies following the man. Activating his aura vision, Ash saw two red energies heading towards the man. Ash grits his teeth before teleporting up the trees and waiting for them to arrive. Just as the man arrived at the gate, the two beings attacked. Two shadowy beings jumped from the trees, alarming the man and the two men who went to meet him. But before they could attack, two shots of fire knocked the two out of the air. The three turn to see Ash with fire swirling around his arm.
The two men we're about to attack when the elderly man put up his arm as a sign to stop. The two men that were shot got up, slightly stunned from the attack. One turns to see Ash stand in front of the three, lightning in his hands. One of them does some strange hand signs before firing a fireball at Ash. Ash simply puts his hand in front of him and absorbs the fireball, shocking the people there. "What...what was that"? The one that fired asks in shock. "I've never seen a Jutsu like that". The other says, slightly afraid. "I'll give you one chance, leave now or you'll regret it". Ash says darkly. "Yea, right, we're not leaving until we complete our task". One says before throwing some throwing stars. Ash sighs before bringing up an ice shield and firing two ice rockets at the stunned men, freezing them solid. Ash turns around to see the two men walking in front of the elderly man and pulling out weapons. "You alright"? Ash asks, shocking the men. "Yes, thank you". The elderly man says with a smile. Ash smiles before turning to the two frozen men. "Who were they anyway"? Ash asks curiously. "Ninja's of the Land of Waves". The elderly man says while Ash raises an eyebrow. "Ninja's"? Ash asks in a confused tone. The elderly man raised an eyebrow at Ash's reaction. "Your not from around here are you"? He asks while Ash nods. "Walk with me". He says while motioning Ash to follow, which he does. "Sir, are you sure that's okay"? One man asks worried. "Yes, bring the men to the interrogation room, I'll deal with them later". The elderly man says while walking through the gates with Ash in tow. The two men walked over to the frozen Ninja's and noticed something. "Look"! One says while pointing to one of the man's badges. "They were Jonin"! They shout in shock.
While Ash was walking through the town, Ash noticed various people staring at him and the man with stunned expressions. "By the way, I must thank you for dealing with the ambushers". He says while Ash grins. "No problem, but I still never got your name". Ash says while rubbing his head. The man chuckles. "No bother, my name is Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Third Hokage". Hiruzen introduces while Ash blinks. "Hokage"? Ash asks. Hiruzen smirks while stroking his beard. "I see, your definitely not from here if you don't know what a Hokage is". He says with a chuckle. Ash rubs his head bashfully before freezing. "What's wrong"? Hiruzen asks worried. 'Were being followed". Ash says while darting his eyes to the roofs. "I might as well tell you now, a Hokage is a very important person, so the people are naturally on guard". Hiruzen explains while Ash relaxes. "By the way, what was with that guy doing handsigns before firing the fireball"? Ash asks. "That was a Jutsu". Hiruzen answers, not surprised when Ash rose an eyebrow in confusion. "What's a Jutsu"? Ash asks. "A Jutsu is a skill that uses one's chakra to create various elements". Hiruzen explains. Ash rose an eyebrow at the word' chakra'. "Is chakra another word for Aura"? Ash asks, surprised as Hiruzen's confused expression. "Aura"? Hiruzen asks. "Yea, Aura, the energy inside every living creature". Ash explains while letting his blue aura seep out of his hand. "That looks like chakra, which means Aura and chakra are the same thing, just different names". Hiruzen concludes, interested at the discovery. "Why are you here anyway"? Hiruzen asks, changing the subject. "I came here by accident actually". Ash says while rubbing his neck nervously. "How so"? Hiruzen asks curiously. Ash stops before darting his eyes left and right. "Can we talk more privately, this is something I don't want to reveal publicly". Ash asks. "Of course, follow me". Hiruzen says while leading him to a tall building.
Inside, Ash saw Hiruzen sit on a chair which was in front of a desk. "Now then, what did you want to say"? Hiruzen asks. Ash pulls out a smooth pink stone which glowed with mysterious energy. "This stone which was given to me by a friend, allows me to world hop, allowing me to train in different environments". "However, I can't control where I want to go unless I know the place by memory, if not it will take me to a place where I am needed". Ash explains while putting the stone away. "So your from another world"? Hiruzen asks incredulously. "Yes, a world that is unique in its own way, like every world is". Ash answers. Hiruzen nods, understanding Ash's logic. "So why are you here I ask again"? Hiruzen continues. "I could only guess, I really wish to heighten my abilities, in order to protect those I care about, and to protect any world that needs it". Ash says determined. Hiruzen stares at him before smiling. "Well, in that case, there is only one thing I can do for you, for protecting me from two Jonin ranked ninja's". Hiruzen says while Ash raises an eyebrow once more. "Let me explains this brief, we have a ranking system. There is Genin, Chunin, Jonin, and then Kage". "I permit you to skip the school to become a Genin, and will find you a worthy instructor to help you with your training, and lucky you, the Chunin exams aren't that far off." Hiruzen says with a smirk. Ash looked stunned before narrowing his eyes. "What's with the sudden treatment"? Ash asks warily. "You are a force to be reckoned with, imagine if you could better your abilities, you could end the evils in this world". Hiruzen explains while Ash looks at him in aura vision before sighing. "Fine, where do we start"? Ash asks.
Ash looked at his room, satisfied with the simple interior. Ash looks down at the note that Hiruzen gave him. He told him to give it to a 'Kakashi Hatake', tomorrow at a certain place. Ash sighs before looking out the window, there was a good amount of time until nightfall. Ash walks out before wandering the streets, interested at the lifestyle. Ash's stomach growled at the smell of food, Ash turned to see a ramen restaurant. Ash headed in to be welcomed by a man. "Welcome, what would you like"? He asks while Ash sits. "Whatever you think is good, I'm not picky". Ash said while laying some money he got from Hiruzen on the table. "Alright, are you new here? never seen you before". The man named Teuchi, asks. Ash nods before going into deep thought. While Ash was thinking, a person entered the restaurant. "Ah Naruto, how is my favorite customer"? Teuchi asks while Ash turns to see a blonde boy about his age with whisker like birthmarks. "Good, we just finished a tough mission in the Land of Waves". Naruto says while Ash looks at him out of the corner of his eye. "Your ramen sir". A female named Ayame says while handing Ash a bowl of ramen. Ash gives a nod and a thanks before eating. After finishing up, Ash thanks them before walking out and heading to his house.
Ash headed in before landing on the bed and falling asleep, tired for what's to come.
There ya go, this takes place after the Land of Waves arc. Ash will take part in the Chunin exams, but he will train with Kakashi along with Team 7. I really don't have much to say except R&R. This is Oathkeeper0317 signing out.