Hey, so I'm just updating this story from the beginning. Just fixing some grammar and spelling mistakes. Not doing any major changes. Doing this so that when I reread, I don't cringe, and it would make writing the last 2 or 3 chapters easier. Thanks for all the support with the story. If you think I should just rewrite, let me know.
Sam Evans was happy with his life. At twenty-six he has a very successful career as a Sci-Fi screenwriter. His latest project that he just completed was the remake of Avatar. Even though he was just named New York's most eligible bachelor, his dating life has been non-existent. He hasn't had a serious relationship in a while, and he honestly isn't looking for one. It's not that he can't find a date, women are lining up to date him. He is looking for the one. Most of the women he comes across only care about his status and how he can boost theirs. He never knows if the woman is really into him, or just faking interest. They want the exposure, the fancy fundraiser dinners, the tabloids, and the money. Just once he wants to find someone who actually likes him and wants to get to know him on a deeper level. Someone who doesn't mind being seen, but also has no problem being low key.
And until he meets that person, he has no interest in settling down with anyone. He doesn't mind the casual dating and the occasional hook-ups. But he isn't going to call anyone his girlfriend or propose until he is sure that she is with him for him. And this line of thinking is why his sister and best friend decided to come and do some kind of intervention. Sam didn't understand why they cared so much. He loved them both, but sometimes they were too involved in his life.
"Its time for you to settle down" states Quinn, Sam's twin sister, as she and my best friend Santana just barges into his apartment while he's trying to enjoy his bowl of lucky charms.
"What no good morning? How are you? I gave you that key for emergencies only" says Sam with annoyance in his voice.
"Trouty when is the last time you have been on a date? I bet you don't even remember. Do you even know what type of women you are interested in? Are you even interested in women? " Says, Santana
"Of course I like women. I don't have a type. I love all women. I'm just too busy for dating" says Sam. He didn't feel like going into everything that is floating around in his head.
"How are you so busy? Look at what you are doing right now. It's 8:00 on a Saturday night and you are sitting at home watching facts of life reruns eating lucky charms from a mixing bowl". Quinn states disgustingly.
"I'm tired of the same shallow girls that I have nothing in common with. It's always the same type of society girl and I find them boring. I have yet to find someone that excites me".
"Well, that's where we come in. Consider us your matchmaking service" states Quinn with a big smile on her face.
"What do you mean matchmaking service? I'm not in the mood for one of your blind dates, They never turn out good" states Sam while getting up to wash out his bowl.
"Well guppy, what we have in store for you is better than a blind date. We have signed you up for that show The Bachelor" states Santana excitedly
"Um… what?" Sam really hoped they were joking.
"Listen, bro, you are the most eligible bachelor in New York. You need to capitalize on that popularity. This is a chance to meet women from all over. You'll have pl-.
"No!" Interrupted Sam.
"What do you have to lose? At least this will help you be open to dating. Have some fun." Quinn pleaded.
"I'm not desperate. Who knows what kind of women will sign up. That's like an open invitation for all gold diggers to apply."
"Now you're over exaggerating. They screen them and give credit checks. Besides Santana and I will be there to help you."
I must have looked confused because Santana adds "We will be helping you choose a girl to eliminate each week as well as set them up with a series of tasks to help you with your decision. I know you didn't think that we would leave you hanging. We got your back".
Sam just looked at them long and hard. He didn't want to date these women on national television. He hated the spotlight and they both knew that. But he also knew that when those two got together and plotted, there was no stopping them.
"If I agree to do this and I don't find anyone, will you two promise to stop meddling?"
"Of course!" They both say a little too quickly.
"Fine. When does it take place."
"Next week. You'll do a meet in greet in a mansion. We were thinking about the new one that you just finished constructing."
Sam nodded, and just calmed himself down. He was going to be optimistic and see what happens. He could only imagine the type of girls Quinn and Santana would pick.