Edit: After a few days, I went back and re-wrote the last fifth of the chapter. So it's much better than the abrupt crappy end I had last time. Please go back and read it before continuing!

I'll try my best to respond to reviews, might be late, but I really do appreciate every single one- /breathes them in.

Finally, I've returned back to the volleynerds. They're my one love, I promise, but Reborn, Free, and KnB has been distracting me so I haven't been able to stay with this. Welp. And Haikyuu ends next week (be still, my sobbing heart), which makes me want to sit in the corner with a jar of dark chocolate and sulk for the rest of my life until the next season starts k.

There are so many elements I put in the last chapter that I'm afraid I'll forget about them- Noya's partnership with Asahi, Tsuki, Natsu, brief mentions of Kuroo and Oikawa, etc. Hopefully, I'll get them all. Enjoy! Especially to all those who left sweet comments, I thrive on them like you don't even know. (It took forever for me to start writing this… and finish it. I'm so lazy z.)

When The Crown Falls

part four

By Ko-Sensei

Standing completely still, continuing to be transfixed- Hinata Shouyou and Kageyama Tobio continue to stare at each other blankly.

While seconds continue to slowly tick by.

They're left unable to think, but completely able to feel, feel, and feel all too much at once; their awareness of each other clicking, several electrifying sparks running down to the edges of their fingertips, and it just leaves a numb tingling sensation that fits together, as Hinata can feel Kageyama breathe somehow, and he's sure that Kageyama can feel the same for him, it's just all too much at once it's hard to think-

Despite all of this happening, however, Hinata's mind (for once) is also running at the pace of a thousand miles per minute, and so he realizes; this is no time to be standing around gawking like an idiot in awe.

Simply because this is the worst possible thing that could have happened to him in his life, considering that he probably has only bare minutes to live, it's ironic that this is also the happiest he'll probably ever be in his short, pathetic life (being in close proximity with this person, as his unfaithful heart is still beating unevenly, enraptured by adrenaline, frozen-still in fear, and warming up with the not-so-secret affection he's cultivated and cultivated for Kageyama.)

Goodbye, life, Hinata thinks glumly, and wishes he could have written his will at least.

Or at least have lost his ears. Exactly why this thought comes up in his mind is a mystery, but it still comes up regardless.

But then his mind goes blank again, overcome by the prickling, hot electrifying feeling that washes over him again when Kageyama exhales, and he ends up feeling him like they're the same person.


That's their name, Hinata breathes out in an awed whisper. It's who they are. So this is why everyone makes a big deal about it, because it's changed and not changed his self all at once.

He's Hinata Shouyou of Breathless.

An identity, something important to belong to.

Or it belonging to you. (Wahh, what a sweet thing, Hinata flails internally.)

Your other half, your pair, your constant companion who was to be at your side at all your battles.

It was of the utmost importance and it was the most sacred thing to every single student there.

-Who you would spend the rest of your life with, who you would spend the rest of your life for.

(It was what they lived for; what they were born for, what they had been trained for since childhood, it was what they were simply meant to do.)

Except… in his case… it's different.

("...wanted to check the king out, see if they matched or something, and he was completely respectful about it, but … that strong Iwaizumi was beaten down and almost killed-" "Shhhh!")

Kageyama is not his.

Technically, Kageyama is (he should be, he really just should)… but he's not.

Already, a look of dark realization is starting to set on Kageyama's face, and it doesn't look good. Hinata can already figure that he's surprised by what's happened, but he's prepared to act (probably expected this to happen someday), and the feelings he's receiving from Kageyama aren't positive at all.

Kageyama.. is pulling away from him, shutting him off. Their connection still pulses and throbs quietly, but it becomes smaller and smaller, and Kageyama starts to feel more distant and cold now.

(Detached. Indifferent. Cold.)

Alarmed, Hinata lurches forward, lips moving quickly (he's not sure what he's saying though), but not a sound escapes him.

I'm not yours, Kageyama's presence practically commands. Stay away from me.

But he can't.

Even if the name -Breathless- written across his neck daintily is a condemnation of a world of pain (all the people the infamous school legend sent to the hospitals), a world of grief and soon-to-be heartache (even now, his unfaithful heart was beating unevenly in the presence of his infatuation), and a world that would end now (the people around them are backing away quickly or whispering about how he'll probably die right then and there), … he still can't give it up.

(Ha. Ha. He'd been told earlier by Tsukishima that his naivete and romantic ideals fell into the 'idiots-who-die-young' category of people… maybe the idiot-megane was right.)

(...What a depressing thought.)

