"Do not think for one second that I can't see right through you. You're a fraud." He sneered looking not as ugly as he should. Not ugly at all.
"You don't know anything about me so d—" She was rudely caught off as he stalked towards her making her draw back on instinct.
Silver eyes flashed so quick with an almost foreign emotion that it must've been imagined. His smirk not entirely as cold as she was sure he would've liked. "I'm the only one who knows you're not being yourself," he said stopping a hair's breath away from her. "So maybe I know enough," he murmured low enough for her to catch.
"Is there anything I can help you ladies with?" The same sales assistant who had greeted the two witches earlier asked through the door of the fitting room.
Mixed replies of "No," and "We're fine!" were given followed by the continuous fit of giggles they were experiencing throughout their whole day of shopping.
"I feel kind of bad for her. She's nice and I think she is new as well." Dominique whispered to Aline as she buttoned her loose fitting shirt over two brand new tops.
Aline nodded seemingly distracted as she inspected the pair of black super skinny jeans she had tried on. "I know but we don't have muggle money on us and we can't risk passing these up," she reasoned calmly which made everything make sense.
Dominique sighed in agreement before putting it out of her mind. "What do you think?" She asked holding out her hand and wrist on full display. Except her own usual healing stone ring her fingers were sporting various others in different shapes and sizes. Around her wrist was a thick silver bracelet from the men's collection.
Aline turned around to give her opinion when she let out a silent gasp. "You have to let me borrow that one," she gushed admiring a silver ring shaped as a half moon. Her eyes trailed to the bracelet and instantly smirked. "Alec?"
Dominique nodded and rolled her eyes. "What's mine is yours. And you know how he gets when we don't bring him anything." She had started removing the jewellery to store them in her purse. It had a secret magical compartment only big enough to store small trinkets.
"Good call, the brat completely slipped my mind." Aline murmured while shimmying her jeans over the new one.
It took them five more minutes of dressing before they left the room in a disarray. The amount of clothes they had carelessly taken with them to try on exceeded way over the fitting room rules. There was no way anyone could tell there were items missing.
"Found anything you like?" The sales assistant asked them as they approached the front of the boutique. She looked ready to abandon folding an endless stock of jeans in order to help.
Dominique smiled at her and shook her head. "Not really.. well yes, but nothing that complimented our personality and features. You know what I mean?" She asked eyeing the girl whose nametag read Eva.
Aline nodded in agreement before slightly widening her amber eyes and reaching forward. "I would die for your hair," she gushed with a faux sense of awe. "Wouldn't you?" She nudged Dominique, never keeping her eyes of the poor girl they were duping.
"Oui, but I think I would go for the eyes though. Imagine looking like her.. We would never have trouble with shopping again." Dominique said.
The sales assistant, Eva, was flushed by all the flattery they'd bestowed her with. Dominique could tell that even without their Veela charm –of only one/eight though still very effective at times especially with muggles— she would've been completely flustered.
Deciding to spare the girl Dominique turned to her cousin and partner in crime. "We should go. Your mum expected us home over an hour ago."
Which really wasn't a lie. Uncle Marque would be having important colleagues from the French ministry over tonight. Aunt Gabby wouldn't be impressed with their poor punctuality.
Aline agreed quickly sobering from the fun she was getting out of this. She bid a quick but polite goodbye to the sales assistant and started out the shop.
"Au revoir!" Dominique said as she was half dragged out of the boutique by Aline. "Slow down!" She hissed once they were outside and already at the end of the street about to turn the corner.
"We can't slow down, maman will have our heads!"
Dominique winced when Aline reinforced her grip on her arm and pried her off. "Alec will cover for us. Come on." She said linking their arms together and leading them in a steady but civilized pace.
They stopped by the opening of a seemingly random alleyway in the heart of Paris only a block away from the muggle High street. Making sure no one was watching them they entered and made their way to the dead end.
Dominique placed the palm of her hand on the wall allowing it to confirm her magic. As always her palm acquired a warm and tingly sensation which felt slightly uncomfortable. Seconds later a majestic looking door appeared out of the stone and an ancient notice me not charm was put into place. The door opened for them giving them entry to the Magical Parisian High street where only the posh could afford to shop.
