Shinigami-cat: Hey everyone. This is my new story. I hope you all like it. I will work very hard on it. For the moment Garden of Sinners is on hiatus due to lack of ideas… This chapter doesn't really have any of the Hetalia characters. This is just the set up for the main story. So I'm just introducing the main OC characters that will be present throughout the rest of this fan fic…I OWN NOTHING!


A million years have passed since the Cleansing. Now as the human race slowly begins to rebuild itself it has many obstacles to face. Not everything has evolved into friendly beasts.


Horror, possible triggers, violence, swearing and possible yaoi later on

The Goddess Cleansing

Friends and Family

Humanity was given the earth by the Goddess and told to control and multiply as her most cherished creatures. Her only rule was that humanity doesn't poison or destroy what she had given them. For generations humans remembered this rule and kept to her instructions. The tamed the beasts the roamed the earth and spread to every corner.

Needless to say humanity quickly forgot her rule and even the goddess herself. They spread to every place, poisoning all they touched. Slowly and surely they turned the earth into a toxic sludge and made the air impossible to breathe.

For this the Goddess punished them. It was not a swift and sudden punishment as one would expect. The Goddess was kind and gave humanity time to repent for what they did. They didn't.

So the Goddess slowly poisoned humanity with the very diseases she created to challenge humanity's ability to adapt to change. The diseases stayed the same and the effects were devastating but there were no known cures.

During this time of humanity's medical advancements there were ugly rumours floating around. These included lies about proper medical practices that saved children and adults from death by avoidable viruses.

This made is easier for the Goddess's punishment to sweep through humanity and strike down those she chose as unworthy to continue to occupy the planet she gave to us. Through her wisdom the plague of humanity was quickly cleansed from the earth in an almost apocalyptic manner. This was known as the time of Cutting.

The cutting lead to the next phase known as the Weeding. It was the time the Goddess let the remaining factions of humanity she spared remove those who were unworthy to live. The thieves, rapists, murderers and the criminally dangerous. here people were quickly expunged from society, leaving only her chosen ones as the survivors.

It was during the end of the Weeding that chosen people began to emerge in society. These people were given powers similar to that of the Goddess and were made to use their abilities to better humanity and praise the Goddess.

These people were known as the Kin of Light. This was in honour of the Goddess who created all the beauty Humanity enjoyed in the day and protected all from the horrors of the night. The Kin of Light became the protectors of humanity and started to defend all from the monsters that lurked in the night.

It was soon discovered at a different faction known as the Kin of Night was responsible for these creatures and stood against everything that the Kin of Light protected. As a result the Kin of Night had devolved into creatures similar to the monsters the controlled.

Once this was known the time of growing began. Both factions; Kin of Light and Night, expanded territories. The Kin of Light took an oath to protect everyone who lives in the light or swears allegiance to the Goddess for it doesn't matter to the Goddess if not everyone worships her. She cares only for the survival of those who live in the light and welcome its warm embrace each morning.

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The Golden haired woman smiled a little and closed her history book. She always enjoyed reading. It always brought a smile to her face. Consequently it made her lips tickle against the thin veil that covered the lower half of her face and neck. She didn't mind though. She liked wearing it.

"And that my dear children is the history of our people during the Goddess Cleansing." Her children, two darling baby boys, twins, laid in their cribs unmoving and unchanging. This pleased her greatly. It wasn't often that she was able to get her children to go to sleep so easily.

She placed the book back on the shelf. A slight breeze caught her off guard. Mainly because out of the corner of her eye she could see that the window was closed and locked tightly.

"…" Cautiously she picked up another book and slowly read over the cover. "How about I read you boys one more story? I know you love this story… It's about a beautiful soldier with a magical dagger. The magic dagger that could turn even the darkest places into light."

She opened the book and quickly removed the dagger inside the fake pages. The woman spun around and pointed the dagger directly in between the eyes of a demonic creature. It had the torso, hind leg and tail of a monkey, but had the wings and face of a bat.

The woman glared at the creature as yellow drool oozed from its lips and onto the carpet. She gritted her teeth, showing no fear at its sudden appearance. "The soldier came face to face with an ahool, and will all her might she defended her children."

Just as the woman was about to strike the beast a sword penetrated its neck and twisted. Slowly the blade was drawn out of the monster's neck and it fell to the ground in a bloody heap. Standing behind the ahool was a man dressed in thick black and red material. His thick brown hair was falling out of his pony tail hiding his face from her. The man kneeled before the woman, keeping his head low.

The woman smiled a little and lowered her weapon. "Fortunately for the soldier, her friend was always one step ahead of her."

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner you majesty. My wife was not well you see…"

"Explain no more, Maverick." Said the queen calmly. "Are there many more ahool?"