Wow. Maybe he's being kind of dramatic (..nah, he should be allowed this much drama for this kind of movie-like storyline), but… this really, really sucks.

Why couldn't he have been paired with anyone else.

Please. Hinata wouldn't even complain if it had to be jerk-Tsukishima.

(Which said a lot.)

Frankly, Hinata is rightfully terrified and scared for his life (despite his idiotic tendencies, he does have basic survival and wanting-to-live instincts, okay) now, but… he's pretty sure his cheeks are red, his heart is rushing away at a frantic pace, Kageyama looks even prettier up in person. and he's so done. Done.

(God. He'd morphed into those stalkerish, crush-infatuated teenage girls. Why can't he control his own heart. His life was such a struggle.)

About to die, but still unable to keep himself from blushing and getting nervous from being near the most prettiest person he had ever seen in his life- yep. Sounds accurate.

(He was worse than Noya when his best friend had first caught sight of Kiyoko Shimizu.)

Looking at him up-close, Hinata also notices that Kageyama's wearing one silver hoop earring.. and maybe it's the moonlight, maybe it's his childish, romantic heart, but (fierce midnight-blue eyes, lightly tousled black hair parting in fringes and bangs just so perfectly) Kageyama just looks beautiful right now.

(..Beautiful. He'd just thought another boy was 'beautiful.' Hinata's going to have to find Tsukishima after this and ask him to shoot him in the face, please- if Kageyama didn't get to him first, obviously).

There's a loud shout somewhere off in the distance (...sounds suspiciously like Tanaka..), and after it sounds, Hinata jolts back to reality.

Yeaahh, he should probably start running away about… now.

(If he wants to live, that is.)

Though a part of him doesn't want to move. He's unable to drop his gaze from Kageyama's dark, cobalt-blue eyes that are piercing him with such an intensity he probably couldn't move if he wanted to…. And maybe he's fine with that, because he doesn't want to. Doesn't want to die, but also doesn't want to give up his name-

Trembling visibly, Hinata tries to take one step backwards.. but ends up tripping over air clumsily (why did it have to be now of all times?!), and stumbles backwards blindly before falling, landing ungracefully on the ground with a thud.




(Fucking fuck his life.)

With the thud, Kageyama seems to have wake up from his daze.

(Of course. Of course he does, because God hates him, and is apparently doing everything he can to ruin him. Gah.)

He's started forward towards Hinata, dark-blue eyes flashing dangerously, and although everything in Hinata's being is screaming run far away, Hinata stays put on the ground.

...At this point, Hinata figures that it's useless to run (he'd never make it since he's a clumsy loser whenever he needs not be one the most), so he resigns himself to his fate.

Sorry, Noya, Natsu, Tanaka… I think this is it for me, wahh!

However, it turns out that some deity out there might not completely hate him after all, because his fate changes and is saved by none other than…

A flash of rolling thunder.

"Oh, hell no you don't," a voice suddenly shouts out, and a certain Nishinoya Yuu appears and dashes up in front of him… lunging for the ground and into a somersault before rolling once and coming up with a perfect landing (whoa), standing up straight with his arms outstretched in a protective manner (so stylish, wahh), guarding Hinata.

(...Dramatic and cool. Hinata thinks he falls in love with Noya a little at this moment.)

But this is still not good.

Crap. Hinata's never seen Noya get hurt from fighting (other than a a few, bare minimal scratches) since he's pretty fierce and one of the top students there during their entire years together since he's really good at fighting, but…

Just because Noya hadn't been disabled badly with broken bones and ruptured skin yet didn't mean it couldn't happen.

Especially when this was the cold-hearted killing-machine of the school they were talking about.

And he couldn't let his best friend get injured on account of him, especially since they had battles coming up.

It was his own job, and his sacrifice was sadly something he'd have to deal with himself.

Hinata quickly scrambles up and tugs at the sleeve of his best friend's shirt loosely with a few fingers. "Noya, it's totally under control, just go back to your sacrifice."

"No, don't you dare say a word," Noya cuts him off, now folding his outstretched arms across his chest.

...Right, and another thing he'd probably mentioned already? One of Nishinoya Yuu's finer talents was being one of the most stupidly-stubbornly-will-do-even-if-I-die people he'd ever met, despite all the competition Tanaka (whoa, right?), Inuoka (uh-huh), Aone (which said a lot) and he himself gave him for the label.

His legs are still widely spread apart and grounded strongly in a 'you-won't-pass-me' kind of stance, however, so he doesn't lose his intimidating aura one bit, despite standing in front of the incarnate of death itself (AKA-Kageyama), apparently. "As if I'd let anyone touch my adorable kouhai."

