Chapter 1: First Impression

"Augh, where the fuck are we Richtofen" Dempsey grumbled.

"It seems zhat zhe teleporter brought us to zhis theater, Kino Der Toten" Richtofen stated as he walked out of the teleporter.

"Well if i have vodka with me, im fine" Nikolai muttered.

"Its gonna take time to get use to this place" Takeo inputed.

"Yeah same" Dempsey said while walking around.

"Vell take a tour of zhe wunderbull theater!" Richtofen squealed.

"Zhe zombies shouldn't arrive till later, zhey're sense of shmell vont sniff us out for a while" He continued.

"Beats me" Dempsey chatted as he jumped off the stage, towards the Juggernaut machine.

"Hey! I already found the juggernaut machine!" Dempsey hollered over his shoulder.

"Very nice" Richtofen mumbled sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Dempsey led his way through the hall way, looking to his left he seen a barricade and to his right, another door. He kicked the door open and walked through the old room, leading to a smaller door. He opened it slowly and noticed he was outside, in some alley way. He seen the Double tap machine and didnt think much of it. His curious mind made he walk down the steps and around the alley, he noticed cage door blocking his way. He noticed the lock on it and wasn't sure he'd find a way to get through, turning on his heel heading back the way he came. As he got the hall once again he went towards a large area. Looking around at the torn wallpaper and broken roof pieces. Dust filled the air as he looked around, noticed the stairs that connected at the top. He jogged up the stairs, every step creaking to Dempsey's movement.

Once he got to the top he looked at the barricade on his left and another closed door to his right. He walked slowly to the door and opened it, his gun in a appropriate shooting position. As he scouted out the room he hadnt seen any zombie or creature lurking around, allowing his to walk in the room. He looked around noticed that the theater was outside the room, he walked over and looked down at cliff.

"Hey guys" Dempsey shouted waving a hand at his teammates.

They all looked up at Dempsey and completly ignored him, Richtofen playing around with the teleported, Takeo walking around the theater, and Nikolai was to drunk to reply clearly.

Dempsey rolled his eyes and kept walking, into another room. He then noticed 5 portraits on the far wall, he walked up to them and realized it was him, Nikolai, Richtofen and Takeo.

"Hey its me! Still sexy" Dempsey muttered

"Whoa, looks like Nikolai's put on a few pounds. What's he been eatin?" He said after examining Nikolai's portrait.

"Awwwww, our little bundle of badass" Takeo's portrait.

"His portrait's bigger than anyone elses. Must be trying to compensate for somethin" He stared at Richtofen's portrait.

Tank decided to follow the stairs that led somewheres that he didn't quite know. As he did so he seen another barricade and a set a stairs leading to the bottom. He took the stairs beside him and noticed the Random Box sat there before another room.

He ran towards the box, almost like a little kid finding a present. He gave the box a slight kick and watched as iron wonders appeared in the air, changing through out the seconds before landing on a Commando.

"Fuck yeah" Dempsey growled as he grabbed the new gun above the box.

He headed through the Dressing room and searched around, finding 2 barriers and racks of clothing. He made his way out the door and back to the stage, finding a Drunken friend. Dempsey walked passed him and looked out for the Takeo and the Nazi creep, but couldn't see them anywheres. He glanced over at Nikolai as he heard him grunting and soon woken up.

"Ugh, my fuckin head hurts" Nikolai groaned.

"Well you drink 2 bottles a day" Dempsey chuckled.

"What can i say, Nikolai loves his vodka more than wives" He replied to the American soldier.

"Do you know where Richtofen and Takeo are?" Dempsey questioned Nikolai.

Right on cue, both Richtofen and Takeo came in from the door by the juggernaut. Dempsey glanced and watched as the 2 men walked to the stage.

"Vell i suggest everyone to find a veapon und ammo, zhey should be coming soon" The doctor reported.

Takeo with his Samurai Sword, Richtofen with his MP40, Dempsey and his newly bought Commando, and

"I dont have a weapon" Nikolai grunted while he stumbled to get to his feet.

"The random box is through that room over there" Dempsey pointed to the correct direction.

Nikolai walked over and into the Dressing Room, seconds later poking his head back out the door, clueless.

"Im lost Dempsey" Nikolai called

Tank walked over to him with a annoyed face.

"For fuck sakes it straight through this room and on your left" Dempsey sighed.

Nikolai nodded in response and walked around the corner and tried for a weapon. He came back to the stage with a SPAS-12 gripped in his hands.

"Gut, you fond a veapon" Richtofen sneered.

"Yeah now where are these hell pigs" Nikolai nearly whining.

"Soon" Richfofen responded.

The 4 men stood there bravely, waiting for the undead to rise and fight. Then they could here the familular groans and yells come from all directions.

"What the fuck is that?" Nikolai pointed to the roof.

All the men looked up and seen the Nova 6 zombie crawl its way down the wall, until Richtofen shot it down.

