Castiel took another deep breath as he shifted against the Impala. His eyes were set on Bobby's front door; beyond which, Dean was indulging in a personal conversation. Of course, Castiel was more than curious to know how things were going; if Bobby was accepting of their relationship, and if Dean was still emotionally stable. Before leaving the men to talk, Cas was able to see the twinge of fear in Dean's eyes, and it worried him to think Dean might be having a difficult time.

The idea of eavesdropping crossed the angel's mind, but he dismissed it. There was no need to interfere with this conversation, was there? It was Bobby, after all. What would he do, in the worst case scenario? He would probably ask Dean to leave...and never return. Castiel gulped, blinking at the door with sudden concern. If Bobby was to discommend Dean in such an objecting way, simply because of who he chose to fornicate with, it would utterly break Dean's stout heart...

With the anxiety of this realization resting heavily on Castiel's shoulders, he began to edge his way toward the door. He could not allow such a terrible fate to fall on Dean; not after witnessing him acting so upset lately. Cas couldn't stand the thought of Dean remaining in a perpetual state of unhappiness; the same terrible kind that consumed him in the alley...

But, the door was opening before Castiel could walk away from the Impala. Dean made his way outside, glancing around as he shut the door behind him. The angel appraised him instantly, studying his ginger body movements and worn facial expression. When his eyes met Castiel's, a small smile stretched across his lips.

But even from the slight distance, Cas could see the fragments of red veins etched across the white of Dean's eyes. The emerald irises were starkly green in contrast to the faded red around them. There was only one explanation for this. Tears had recently escaped Dean's eyes.

Castiel flew to Dean, closing the distance between them in less than a second. Dean blinked in surprise at his unexpected close proximity. Anger was suddenly flowing through the angel, as he reached up to touch the side of Dean's damp face. What did Bobby do, to make Dean so upset? What icy words had the man spoken, that would cause him to shed tears? Was Bobby unaware of the sheer power he held over Dean's emotions?

"What happened?" Castiel asked, through almost gritted teeth.

For a brief moment, the angel was prepared to burst inside the house and release his unyielding wrath over Bobby Singer. He was ready to use any amount of force necessary to insure that no one – not even those closest to him – could get away with causing Dean so much pain. But then, Dean was shaking his head; nuzzling deeper against Castiel's hand as he disagreed.

"No," he answered, still smiling, "he's...he's actually okay with it."

Castiel searched Dean's face to make sure he was being honest. The angel knew how the man tended to hide the truth, sometimes. But he could see that Dean was being perfectly genuine, now. Bobby must have truly been okay with it. Castiel felt a little guilty at his internal overreaction.

"Then, why were you crying?" the angel asked, caressing the moist corner of Dean's eye with his thumb.

Dean took a slight breath. His eyes left Cas's to glance around before returning.

"Hey, uh,...can you do me a favor?" Dean asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Name it," Castiel replied.

"I want you to think of the most beautiful place you've ever seen," he spoke softly, reaching up to clutch the front of the angel's coat.

Castiel paused to do as Dean instructed. He pictured the whole of the earth in his mind, and quickly assessed the specific location that he found to be the most aesthetically pleasing. It was a glorious sight to behold, even in his mind's eye.

"I am," Cas nodded.

"Good," Dean smirked, "now take us there."

Without hesitation, Castiel carefully wrapped his arms around Dean and flew him away. They landed in the hot sand; their shoes sliding atop the shifting grains. A warm breeze was suddenly tossing around their clothes and hair, filling the air with the savory smell and taste of salt. Crashing waves and the distant call of birds gave music to the setting, as the hot sun shined down on them.

Dean blinked against the harsh light, raising his hand up to shield his eyes from the unforgiving sun. Castiel watched the man take in the general splendor of the place, secretly pleased to see the awe growing in his green eyes. The magnificent, sparkling ocean was laid out before them as they stood so tiny on the shore. Perhaps this was the reason Castiel favored this place above all others; because the sheer enormity of the majestic ocean made him feel so very small. And reminded him that even the smallest of things are not without purpose.

Castiel brought his eyes back to Dean. The air was still breezing across his clothes and ruffling his hair, but he didn't seem to mind. He was staring blankly at the distant waves as a nearly unreadable expression painted his face. Was he happy? Sad? Feeling lost? The angel carefully reached out and clasped the man's hand. The smile was trying to return to Dean's mouth.

"It's a little cliché," Dean said over the roar of the waves, "...but as beautiful as hell."

"Hell is not beautiful, Dean," Castiel reminded, tightening his fingers.

The man chuckled a bit, before tugging Cas along. He began to mosey down the beach, wearing a lovely smile.

"It's a figure of speech, Mighty Mouse," he mumbled, taking slow and firm steps.

Castiel could sense that Dean was meaning to say something; preparing his words as he walked along. His fingers were drawn tight against Cas's and his eyes were on the sand. Perhaps he thought the change of setting would prove useful in helping coax out the words. Castiel was still patiently waiting for his question to be answered; wanting to know why Dean was upset.

