"Wake up sleepy head, we're here." Eliot got out of his SUV, took a deep breath as he looked around. The view of the mountains never ceased to his amaze him. "Oh wow! Are we going to climb that?" Parker quietly joined him, he took her in his arms looked up and nodded. Looking at the almost vertical peaks of the Black Canyon her eyes widened at the thrill of scaling the rock face.

"Good morning sweetheart, like it?"

"Like it? I love it, when do we start?" Parker was so childlike in her enthusiasm and it made him smile now when once it annoyed him to no end.

"Hold on missy, there are some other things we need to do first but I promise you are going to love the climb." Eliot explained.

"So you've been here before?" she asked.

"Yeah this is one of the places I like to come to after a job to remember what is real, and what truly matters in life. I haven't been here for awhile, I've been wanting to share this with someone for a long time and now, I have you." He gave her a quick peck on her lips as he led her down a small path.

They walked for a bit over a mile to the edge of the river, tourists were getting into a large raft. Eliot went over to one of the guides a tall lanky man, who was helping the people get settled. They embraced then he brought him over to Parker.

"I never thought I'd see the day!" he exclaimed as he shook Parker's hand. "Eliot Spencer a married man! She sure must be a special lady to have hooked you."

"She sure is," Eliot was beaming.

"John Cooper's the name, Eliot and I go way back, we served in the same unit during the war. So how long you been married?"

"Two days," answered Parker, "and so far no problems." John laughed. "And a sense of humor too, well you'll need it with this one, he can tend to get a bit… shall I say, intense."

"I already know all his bad habits," she looked over at Eliot.

"And you married him anyway, well heaven will bless you greatly for that." Cooper chuckled.

"Ok, enough of the chit chat," Eliot interjected, "you think you will have time tomorrow to take us over to the trail? I want to show Parker."

"Yeah sure, 6 a.m. ok? I got to get back in time to get these tourists on their way." The men shook hands and Cooper went back to his raft. "Ok ladies and gents get ready for some excitement and adventure!"

"So where are we off to now?" Parker asked excitedly.

"Well sweetheart tonight we are going to have a 5-star night, tomorrow starts the real fun." Eliot took her in his strong arms, smiled and gave her a long kiss.