Yo! ShadowWolf here! Finally back! Sorry for taking so freaking long but I'm still alive. For now. I revised this chapter, just some small changes hopefully to make it flow better with the coming chapters. And I changed the main character's name a little so I hope you guys like it/don't mind. I'm always open to any kind of suggestions! From now on, I'll update every three-four days until I'm caught up to where I was before. So, here we go!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of Fairy Tail or its characters.



Thoughts in Flashbacks/Dreams

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Chapter 1: Dragon's Friends- New and Old

(3rd person P.O.V/Narrator)

A lone figure walked through the busy streets of Magnolia. The figure was conspicuous as he/she walked through wearing a long black cloak that reached his/her ankles, and a pack with a sleeping bag on the figure's back. The large hood was pulled low to hide any features in shadow, except for a pair of eyes that were alight in excitement in contrast to the dark cloak, storm-blue with flashing gold burning bright. The figure continued to walk, ignoring the whispers that followed him/her. Suddenly, a man was seen running down the street shouting, "Fairy Tail again! They're fighting in the street!" The strange figure was quickly forgotten as a woman asked, "Who? Who's fighting?" The first man stopped to catch his breath before shouting, "Natsu and Laxus!" The people of the street quickly went two different ways, half rushed to catch the fight, the other half running as if their lives depended on it. Which it probably did, if that man was correct and it was Natsu, the Fire Dragon Slayer, and Laxus, the Lightning Dragon Slayer, fighting. The figure could be dimly seen as he/she followed the crowd rushing towards the fight, eyes brightening even more at the prospect of seeing him.


(1st person P.O.V (The Figure))

I stood at the edge of the crowd. Fire and lightning was being shot up into the sky as the two Dragon Slayers fought. I even saw a red haired woman wearing a type of armor next to a scantily clad brunette accepting bets on who would win. Most voted for Laxus. I weaved my way to the front of the crowd, feeling that presence start to stir, as I got right next to the fight. I stood behind two people and watched the fight silently, my eyes probably glowing with mirth.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" the pink haired boy, who must be Natsu, yelled before releasing his attack, fire swirling in a horizontal tornado shape. Laxus covered his fist in lightning and easily brushed off Natsu's attack, before releasing his own. Laxus punched Natsu in the stomach with his lightning covered fist and Natsu was out like a light. I chuckled as smoke came out of Natsu's mouth as he wheezed out, "You….win."

Many complained that the fight was over, while some were glad that they didn't destroy much. The crowd dispersed, but I just stood still, waiting for someone to notice me. As the red haired woman helped Natsu up, a voice whispered in my ear.

"Is the fight over already?" my Exceed, Sparx, asked me. She had been lying on my shoulders so as to stay close to me and hidden. I nodded, not speaking. I looked over to the Fairy Tail wizards. A blonde girl in a slightly more revealing outfit than what I was used to seeing was asking Natsu if he was okay, while a boy with dark colored hair and no shirt on was teasing him, asking if that was the best he could do, which prompted a full blown argument.

"You wanna see if that's all I got, ice princess?" Natsu yelled.

"Bring it, flame brain. I'll take you on any time!" the dark haired boy replied back. He and Natsu were literally head to head with their fists raised up, so pumped up there were blue and red auras around them.

"Hm? And who are you? Do you need something?" the red haired woman had noticed me and was now speaking to me. I lifted my head a little, letting my hood fall back just enough so they could see my elongated canines as I smirked and said, "I'd like to see your master so I can ask if I can join your guild." Now I had all of their attention. I reached up and pushed my hood back revealing tan skin, storm-blue with gold-flecked eyes, light brown hair with slight gold and copper highlights and a mischievous grin showing my canines. "Long time no see, eh, Sparky?" I grinned as I turned my head to look at Laxus, his face remaining impassive as I directed my question to him. Does he not remember me?

"Eh? Do you know this chick Laxus?" Natsu asked him. Laxus walked up to me and bent down a little to look me in the eye. I just continued to grin at him as he narrowed his eyes, scanning my face.

"Ah, c'mon, Sparky. You don't remember me?" I whined. His nose twitched as he inhaled, trying to place my scent and suddenly his eyes were filled with recognition and he stood up again.

"Oh, it's you," he said gruffly as he looked away, bored. I narrowed my eyes as my smile fell and I crossed my arms.

"Yes, it's me. Who else?" I growled.

"So, who are you?" Natsu asked again.

"The name's Kurai. Kurai Amaya. I'm the one who saved this guy's depressed ass from being cooked and talked him into going to Tenrou Island to help you guys with Hades. Guess it's a good thing I did, or your gooses would be cooked and eaten by now," I said, the smirk once again present on my face. Laxus turned his head to the side with a huff as he crossed his arms.

"What do you mean you saved him?" the blonde girl asked.

