Started: 06/21/2014.

Finished: 07/09/2014

Revision: 07/09/2014

Summary: He could have never guessed that his salvation was in the form of a small bright eyed child.

Notes: I do enjoy a random fiction here and there, and this is one of them. Kid AUs kill me, and a tiny Onoda with Mamashima is too cute to pass up.. So I am dangling on a limb here and attempting to write on how and why Makishima could ever be the Mama that we know he is. A bit sentimental, and absolute fiction. In all honesty...its a little dull. Just a teeny weenie bit..

Child of Mine

"There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child" - Henry Ward Beecher

Chapter 01: Affection is a double edged sword

"The fact of the matter is there is nothing medicine can do for you."

Yuusuke Makishima looked up at the doctor, eyes slightly closed as he regarded this so called professional.

"So, there is nothing wrong with me?"

The doctor adjusted his glasses, looking nervous. "Nothing physically. Not something we could find…" he paused for a moment, "Perhaps you should.." He stopped again, as he met his patient's eyes, and he seemed scared for some unknown reason "Have you tried talking to, well, a psychiatrist about this issue you're having?"

Makishima blinked in response. A psychiatrist ? Was this problem he was having a mental one?

He shifted his eyes to a plaque hanging on the wall behind the doctor's desk. It verified that this was a good doctor, and that award hanging there meant course, judging by the amount of money these visits had cost him, good didn't seem quite enough.

Because there was nothing physically wrong with him.

So these last few months of extremely fatigue and headaches and insomnia was because he might be going crazy.

Well, that was nothing new.

"A psychiatrist .." he murmured under his breath. Fine. Whatever. Though he was reluctant to pay just to talk to someone, something he didn't particularly enjoying doing in the first place. But if it helped, he would try anything at this point.

The doctor nodded and jotted down a couple of things on a prescription pad, and handed it to Makishima. He took it gingerly and stood up from the chair. He didn't bother saying goodbye or even a customary thank you, but simply lifted a limp hand to signal his departure.

The doctor was probably glad to get rid of him.

He was out of the office quickly, his long legs carrying him far, his hands snug in his jacket pockets. The cool spring air filled his nose and his eyes scanned the street. It was a nice day. And usually he would want to go out for a ride But now, he was just tired. It was the same feeling of weariness that he had been feeling for a seemingly long time. It was a heavy weight on his shoulders in his bones. He took out the paper that the doctor had given to him, glancing at the sloppily written number there.

He had a lot to reflect on. Like the fact that he apparently needed professional help because things weren't normal. Or as normal as he could be. Or perhaps the fact that the world seemed dull and lackluster. That was probably an issue. But as usual, he didn't dwell on it. It was better to just forget about it until he was forced to think about it.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and Makishima considered for a moment that he should ignore it. But there really was no reason for it, so he took it out and answered.

"Yusuke, man where the hell are you?"

It was Thomas, an annoying but savvy assistant to his brother. He had come from London with them when they set up shop here in Japan, and he seem to be enjoying the country very much.

"Hey man, Your bro found out about that Luna chick. He is not happy."

Makishima frowned. He had known that this would spring up again.


Thomas was quiet for a second, "I might've of told him."

"-the hell, Thomas!"

"Hey man, sorry! You know what I'm like when I have a little too much. He painted me in a corner."

Makishima sighed. Of course, this would happen. Thomas had never been reliable.


The groggy voice on the other side of the line groaned, "Uh..Last night. I just remembered, so I called to warn you. He was mad.. Better watch out."

Well, no shit. "Okay, Thanks."

"Yeah, just don't die. I need those fabric inquires by tomorrow."

Makishima nodded, and then remembered he was on the phone, "Yeah...okay."

The rest of the day was not looking good. His brother was at probably at the office, going over the designs for an upcoming spring show.

Recently business had picked up dramatically, due to a sort of up and coming pop artist donning some of their weirder eccentric clothing. It had caused a inflow of a lot more publicity, that Makishima wasn't too fond of.

He scanned the contacts on his phone until he got to his brother's. He contemplated calling him, and getting through this Luna situation.

He sighed, pushing heavy green locks back. Luna was a young fashion reporter that worked for a local fashion magazine. Luna had been quite interested in him, drawn in by Makishima's odd and 'different' qualities. Or so he heard from his brother and Thomas. Makishima, though, hadn't been interested in the least, and he tried to avoid her for the next following weeks. Apparently that is not the way to treat a girl.

His brother was thrilled with the idea of his little brother dating a fashionista. Good publicity and all that. So whenever he asked 'how things were going…' Makishima would respond with the non committal 'fine..everything is fine…"

But now that his brother knew what his fine meant, which was actively and very intentionally ignoring her, it was probably not going to be a good conversation.

Eh, he'll leave that till later. Instead he dug in his coat for the number that the doctor had given him, before calling it..

It rang for a moment, before a cheerful lady answered, asking the purpose for his call.


She rattled on some information, and asked for his name. When he told her, she recognized it, saying that his good doctor had already called to inform them of Makishima's inevitable arrival.

"You can come in tomorrow at twelve, or three thirty, whichever works for you, sir."

Makishima thought for a second. "Three thirty."

She started off again happily, giving bits of information and asking whether or not he knew where their office was, and that they accepted all credit cards. Oh, well how convenient.

Makishima was glad to get off the phone, but unfortunately, when he did, it buzzed again in his hand. The contact appearing there made Makishima almost groan.

It was his brother.

He pushed the answer button, already regretting it.


"Yuusuke! Thomas told me that you were never dated Luna! Why did you lie to me?"

Makishima leaned against a wall, slumping down wearily, his head tilting back as he thought of what to tell his brother.

"I never did say I was dating her."

"What! Seriously? Are you really giving me that right now? You didn't correct me when I assumed though! You let me make a fool of myself!"

Makishima grimaced, lifting a hand to run through his hair. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry is not good enough, Yuusuke. I've been telling people that you're in a stable relationship. And I heard that you straight up were avoiding her. What the hell, Yuusuke? What is she going say about us now?"

"I get it. I'm sorry." Makishima replied insistently. " away from me."

The line rasped as his brother sighed, "Yeah. Okay. But we have to settle this. I'm going out with Thomas and a couple of bloggers tonight, and we need to clear this up."

Makishima sighed as the night he was planning was suddenly flushed down the toilet. "Yeah, I got it."

"You better be there."

"Yes. I'll be there."

"And wear"

"Got it."

His brother ended the call, and Makishima sighed in relief. That wasn't as bad as he had expected. Of course, now he had an ...'outing' which was something he truly hated. In these gatherings that his brother organized there was two things required, mingling and small talk, both of which Makishima lacked skills in considerably.

But, He owed it to him, and so with that thought he headed home.

It was just as Makishima expected.

Loud and crowded.

It wasn't that he didn't like people. Okay, maybe he didn't really like people..but besides that, people tended to instantly categorize him as odd. Fit him in some sort of mold. And if there was one thing he hated above all else.. it was the lack of freedom

Their family in general was..different. His brother had made the most of it, jumping into the fashion industry with great pizzazz, where different and peculiar were most welcomed and his little sister wore her uniqueness as if it were a badge of honor.

Makishima though had always been naturally quiet. Not shy..just not interested in people in general. He like cycling, but trained in his own way, by himself. He like fashion, and didn't really care what others thought of his sense of style.

So, this "get together" was starting to grate at his nerves. The music was loud and tasteless, since he was not the type to dance, and he tried to avoid drinking after a terrible night a few years back where his drunkenness had cost him a couple thousand dollars.

And, in all honesty, he just wanted to sleep.

"HHHeeey! Maki, whatcha' doing here, get out there man." Thomas had returned to the table, smelling heavily of alcohol and he nudged Makishima with his shoulder, before flopping his head back. "I seriously need to stop drinking. I had the mother of all hangovers this morning, and your dear bro chewed me out." He sat up and grinned at the bored man next to him, "hey, wanna help me get him drunk? 'cause you know your bro is seriously hilarious when shitfaced."