Thankfully, Noya doesn't get the chance to do instigate an attack against Kageyama (like, really), because someone else also comes to interrupt.

"Nishinoya-kun!" Someone cries, sounding terrified and nervous all at the same time. Turning around, Hinata sees a really tall guy with brown hair (pulled back in a bun… weird) run up next to the two of them. "I've only known you for less than three minutes and you're already leaving me behind?"

It's that person that Noya had been running around chasing (and eventually tackled to the ground) earlier… so he's probably Noya's sacrifice, Hinata figures out.

Hinata's momentarily confused by him (why is he so big, but then if he's so big why does he look and sound so terrified), but seeing his chance to get his best friend out of danger, Hinata quickly grabs Noya by the arm and promptly shoves him backwards at the person with all his strength.

Sorry, Noya-senpai!

Surprisingly, it works. Whew. There's an 'oof' as Noya lands against the other person with a yelp, and for now, Noya's safe. Content with that, Hinata sighs in relief.

The tall hair-bun guy (whatever his name is) catches Noya and nods at Hinata in thanks before moving to quickly hold Noya back (from charging at Kageyama).

Naturally, Nishinoya's shouting and struggling hard right away ("Damnit! I can handle myself, let me go-"), but his new sacrifice drags him away forcefully (thankfully, his sacrifice is really, really tall and big and strong) and his best friend is dragged away.


… Nervously swallowing, Hinata's feet then (unwillingly) turn him back to face Kageyama.

Who's glaring at him.. with the intensity of distaste and hate that promises a world of pain and-

"Now, now," Someone cheerfully says in a sing-song kind of voice. Hinata's wrist is grabbed, then he's suddenly yanked up to his feet with a strong grip ("A-Aahh?"). "It'd be boring if chibi-tan here died right away, wouldn't it? That would give me no fun at all, sooo…"




Snapshot; Oikawa Tooru imminently saves him from death-by-Kageyama by pulling him back a few steps.

Apparently, Oikawa's supposed to be saving him by doing so, but Hinata feels a sense of wariness creep up on him because he does not trust Oikawa Tooru due to his reputation and the shit-eating grin the senior has on his face right now.

"Despite the genius that he's supposed to be," Oikawa announces candidly, cheerfully (is that a tinge of distaste present in his words, though?), tightening his grip on Hinata's shoulder lightly. "I have enough skill to at least get you out of this predicament alive, hopefully."

Unfortunately, it's too late, Kageyama's already muttered a spell (the small crowd around them gasp and back away in a panic, trying to escape) and the attack goes towards Hinata, about to hit him-

"I'll lessen the damage for your little baggage, Tobio-chan," Oikawa says with a slight smirk, before… pushing Hinata forward right into the attack head-on.

(...So this is why they say to never trust Oikawa Tooru.)

The last thing Hinata feels as he falls backwards is a searing pain that convulses across his chest in one strike (ah.. so this is why they call him a prodigy), and the sight of Kageyama's dark-blue eyes seeming to widen in surprise before he leaves the world and passes out.

. : . : . : . : . (Line break because the site doesn't like me) . : . : .

"So how did it go?"

Peering over Takeda's shoulder to look at the documents, Ukai Keishin curiously tries to reach and tug at the newly-formed team pair ranks/name paper- only to have his hand swatted away impatiently.

"Sorry, Ukai-kun," The other teacher apologizes absentmindedly. He's distracted. "I'm not done organizing these yet, and we need to update the system as soon as possible…"

"Ehh." Frowning while thoughtfully biting down on the end of a cheap, blue, plastic ballpoint pen, Ukai drops the hand but continues trying to peek at the paper. "I heard quite a bit of our high-ranked sacrifices finally got paired this time arouund.. at least lemme see the names, yeah?"

"Ukai-kun," Takeda stresses out, but gives up on working for the moment, simply deciding to sigh. Sets down the files. Ugh. He groans and puts a hand up to hold his forehead. "Especially with our abundant share of ridiculously talented sacrifices… we now have a lot of new troublesome pairs."

"Whoa." The blond-haired teacher whistles lowly, looking at the list of names that have been crossed off on the list. "Looks like a lot of our monster sacrifices got hitched this time around… Kuroo Tetsurou, yep. Oikawa Tooru, finally. Haiba Lev.. oh, and some top-name fighters too. Nishinoya Yuu, hmm.. Iwaizumi Hajime. Not a bad turnout this time."