Maverick shook his head, not leaving his kneeling position. "No. It just seems like a small flock of ahool were attracted to the street lights… Are the princes alright?"

The queen looked down at her children and smiled. "Not even awake. The little darlings sleep like rocks when they really are tired. You may rise too, if you wish. Kneeling must be uncomfortable."

Maverick nodded and stood up. He glanced down at the baby boys asleep in their cribs and then back down to the ahool. "They have come really close to death a few times, haven't they?"

"Yes they have." Said the queen. She put the dagger back in the book and placed it back on the shelf. "But my children are strong. Alfred is already on solid foods and I think Matthew is starting to read… Is it normal for a two year old to read?"

The man shrugged. "I am not sure my lady. From my own personal experience my son has never been interested in reading. He prefers brawn over brains." The queen laughed lightly and gestured for Maverick follow her. Once the pair were outside they happened to run into a woman.

Hr thick black hair was effortlessly fell over her ebony shoulders in braided tendrils, in vivid contrast with her choice of bring blue and golden garments. She smiled kindly at them, holding a scepter in one hand. "I came as soon as I heard there was a disturbance in the castle your majesty. Are the little ones alright?"

The queen nodded, bowing a little in respect to the other woman. "They are fine Priestess. If Maverick wasn't there I would have easily protected the children."

"Of course your highness." Said the Priestess. She brushed a few of her black braids out of her face. "But I would feel more at ease if you would let me stay with them tonight. You need your rest and Maverick has a wife to look after."

"Don't you have students to teach tomorrow?" Asked Maverick in an almost all knowing tone.

The Priestess brushed it off. "I'm sure my students will understand I was aiding the queen in the protection of our small kingdoms future rulers. Plus I'm sure they will appreciate a day off. Now if you excuse me, I will go and watch over them. May the Goddess bless you both."

"And my she bless you too." Said Maverick. He and the queen continued to walk down the quiet hallway while the Priestess went into the children's room. The queen and the man walked side by side in relative silence. No loud or sudden noises disturbed them as they roamed. "Aren't you going to bed my queen?"

The Queen shrugged. "I guess so… But tell me, has your wife gone to the Healers? Surely they would know a way to cure her if she is ill."

Maverick chuckled a little. "My queen, I have taken my wife to see the Healers countless times. Each time they say the same thing; bed rest, drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit. She will be fine."

The Queen nodded a little. "That's good… Say Maverick?"


"Why don't you call me by my name?" She asked. "When we were kids you always called me by my name. What changed?"

"You married the King." Said Maverick calmly. "Besides, it's rude to call a woman by her name when she has a title. Why do you think no one every calls the Priestess by her name?"

The Queen rolled her eyes in annoyance and stopped walking. "Maverick, we have been friends for years. If anyone is allowed to say my name it would be you. Do I need to give you permission as your Queen to call me my name?"

"Maybe you do." Teased Maverick. "I wouldn't want to get thrown into the dungeons for treason."

Pouting, the Queen poked Maverick in the cheek. "Come on you. As your Queen I demand you say my name and call me by my name from now on when we are in private, Maverick."

Maverick chuckled a little and nodded. "Of course Jade. If you so demand it."

"And demand it I do." Said Jade calmly. She walked into her bed chambers, followed closely by Maverick. "Whenever it's just the two of us I want you to call me Jade. None of this holier then thow bullshit." Sighing dramatically she collapsed on her bed, causing the neatly made bed sheets to crumple.

Staying by the door, Maverick nodded a little. He was uninterested in her rants of inequality. "Jade, you should have known what you were getting yourself into when you started dating that man. All that gossip and poking fun at the once then prince marrying an orphan girl was bound to turn into reality one day."

Jade pouted a little and looked up at Maverick. "The way you pronounce orphan is still weird. I can't tell if you're saying orphan; a person with no parents, or often; as in frequently."

"Make fun of my speech impediment as much as you whish Jade, I'm still the royal bodyguard." Said Maverick. "… And perhaps if a few coins were slipped my way I could become an assassin and execute you and the rest of the royals."

"You wouldn't do that."

"I know I wouldn't. I'm not the kind to suddenly switch loyalties like that. I'd need at least a bad of silver."

Jade chuckled a little at the way Maverick so easily spoke of his treason. She knew he didn't particularly care too much about who was in charge or anything, just as long as he had a roof over his head and was able to feed his wife and kids he was happy. He was rather neutral like that.

Sighing a little, Jade sat up and looked out her window. The moon was still high up in the night sky. " … I wonder what ever happened to Aspen…"

"Aspen?" Asked Maverick cautiously. "We haven't seen her since we were children… She just ran away one day and never came back."