"Cas," Dean said quietly, walking even slower, "I'm sorry I've been acting so damn pissy lately."

"There is no need to apologize, Dean," Castiel tried to stop him from explaining.

"No, there is," he continued, his freckled face glowing in the warm sun, "That was a dick move, what I did to you in the alley. But, you've gotta know I didn't mean it. I was just..."

The man's feet eased to a stop in the sand. He shifted to face Castiel, bringing their eyes together. The angel became lost the green orbs, as they stared so powerfully into him.

"I was fighting with my old man," Dean breathed, sounding like a heavy burden had been lifted from him.

Castiel was a bit confused.

"Your...father? But, he is deceased," the angel pointed out.

"It doesn't matter," Dean went on, the sound of ocean waves accompanying his voice, "I know what he'd do if he ever found out about us. He'd go the hell off, Cas. He would be so damn furious about me having sex with you. He'd beat the living shit out of me -"

"No," Castiel spat instantly, his jaw clinching shut at the thought of Dean being abused, "He wouldn't. Because I would never allow it. He wouldn't dare lay a finger on you in my presence."

A smile graced Dean's face once again, as a slight pink color rose beneath his freckles.

"That's, uh, nice to know," he said, appearing bashful, "I forgot I had an angelic body guard. You gonna add that one to your resume?"

"I'll be anything you need me to be, Dean," Castiel replied with seriousness.

For a moment, the two of them stood by the ocean in silence. The waves broke on the shore next to them while they stared into each others' eyes. It was moments like this that Castiel found to be the most satisfying; the ones in which words were unnecessary. Where Cas could observe Dean's thoughts and feelings just by peering into his emerald eyes. There was a gigantic notion growing in them, as time stretched on. Something was pressing on Dean's lips; words demanding to be spoken...

There it was again; that intoxicating sensation pumping through Dean's body. He was practically drowning in the oceans of Cas's eyes, being hypnotized by the angel's stare. Subconsciously, he was waiting for John Winchester to barge into his head and ruin the moment – but he didn't. He was gone. Now, it was just Dean and Cas, like it ought to be. And Dean was finally able to say -

"I love you, Cas," he muttered, his fingers curling tighter around the angel's.

Dean enjoyed the tiny look of surprise that lit up Cas's face. He blinked a few times before leaning forward. Dean welcomed the angel's lips; pressing his own firmly against Cas's. It was like something out of movie; with the waves crashing nearby and the wind swirling around them while they kissed. For a second, Dean thought maybe Cas had set it up that way. But, how could he? Maybe it was just 'right place at the right time.'

Or, maybe, was Cas's father, giving them his blessing...

"I love you, too, Dean," Cas pulled away to say.

Dean felt like a balloon on the verge of bursting; filled up with so much emotion that he was going to explode. He tugged Cas closer, pressing their fronts together in the hot sun. He felt so good, all of the sudden. All the shit that had been plaguing him for the past few days was gone. It didn't matter what his dad might think – hell, it didn't matter what anyone thought – because he loved Cas. And everyone else could go screw themselves.

"Say it again," Dean requested, loving the tingle it gave is lower stomach.

"I love you," Cas repeated, smiling wrapping his arms around Dean's back.

Dean smiled, taking a deep breath of ocean air. He didn't get to hear those words spoken to him very often and they sounded so nice, especially in Cas's low voice. Dean rested his forehead against Cas's, meeting his eyes with warm admiration.

"One more," he asked.

Cas smirked, running his hands up Dean's back.

"I love you, Dean," he said again, this time in a whisper.

Feeling the urge to giggle like a little kid, Dean wrapped the angel into a hug; letting his lips fall against Cas's neck. He peppered the angel's whole neck in kisses, holding him tight. It felt so damn good to give and receive affection like this. Why the hell hadn't he done this shit before?

Dean's phone rang from his pocket.

The man raised his head, meeting the angel's eyes with equal confusion. He still had cell service here? It occurred to him, as he reached to answer the phone, that he didn't even know where here was. After seeing that it was Sam, Dean pressed the 'talk' button.

"Uh,...hello?" he mumbled, kinda bummed about being interrupted.

"Are you okay, Dean?" Sam asked, sounding worried, "you kinda just disappeared."

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm with Cas," Dean hinted, hoping Sam would catch the drift.

"Oh, er, am I interrupting something?" he asked quietly.

"Yes," Cas answered, leaning forward to speak into the phone near Dean's mouth, "you are."

Dean smirked. He knew Cas was listening to the conversation. Sam made a strange noise on the other end of the line, before sighing.

"Sorry," Sam said, "just, uh, come back whenever you're ready. I'm waiting in the car."