Focused on one goal only they entered the first shop they passed, making a beeline towards the back. "Late again mesdames?" Madame Deluca, the elder shop owner, chuckled.
They paused to apologise once again for having to use her shop's Floo instead of the provided ones on the other section of the High street. Instead the Madame waved the witches off and implored them to get going to keep from being any later.
As they flooed away they could hear her kind voice say what she always told them in this situation, "Everything for my most loyal customers."
In their rush to Floo they almost fell out of the fireplace when they arrived home. The clearing of a throat made them quickly straighten up before they could however. Dominique faced her aunt who looked at them sceptically with a perfectly raised silver blonde eyebrow.
"Alec told me you girls were out doing some errands for Madame Deluca. I did not believe him an hour ago nor do I believe him now." Aunt Gabby started before giving a small mischievous smile, "however I do not have the time to find out if this is true. You girls have twenty minutes to make yourself presentable." After threatening to ground the girls tomorrow if they weren't down at precisely 7 p.m. on the dot she moved to let them pass.
Dominique quickly followed her cousin to the upper floor of the house. This floor was theirs, Alec, Aline and Dominique's, exclusively. When little Josephine turns eleven coming December she will finally be allowed to move from her current floor which she shares with her parents to the last available room upstairs.
"You owe me." Alec said as soon as they reached the floor and stepped into the lounge they had created. He wasn't facing either of them and didn't bother to either as he contemplated his next move in the wizarding chess game he was indulging himself in.
Dominique could hear and picture his smirk though and rolled her eyes. She dug through her purse and got out the bracelet she got him to throw it at him. "Consider the debt paid."
Aline couldn't help but snort as the accessory hit her twin right at the back of his head omitting a yelp from him. She didn't stick around but opted to retreat to her room.
"Fils de pute," he muttered rubbing the targeted spot on his head. Alec scowled at the offending object now laying next to him on the couch. "A bracelet? Why would I need a bracelet?"
"It's for men and I happened to like it. Apparently male muggles love to accessorize." Was all she said before turning to go to her own room. Time was ticking and she needed to get a move on.
After quickly storing her new goodies, stolen and rightfully paid for, she changed into some appropriate summer dress robes for dinner. She just finished braiding her hair to prevent it from falling in her face when the twins entered.
"Knock knock," Aline said only after she took a seat on the bed with Alec following suite. Dominique's sarcastic reply to come right in went ignored as Aline jabbed her brother. "Tell her," she urged.
Dominique frowned and turned her full attention on the pair not missing the identical looks of self satisfaction. This was either going to be really bad for someone else and— well either way it would be really good for them. "Tell me what?"
Alec ran his hand through his dark messy styled hair. His smirk slowly transformed in a smile as he said the golden words. "I just got an owl.. We're in."
There was a split second of confusion before the meaning of those two words sank in. This was it. This was what they were waiting for all summer. "We're in!" Dominique repeated with a disbelieving joy.
They were in! They were invited to the most important party of the summer, one of the biggest parties of the year. Every year during the last week of summer a party was hosted. The hosts being a select group of freshly graduated Seventh Years. The idea was to pass on their 'wit and legacy' on to the new Seventh Years and select worthy new Sixth Years. Everyone knew however that the tradition was uphold only as another excuse to get drunk and create scandals.
Still to be invited when entering your Sixth Year was a big deal as it finally solidified your elite status amongst your other peers at Beauxbatons. Not that there was ever much doubt with Dominique being a Weasley and the twins LeBlanc's. The fact that they were cousins only added fuel to the flame yet you should never be to assuming of things like these.
"When is it?" Was the next thing that sprang to mind as Dominique was already wondering whether they had time to buy a new outfit.
They had by now already left the confines of her room and were forced to whisper if necessary.
Alec turned his head a little to the right so he could face her whilst descending the stairs. "Tonight," he said before murmuring in a low voice to both her and Aline, "we leave at 12."
The three of them dropped the subject completely as they reached downstairs with a minute or two to spare.
"I got you something." Dominique said as she parted with the twins to find Josephine. To her amusement she found her in the kitchen trying to sweet talk the house-elf, Drippy, into giving her sweets before dinner.
Josephine turned around in surprise only to groan when Drippy had taken that chance to disperse. "Not funny!" She whined with a frown when Dominique laughed at her misfortune.