Jade shrugged a little at Maverick's words. "I guess… Your son reminds me a lot of her you know… They both have white hair and red eyes."

Maverick shrugged. "I guess so, but I was there when my wife gave birth. I literally saw him coming out of her… Not something I want to see again… I don't care what people say about the miracle of childbirth. It is fucking scary and insane and I am surprised women don't drop dead after pushing that out."

The Queen chuckled at how horrified Maverick sounded at the thought of childbirth. "I understand how you feel, I mean I had the honour of popping out twins."

She watched as Maverick shivered in disgust and horror. "Please Jade, I don't want to hear about that… So much blood and just… It's insane…"

"Yeah… but I still wonder what happened to Aspen." Truth be told she and Aspen had been extremely close friends for many, many years. That all changed though when Aspen turned fifteen and ran away from the orphanage the two of them grew up in. She would have given anything to meet her again.

Maverick cleared his throat a little, quickly getting the queens attention. "Instead of focusing on the past, perhaps you should focus on the present? Your husband should be getting back tomorrow. Hopefully his return won't result in more children appearing."

"Trust me, I'd sooner cut off his lower appendage then let that happen again." Noticing Maverick visibly cringe at that imagery, she smiled to herself. "Maverick, you may go home now. Your wife must be missing you."

The brunet smiled and nodded. "Thank you Jade. May the Goddess bless you."

"And my she bless you."

XoXoXo page brake oXoXoX

Maverick got home relatively quickly. He didn't want to get into the bad books with his fiery wife. Especially when she wasn't feeling too well. He quietly walked past his sons room and silently slipped into the bedroom. His wife was awake, reading in bed.

He took a moment to take in her appearance; long messy red hair all done up in a bun for the night, olive green eyes framed by dark bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep, her completion was quite sickly and she wore a long sleeved grey night gown. Even sick, she still looked perfect in his eyes.

Before Maverick could say anything and without looking up she got in the first word. "So you're finally back."

"Sorry Ula." Said Maverick, almost sheepishly. "Working all day, getting a drink with some of the guards then an ahool attack… I should have been home hours ago."

"Yes you should have." Said Ula. She put down her book and looked up at her husband. "I was worried sick about you… I thought something might have happened to you… Do you have any idea how upset Gilbert would be if you suddenly got killed?"

Maverick sighed a little and sat next to Ula, gently kissing her cheek. "That's not going to happen."

"… Come to bed."

Smiling a little, he complied. He stripped down to his pants and got into bed next to her. He yawned a little and pulled Ula close so her back was pressed against his chest. "Tell me all about your day."

Ula sighed softly and gently placed her hands over Maverick's arms. "Nothing of much interest happened… My head is still stuffed up but I'm almost better. Gilbert keeps eating random things off the floor… I think he ate a beetle today…"

Maverick chuckled. "Of course he ate a beetle."

"Didn't your mother say you used to eat all manner of bugs when you were his age?" Asked Ula. She chuckled a little. "Worms and caterpillars and slugs."

A blush as red as Ula's hair covered Maverick's face. "I was three. I don't even remember doing that."

"Like father like son."

"Hush you."

"No, you can be quiet. I thought you wanted to hear about my day."

Maverick sighed, gently kissing her neck. "Yeah… I just don't want to hear about the stupid stuff I did as a kid… I want to hear about the stupid stuff Gilbert has been up to."

"Your son tried to make mint tea for me." Said Ula. "He ripped some mint out of the garden, put it in a cup and poured in water. There were still thick clumps of dirt in it… and a few ants."

"He tried." Said Maverick. He yawned a little. "You always drink either a mint tea or a lavender one. Not his fault he doesn't know how to make tea properly."


The door creaked open a little. Maverick looked over to see his son, Gilbert standing there hugging his pillow. He looked really upset. Reluctantly he sat up and stretched his arms out to him. "Come here little man. Have a bad dream again?"

He nodded and quickly ran over to Maverick, hugging him tightly. "Scary… Not awesome…"

"…" Maverick sighed and looked over at Ula. "This is why I don't like leaving him with your parents. Your father is senile and says awesome at the end of almost every sentence." He lied down, putting Gilbert between himself and Ula.

Ula rolled over, hugging Gilbert close. "He likes saying awesome. Just let it go." She kissed Gilbert's forehead and smiled a little. "It's okay Gilbert. Your mama is here to take care of you and so is your daddy."

Maverick chuckled a little and held them both close. Hopefully now he could get some sleep.


Shinigami-cat: Okay so this chapter was mainly focusing on back story of the OC's that are going to be present in this fic. Actual characters will be present from next chapter onwards. Okay? Okay. Please review.