
"Well, someone has to do it."

"But why me?"

"Because Tony wants you to do something." Bruce smiled apolitically at Peter. "I don't think it's too much for you to handle."

Peter looked at the litter-box. "But how come I and Thor are the only ones who have to participate in taking care of YOUR cat?"

"YOU are a guest here", Tony arrived, making them turn. "Everyone else have work to do. If you want to stay here, this is the least you can do."

"And Thor helps out of his free will." Bruce continued. "It seems to mean a lot to him."

Peter seemed hesitant.

"And, if you want to, you can have a look at my latest projects in the lab." Bruce added, hoping to cheer the teen up. "You're smart, right?" Tony shook his head heavily behind Peter.

Peter nodded slowly. "Fine then… But I want to take part in your researches, if that's okay."

"Sure." Bruce smiled. "I could use a hand." He turned to look at Tony questioningly.

"Sure, the kid is welcome if he's got wits. As long as he doesn't mess anything up."

Peter had no time to answer as his "spider-sense" tingled. He dove on the floor but was too late. Rebecca jumped on him, curiously investigating the new person in the tower.

Tony and Bruce laughed as Peter realized that he was facing the cat. He then scratched under her jaw before gently lifting her off.

The two seemed to like each other. Bruce left, telling Tony he had work to do. He walked towards the lab, but was forced to stop as he ran into red-faced Steve.

"Permanent marker!" Captain America cried with a towel in his hand, Tony's words still on his cheek. The man seemed overall exhausted and depressed. Bruce felt sorry for him.

"Is it that bad? Soap should…"

"It's not working!" Bruce was afraid the grown man would begin weeping any moment.

"I'll speak with Tony…" He tried to sound encouraging. "If he gives me the marker he used – or serum, if he's made his own – " Steve looked horrified, "I should be able to prepare you something to wipe it off, okay?" Steve nodded but didn't seem to cheer up at all.

Bruce thought quickly of an idea to cheer the Captain up. "Um, Steve, if you're not in a hurry, there's something I need help with. Could I come to your room, let's say, in fifteen minutes?"

Steve seemed a little suspicious at the sudden suggestion but ended up shrugging. "Okay."

Bruce made a turn and returned to his room. He took the blue brush Steve had picked a day before and went to look for Rebecca, who, like Tony and Peter, had left the hallway.

The scientist called softly for his cat, and at last heard a response of meowing. He followed the voice to the main living room to find Rebecca curled up at the end of the sofa, and Natasha next to her, scratching her with a small smile on her face.

"I had no idea you were a cat person." Bruce said warmly.

Natasha raised her eyes sharply, then relaxed. "Not really", she answered formally. "She is just…" the agent stood up, "A smart girl." She then gave Bruce a cold glare, daring him to misjudge the situation and tell anyone. Bruce thought he saw trough Natasha's attempt to hide her soft spot for the cat, but he smiled shyly at her, ensuring that his lips were sealed. Natasha left the room.

Bruce made a sound of tsk, signaling Rebecca to come with him. She jumped into his arms, letting him carry her. It felt good to have that small creature trust him so easily. Bruce couldn't help but smile proudly. He headed for Steve's room.

"Are you insulting me?" Steve quickly regretted the question. He knew the scientist better than that. "I'm sorry."

"No, please, I tried this out earlier with her", Bruce gave him the brush with a smile. "If you want her to like you, this could really help." The captain hesitated but took the brush. "I'll keep her calm, at first."

Bruce scratched Rebecca, making her relax and directed Steve's hand. The cat shivered at first, but then slowly closed her eyes. Steve brushed her fur carefully, afraid of hurting her. A small smile made its way onto his face. They had sat down at the end of the captain's bed.

"Look, she likes it", Steve said after a while, excitedly.

"I think", Bruce began, "that the reason to her edginess towards you was the simple fact that you are a good person."

"What?" Steve did not understand.

Bruce gave Rebecca a small push, making her yawn lazily and move into Steve's lap. She then hesitated and butted her forehead onto his chest, making the man freeze.

Bruce gave him a shy smirk. "You see, cats are pretty mysterious, aren't they?" He tilted his head and faced the ceiling. "She might have sensed your righteousness. To her you seemed too good man. It made her suspicious." Bruce glanced at the floor, letting out a small chuckle. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Steve smiled, cautiously patting Rebecca's head. "You really think I'm that good of a man?"

"Yes, that would probably make me suspicious too if I was a cat." Steve reached out to return the blue brush.

"You can keep it", Bruce stood up. "If you want to take care of her tangles, it is. She really seems to prefer you doing it." He received a smile from the cap. "I really must go now, Tony will be upset if I'm not in the lab soon."

Before leaving the room he heard a "thank you" from his fellow avenger.

So, here we got Steve's moment, at last! Sorry for the possible grammar mistakes (a friendly reminder that English is NOT my native language). I will try to push the story on in the next chapter. Thanks for reviews! It's always a pleasure to hear what you think.

To answer gammawidow67's questions:

1. The said hulkout will be explained later, but I give you that the reason is kinda angsty and connects to Bruce's childhood, in a way... hehe^^"

2. Yeah, I've been thinking about having Jennifer in this story. I've had a few ideas on how she would appear in the story, but not completely sure for now. Anyway, that would be a little later. Please be patient!