"Zhat is a Noza 6 gas crawler once killed, gas fumes surround the body, stay far away when you kill it" Richtofen inputed.

As they all stood there in a small circle they could here something unordinary. Listening to gunshots take place in the dressing room,everyone looking over at the doorway. The 4 men looked at each other weirdly and confused as they heard everything take place. Just then a girl appears out from the Dressing room, just finished a mob of zombies. She was breathing hard and shaky as she stared at the men with her gun pointed at them.

"Who are you? Richtofen stared down at her.

"Name is Hope Rushke" Her voice trailed off.

"Vhy are you here" Richtofen asked with a bit of hatred in his heart.

"long story-"

Her sentence was cut off by , she pulled out her Bowie Knife and spun around, slitting the zombies throat. Richtofen watched as she did so, and he eyes sparkled as he seen the blood gush and poor from the zombies gashed neck. All the mens eyes grew a little wide as they watched a teen girl doing that.

"We got company" Dempsey shot at a zombies from the barricade.

The girl took off back into the dressing room, leaving the 4 men. They all took their place and started to fight against the zombies, shooting and watching the blood spray on the floor.

"Ja, ja DIE!" Richtofen yelled,shot a zombie through the head.

Hope decided to go on her own and use her strategy that she used for months now. She had no idea who those men were neither did she care, but she respected the thought that they could help out. As she headed up the stairs by the Speed machine, she came across a large load of zombies. She gulped and backed down the stairs shooting at them with her Galil. As they all went to the ground she quickly reloaded. She ran back up the stairs and through the other set of stairs into the room with portraits. She took a minute and looked at them and her mouth dropped, those 4 men are here now! She laughed to her self as she just though of it now. She killed multiple of zombies as she walked through the room towards the lobby.

She noticed another man shooting at a barricade whom was Nikolai, she didn't bother to talk. Everyone noticed that the wave was shortening and soon no more zombies were attacking. Hope made her way to the stage again where the other 3 men stood with their guns. They all stared down the girl as she hopped onto the stage, gun strapped to her shoulder. She gave them a raised eyebrow as she looked at them. Dempsey and Takeo turned away, but Richtofens eyes locked with hers, not bothering to look away.

"As i vas saying earlier, to your question" She spoke.

Richtofens licked his lips as he heard a german accident fall from her lips.

"Are you German?" Richtofen broke her sentence.

"Yes, I can see zhat you are, your pity Swastika wrapped around your arm" Hope snarled.

Richtofens eyes grew into a glare "Vhy are you hear" voice bold.

"Ve lived outside of Berlin, und zhe nazi's found us Jews still hiding. My mother and father hid me under the floor. They both got shot in the head, i crawled out from the ground and ran west into the forest"

" For 2 years ive been hiding und running from the nazi's, soon i came across this theater. So i decided to hide in here, its been a a year or so, then these creatures came after me. I found myself a gun from this toy box" She explained.

"I see, you've been here killing zhese zombies for a year, alone?" He asked in shock.

"Ja" She replied.

"Interesting" Richtofen muttered, jotting down notes in his book.

"Vhat are you writing down" She glanced at his notebook.

"Information" He snapped.

"Sorry to hear about your parents, thats a tragic" Dempsey said looking at her.

"Thank you, vhats your name?" She asked.

"Tank, Dempsey" He grinned.

"Nice to meet you, Tank" She said, still with a frown.

She sat there with her hands planted in her lap, quite with the new company. Nikolai came from the Dressing room with vodka in his hand and joined the group. Richtofen jotted down more notes as he looked at her appearance.

Long straight brown hair, blue eyes, female, not short nor tall. She was wearing

"How old are you?" Richtofen demanded.

"16" She responded.

"Your 16?" Nikolai muttered.

"Ja" Hope replied softly.

"Why are you guys here and what are these creatures" She continued.

"Ve teleported here from a German Factory called Der Riese, we kill zhe zombies" Richtofen stated.

"These are zombies?!" She asked with surprisment.

"Ja" Richtofen said.

The room was silent as they all sat together, getting use to the new girl.

"mein name is Edward Richtofen. Im a top German Scientist und i mean no harm to you Jews" He said.

"Well thanks, nice to meet another German" She cracked a grin.

"How have you survived here, like what about food and water" Dempsey asked concerned.

"Well i had food with me when i got here, ive been out of food for a month now, but ive never been outside of this theater yet" She said.

"Hun the nazi's are long gone, Hitler committed suicide" Nikolai stated.

"Vhat!?" Hope nearly shouted.

"Well i think we should go to the nearest town and grab some food" Dempsey offered.

"Ja go ahead, ve just finished a wave of zombies" Richtofen responded.

"Ill go" Nikolai volunteered, hoping he'd be able to go with Hope.

"Ok, you and Hope can go fetch some food" Dempsey said sitting down.

Hope and Nikolai walked to the lobby and crawled out into a barricade, which lead to the outside world.