"Well, it went like this…"



I was 12 years old, walking through a forest with Sparx at my heels. I was dressed in a simple green t-shirt, a pair of dark blue cargo pants, a pair of brown boots, and my hair in a ponytail. I had a pack and a sleeping bag strapped to my back. I was walking carefully through a grove of trees when suddenly I saw lightning flashing above the tree tops.

"That's not natural, is it?" I asked myself. "Let's go, Sparx." I took off at a run, my heart thumping rhythmically in my chest as I dodged roots that stuck up from the ground, tree trunksthat appeared out of nowhere, and rocks and sticks that could potentially trip me. I kept running until I came upon a clearing with 12 people in it, one of them discharging a massive amount of electricity from his body. I stayed behind some of the trees opposite of the lightning man, watching to see what would happen. I saw many more bodies on the ground and figured these people wanted something with the lightning man. Sparky, as I had dubbed him, had lost his shirt and his pants were ripped. On his left abdomen he had the mark of the Fairy Tail guild, with a design extending out of it. He had cuts and gashes on his chest and arms and I saw him panting, if only slightly. I also saw knives on the ground, probably the weapons that had cut him.

"Come on, bring it," Sparky said. Six of the other wizards started firing an assortment of spells at Sparky, who either dodged them or countered attack, but these mages must be stronger than the others on the ground since he wasn't landing a single hit of his own. This went on for a few more minutes, with Sparky managing to knock out three more. That meant there were nine left. I focused on the three that were currently facing Sparky.

"I'm almost out of magic. I've gotta finish this quick," I heard him mumble. I focused harder, my hands coming up as I whispered the spell I was going to use. My fingers moved as if I was controlling puppet strings and the three men facing Sparky all started moving. They stood up straight, feet together and their hands by their sides.

"W-what's going on? I can't move!" one shouted.

"Me neither! Hey, did you do this?" another shouted toward Sparky.

"No, but I'm going to take full advantage of this new development," he said with a wolfish grin as his fist was enveloped in lightning. He delivered a series of quick strikes which knocked all three of them out. I then re-whispered my spell, pushing more magic into it as I focused on the last six. They quickly went into the same position as the other three were in, though they could move slightly more since I still hadn't mastered the spell and there are more of them.

"Hurry up, Sparky, and get them! I can't hold the spell for much longer," I shouted out as I walked forward to the edge of the clearing so they all see me.

"We're being held captive by a nine year old?!" one shouted in outrage.

"Oi, I'm 12! 12! Not nine!" I shouted back. Then I turned to Sparky. "You gonna fry these guys or not, 'cause you don't get much longer." He took care of them before collapsing to his knees, panting harder than before. I rushed over and inspected him before taking out the ointment and bandages I keep in my pack. I treated his wounds before sitting back, admiring my handiwork with one hand on my face.

"Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. So, how do you feel, Sparky?" I asked.

"Fine. Thanks for the rescue, but I didn't need it. And the name's Laxus, not Sparky," Sparky/Laxus said.

"Didn't need help my ass. You were totally getting your ass handed to you on a silver platter," I said stiffly with my arms crossed. He inhaled and his eyes widened slightly.


"Yep! Now, why aren't you with your guild? That is a guild mark on your chest, is it not? And Fairy Tail, if I'm not mistaken," I inquired.

"I'm not part of Fairy Tail anymore," he said looking away. I couldn't take that self-pitying look I saw in his eyes so I did the only logical thing. I grabbed his hand…and bit him. Hard. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?" he snarled.

"Who told you that you weren't a part of Fairy Tail anymore?" I asked.

"The master," he said matter-of-factly like I was stupid or something.

"Well, if you're no longer a part of Fairy Tail, then why didn't your grandfather make you remove the mark?" I asked, smirking. He looked at me with a semi-shocked face.

"How-, why-"

"I'm not as dumb as I may look. I knew who you were as soon as I saw your body light up with lightning. You should go, Laxus Dreyar, grandson of Makarov. Go to your guild. I have a feeling they need you," I said, before turning and walking away, Sparx at my heels once again. Then I was gone. The next day, I heard that the Fairy Tail mages that were on Tenrou Island for the S-Class trial had been attacked by Hades and Grimoire Heart, a dark guild. Luckily, Grimoire Heart and Hades had been defeated. Then the Fairy Tail wizards were attacked by Acnologia, the dark dragon. Acnologia then disappeared, leaving the entire island- and its inhabitants- believed to be destroyed. Seven years later, Tenrou Island had reappeared whole- and the Fairy Tail mages that were on it safe.

(End of Flashback)


"So that's what happened!" the blonde girl exclaimed, crossing her arms over chest.

"You said that you were just passing by," Natsu accused Laxus.

"You really don't expect me to admit that I needed help from a nine year old girl, do you?" Sparky said stiffly.

"So you do admit that you needed my help! And I was 12!" I said the first part triumphantly, the last part I shouted.

"So what magic do you use?" the red haired woman asked me.

