Falling for Him


So...this is going to be a collection of drabbles about Hiccstrid's relationship from Astrid's point of view. I decided to do this because I feel like she liked him from the start of HTTYD and that the movie and TV series never really covered her perspective of him or the relationship. I also feel like she always had a soft side for him, even if she had to hide it for a while. I will be writing these on scenes from both the movies and the show, so if you have any requests on a section of anything in the HTTYD franchise (excluding the books) you'd like me to write on, let me know. In addition, I would also like to include some moments that were not shown on screen (such as their first "I love you," Hiccup asking her to be his official girlfriend, and the marriage proposal). I know this first one is a bit slow and descriptive, but that's because it's the first and I needed to get the basic facts out of the way. They will get better and more character-focused rather than description-focused.


If someone had told me five years ago that I would one day become Astrid Haddock, I would have knocked them over the head with my axe and laughed in their face. Then, I would have gone home, lain in my bed, and, with guilt, wished that declaration would one day come true.

You see, I've liked Hiccup Haddock for as long as I can remember. Now, with him being my new husband and me being his new wife - or his "darling," as he likes to call me - I am completely head-over-heels, smitten, and fiercely in love with him. After all, he brings out my better side, causes me to smile a bit more each day, and simply loves me as much as I love him.

But I think I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me look back to the day where it all started, and begin to tell you our story from there.


I stepped into the arena, my fist clenched around the axe I always carried with me, my armor on, and my disheveled blonde hair falling over my left eye. I was fifteen years old, and ready to learn the trade for which Berk had been famous for as far back as anyone could remember: dragon killing.

Behind me, a few other teens my age filed in. There was Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman, and then, lastly, Hiccup. I was beyond thrilled to be training with him, though I wouldn't dare admit it to anyone. Although he didn't look much like a Viking, he was absolutely adorable. He was short and skinny, his face was round, his auburn hair was messy, his smile was crooked, he had freckles covering his nose and cheeks, and his chin was marked with a small scar. However, I was a Hofferson. I was supposed to be tough, courageous, and the best warrior in the village. My family - along with half the island of Berk - would have never let me hear the end of it if I befriended Hiccup. After all, he was the outcast, the misfit, and the ultimate embarrassment of the Hairy Hooligan tribe. His father being one of the greatest chiefs in history didn't exactly help his reputation, either.

I looked over my shoulder at him. He blushed and grinned. "Uh...hi...um...Astrid." Oh my gods, his stuttering made him cuter than I'd thought he could get. I just wanted to smile back and ask him how his day had been so far (cheesy, I know).

But I needed to keep my family's reputation in mind. Biting my tongue, I forced a death glare before turning back around. As we began our lesson, I struggled to erase any sympathy that was clouding my mind. I was here to fight, to win, to prove myself, and to protect the Hofferson name. Not to sit around throwing a silent pity party for the chief's seemingly useless son.