Makishima gave him a look of uninterest.

Oh yes, he did know what brother was like when he was inebriated. And yes, as humorous as it was, there was no way Makishima would help get him that way. Hell hath no fury like that of his brother with a hangover.. .

"oi, by the way, did you talk to Luna? She's here. I saw her talking with that blonde know the one with that tight red little num-"

Makishima frantically looked around the room, hoping not to see the woman that had texted him almost nonstop since they met. But, he had no such luck, as he spotted her at the bar, chatting with a couple of men. Among them was brother dearest.

He stood up. He knew he had to..he didn't…with her and tell her that he was not in the least bit interested. But, his head was pounding and he didn't feel like confronting her right now. He thought that ignoring her many attempts of communication would have sufficed but that was not so.

"Eh..? Where you are going? Maki?"

Makishima took the bottle of vodka out of the drunk's hand, wondering who in their right mind would give him one, and spoke loudly to the him,"I'm going out real quick."

Thomas peered up at him, eyes confused before nodding once.

Makishima then ducked behind a crowd of stumbling dancers and quickly strode out the door.

The cool fresh air felt wonderful. The night was clear, and despite the glowing signs of the city, Makishima could see the bright stars over his head.

He stuck his hands in the pockets of his striped jacket before walking out in the street. It was the type of night for a walk, and Makishima did just that.

He really should go back and try to talk to Luna. He did feel slightly bad about the whole thing, but he just didn't want to deal with her right now..or ever actually. She was exactly the type of person he tended to avoid, those pushy, wanting their sort of perfection for everyone kind of people.

Finally, Makishima managed to get out of the city lights, and realized that somehow in his absentminded stroll, he had made it to a park. He spotted a swing set, and without really thinking about it, he sat down on it.

It wasn't very comfortable. His legs awkwardly bent since the swing was obviously meant for children.

But it was quiet here, and that was refreshing.

Soon he would have to return to a flashing room with ear thundering music, so he was going to enjoy this.

He missed riding his bike, suddenly, and longed to run home and get it. It had been almost three weeks since he touched it and he was sure it was collecting dust.

How could he have lost the feeling of freedom riding gave him? Was he so bogged down with all this 'other' stuff he had to do now that even climbing wasn't freeing enough.

He felt chained, like he was stuck behind the peloton and the mountain was just beyond them, visible but beyond his reach.

He buried his hands in his hair. This truly sucked.

Here he was, free do as he pleased, and all he was feeling was chains. He had money, direction, friends and family. He had his skill, and he was damn good at it.

So why did it all feel meaningless.

Empty, and unsatisfying.

Was he really living his life without purpose?

He laughed, a quiet sad laugh. If his high school self could see him now…

His phone buzzed in his pants, and Makishima groaned loudly, before answering it.

"Yuusuke! What. the. hell! Where are you?"

Makishima barely heard him over the bass that invaded the speaker,

"Yuusuke!? Can you hear me? Luna was looking for you! I think she left. What did we talk about this afternoon? You can't just wish this away!"

Why couldn't he? It didn't matter anyway. Life was going smooth as could be, he was being drafted by luck. Why should he even worry about anything at this point.

Makishima clicked his phone closed, effectively hanging up on his brother. His stuffed the device in his jacket, feeling guilty but no real regret.

It buzzed again, and again until Makishima threw his coat on the floor.

He sat there for a long time. He even gave swinging a try, but it wasn't very fun, or safe.

Tomorrow, he would see the psychiatrist , and although Makishima doubted it, maybe he would have answers that he desperately need to hear.

Why wasn't he happy?

Makishima stood from the swing, picked up his jacket and headed back to the party. There was no doubt that it was still going on, but he hoped at least his brother had gone home.

He hadn't realized that he had spent an hour sitting there, contemplating life. Or lack of life… whichever fit best.

When he got back to the club, he saw his brother's car, and decided that instead of trying to talk with the man, he would just try and sleep.

He slipped into the back seat, thankful for probably Thomas' lack of alertness for once. The leather smelled clean, and he closed tired eyes, praying to any deity within earshot to give him sleep.

Someone heard his quiet plea, because in a couple of minutes he sank into darkness.

He was jolted awake by a loud voice, and a stronger smell. "goddamnit! I swther, ill nevber drink again. on my libe!"

Makishima opened a bleary eyes, as Thomas crawled into the car, and laid across Makishima's lap.

"Yusuuke? What are..were you sleeping?"

Makishima wished to go back in time and enjoy those blissful minutes of unconscious. This was the worst thing to happen tonight. He gets rare shut eye only to be awakened by a piss drunk man and an angry relative, "yeah, I was."

His brother sat in the front seat and turned the car on as Thomas babbled on his thigh.

"I'm taking him home first."

Makishima nodded, and then frowned at his brother unusually quiet voice.

In fact, as he drove the car into the city, the silence was making Makishima uneasy. And that was probably a first. There was no doubt that his brother was mad. He had to be...and had the right to be. Makishima just should've told the truth.

Why didn't he?

"I...I'm worried about you, Yusuuke."

Makishima caught his brother's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"I know...I know there is something wrong. That's why I was hoping this thing with Luna would work out. I'm sorry I pushed you, but I know.." He sighed, and the family habit of scratching one's face when nervous came into view, "I know you're not happy. I just wanted to help."

Makishima stared at his brother, whose eyes were now adverted. It was awkward talking to him about this issues he was having, but it was nice to know that he cared. He didn't think they were all that close, but maybe he was wrong. They were family, and that was what did matter.

"Thanks..I'm ..I'm working on it. and I am sorry. you know..for uh.."

"Forget it. I talked it out. She was kind of a bitch."

"I'd screw her!"

Makishima jumped as that was yelled out from his lap. Apparently, Thomas had woken up just in time to yell out something distasteful.

"You would sleep with a broom if it was wearing a skirt, Thomas." Was the quick response but his brother was grinning, "By the way, I'm cutting your paycheck. That's twice this week you gone to work with a hangover."

"Work related hangover!"

Makishima smiled, their family moment ruined, but the banter between his brother and the drunk man was entertaining to hear. At least it was distracting.

If his brother noticed in his discontentment, then something had to change.

He watched the lights speed by, looking at the city filled with people that lived lives.

Lives full of purpose.

So what was his? And where could he find it.

Whatever it was, he hoped he would find it soon.

It was starting to be a terrible day.

He'd woken up late, because his phone was missing. He looked everywhere for it before realizing that he perhaps had dropped it the swing set he had visited the night before.

On top of that, when he did managing to get a drunk and staggering Thomas into his house, and helped his sleepy brother to bed, Makishima himself was wide awake.

He laid in his bed for hours, counting the seconds. He had finally given up and started working on a few designs for their next fall line, until the birds started chirping, and the dim bright light of dawn crept through his window. He was very annoyed when he crawled under his covers, shutting his eyes tight and willing himself to sleep.

It had worked. For a couple of hours at least.

It was nine thirty when he awoke. The house was empty, but there was freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table, no doubt from a thoughtful older brother. He downed it quickly before heading to the office.

While he was co-owner of the label, and didn't necessarily have to go to work on time, he liked to.

It filled up his day. The prior year, he would only show up to work three or four times a week, riding and racing the rest of the time.

That was before.

He sat at his desk, and pulled out the sketches he had been working on. The hours passed by, and a couple of interns and seamstresses came in to ask him questions but he was relatively unbothered. When he glanced at his clock though, and saw that it was 2:40, he rushed to clean. Before leaving though, he stopped by his brothers office.

"Hey, I appointment. I'll be back later." Makishima said laying down his work binder on his brother's desk.

His brother frowned at him, "I called you twice this morning, I was trying to tell you not to come in today."

