Winter break had just started, and how was Shintaro Kisaragi spending his first day of it? He was being the pack mule for Takane and Ayano's shopping trip.
Takane and Ayano browsed through clothes in a department store as Shintaro stood nearby carrying bags of clothes they had already purchased. Next to him was Haruka, who was carrying just as much as he was.
"Come shopping with us, it'll be fun." Thought Shintaro. "THANKS ALOT AYANO!"
Shintaro desperately wanted to slip away from the group.
"Hey Takane, I'm hungry." Said Haruka.
Takane looked at her classmate and sighed.
"Guess it is lunch time." Said Takane. "You head down to the food court and we'll meet you there in a bit."
"Oh thanks Takane." Said Haruka .
Haruka handed the bags he was holding to Takane and left. Shintaro saw his chance to escape.
"Hey wait up, I'll go with you!"
Shintaro handed Ayano his bags and ran after Haruka, Ayano giving him a puzzled look and Takane glaring at him as he left.
Haruka and Shintaro walked towards the direction of the food court.
"Should I get pizza or a burger?" Asked Haruka. "What do you think?..."
"Dont ask me." Said Shintaro.
"Hey over here!"
They two friends turned to the sound of the voice and saw a lottery booth set up nearby. The booth was manned by a single woman.
"Try your luck and win valuable prizes!" Said the booth worker.
"I think I'll give it a shot." Said Haruka.
Haruka approached the booth and turned the knob on the lottery machine. A gold colored ball came out of the machine.
"Wow." Said the worker. "That wins you the grand prize."
"Whats the prize?" Asked Haruka.
"A week trip for four at the Tachiba hot springs."
Haruka suddenly became happier than he was prior.
"Did you hear that Shintaro?! A trip for four!" Cheered Haruka.
"Whats he talking about?"
Shintaro noticed Takane and Ayano approaching.
"He just won a trip for four to a hot spring." Said Shintaro.
"Congratulations!" Said Ayano.
"Wait, what about the other three?" Asked Takane.
Haruka simply looked at them with a smile on his face.
"You want to go with all of us?!" Snapped Takane.
The four were siting in the food court at a table together. Haruka had a variety of foods in front of him and Ayano was looking over a brochure to the hot springs.
"I want to go with my friends." Said Haruka. "My parents are out of town for work and you guys are the only people I hang out with."
"The spring looks really nice." Said Ayano. "And it includes complementary meals."
"Please guys..." Said Haruka. "I need you to come with me or else..."
Shintaro raised an eyebrow.
"Somethings up." Said Shintaro.
"I said my parents are out of town..." Began Haruka. "So my aunt is watching me... She... makes costumes for a theater group and... And... SHE USES ME FOR A MODEL WHENEVER SHE VISITS!"
"What?!" Said Takane.
"She'll have to come with me unless you guys fill the other three slots." Said Haruka. "Don't leave me with her!"
"Oh it cant be that bad." Said Ayano.
Haruka took a picture out of his pocket and set it on the table, causing everyone to cringe.
"Thats a Peter Pan costume she made me wear... It was tight, itchy, and embarrassing."
"No man should have to wear tights like that." Said Shintaro.
"Haven't you suffered enough this life...?" Asked Takane.
"Does she make superhero costumes?" Asked Ayano.
The three stared awkwardly at Ayano.
"Er... Thats inhumane."
"Please guys, I need you to help me out on this one." Said Haruka.
"I'm in." Said Ayano. "It sounds like fun."
"Thanks." Said Haruka.
"How about it Shintaro?" Asked Ayano.
"One question." Said Shintaro.
"Yes it has Wifi."
"Alright." Replied Shintaro. "But i'm only in it for Haruka's sake."
Takane sighed.
"Fine, I'm in." Said Takane.
"YES!" Cheered Haruka.
Shintaro groaned.
"I'm going to regret this..."
I'm actually getting a little bored writing Kagerou Project stories (this wont affect the story in any way), think I'll write some Pokemon Special stories just to spice things up.