Heeeeyyy guys, uh so some of you may have read the author's note that was here previously and if you have then you know why this fic hasn't been updated. Well I just wanted to touch base and see how many people actually wanted to see this story updated because it's been so long I have no idea what I wanted for this story of even what I had planned next for it. So, if you want an update I might see where I can go with this as I'll have to read over it and draw up some inspiration. If not that's fine I'll just abandon it and possibly delete it as I don't see a real reason as to why I should keep it up.

I don't know my dudes, comment or pm me, I'll leave this up for a few days but if I get no feedback then I'll just delete it cuz if no one's really interested then what's the point, I can just scrap this and focus on other things. Let me know guys I'm at a loss.

As always