AN: Hey! So I used to have a story with the same name, but since I've decided there's a lot I want to change about it, I've deleted it and created a new one with the same name because I like it :) It may seem very similar at first, but the change will be more noticeable after a while.

Anyway, here's chapter one!

** Updated A/N: Hi, just wanted to add a little something. I've been working on this story for a very long time now, and it's strange to see how my writing has evolved in that time. For all the newcomers, I wanted to say that the chapters do get longer (and hopefully better), and I hope you enjoy my story :) **

Aaron was the first to arrive, as usual. He passed next to the empty desks on the way to his office. His gaze lingered on Prentiss' desk, as it always did for the past week, but he forced himself not to think about her absence and kept walking. Emily's 'death' was unexpected and unwelcome, but as hard as it was to him, it was even worse for JJ and Garcia. As the unit chief, it was his job to be the strongest. JJ pretended everything is alright, but during the flights, when everybody else was asleep, Aaron knew she was writing to her. She was the only one who knew the truth except for himself, and he knew how difficult it is for her. Garcia didn't try to hide her sadness, but she had Morgan to help her through. Reid kept pushing everyone away from him, but he got very close to JJ again. Rossi seemed to handle it the best – he kept saying that she wouldn't have wanted them to mourn and cry over her, but he probably did that in order to support Ashley. He stopped saying that after Morgan almost hit him before he managed to complete the sentence.

He shut the office's door behind him. Strauss had told him there's a new case and that's it's different than anything else they've seen before, but refused to give any other details about it. Aaron sat down heavily on his chair and began reading the file. His eyes widened when he saw the location of the case.

London, England.

The room still felt empty to Garcia. They all sat there, but they didn't talk and laugh like they used to – the empty chair kept attracting their gazes to it, insisting to be noticed.

"Hey." she said quietly with a small as she entered the room. She wasn't late, everybody else was early. Ever since Emily had died, they were all eager to get a new case, because whenever they had free time, they talked about Doyle.

"Once I'll get my hands on that sick son of a bitch…" Morgan would say and break the long silence. Reid would gulp and search for JJ's comforting expression, which he would find in seconds. "We'll get him…" Garcia would assure him, "…Eventually" she would add morbidly.

Morgan smiled a small smile to her and she sat down beside him.

"Good, you're all here, we can get started." Hotch said and got up from his chair. The screen lit up, and three bodies appeared. It wasn't very difficult to understand why they were asked to come – each body had a large ugly hole in its chest, and the crime scene was full of blood. There was a picture of a smiling person next to each body – two men and one female.

"William Smith was killed a week ago," he said and gestured to the man on the left, "Mary Lowsley was killed four days ago," he gestures to the ginger woman, "And John Phillips was killed yesterday. All found by homeless men. All had their heart removed."

"You told us there's something different about this one. What's the difference?" as sick as it sounded, after seeing so much blood on his life, Morgan couldn't see the major difference, other than the rather violent murders.

"This one is in London." Hotch said hesitantly.

The team responded just like he thought. Their eyes widened, their jaws dropped, all struggling to find the right words. As he expected, Morgan was the first one to talk.

"London?" he exclaimed, "How is that even possible? We never leave America."

"They usually consult their local detectives, but their most successful detective's life has been threatened lately, so he can't investigate." Hotch explained.

"Are the murders related to him?" Seaver asked.

"As far as we know, they aren't. Wheels up in an hour. Garcia, we need you to come with us, in order to avoid the time differences. You should all go get prepared, and we'll talk on the plane." Aaron interrupted, sending the crew away. They had questions he couldn't answer, and he needed those answers.