"I wished he'd extend such courtesy to me." That was Thomas, who was slumped in a chair, face pressed against the window, eyes screwed shut.

Makishima ignored him, "I lost it. My phone. But I think I know where it is, though."

"Okay. Another doctor's appointment? Is that where you're going?"

Makishima paused, debating whether to tell his brother the truth. Last night was a testament to how much his brother did care…

"A psychiatrist."

It was still for a moment, before it it was broken by the loudest person in the room.

"Seriously, man? A shrink?" Thomas placed his hand to his head, "I didn't know you were off the deep end yet. Is it his fault?" he jerked his head in the direction of his brother, who glared at him in response.

"Shut it, Thomas. Yuusuke, is this something I should be...concerned about?"

Makishima shook his head, "All I need is sleeping pills. Thats it."

His brother hummed thoughtfully, before pulling the binder towards him, "okay. I guess I'll see you later. And go find your phone. Or get a new one."

Makishima nodded, heading out the door.

"Hey, if your doc's a hot chick, tell me, okay!"

Makishima grinned at the request.. Well, Thomas was nothing, if not consistent.

He left the office and caught a cab to get the address that had been given to him.

When he got there the woman at the desk greeted him warmly, and offered tea, and coffee although it was now quite late afternoon.

He stared at the office door, watching the clock. Soon, he would be discussing his life issues with a strange man that was good at listening to people. At least, thats what a piece of paper said.

"Mr. Makishima?"

He started at his name. There was a man at the door, and his great wide smile gave Makishima a foreboding feeling.

And his feelings were usually right...

"Do something good. Try to help someone. You'll find that you'll feel better about yourself."

Without a doubt, his feelings were always right.

The so called psychiatrist was an idiot.

Thats what Makishima concluded when he left the office. Sure, he seemed nice, and all the psycho jargon had sounded impressive but he was a certifiable idiot.

It hadn't been a "real meeting" supposedly, and their first actual appointment would be the following week, on a tuesday. Fantastic.

Makishima watched the traffic with tired eyes, regarding the bustling crowd with disdain. God, all these people milling about had something to do, and all of them probably had a wonderful night sleep.

He flagged down a cab, and waited for one to stop by.

When one did, he slipped into the back seat, slumping until he could barely see the top of the mirror. He groaned out the name of the street he knew the park was at, and tried to close his bloodshot eyes.

Sleep seemed like such a simple action. Then why in the hell couldn't he do it.

Sleep! It was so easy.

"I don't like just giving out sleeping pills, Mr. Makishima. I like to attack a problem head on. Tell me, how do you feel about yourself?'

Makishima ran a hand through his hair, and glanced out the window. How did he feel? He was tired, lethargic, and everyday was pretty much miserable. Yeah, there was a problem. He already knew that. And now he was paying to get rid of it.

But the doctor hadn't found anything physically wrong with him, and the psychiatrist had only prodded him, asking weird questions. Like when was the last time he had felt happy? and what color did he see the world now. What was the first thing that came to his mind when he woke up. Questions that seemed pretty pointless in his humble opinion. But hell, what could he know, he was only the person paying.

But what really annoyed him was the doctor's last comment, or rather his advice to try this next week.

Do something good.

Help out a fellow human being.

How was he supposed to do that when he had gotten maybe ten hours of sleep in the last week.

"We're here, sir."

Makishima dug into his coat pocket, bringing out his wallet. He threw some money in the front, too lazy to hand it to the driver. The driver muttered something under his breath, but Makishima decided not to question it as he got out of the car.

The park was filled with a lot more people than the night before, kids and parents, and elderly people feeding..birds?

Makishima ignored the crowds, and laughter around them.. It would get dark soon, and even though it was still afternoon, he planned on heading home early and once again, trying to sleep.

The swing was occupied by a small figure. The person on the swing was not using it, instead merely sitting there, much like Makishima had used it the night before.

He approached the swing cautiously, hoping that the kid sitting there would get scared of the tall green haired man coming up to him.

The kid didn't move, and Makishima decided to ignore him. He knelt down, and began digging through the sand. He really thought it would be unlikely that his phone would still be there. It was already late.

Amazingly though, his fingers touched something hard, and when Makishima grabbed it, it sure felt like his phone. Well, that one good thing today. He shook of some grains of sand from it, before flicking it open and checking that the buttons still worked.

As he did, he glanced at the kid at the swing, who had stood up and was unusually still for a child.

The boy peered up at him, and Makishima saw the biggest eyes he had ever seen. Well, maybe they weren't that big. He thought it might be the glasses that made his face seem smaller, and in turn, his eyes larger. He was tiny, though, in a shirt that was far too large, a zip up jacket that was hanging haphazardly off one shoulder, and dirty untied sneakers that also seemed to be the wrong size.

All in all, the small boy looked like he wasn't being very well taken care of. He continued to stare at him, and Makishima was sure that the boy was going to find him weird pretty soon and start crying or something. The usual way children reacted to him.

But this one didn't. Instead he just stared, and his eyes were just so full of wonder that Makishima thought perhaps the kid had hit his head, making him dazed.

"uh…" He started, and looked around for a frantic adult, which without a doubt would be looking for their lost son by now. But the park was clear of those, none of the people walking around seemed remotely interested in the him. He looked down at the said kid again, "So, where are your parents?"

The boy's eyes lost a little brightness, and he glanced away from him, staring at the ground. "Mama went to heaven. but I live with my friends now, and with Miss Tendo."

Makashima began backpedaling, looking stricken. What was he supposed to say to that? The little boy sniffled suddenly, and Makishima's face twisted as the sheer loss of what to do. He ignored the boy's quiet admission, focusing on the latter statement, " this Miss Tendo? Is she...uh taking care of you now?"

The boys nodded enthusiastically, "yeah! She's really nice!"

" you know where you live."

He nodded again but this time he seemed less sure. He pointed north, but then glanced around, "or that way…" he corrected, pointing in the opposite direction. Makishima sighed and glanced at his watch. Is was going to be 5 soon. The park was probably safe, and this Tendo had probably left this child here for some reason, and would be back soon. He doubted that any harm would come to him. Sure, the darker it got the more dangerous, but no one would leave a kid here by themselves for long. He had only come for his cellphone. He had that now, so he could leave.

Makishima bit his lip. Yeah, just leave, this kid isn't any of your business. Someone else is taking care of the kid.

"Okay, well. Stay here and wait for...uh Tendo." The boy's eyes widened, and they looked so blue in the afternoon sun that it was blinding. And for some very odd reason, he placed an limp hand on the boy's head, the action spurred on by some weird feeling in his gut. And then just as quickly he removed it..

He took an awkward step back, "So, uh later."

The boy suddenly teared up, and when Makishima saw it and turned away quickly, 'oh no oh no oh no, Crap no….'

"You're not my new mama?" he heard him say.

"What-!?' Makishima yelled out, the question so surprising and out of place he actual tripped.

He turned back to the boy, tears gathering at the corner of his eyes. Makishima grimaced and quicker changed his line of sight to the boy's shoes instead. "What...I mean...Why do you think that."

The kid took a step forward, and looked back up at Makishima's face, which was probably terrifying, since he was very agitated at this turn of events.

"Hibiki-kun told me. If I went to the swing, my new mama would come."

Who ever this Hibiki was, he was an asshole. Who could tell that to a child? And what was he supposed to say to that. 'Sorry kid, they lied to you. I can't even take care of myself much less another human being'

"No...I'm not ..uh... mama. I just came to get my phone." he showed the phone to the kid in hopes he would understand the situation like an adult.

Of course he didn't, and looked even more heart broken. "I…" he started, tears now freely falling.

"I want mama!" he said suddenly, grabbing unto Makishima's pants, wailing.

The man in question started to freak out. What to you do? He had to get this kid back to his caretaker, and let them deal with everything. He ran a hand through his hair, nervous. The kid was loud and desperate, and Makishima said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Hold on..I can't be a mama. I'm a boy!"