Stretching his arms back, Takeda yawns, tired. "You wouldn't believe it, this is the first year we've had to intervene during the ceremony, Ukai-kun."

Dropping the papers back on the desk, Ukai arches an eyebrow. "What? Isn't that against the rules, though?"

"It was a mess." The dark-haired man sighs, thinking about it again. He'd had to run in and drag off a certain fighter who'd passed out and had been close to getting murdered by his sacrifice. "Much less than all the other powerhouses that need to be kept tabs on, that king made a fuss."

"Hmm?" Seeing how exhausted his co-worker is, Ukai decides to be nice to him just this once. He goes to stand behind him and starts massaging his shoulders- whoa, so stiff. "King? Who's that?"

"Mmm.. Ukai-kun, you're wonderful," Takeda breathes out, exhaling contently at the feeling of strong hands pressing into and soothing his sore muscles. "...You know." Cracking one eye open, the dark-haired man waves his hand around a few times. "..The one that's been nicknamed the 'king,' our most renowned sacrifice. Kageyama-kun?"

Surprised, Ukai's hands still for a moment. "Wait, wait, wait a moment- you don't mean that one, do you?"

"Yep, that one."

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

"...Is his fighter still alive?"

And the funny thing about all this?

Ukai Keishin is being completely serious when he asks this.

"...Somewhat." Takeda winces. "For now. I managed to get him out out the mess in time, and Hinata-kun is currently resting in my office, but.. who knows whether it'll stay that way, you know?"

Breaking the silence, there's the sound of two light footsteps that tap on the floor before-

"I'm surprised you haven't killed him yet, king."

Standing on top of the fence, perched unsteadily up in the air (on the rooftop of the school, four stories up), Kageyama Tobio calmly and casually hops down from the edge in one step, face set in a displeased expression.

(Slight tension crackles in the atmosphere, making it somewhat heavy and dark.)

Kageyama had been brooding before, but his mood gets even worse, because seeing this person's face and hearing their annoying voice does nothing to improve his temper. At all.

Dark-blue eyes narrow at Tsukishima. "What are you doing here?"

Honestly. It's not uncommon knowledge that Kageyama Tobio and Tsukishima Kei (both talented sacrifices) don't get along.

And it'd make sense that Tsukishima, at least, would know of this fact himself, right.

"Maybe I was bored." The taller blond puts both his hands comfortably in his pockets, stepping forward (into Kageyama's space). "Maybe I wanted to see you get worked up for once. Get your panties in a twist- something like that." He raises two fingers in a mock-salute and snickers snidely when Kageyama looks completely unamused. "Since you're always depending on me to keep you in good spirits, king."

Oh, how much he hates Tsukishima cannot be said in words. Kageyama flashes the blond a very pointed, distasteful look and folds his arms across his chest. "Who says I'd get worked up over something like this? And don't call me that."

Tsukishima rolls his eyes before snapping his fingers smartly once. "Alright, alright, king….anyways. Much less the fact that I find your pathetic-sacrifice-situation hilarious, Kuroo unwillingly got me involved in the bets going around."

His mind filling with a thousand protests (Tsukishima had called him king again, it was not a pathetic-sacrifice-situation, he could not care any less if Kuroo and Kei blew themselves up for all he knew), Kageyama feels his eye visibly twitch. "... Leave."

"Believe me, I want to. Being near you annoys me, but," The blond persists, snapping again. "It'd be in my best interests if I won the bet, since I'd be in trouble if I didn't. So I decided to be nice to you and give you free information, king."

Huh. That's strange. Tsukishima has never done that before. Half-irked and half-curious, Kageyama decides to let the king comment pass for now. "...What is it?"

A trace of a smirk appears on Tsukishima's face as he smiles vaguely, eyes glinting.

"If you want to take care of your sacrifice and do away with him cleanly, quietly… I know where he is."

Tsukishima is a jerk. Oikawa shoved poor Hinata into Tobio's attack. Poor Hinata is by himself in Takeda's office, while a certain Nishinoya Yuu is going around destroying school property angrily while trying to find his best friend (while a frantic flustered Asahi trails after him).

I might have been implying the barest hints of UkaiTake (no idea what the official pairing name is) because one of my friends asked for it (the things I do for you, Ryouta). And now the stage is set! -Except, I might have to take a break from this until 1) I finish my Free! stories, or 2) I get inspired again (Haikyuu ends in a few days.)

Ugh. Especially with school picking up. Inspire me with your comments if you can, please.

To make things worse, I've written ½ of a chapter for a Divergent!HK switch-over.

Thanks for reading- this was a crappy chapter.

Until next time!

À toute à l'heure!