Here is another chapter coming your way. I was just so excited to get all these ideas out into words, so please enjoy.

If there is any confusion, Harrus is Harry, the one in the green shirt, and Sevry is Sevry who is wearing the red shirt. Don't you just love these two cuties? They are really fun to write, and I'm sorry if you like their lisp, it's just really hard to write and it's easier to just write them like this. If you guys have any ideas or just thoughts, please send me a line telling me.

Also to the guest, since I can't reply: that's very true, oh well, I got nothing to excuse that mess up. Sorry. Thanks for at pointing that out and reviewing.

And thanks ramen-luver101 for reviewing.

I don't own harry potter, universe or character.

Orange and White Haired

"Not that that's settled, I shall send a patronus to the Slytherins. Would you do the same for the Gryffindors Professor McGonagall?" asked the bearded professor, drawing his wand.

"Of course," confirmed the addressed witch.

Together, they casted the spell and sent the goat and tabby cat, respectively, off to fetch the students previously mentioned. In a matter of minutes, everyone in the office could hear the arguing voices of Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy. As they reached the door, their arguing stopped and Albus told them to enter.

"Hello Headmaster, Professor, Madam Pomfrey," both Hermione and Pansy said, looking at each other before shrugging and stepping into the office. They were followed by a disgruntled Ron and an indignant Draco, both of whom nodded their greeting.

"Hello students, please come sit, we have a bit to discus," the headmaster said, motioning to more chairs that had appeared, this time courtesy of Minerva's transfiguring skills.

"Thanks you Professor Dumbledore. Oh! Hello Harry, Professor Snape," Hermione said, sitting down in the royal blue chair.

"Is that what you two were getting into that caused the explosion? Messed up another potion Harry?" Pansy asked, sitting to Hermione's right in the golden yellow coloured chair.

"Those are Harry and Snape?!" yelled Ron, but after getting a few glares from Draco and the females, he just collapsed into the deep red chair.

"So how bad did Potter mess up this time?" Draco simpered snottily as he smoothly sat in the emerald green chair just to the right of Ron.

"Oh! So you two can tell which boy is which as well?" Madam Pomfrey asked, ever so excited.

"Yes," both 6th year girl answered the nurse.

"Look professors!" the boy in red said.

"Mione and Pansy do that thing too!" the boy in green said.

"It seems they did," Albus chuckled, offering the 6th year students lemon drops, all of which were turned down.

"Now, before we get on the reason that you students are here, would Ms Granger and Parkinson like to explain how exactly they could tell which boy was which?" the transfiguration teacher asked, her curious side showing.

"Well it's obvious; their eyes are the proper colours. Harry with bright green, and Professor Snape deep black," Hermione explained, Pansy nodding in agreement and Poppy in acceptance as this was also how she could tell.

"They are?" both Minerva and Albus asked, looking at the two boys, alarmed at the fact that they had not noticed. But when they did this, their eyes were the same colour.

"It seems that their magic has shielded their eyes with something akin to a Notice-Me-Not charm on their iris' that makes people believe they are the same colours," the headmaster observed, admiring the intricate work.

"So basically, Hermione, Madam Pomfrey and I are the only ones, so far, that can tell which of these little boys had green and which had black eyes," Pansy clarified before breaking into giggles. Hermione and the two little boys soon joined into, that soon morphed into full out laughs that had the two boys in stitches, clinging to each other.

"How can you find this funny Hermione?!" Ron yelled, "I can't tell which one is Harry and which is the git!"

"Exactly! How is this funny Pansy, I can't tell who is important and who is Prince Potter!" Draco cried out.

"Oi!" both little boys yelled, "We're right here!"

"I agree, the two you are speaking of are right here and it is rude to call them names, as they are now and when they were older. You are both in the 6th year and should know better," Minerva admonished; she did not like anyone talking about her two boys like that at all.



"A lot!" the boys finished hugging the strict teacher, who returned the hug happily.

"They are four Ronald! And they are more mature than you are!" Hermione said, growing quickly tired of the ginger.

"Draco, what has gotten into you? You and Harry were getting on fine," Pansy sighed, seeing the beginning of a migraine.

"Yeah, how would-" Harrus said.

"You like it-" Sevry continued.

"If we called-" Harrus went on.

"You names? Like-" Sevry picked up.

"Orange hair and white hair?" the two little boys asked, sticking their tongues out at the older boys before sitting back in their chair.

Both sixteen year old girls snorted as the professors grinned, they all had to agree that that statement was much more accurate than what Ron and Draco called Harry and Severus.

"Moving on from this amusing topic, you were all called here because we need people to watch these two between re-aging periods, which are three weeks between potion administrations. There will be at least three administerings, once in three weeks, after this dose of potion has settled, aging them to seven years of age. The following one will be in another three weeks, aging them to eleven. And the final administering of the potion to both of the boys will age them to sixteen, at which point Harry will not be allowed another dose, and Severus will be allowed to choose how much older he would like to grow, which will be given to him," Poppy explained to the students, two of which nodded, and the other two were too busy glaring holes at each other to pay attention.

"I would not mind taking care of them at all," Hermione said.

"Neither would I," Pansy said, smiling.

"Pssh! You can't take care of a little boy, the only good care taker of a boy, is a boy, unless you are his mum," Ron said, scuffing at the idea of girls taking care of boys.

Everyone but Ron and Draco, including the paintings and Fawkes, rolled their eyes at this comment. How thick could this boy be?

"I will take Sev, and Potter if I must. I could bring him down a few pegs along the way too," Draco voiced.

"You will not! I'll take Harry and Snape too, and teach him how not to be a git to everyone," Ron shot back.

As the two teenage boys argued, the headmaster casted a silencing spell around the two along with a magical and physical barrier between them.

"Now that we have taken care of those two for the time being, introductions are in place, boys," Dumbledore motioned for the boys to greet the teen girls.

"Hello! I'm Harrus," the boy in green said.

"And I'm Sevry," the boy in red said.

"Are you-"

"Going to-"

"Take care-"

"Of us?" the two adorable boys said together.

"We would love to," Hermione replied, smiling at them and Pansy.

"That is, if you don't mind," Pansy said, nodding.

"Yay!" the two four year old pranksters cried, hugging the two girls.

"Now that that seems to be taken care of, how about we all head down to the great hall for dinner?" Albus asked, after taking off the silencing spell from the blond and ginger haired boys.

"Where will the boys sit?" Poppy asked, amused with the outcome of the meeting.

"At the head table would be good," Minerva put in.

"Yes, for tonight, they will sit with us, so that we can introduce them to the school. After that, we will come back up here, Ms Granger and Parkinson, and we will see to quarters to accommodate you all," Dumbledore said getting up.

"Off we go!" yelled one boy, grabbing Hermione's and.

"Into time!" the other boy said latching onto Pansy.

"And space!" they corralled together.

Hermione and Pansy giggled, understanding the reference after having a Doctor Who marathon over the summer.

"Allons-y!" the girls cried together as they raced down the corridors with the little boys.

"Were they just speaking French?" Ron questioned.

"Girls are weird," Draco stated.

"Too right," Ron agreed.

The two boys stopped looked at each other, shook their heads before they started arguing all the way to the great hall.