The boy stopped crying, "A boy…?"

He nodded, and pulled his pants away from the kids grasp. He crouched, so that he was eye level, "Yeah Im a boy. Boys can't be mamas"

The boy looked really confused as he reached out and pulled on a strand of Makishima odd colored hair, "You look like mama."

Makishima grimaced at that. Yeah, he had long hair, so for a little boy like this that probably didn't make sense, "yeah..but..ugh."

He was exhausted, and pretty much at his wit's end. "Look, I can't take care of you. I have...I don't know how..and I don't …" the boy was eyes were so bright, hanging on his words. ''want to….' was what he was going to say, but that hopeful look in his eyes cut the words right out of him. This kid was tugging at his heart strings, and Makishima had to stop that.

He stood up, and motioned to the swing, "Stay there, And wait for your..uh friend. Okay?"

And he walked away, not looking back. Although he heard sniffling, and a faint 'Mama?' he refused to look back. If he looked back, the guilt would win and he would stay.

He continued walking, briskly, eyes staring hard at the ground, until he was out of the park and across the street. Now feeling like he was a safe distance, and rolled his shoulders, trying to loosen the tension he felt there, no doubt from his conscience. He had to distract himself.

He pulled out his phone again, and dialed his brother's number.

It rang for a moment, before his brother's voice filtered through.

"Hey, Found your phone?"


"Good. You said you were heading back to the here, right? I want to talk about these designs. How'd it go, by the way?"

"It went fine. you know.." he paused, but the question was already half formed. "...if there is a lost kid, should I call the cops?"

His brother paused, "What? A kid? You found one?"

Makishima regretted asking, "Sort of."

"I don't know. If you call the cops, you might be stuck there until parents arrive. Probably a lot a hassle. I wouldn't if I were you"


"Alright then, are you coming, Yuusuke?".

"yeah, Ill be there soon."

He closed the phone, and it clicked as he hung up. His brother was right. It would be a lot of hassle, and he shouldn't get involved. It wasn't like him to, and he wasn't going to change for a snot nosed kid.

He sighed, annoyed. Why couldn't he just forget the interaction. Why was he feeling guilty? The kid was fine. They would find him soon, and he would go back to being with his friends and happy and all that shit. He looked at his watch. It was five after five, and the traffic was picking up. If he caught a cab now, he could be back at the office in fifteen, talk to his brother about whatever the hell he wanted to discuss and be home by six. And sleep because he was tired and didn't want to remember the kid's stupid tearful eyes. Or at least try to sleep. God, knows that he had been trying for the last month to get real sleep.

He stepped to the curb and was about to flag a car down when his eyes looked over to the park entrance, knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to see the kid from here, and that made him feel safe in looking.

But he was wrong, because he did see the kid. Standing at the curb, watching the traffic. The sidewalk was filling up with people leaving work, and the kid was at their knees, and one forceful shove could send the kid into the street and possibly hit by a car.

Makashima cursed loudly, and jogged down the curb to the crosswalk, hoping that he could get there in time to pull the kid away from the road.

The light turned, he ran down the length of the street, rudely shoving people out of his way, "Kid! Get away from the street! Now!"

The kid started at his voice, looking around for the source. His sudden movement made his foot slip down the curb, and stepping on his untied shoelace, it plunged him head first into the street.

Makishima was there in an instant, picking him up from the pavement and falling backward on the sidewalk in his haste to get the kid away from danger as a car zoomed by. He felt bodies as he fell, and shouts of protest and annoyance, but he didn't care.

"Mama?" said a muffled voice, and Makishima leaned away and got a proper look at the kid's face. It was tear stained, his lips trembling and snot dripping from his nose.

Makishima was furious.

He was legitimately angry at this kid. What sort of idiot would-!

"What is wrong with you! You could've gotten hurt! The street is dangerous!" He all but shouted. The kid responded by wailing, tears once again falling, and he wrapped his arms around Makishima neck, burying his head in his hair.

"Uh, sir? Are you and your son, okay?" The question came from a concerned woman, and Makishima realized he was still sitting in the middle of a busy sidewalk, with a crying kid attached to him. "Yeah...Sorry." He stood up, his arm coming up to support the kids legs, as he doubted the boy would loosen his grip anytime soon.

"I know how kids are, " the stranger lady continued, motioning to the little girl at her knees," they keep you on your toes."

Well, he for one didn't know that it involved life and death. His heart was still beating fast in his chest, mouth dry. He had thought that the kid was going to get hit, and that had scared the living daylights out of him. The lady smiled, and patted the kid's head until he turned to her, "Now young man, you listen to your papa and be safe. Don't run into the street."

Makishima didn't bother correcting her as that would probably cause an even worse situation.

The boy nodded, and turned back to him, "I'll listen, Mama! Promise"

The lady blinked, frowning that the boy had called him mama instead of what he obviously was. "Alright, take care, dear." She left, grabbing her daughter's hand who was beaming up at Makishima.

What was with kids today?

Makishima moved to set the kid down, but he grabbed onto the front of his jacket in a surprising strong grip. "Are you going to leave again, mama?"

Makishima clenched his teeth, "I'm not your mama, kid." He was still a little pissed at the kid's antics, and his brain was finally catching up to the fact that he was now solidly involved. He sighed, and shifted the kid on one arm. He was really thin, feeling too light on his arm. "Why were you on the street?"

He brightened, "Mama left this!" he stuck his hand in his pocket, and took out a paper that Makishima recognized as the psychiatrist number. He gaped at the boy, "You..You came to look for me, for that?" he took it, and looked at it bemused.

The boy nodded furiously. That was when Makishima noticed that his glasses were missing, and also that while they didn't look quite as large, the boys blue did make up most of his face. He glanced at the ground and then the street.

Unfortunately, when he found them, there wasn't much left of them. One of the lenses was completely shattered, and the frame was bent, and sharp, too dangerous to try to attempt to place back on his face.

"Oh for the love of-" he muttered and he bent down to pick them up. They were beyond repair. He shoved them in his pocket, "Okay. Thanks for.. the paper, I guess." the boy beamed so brightly, it made Makishima squint and his earlier ire died down at the sight.

"and…" he paused, decision made, despite of himself "I'm not your mama, but i'm not leaving you alone again. I'm going to take you to someone that can find your..well whoever takes care of you."

His small face dropped for a second, but he recovered quickly. "Okay! I'll be a good boy!" he said gladly.

Makishima gave him a small smile. Then he frowned, as he thought about what he was doing. The boy made himself cozy on his arm, and snuggled into his shirt. It couldn't be comfortable, since Makishima was very aware that he was more bones than anything. But the boy just sighed happily, puffing air into his action was so foreign, that Makishima froze for several seconds. There was a low bubbling in his chest, like molasses being boiled. It gurgled and almost felt painful and most certainly weird. He shook his head once, as he started down the road.

He knew there was a police station somewhere around here, due to the amount of bars and nightclubs in this area. There was bound to be plenty of cops.

He glanced at his watch again, five twenty and counting, as he paced, eyes scanning for the distinctive symbol of local authorities.

As he walked he started thinking about how absurd this situation was. Here he was, with a kid whose name he didn't know, frantically looking for a policeman. All his earlier musing on why he should not care about the child had flown out the window once he had been in trouble. In that moment, Makishima hadn't cared about anything but the kid's safety. And now here he was, probably going to spend the remainder of his night babysitting the brightest eyed boy he had ever met.

And what happens after that? He would head over to the office, and probably get yelled by his brother, but that was that. He hoped that the kid would be glad to get back home, and that he would find the parents that he was looking for.

At that thought he remembered that someone had lied to the kid. What sort of scumbag would do that, especially to one that seemed so gullible and fragile as this one. There was a flush of anger that coursed through him that was puzzling. That had been twice. In the span of half an hour, he had felt a range of emotions that he hadn't had in a long, long time. In actuality, this last hour his feelings had fluctuated more than that entire week. And that was both pathetic and alarming.