"I use-"

"That's enough, why don't we let her get settled in first before you brats bombard her with questions," a voice cut me off. We all turned to see a small, old man standing there with black eyes and only some white hair above his ears and a thick white mustache.

"Master, this is Kurai Amaya. She said she wishes to join the guild. And it seems that she has a past with Laxus," the red haired woman informed the small man, her voice teasing on the last part with a mischievous grin.

"Wh-what!? You make it sound like I was his lover or something! Do I need to remind you that I was 12! That's just disgusting!" I shouted as my entire face went red, my hands clenched into fists by my side.

"But you're not 12 anymore," the red haired woman teased. Sparx was trying (and failing) to smother the laughter that was coming out of her mouth. Everyone else was also laughing at my reaction. "Glad I am able to amuse you all," I growled.

"I'm sorry, my dear. Why don't you come with me and we can have Mira give you your stamp, eh?" the old man said as he walked up to me, a smile on his face as well. I growled but still followed him to the Fairy Tail guild hall. Once inside I was led over to a bar where a pretty girl with long white hair and big blue eyes stood drying glasses.

"Oh, master, you're back. And who's this?" the lady asked.

"This is Kurai. Kurai, this is our lovely Mirajane," he said, introducing the white haired beauty.

"Nice to meet you Kurai," Mira said.

"Hello," I replied, giving a slight bow.

"Mira, Kurai is our newest guild member," the master said. Mira nodded with a kind smile on her face.

"I'll go get the stamp," she said and disappeared before returning with a stamp.

"What color and where would you like it?" she asked politely.

"Um, on the left side of my neck and black with a crimson outline," I said as I moved my cloak aside so Mira could put the stamp on.

"Okay, and…done!" she said proudly as she withdrew the stamp. I turned to look at the stamp and smiled at it. I'm finally a member of Fairy Tail, dad.

"Hey, Kurai! Let's fight so I can see what kind of magic you use!" Natsu yelled while holding up a fire covered fist, black eyes shining at the prospect of a new opponent.

"Alright, if you wanna lose, I'll fight'cha," I said confidently. I took off my cloak and rested it on the back of a bar chair, revealing my clothes underneath. I wore my hair in a ponytail with a bright crimson headband wrapped around my head, kind of like a headband. I was wearing a dark hunter green shirt, a pair of dark blue cargo pants, a pair of black combat boots and around my waist was a belt made of crimson/blood red dragon scales that had black markings on them. It wrapped around my waist twice, the second time it hung loose over my left thigh. I also had black arm bands around my biceps (similar to Lisanna's) and three bangles on each wrist: black, dark gray and white on one wrist and dark red, silver and crimson on the other. I then had a choker necklace on; it was a blood-red tear-shaped stone that seemed to almost glow, connected to a silver chain. Sparx hopped off my shoulder and sat in the chair, looking around curiously.

"What's with the cat?" Natsu asked.

"Seriously? You haven't figured it out by now?" I said exasperated, a sweatdrop appearing on my forehead. He only looked at me questioningly and I noticed I had gained the attention of more guild members. "This," I said, pointing to Sparx, "is my Exceed, Sparx."

"Hello," she said, tipping her head slightly.

"Then that means you're a-" a girl with long blue hair tired in pigtails with a white and pink outfit started to say.

"Yep! I'm a Dragon Slayer!" I happily announced. "So, Natsu, you still wanna fight me?"

"Hell ya! I'm all fired up now!" he said before charging at me. As he came forward, I once again felt that presence stir at the feel of a Dragon Slayer.

"Too bad. 'Cause now, you're about to be extinguished. Blood Dragon Marionette!" I called out as my hands came up, fingers parted and slightly curled. Then I moved them, like I was playing a piano- or controlling a puppet. Natsu stopped coming at me and started…dancing? I grinned as I continued to make Natsu dance around the guild hall. My hands and fingers moved in the air making Natsu jump onto a table so the others could look at him. They started laughing as Natsu's face turned red. I turned him to face me and grinned.

"Well, how did you like my show?" I asked.

"I think….it's a little….quiet...Fire Dragon Roar!" he shouted as fire came towards me. My eyes widened, my senses automatically reaching out and searching everyone's magic, and then I smirked.

"Ice Make Shield!" I had taken control of the dark haired boy and made him use his magic to defend me.

"What the hell, Gray? I was totally gonna toast her!" Natsu shouted.

"It's not my fault! My body moved on its own!" the dark haired boy- Gray- shouted back. Everyone turned to look at me and I just smirked at them.

"So, what'cha think?" I asked my smirk turning devious. I think…I can actually make some friends here, dad.


Wow! I think that the longest 1st chapter I've ever typed. Hoped you like it! Sorry again for taking so long. Like I said, I'm revising the story so I'll be reposting every chapter. Any questions, comments, complaints, please review or PM, I take them all. Until Chapter 2! Later peeps!

Kurai Amaya= 'Dark' 'Night Rain' in Japanese
