Bruce Banner opened his eyes expecting to see a familiar ceiling. Instead, he was greeted by a blue sky and a few pigeons. He then realized he was almost completely naked. Slowly turning his head, he became aware of what had happened.

It seemed to be an abandoned structure – ruins were everywhere. Bruce recognized his alter-ego's work from his latest rampage. "At least there are no people around", he thought gratefully, still examining his surroundings.

Bruce slowly stood up, muscles aching and took a few steps intending to leave the ruins. Then he heard a meow behind him. It was not until now, until he turned around, until he looked carefully, that he saw the grey cat sitting there.

"Where did you come from?" he questioned the cat in confusion. The creature remained silent. "It has probably been there the whole time", Bruce suddenly realized as the cat kept staring at him.

"Umm, do you have home?"

The cat blinked at him slowly, as if it was patiently waiting for him to do something. Bruce walked slowly closer, keeping his body as low as possible in fear of scaring the cat.

"Are you hungry?" as he moved closer, he noticed that the grey fur had some tangles and realized sadly that he could count the ribs trough the poor creatures furry side. "Yes, you seem to be starving… How can you live in a place like this?" He reached out to see if the cat allowed him to touch it, but as he did so, his phone rang.

At first he didn't realize where the sound could come from. Then he remembered Tony telling him about his Hulk-proof model, created just for Bruce. He unzipped a pocket in his badly thorn pants and slid the phone open. The cat didn't seem to care about this interruption.

"Dr. Bruce Banner talking half-naked in a location unknown."

"Bruce, you're awake!" a merry tone was heard on the other end.

"Well, yes, so it seems." he mumbled tiredly.

"I've already tracked your location, the jet is on its way." Tony then said more seriously. "Though, it might take some time before it reaches you." He laughed nervously. "The green guy made quite a mess, you know."

Bruce sighed deeply. "Did I-"

"No, you didn't hurt anyone", Tony answered instantly with a frustration in his voice. "You neither caused any damage SHIELD couldn't cover up." He held a small pause before saying: "It shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes. Don't move anywhere."

Bruce hang up and turned back to the cat. "Sorry about that." The cat purred. He sat down next to it. For a while they sat there in silence broken only by steady purring. Then he reached his hand towards the grey forehead. After sniffing his palm slightly the creature butted its head into his hand, purring louder.

"Look at you. You must've been lonely, haven't you?" He smiled. "Yes, you must have been since even a monster like me doesn't scare you." The cat's green eyes glanced at him before they slowly closed. Bruce remembered reading somewhere that this was a sing of trust. He followed the example.

20 minutes later the jet pilot found him asleep with a small cat in his lap.

"WHAT is that?"

"Her name is Rebecca."

"Well, why is she here?"

"I'm keeping her."

"In my tower?"

Bruce gave Tony a half-smile. "Um, yeah."

"You know… I'm not really a cat person. There is no way-"

"I'll take care of her. You'll barely notice she's here."

Tony sighed deeply. "Do you really want a cat so badly?"

Bruce scratched Rebecca after her jaw. He noticed an old cut on her left ear. "Yes. I… I think… she's special." He smiled shyly.

Tony stared at him for a moment. Then he shrugged. "Fine, if it makes you happy." He raised his finger. "Just make sure I won't find any cat hear in my armor, okay?"

"Sure." Bruce smiled thankfully.

Hope you liked it! Reviews and faves are greatly appreciated. The second chapter will be up soon!