All because of the tiny bundle in his arms?

The said boy made a small noise that caught Makishima's attention, and he more felt than heard the rumble of his small stomach. He laughed, as it was loud for a person so small, "Are you hungry, kid?"

He emerged from his hiding spot, and his face was a little red. He shook his head hard, eyes all of a sudden wide with panic "No! I'm not hungry! I promise, Im not hungry!"

The reaction was strange and wrong, "Hey! It's okay to be hungry. What do you want to eat?"

He shook his head again, his hands grabbing Makishima jacket, "No..not hungry.." he murmured, and pressed his face into his shirt. Makishima stared at him, unsure what to do. It was obvious that the boy needed food. and a lot of it. He was so small, and thin. He didn't exactly look sick, but he certainly wasn't the picture of healthy.

Well, alright, if he didn't want to eat, than Makishima had no right to force him.

"Okay, but I'm hungry, so I want to get food." he told him, and set his steps towards a burger joint. Not exactly something he ate often but they had kids meals and stuff, and maybe that would entice the kid to get over this attitude of his. "Ill get some food. For me. and if you want something you better tell me." He felt the boy shake his head against chest. "Okay. whatever."

He entered the the restaurant, the smell of bread and fries hitting him in the face. It was bright a cool in there as he approached an open register.

"Welcome! What is your order, sir?" The man at the counter said friendly like.

Mikashima scanned the menu, realizing he didn't know what there was for kids. He must've looked distressed enough that the server spoke up. "Would you like to try a Love Hime meal? Its a new promotional menu for kids. Its been a big hit so far."

Makishima nodded, jumping at the choice, "yeah and a number 5. With a bottle of water."

The man smiled, and punched in the order. Makishima paid quickly and left the counter.

Now, he had to pry the boy off of him. He crouched down, and moved his arms so that the kid's feet touched the ground, "Hey, you have to walk now."

The boy did the opposite, pressing himself further into his jacket, but then listened and took a step back and looked at Makishima.

Makishima grimaced as he saw his face. His tears were dry , leaving trails down his cheeks, and his snot had crusted on his face.

"ugh… gross." he said and standing up, he continued "c'mon lets get you cleaned up." He headed over to the bathrooms, assuming that the boy would follow him. The boy surprised him though when he slipped a warm hand into his, skipping in his step, "Gotta get cleaned up! gotta get cleaned up! Mama gonna clean me up!" he sang, swinging his arms, but still gripping tightly.

Makishima gave him look. It was a mixture of embarrassment and utter helplessness.

Makishima could feel it. It was clawing at his chest and making his tongue thick in his mouth.


It was impossible to ignore the fact that this kid was sweet enough to kill someone with an overload of cuteness. And Makishima hadn't been exposed to too much sweetness in his life. He didn't know many kids, and certainly never even considered the idea of taking care of one, knowing he would be terrible at it.

But undoubtedly he was caving here.

The bathroom was quiet as they entered, and Makashima grabbed a paper towel and ran it under the water. He pulled his hand out of the boy's grasp and gently picked him up and placed him on the sink. Then, having no idea what he was doing, he covered the kids face with it, rubbing as softly as he could while still getting the job done.

When he was finished, and the boy's face looked pink and clean, and As always smiley. Makishima rolled the dirty paper towel and threw it in the circular trash can, not bothering to see if he had made it.

The kid's eyes, though were practically stars, "Mama! Mama is so cool!" He waved his arms ecstatically, and Makashima glanced once at the trashcan, noting that yes, he had made it.

Apparently that was the coolest thing in the world.

"Alright, lets go, sport." he said and winced at the pet name. Since when did he call people pet names?

The boy reached out his arms to him, smiling so happily that Makishima felt reluctant to grab him.

But he did, picking him up and setting him on the ground, and once again the boy grabbed his hand like it was the natural thing to do. Of course for most kids, and probably people, holding hands was a natural thing to do. But he was Makishima. He didn't even remember the last time he had ever held hands with someone. But he had to admit it felt..nice. he could feel the boys small fingers wiggle and a strong pulse, despite its owner being so tiny, and fragile. They came back to the front of the restaurant, and his order number was called out. His meal was there on the tray, looking quite plain compared to the bright red box next to it, a purple haired illustrated female with a heart topped scepter filling one side. Guess that was the Love Hime Meal.

He picked up the tray, and wandered over to an empty table for two.

He helped the boy sit in one chair and then plopped down on the other. The boy's large eyes stared at the box, as Makishima unwrapped his burger, and took a bite.

He didn't move, just staring, until Makishima swallowed and cleared his throat. "Are you gonna open it?"

He shook his head. "I...not hungry…." His eyes told a different story though, and the desire to dive into the box was very clear. But Makishima didn't know how to make the kid eat. "Fine. But at least get the toy."

"Toy?" the response was quick and eager. Ah, kids did perk up at the thought of toys.

Makashima pointed with a long finger, to the girl printed on the box, "Yeah, A Love Hime toy."

The boy bounced in his chair, "I can...I can play?" he whispered, although his body was moving the opposite of shyness.

He nodded, amazed that this kid had such self control. It was obvious that he wanted to rip the box apart. "Go ahead."

He carefully pulled at the flaps on the top of the box, and peered into it. He stuck a hand and pulled out a small clear ball, which Makishima recognized as a capsule toy. It didn't look impressive, and hoped that the kid wouldn't be disappointed.

He hadn't needed to worry about the boy's happiness, because he practically squealed, "A toy! I got a toy!"

Makishima leaned away, almost choking on his food. The boy jumped in his chair beaming brighter than ever, staring at the ball in his hand like it was his greatest dream come true. And for all Makishima knew, maybe it was.

There was laughter to his right and he turned to look at the source. A couple of older ladies were giggling watching him. One of them spoke to him, "Your son is the cutest little boy I have ever seen."

Makishima didn't smile, but nodded, because yeah, the kid was the cutest kid he'd ever seen too.

The boy was now attempting to open the ball, struggling to pull apart the two halves. He looked up at him "Mama, help?"

Makishima raised and eyebrow, and held out a hand. Suddenly, he knew how to get the kid to eat, "I'll open it but only if you eat your food."

The boy looked positively horrified, and Makishima wondered why he was so adamant about not eating.

"but...I.." he looked helplessly at the ball in his hand, and when he looked up again, his eyes were wet. Makishima groaned, damn, he didn't mean to make the kid cry, but there was a nagging that he had to eat, and that was more important than his happiness right now. But he didn't cry, and after putting the ball in Makishima's hand, he pulled the box closer to him.

And then the kid ripped into his food with such speed and force, Makishima thought momentarily that the was no child, but a beast. The older ladies laughed at the kid's antic, and Makishima himself felt a chuckle escape his lips, because those big eyes were narrowed in such a determination. With the way he was chewing and eating it was like the world depended on it.

"Hey kid," he asked while placing the ball capsule on the table, "Why don't you like to eat."

The boy stuffed some fries into his mouth. Makishima supposed that he had answered his question because he made gurgling sounds around all the chewed up food in his mouth.

"What? Slowdown! The food is not going anywhere."

The boy nodded, reaching for a carton of milk. He swallowed and wiped him mouth with the back of his sleeve. "So mama stay."

Makishima frowned at that, "Stay? What does that have to do with food?"

He shrugged, struggling with the milk carton, seemingly ignoring the question.

Makishima watched him for a moment, before sighing and opening the drink for him,

"Thanks, Mama!"

He drank the milk, a little spilling from the side of his mouth, and Makishima sighed again, and grabbed some napkins to wipe his face, "You can't stay clean, can you?"

"Thats children for you, dear." the elderly woman at the table beside them said, as she walked over, her friend at her heels, "but they are so worth it." She smiled affectionately at the boy, "Hello sweetheart! What is your name?"

