A/N: I own nothing.
Chapter 1
Nick held the door open for Olivia as they continued to bicker about their current case.
"What I don't understand is why she wouldn't come forward immediately after it happened? Why would she wait an entire week before going to the police?" Nick asked, causing Olivia to sigh heavily.
Training Detectives Amaro and Rollins had been a very difficult task for her, and it was moments like these, when she missed having Elliot around. "Nick, there are a lot of reasons why women don't go to the police immediately after they are attacked, from fears of retaliation by their attackers to fears of the medical exam at the hospital. There are too many to count. But the fact that this man is her husband, whom she has had a child with, makes it all the more complicated."
"That's exactly what I'm saying. They were going through a messy divorce and they were fighting over custody of their daughter. Don't you think it's a little suspicious that the woman would out of nowhere cry rape? ...A week later? ...Without any evidence?… And a week before their custody hearing?"
Olivia let out another frustrated sigh, "It gives for a motive, yes. But that doesn't mean she isn't telling the truth," she lectured. "Even though there's no direct evidence, we can't rule out what she's saying. We can't make a determination based on just those few facts."
"So, what you are saying is... It's just a coincidence that this rape allegation just came out smack-in-the-middle of their custody battle?"
"Nick, sometimes predators can take advantages of their situations too. That's what makes them predators. He probably knew that she'd be too afraid to go to the police right away. She claims that he kept stalking her afterward and threatening her, which could be the reason why she finally caved in and went to the police, which could've been his goal the entire time. That way, she looks like a liar and an unstable parent, deeming him the more responsible one to care for the child. Not to mention, the neighbors admitted to hearing shouting coming from their apartment on that same day. We can't just go making assumptions without all of the facts. And you can't use your personal life to cloud your better judgment."
"My personal life? So, just because I'm a husband with a kid that means my opinion has to automatically benefit the wife?"
"No, Nick, that's not what I'm saying—" Olivia tried to answer but Nick interrupted her.
"Based on the facts, the kid was there that night and didn't hear anything, right? Wouldn't you think the kid would've woken up if she heard her mother screaming?"
"At three years old? …Probably not," Olivia concluded.
"Liv, can I talk to you in my office, please?" Captain Cragen said from the other side of the room.
Olivia looked at Amaro strangely.
"Don't look at me. I didn't say anything," he said innocently.
Olivia nodded at Cragen and began walking towards his office before Fin said, "Have fun," in a flattened voice.
They all knew that getting called into his office wasn't a good thing. It was like they were all kids in school, being sent to the principal's office all over again. It never got better.
As soon as she closed the door, she attempted to get ahead of the problem, "Look, Captain. I know that Amaro and I are not exactly on the same page about the Bennet case, but we're really trying to work things out… In all honesty, it's getting a little difficult trying to train someone who's stuck in his own ways and I may have lost my patience a little bit, and for that I'm sorry."
"This isn't about Amaro, Liv," he answered as he stood up to close the door behind him.
Olivia looked at him strangely, "Then, what's this about?"
"I think you should have a seat," he answered as he gestured toward the chair and walked over to his own and sat down.
Olivia watched him with a look of curiosity and nervousness as he started to open a folder and pulled out a photo from it. He gently placed it in front of the detective and waited for her reaction, "Do you recognize this girl at all?"
Olivia appeared to be confused and glanced over the mug shot of a young girl with brown hair, light skin, and brown eyes. She handed it back over to Cragen, "No, I've never seen her before. Who is she?"
The captain took a deep breath before answering, "…It appears that she's your um," he coughed nervously before he continued, "…half-sister."
Olivia's face froze as she stared at her captain and then reached for the mug shot again, "I don't understand… No," she shook her head in disbelief, "I ran my DNA in the system a few years ago and only my brother was a match."
"Which is exactly how we found out about all of this. She was brought in by the police in Queens for shoplifting, but didn't give them her name or anything that could identify her at all, so… they had to run her DNA through the system and after they did just that, the only match they could find was to you and your brother."
"So…" Olivia tried to take this information in as best as she could, but honestly she didn't know how to feel. Instinctively, she went into detective-mode because she felt that it was the safest route at the moment, "Where are her parents? Why didn't she call them?"
"Honestly, we don't know where or even who they are, which is why they were so desperate that they ran her DNA in the system. She's still sitting at the station, refusing to give her name… The Queens police haven't pressed charges yet, but they agreed to if she refuses to comply. Which is why…"
"Why what?" Olivia asked in confusion.
"Why I thought to ask you if…"
"Captain," Olivia complained. "I don't even know the girl… What makes you think she'll tell me anything?"
"I guess I don't… But right now, it's the only option she's got."