The line went dead. Dean pulled the phone away and stuffed it in his pocket. It was nice that Sam was understanding, but he didn't want to keep the poor guy waiting for them. Dean glanced around at the awesome scenery again, taking in the magnitude of salt water shimmering in the sun.

"It's too bad," he sighed, "I was hoping to try some sex on the beach."

"We still can, if you want," Cas offered, reaching down to grope Dean's crotch for good measure.

Dean grunted a little at the feeling, his smirk growing. He was grabbing the whole length of his dick through the fabric, tugging on it teasingly. God, Cas made it so damn tempting...but Dean didn't want to abandon his brother just to get laid.

"Maybe next time," Dean said, taking hold of the front of Cas's coat again.

"As you wish," the angel, nodded.

With a sudden whoosh, the warm beach and the salty breeze were gone. They were standing in front of Bobby's house again, with the Impala just a few feet away. It was overcast here; no sunshine or warm air. Reality was thick in this part of the world. It was like waking up from an amazing dream to be reacquainted with your usual boring life.

Dean took a deep breath before taking Cas by the hand and leading him to the car. At least he still had the best part of his dream with him. Dean smiled as he looked over at Cas. Even without the dramatic backdrop of the ocean, he was still so damn dreamy. Dean paused by the car to kiss Cas, for once not caring if eyes were watching. To hell with everyone else. He was gonna kiss Cas anytime, and anywhere, he wanted. Cas smiled after he pulled away.

"I'm so glad you're...feeling better," he said carefully.

"Me too," Dean agreed.

He watched the angel get into the backseat before climbing into the front seat for himself. Sam glanced between them as they got in, playing with something laying on his chest. Dean took the time to see what it was, and was surprised to find the candy necklace all patched up and back on him.

"Did that?" he asked his little brother, lost.

Sam glanced down at the candy necklace that hung loosely around his neck. A faint blush rose in his cheeks, as his eyes flickered away.

"Uh, yeah," he said, seeming to be holding down a goofy grin.

Dean took a deep breath, wondering why Sam looked so...well, giddy. Sammy never acted so abnormally happy like this. What was his deal? As Dean filled his lungs, he could smell a pungent stink in the air...radiating from Sam. He leaned over and gave his little brother a sniff. The dude reeked.

"Ugh, Sam," Dean said, raising an eyebrow, "Were you playing with a dog today? You smell like wet fur."

The red on Sam's cheeks deepened as he faced forward. He rolled his eyes as he stuffed the necklace inside his shirt.

"I had a long night, okay?" he said, trying to gloss it over, "Can we just go?"

Rolling his own eyes, Dean reached forward and cranked the engine. The Impala started right up with a fierce growl, turning on the radio as she roared to life. Dean braced his arm over the back of his seat as he turned to back up. Cas was sitting there, smiling sweetly at him. The song playing in the car suddenly caught Dean's attention. It was one he knew like the back of his hand; he could point the damn thing out from hearing just a few notes.

Hey Jude

Dean gulped, as he stared at Cas perched behind him. Sam had been right. He hadn't taken the time out to think about what his mom would say about his relationship with Cas. And, apparently, he didn't need to. Because she was there right now; telling him not to carry the world on his shoulders and to let go of the pain. All she wanted was for him to be happy, and it didn't matter who he was happy with.

As the song faded into all those 'nah's, Dean grabbed a handful of the front of Cas's clothes and yanked him forward. Their lips smashed together again, reviving the familiar taste of lust. God, was he ever gonna get over how good it felt to kiss Cas? He silently prayed that the whiskey would keep flowing through his veins, and his heart would just keep growing to accommodate all this emotion. Because this was what made him happy. It was always Cas.

"Ugh!" Sam groaned, trying to shrink against his door, "do you have to suck face while I'm sitting right here?!"

Dean ignored his brother for the moment, loosing himself inside Cas's kiss. No one was going to ruin any more of their moments. No one was ever gonna take away the happiness he felt with Cas. It was his, and he was going to defend it with everything he had. No more feeling guilty. No more worry about other peoples opinions. No more fear.

Just love.

(Author's Note: I know, some of you are like, "why does Snailhair always use songs?" :) I don't know, man! They just help the writing process! :) And, I kinda stole that whole saying 'I love you' over and over thing from Pride and Prejudice. You know, at the end, where he keeps saying, "Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy," :) God, I'm such a sap. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for reading and reviewing this fic. I hope that the ending of this part was well suited. I'm unsure if there will be more parts, but I hope it has entertained you to this point, at least. :) Baskets full of love to all of you!

And, Holy hell. You guys sure can smell Sabriel from a mile away, huh? :) I know a lot of you might be wondering, "Hey, where did Sam get that candy necklace?" or "what kind of crazy shenanigans did he get into that night?" or "why the hell does he smell like wet dog?" The answers you are seeking, my dear readers, can be found in the new story I'll be cooking up. No guarantees of smut, but it will be Sabriel. And it will be funny as hell. :) Be looking out for it! Thanks so much for reading!)