The boy blinked, before wiping his mouth and smiling up at her, "Name?"

The lady nodded, almost cooing.

the boy shifted from his bottom to his knees, wiggling small fingers in a wave, "My name is Onoda Sakamichi-Kun!" he said proudly, as if he had memorized his name and felt very accomplished.

Oh. So that's his name.

"Oh, what a nice name for you!" the woman said happily, and she looked at Makishima, "What a delightful child, sir! He is so polite, and adorable."

Makishima didn't know how to respond, since the praise had nothing to do with him, but the lady was looking at him expectantly, so he tried to smile,"Thanks…"

Her eyes widened at him in fear, and the lady behind her also gasped, "Uh...well, goodbye then." she said quickly, and rushed out of sight.

It must've of beem his smile, which he knew it was often terrifying. He didn't care though. He had been interacting with far too many people today. His entire day was out of whack, and it the kid's, no, Onoda's fault.

"Onoda." He said softly, and the boy's eyes jumped up to meet his, "mama?"

He frowned, "Don't call me that. I'm not Mama. Call me Makishima."

Onoda's brow furrowed, and he swallowed his food, "Mamashima?"

"What? No, Maki- Makishima." he said impatiently, as he took another bite of his hamburger.

Onoda smiled, "Mamashima!" he said, and if he wasn;t so cute, Makishima would have pushed him off his chair. Actually he was still kind of completing it.

"I give up…" he said, quite defeated,

Onoda just continued to eat, drinking down his milk until it was all he was finished with his fries he looked up at Makishima, looking like he was expecting a reward for eating all his food.

Which he was, since he kept glancing down to the ball capsule on the table.

"oh...right…" Makishima said, and grabbed the ball, and with little difficulty, he opened it. Onoda's eyes were practically sparkling as a little figurine fell out, into the palm of his hand. He stared at it, mystified by it. Makishima thought it was weird. This kid was very different from the kids he had met before. Not that he was some expert,because he could count the amount of children he had met on one hand, a few for some for photos shoots for "family portrait" when they had tried to branch out in their designs. They were annoying and demanding, and didn't understand what the photographer wanted. Their obnoxious attitude bothered Makishima, but all the other around thought it was cute.

But Onoda was dripping with sweetness. It was like he was like the advertisement for what a child should be. Makishima leaned back in his chair, done with his food, and watched the boy.

He was ecstatic at the toy, which was a miniature mold of the female on the box. His eyes sparkled, "Mama! Mamashima! Look! Look!" He proudly showed him the little toy in his hand,

"yeah.. cool." Makishima said, quite the foil to the boys enthusiasm. He let him play with the toy for a couple of minutes before gathering the trash on the table onto the tray. the the lid of his water bottle fell off and rolled to the ground, but he just ignored it. He stood up, carrying the garbage laden tray to the trash can.

It was now ten minutes after six. He really needed to get this kid back to his caretaker. A thought occurred to him, It was very possible since this kid was currently in his care, he could be accused of kidnapping or something. Especially since he wasn't the type to just care about kids, and a little terrifying. Sure he could say that the kid had pretty much attached himself, but would the cops believe that? He let out a sigh as he dumped the trash into the can, leaving the tray there, and headed back to the kid. The sooner he got the boy back to his people, and out of his hair, the sooner they would both be safe. And in all honesty, Makishima thought on his luck so far, as the people he had interacted with thought that he was the kid's father instead of a scary man that had kidnapped him. That was indeed lucky. But he shouldn't depend on that luck for long. They were going to get to the police station as soon as possible.

That was his resolution as he came back to the table.

Of course, nothing was ever simple with kids.

When Makishima cleared to the the table where they had been eating, the kid was gone.

Makishima's eyes widened, and his heart and stomach both leaped, as if the wheel of his bicycle had suddenly tipped.

He hurried over to the table, looking under it, and then scanned the restaurant, frantically looking for the boy.

"Onoda!" he called out and when he didn't get a response, he headed over to a family who had been eating contentedly, until Makishima approached them, eyes a little too wide to be friendly.

"You! Have you seen a kid, about this tall," he gestured with an arm to his knees, before continuing "blue eyes, black hair?"

The man, probably the father, started choking on his food. Makishima realized he wouldn't be any help in that state, and turned to the woman and the boy with her, "Well! Have you?"

The woman was too concerned with her husband to pay attention to him, much to Makishima's distress. But the boy looked over to his left where the trash cans were, and pointed. "That one?" he said, and Makishima followed his fingers to Onoda throwing something away.

Makishima felt his earlier angry leap bloodstream. "Onoda!" he said, almost viciously.

The boy responded to his name, and turned around making eye contact with a quite frustrated Green haired cyclist.

The poor boy didn't pick up on Makishima mood as he came running up to him, "Yea, Mamashima?"

Makishima reached out and grabbed him, hauling him up to be eye level. "What the he-" He stopped just in time, the sort of profanity stalled in his throat as he remembered that this was a little kid and decided on some less harsher words, "matter. What is the matter with you? Why do you keep running off on your own."

Onoda looked confused, and he bit his lip, "Mama mad?"

Makishima frowned hard. Yes. Yes, he was mad.


There was no reason for that.

The kid had only disappeared for a matter a seconds. He had almost killed a man (Accidentally, of course) while looking for him.


Makishima swallowed hard.

Why had he freaked out?

Because he was acting like a parent.

"Sho…" he said softly, a word he hadn't used since high school, as the realization dawned on him. He was acting like a damn parent.

What was going on?

He looked at the boy in his arms, regarding him as if he was the devil's spawn.

Was it possible that this kid could change him so much in mere hours? So much so that he would suddenly turn motherly?

What was this?

Onoda pouted, "Sorry, Mama…" he whispered, his eyes downcast. "Sorry for making mama mad."

And once again, affection reared it ugly head. Makishima closed his eyes, and set the boy down on the floor. "Yeah alright. Don't...Uh don't do it again." he said, refusing to look down at him.

But when the small hand grabbed his, trusting and warm, Makishima gritted his teeth, and glanced down at him.

Blue eyes looked up, sincere and loving.


"m'kay, mama."

He looked away. He had to distance himself. and he had to do that as soon as possible.

"Okay. Lets go, kid."

They left the building, Makishima intent on finding a police station was now more prevalent than ever.

He had to get rid of the kid before he grew real roots.

His focus reaped rewards, as he did find a station quickly. The woman at the desk was helpful, seeing Onoda safe, and quite happy with the tall, terrifying, young man, dispelling her concerns that the man had perhaps taken the boy by force.

"Of course. We will contract his caregiver immediately," She said, while smiling at the boy. Then her smile became a little tight as she turned back to Makishima, "Did you say he was any orphan."

Makishima nodded tersely, "I think so, He said his mom was..uh gone, but I'm not sure of the father."

The woman nodded again, sympathy filtering in her eyes. "Well, Mr. Sakimoto will be by shortly to talk to you. In the meantime," She crouched down to Onoda, "Why don't you come with me? We have a room that you can play in."

"Play?" the little boy repeated, lighting up at the idea. She nodded, rustling his hair. He then proudly showed her the toy from his meal. "Look! Toy!"

"Oh! Is that yours?" She said, looking at the figurine. "It's very nice. Okay, so lets go play. C'mon."

She reached out her hand to his, while she stood up. She pulled him just slightly, and suddenly Onoda looked very confused. He refused to let go of Makishima's hand, giving the two of them wide eyed looks."Mama?"

"Mama?' the woman repeated, eyebrows clinching together. "Sir, why does he call you mama?"

Makishima was also a little confused. For different reasons. He felt a little weird, but he didn't want to just leave the boy there, alone, no matter how safe he was, and that now Makishima could leave and forget about this eventful afternoon.

"I don't know. He started calling me that." He replied, feeling her probing look.

"I see."