"Never mind that," she waved off. Revealing her wand Dominique performed a quick Accio to summon the gift she had gotten Josephine. A pretty silken hair ribbon appeared making the younger girl's blue eyes shine. Her younger cousin took a particular liking to hair ribbons as she took great care of her blonde mane.
She squealed and grabbed for the ribbon to immediately replace the one currently holding her braid. This one was dark blue with tiny stars which were enchanted to move. Every now and then a falling star would appear. "It's so pretty. Merci beaucoup Dominique!"
"What did I say about spoiling Josie?" A strict voice boomed from behind the two of them. Dominique turned around to see Uncle Marque standing there with barely contained laughter.
From the corner of her eye she caught sight of Josephine racing out of the kitchen vowing that she wouldn't give the ribbon back. Dominique smirked at her uncle. "I'm not the one who bought her a deluxe charmed tea set just last week," she countered.
He gave an impressed smile, "Touché."
The party had been in full swing for over an hour now and already Dominique had to Scourgify the stench and stains of alcohol out of her perfectly picked outfit not once but twice. As expected they had kept the 'induction' –for lack of a better word— brief and to the point.
The graduates had reminisced over their time at Beauxbatons, gave pointers on how to throw the best bashes within the walls of the academy and even shared some tests from their Sixth and Seventh year from professors who never bothered to make new ones. Their Charms professor was an example of this apparently.
As soon as that part of the night was over with they were allowed to trade their butterbeers in for firewiskey and muggle alcohol. From that point it wasn't long before Dominique lost track of the twins as they each went their separate ways in the foreign house.
She had just excused herself from a small group of girls when a voice she almost always welcomed stopped her. "There you are," Noel Durand said loudly to be heard over the music. He offered her a cup almost filled to the brim with firewiskey.
Dominique thanked him with a smile before clinking their cups together and gulping a mouthful. She winced as her throat burned of the amount of alcohol.
"Easy," Noel laughed before taking a sip of his own drink.
"You were looking for me?" She asked though it came out more as a statement.
Noel motioned for her to wait as he grasped her hand to lead her to the garden. As opposed to inside it was less crowded and easier to hold a conversation.
In the short trip to the back of the house Dominique swore she saw Alec necking on with a pretty graduate at the foot of the stairs. She wasn't sure though and in her more than tipsy yet not fully intoxicated state of mind she didn't really care.
Putting her full attention on Noel again she noticed that he had been watching her in the familiar way he often did. Everything about him was so familiar to her. From the way he styled his brown hair to the way his jaw subconsciously clenched when he was feeling lustful. Like now for instance.
Noel closed the distance between the two of them without ever looking away. "Where's your girl Noel?" Dominique asked with a coy smile on her cherry painted lips. She already knew the answer of course. This was merely a game they liked to play.
He –the both of them— didn't do dating. Not after they had tried it out with each other during their Third Year.
"Don't be absurd," he murmured cutting their foreplay short this time. He crashed his lips onto hers instantly getting a response. He tasted mostly of alcohol but that familiar taste of him was still there.
Pulling away from the heated kiss sooner than he had liked her to she clutched the fabric of his shirt with her free hand. Hazel green eyes focused on her intently once more as she started to pull him along with her to the rosebushes. Either Dominique was stronger than credited for or Noel was more affected by his alcoholic consumption than he thought. He stumbled into her making his cup of what appeared to be muggle beer spill on the both of them. A whispered promise to clean her up later was enough for Dominique to reattach their lips once more.
Unaware of the commotion that was unravelling inside Dominique moaned into his mouth as his hand roamed her bare thigh. Her leather black flowy skirt had been slightly hiked up to grant him the needed access.
It was in this position that Dominique heard Aline call out for her in a panic that sounded so foreign coming out of her mouth. She opened her eyes just in time to see Noel being viciously dragged away from her body. Not really processing what was going on she started protesting before quickly clamping her mouth shut in shock.
The person who had dragged Noel off of her still held him by the base of his neck whilst glowering daggers at her. His face was completely red in fury and disappointment.
Dominique suddenly couldn't help but be very aware of the fact that she not only reeked of alcohol but was also covered in it, the state of her hair that must've falsely portrayed sex hair and her still slightly hiked up skirt.