Onoda brought himself closer to Makishima's legs, shyly away from the woman. She let go of his hand, and crossed her arms, "Well, I suppose if its not much of a bother, you could come back with us. I don't want him to start crying."

Makishima nodded though a part of his brain was yelling at him to leave. But he numbly followed her past the desk and through a wooden door.

The room was mostly empty, except for a table and a couple of chairs. The woman went to a shelf in the corner, and produced a coloring book and some crayons. "Here, Onoda-chan. Do you like to color?"

Onoda nodded enthusiastically, reaching for the items.

Makishima sat back in his chair, trying to ignore the looks that the woman was giving him while the boy colored.

"So…" she started hesitantly, " Are you into fashion?"

Makishima lifted an eyebrow at her, and at the unexpected question. "I'm only a designer."

She averted her eyes, "I thought I recognized you. You're also a Cyclist, right? I have a friend who is studying fashion and she has pictures of you."

Makishima shrugged.

"Could you perhaps...uh talk to her. She'll be thrilled to know that I met you." she continued..

Makishima shrugged again. He felt awkward, as most of the time, he tried to blend in behind his brother who was a lot better with people. Though they both had gone to study fashion in London, Makishima had never gotten used to people knowing him. It had gotten particularly bad when people found out that he also was a cyclist that had one several climbing races.

He frowned," My brother...uh he's the one to talk to. I don't…"

He was, thankfully, interrupted. A tall man came in, his hair lank and eyes tired.

"Hello, I'm Sakimoto." he said half heartedly, "Are you Mr. Makishima?"

He nodded, sitting up in his chair, "Yeah."

"Could I talk to you. I need you to fill out a report." His eyes landed on Onoda who was very happily drawing pictures. "Is this the boy you found?"

Makishima almost rolled his eyes, 'of course this is the boy, was there any other kids around?'


He nodded, and then checked his watch, "Alright. I've contacted the home he s's living in at the moment. They'll be here soon." he motioned towards the door, "If I could talk to you outside, away from the kid."

Makishima nodded once, before standing up and following the man.

He didn't get far before Onoda called him, "mama? where mama going?"

Makishima looked back at him, "Stay there. Color. I'll back."

Onoda watch him wide eyed, but slowly nodded, eyebrows narrowed , determined.

Makishima sighed, and shut the door behind him. Mr Sakimoto went to a desk, and handed him a couple of papers. "The boy actually comes from a home two hours south of here. He took a bus here, and his guardian hadn't even realized he was gone until we called."

Makishima was taken aback. Onoda didn't seem old enough to even know what money was. How could he had made it that park? And on top of that, how could they not realize that Onoda was gone, perhaps all day? That made him angry, how could that have happened?

"So, Its good you found 'em. Next time though," he was looking around on the desk for a writing utensil, patting down papers until he found one, "Just call 'll come get him. Someone could've accused you of kidnapping."

Makishima nodded, "yeah..okay." Of course he hoped there would never be a next time.

"Alright, fill these out. After that you're free to go. Probably tired of taking care of the brat, huh?" He gave Makishima a sort of grin, as if they had spent the afternoon babysitting a demon together.

He returned a frown, "He's not a brat."

"huh? what was that?"

"Onoda." Makishima replied quietly. He usually didn't care what people assumed. But it was an injustice to call Onoda as such, "he's not a brat. Pretty good kid."

Sakimoto just gave him a tired look, "lucky. You're still free to go afterwards. just leave them on the desk when your done." he started walking away, but before disappearing deeper in the offices, he glanced back, "Make sure to leave the pen, alright."

Makishima nodded, as he sat down at the desk, looking grimly at the papers. It asked for all his information. Name, age, birthday, and an area where he could summarize the incident. He looked at the room where Onoda was, thinking hard, before writing down his name.

He was a little ticked off at the fact that the people taking care of Onoda weren't doing such a good job. The kid seemed to be obedient enough. Sure he had taken off a couple times, but that was mostly his fault. Children, he learned today, could disappear in the blink of an eye. That wasn't an excuse. For a few moments, sure, but all day? That was just irresponsible. Onoda deserved better than that. He didn't take up much space, and didn't eat much. How hard could it be to take of him? This afternoon had been odd, certainly, but fun.

Makishima blinked.


As in enjoyable...

A kid?

Sho..! He scowled fiercely at the pen in his hand. Fun! He had fun taking care of Onoda!? That was a true testament that he seriously needed to change something in his life. This was absolutely pathetic. He answered the rest of the questions on the sheet, scrawling his words lazily, his thoughts very much elsewhere.

Sakimoto had said that he could leave after filling this out. But Makishima didn't want to. What he wanted to do is look at the guy taking care of Onoda and straight up scold him. Makishima sure as hell didn't know how to take care of a child, but even he at least knew better than to let them get to a park two hours away from home.

The guy must be an idiot. Probably, he was the same guy that told Onoda that he would find a new mama at the swing set. That Hibiki asshole.

This was ridiculous, and as Makishima finished his report, laying down the pen, he had made the decision to stay until the Hibiki bastard showed up, so he could punch him.

Makishima blinked. Well, that was out of character. And really absurd.

He got up, and headed back to the room with Onoda. But before entering, he paused at the door.

It was not a good idea to go in there. First of all, it would be really awkward. How was he going explain that he wanted to stay? Secondly, What was he going to say to the Hibiki guy? 'hey, moron, you have no idea how to take of kid. And I know that because, I have tons of experience with that.' No, that wouldn't be good.

What was he even doing here? He should leave. It was still early. He could get to the office, and distract himself with work. That would help. He took a step back, away from the door, feeling awful about it but this was necessary.

Roots. He couldn't let that happen.

He was walking away, feeling sick to his stomach, when he heard a cry. Just a soft cry, not out of pain, or at least he didn't think so, but definitely from a kid.

And before he knew it, Makishima had gone inside the room, and with not even trying, gave the woman in there an accusing look. "Ah! Mr. Makishima!"

Onoda had been the one crying, but when he saw Makishima, his eyes widened, and he jumped from his chair, and threw himself at his legs. Makishima grimaced, and looked down at the happiest little human on earth. "eh..What happened?" He asked tentatively.

The woman stood up, "I just was asking him why he called you mama. It seemed strange to me..I didn't know...I'm sorry." she said, but she seemed confused as to why she was apologetic.

Makishima ignored her and leaned down to pat the kids head, "Alright, kid. uh...Someone's coming for you. Soon."

Onoda looked up at him, his face tear stained again. "Mama didn't leave!"

Makishima clenched his teeth together, guilt making him stiffen. Oh kid, I was about to.

But even though now that he was stuck, he didn't regret staying.

And that was probably a bad thing.

"Well, Are you going to stay until his guardian comes?" the woman asked, picking up a couple of dropped crayons, " They could be awhile."

Makishima glanced down at the beaming kid at his feet, his answer coming out because of the warmth in his chest, "Yeah...i'll stay."

"Yay! Mama! Mamashima, look! I drew Mama!" Onoda released his grip on Makishima's pants and struggled to get back on the chair. "Mama hair is green!" he said, extremely proud.

Makishima sat on a chair, slumping down and watched Onoda as he scribbled furiously on a paper. When he thrust a paper in his hands, Makishima noted with humor that Onoda wasn't the most artistic. Then again, what kid his age would be?

He guessed that the sort of stick figure with green scribbles was him, and the little round figure with black scribbles was the kid. They was a line connecting them that Makishima assumed that was arms and hands. Holding hands. Of course. There was another figure towards the corner of the page, looking like it was floating, with a short brown blotch over the supposed head. All the drawings were smiling

"Is this supposed to be me?" Makishima said, pointing the green thing.

Onoda leaned over the table, and nodded intensely, "Mama!"

And this is you...right?" he continued, this time pointing to the black blotch." Ononda nodded again, with more gusto.

"And who is this." he said, indicating the last figure on the paper. Onoda smiled, but it wasn't the same brightly lit one, "Mama!

Makishima frowned, "Thats me, too?"

Onoda shook his head, "No. Mama! She's in heaven."

Makishima sucked in a breath. Of course, that was Onoda's mother. How could he be so stupid, and insensitive. "Uh..yeah. I forgot...sorry."

Onoda smiled up at him, "Mama is happy?"

Makishima frowned, getting a little confused on who he referring to. Him or his real mother.


Onoda sat back in his chair, and grabbing a red crayon, he began to drawn even more determined than before.

The woman gave Makishima a look. "Uh, so. You have kids..I mean of your own?"

"No" was the quick response.

"Really? You seem..uh comfortable around them…" Makishima shot her a surprised look. Was he? Was he comfortable around Onoda? "Not really…"

Onoda glanced up at him, and Makishima winced. But he didn't seem to understand what Makishima meant, because he yawned wide.

He looked so ridiculous, that Makishima smiled fondly at him.

The lady laughed, and gestured out the door, "There is a waiting room out there, and it has better chairs then these. He could..take a nap."

Makishima glanced at Onoda who was still drawing but with less enthusiasm, eyelids drooping slightly. Another yawn convinced him that getting the boy to sleep was probably a good idea.

"Hey, Onoda, you tired? Wanna sleep?"

Onoda shook his head but yawned once more, before smiling sheepishly. "m'kay Mama."

Makishima nodded once, and stood up. Onoda though simply raised his hands up to him, asking to be picked up.

Makishima looked at him, hesitating to actually touch the kid, now that he was in the police stations. Onoda looked confused and slowly lowered his arms, his face pinching to something that Makishima had never seen on a child before. He grimaced and then reached out and grabbed the kid, balancing on his hip, "Alright, Alright, you win, kid."

Onoda beamed again, stretching out his arms.

"Where is it. The waiting room?"

The lady stood up and opened the door, motioning out to the front desk, "ah, right over here."

He followed here as she pointed out a long bench in the lobby, "It's not terribly comfortable, but better than the steel chair we have in there.

"Thanks" he said, and sat down gingerly.

"I'll be right over there, if you need anything." she said, smiling at the display in front of her. It was odd, she seemed a lot friendly now.

"Right. Thanks."

She left, going back to the front desk, where she could peer over and check on them if she was so inclined. Makishima reclined against the wall, Onoda still snuggled on his arm."Onoda, are you going to sleep?"

Onoda nodded against him, and Makishima settled him down next to him, "Okay. Sleep, then."

Onoda yawned again, "Thank you, mama."

He sagged against his side, closing his eyes.

He was asleep so quickly it seemed like a miracle.

Makishima watched him for a second, before yawning himself. His rubbed his tired eyes, and glanced at his watch. Fifteen after seven. Wonderful. He brother hadn't called yet. That was good, because Makishima didn't feel like explaining the situation. He'd get enough pestering tomorrow.

Makishima felt his eyes grow heavily, aware of the warmth at his side and that it had been a long, long day.

"Do something good. Trying to help someone. You'll find that you'll feel better about yourself."

Makishima smiled, a brief small smile.

Yeah, he'd done something good.

His eyes closed as sleep pulled at him.

And yeah...he felt loads better.

He woke up to someone tugging on the warm body at his side. He started, and reached out a hand to secure Onoda closer to him, before opening his eyes.

"Ah, sir..?"

He was met with the face of a young woman, strained and wet, "Could you let go?"

Makishima nodded and loosed his grip on the boy, but didn't really let go, "Who are you?"

"I'm Onoda's Guardian, I'm here to pick him up." she said, still pulling slightly at the boy.

Makishima blinked at her, "Ah.. Right. Sorry." He removed his hand and stretched. He hadn't even realized that he had fallen asleep, and the grogginess was still heavy on his mind.

"You're the one that found him, right?" She said, hauling up Onoda in her arms, and the boy whimpered softly, but didn't wake up.

Makishima frowned, and answered her, distracted, "Yeah... he was at the park. "

"Merciful heavens.." She muttered and looked at the boy still sleeping in her arms with a scowl. "I can't believe that he made it all the way here. I would have never expected it from him. He is usually so obedient."

Makishima was frowning harder now, his earlier reasoning for staying coming back to his mind.

Except, this wasn't the douchebag that he had expected. It was a tearful woman, who at the moment looked quite distraught.

Of course, this was Miss Tendo. He had forgot that Onoda's caretaker had been a woman.

Who was really nice, if he recalled correctly.

"Miss Tendo? "

She reacted to the name, surprise evident on her face. "Yes, that's me. Did Sakamichi tell you about me?"

Makishima nodded, "Yeah... He uh..thinks you're nice."

The woman's eyes began filling with tears, and Makishima almost groaned. Why was he making everyone cry today?

"That sounds like him. " She wiped her arm across her eyes, "you must think i'm terrible at my job. I guess this doesn't help my case.." She shifted the boy's weight, balancing his head on her shoulder. "I guess I just took for granted that he was a good boy."

Makishima nodded, "Yeah, he's a good...uh kid."

His earlier righteous fury was smothered by the fact that this woman seemed to really care for the boy, even if a couple of things went adding up. Like his clothes and his problem with eating, and the fact that he had been pretty much abandoned all day.

She nodded, bringing her hand to adjust the boy's head slightly. "He's has a lot of issues, and is pretty shy around strangers. His mom brought him to us, but unfortunately she..." She trailed off, a dash of pink appeared on her face, "sorry, I.. uh talk too much when I shouldn't." She checked her watch, her tired eyes widening slightly, "Uh, well thank you so much," she bowed awkwardly, since she had a child in her arms,"Thank you. Thank you very much."

Makishima nodded, as he thought that he

He felt something deep within his chest, like a bird desperately trying to fly out. He choked down the feeling, willing his heart to unclench.

He knew what it was.

It was affection, trying him convince him not to let the boy out of his sight.

Should he say goodbye? He knew it wasn't wise to wake up a sleeping child. He knew that waking up anyone napping was probably one worst ideas ever, but he also knew that Onoda would expect him to say goodbye.

And it was weird that Makishima knew that fact.

Tendo turned, and as she did, he saw the sleeping face of a child.



One that he had gotten to know, and somehow gotten...attached too. He knew this child, knew his pain, felt the warmth of his small figure, how his eyes would light up at the sight or sound of something that he was interested in, what his trust felt like, the weight of his body on his arms.

Onoda Sakamichi deserved better, than the life he now had and Makishima felt, for the first time how greatly unjust the world truly was.

Makishima clenched his hands into fist, eyes suddenly blurry with tears.

He watched until they disappeared past the front entrance, his wet eyes making them hard to see.

"Sorry, kid." He said softly, to no one.

"I hope..." He stopped, closing his eyes, "You get the parents you deserve.."

The door closed, and it sounded deafening the empty lobby.

And then, quietly, and painfully, he spoke out loud.

"Bye, Onoda Sakamichi."

Notations and apologies:

There are probably a lot of mistakes all throughout this. If you spot one, go ahead a message me and say, Yo. this right here..not english.

1. Yes, I know that a 'burger joint' wouldn't have figurines from a capsule machine in there kids meals, or even if Japan has kids meals.. but in the end I just said Whatever! This is Fan fiction! It don't matter, sho!

2. And speaking of 'sho' Makishima's um...habit, while added here and there, I didn't incorporate it as much as possible because...well, it doesn't really work as well in english. :)

3. and the words Makishima, kid, boy, and probably eyes are grossly overused… I know… :(

-I had to cut this down from one chapter to two, because...well, Damn this is a lot of writing. Next friday, I'll upload the next chapter.

Also..In this fiction, Makishima did everything wrong. If you come across a lost child, stay with the child, call local authorities but do not take the child anywhere, and please refrain from physical touch. Its a sad world we live in.

Thank you.

Thank you, Friends!