A Fine Life


LONDON: MAY 13, 1836

10:00 P.M.


I am sitting down on a chair in Detective Justin's office. A few hours ago, he brought me here along with the whole gang, except Dodger. Dodger just left. Why? I haven't got a clue. Probably because he has a nickname and is known as a great pickpocket and I know Dodger doesn't want to lose that title. Maybe it's fear about behind hanged like many criminals fear. Justin came into the room and closed the door behind him. He sat down at his desk,

"Could you tell me how you found these pickpockets?"

I sighed, there's so much to tell. I'll start from the beginning and share the more important facts and things that went on. "Anissa and I were orphans living in a workhouse with no knowledge of our family or our parents. We ran away to London because we didn't want to be workhouse girls or to be treated poorly so a man named Mr. Lancaster took us with his horse. We got to London and Anissa and I saw Dodger and Charley steal, so they kidnapped us."

"Did they ever let you out of the house?"

I shook my head, "They allowed me to go out on rare occasions. If I went out, Dodger had to go with me. They never trusted Anissa because when we saw them steal, Anissa noticed they were acting weird and wanted to investigate. She then said to run so we ran for our lives. They feared that she'd peach on them, but she only thought about it when Oliver was framed."

"When was it Anissa wanted to peach on them?"

"A few months ago. Nancy only did it because Oliver went with Mr. Brownlow and they took him back. She didn't want him to live a life of crime. Not just that, Monks partnered with Fagin to get rid of Oliver. Nancy wanted him to be safe."

"Is that why she was killed?"

"No, Bill killed her for peaching. He didn't know about Monks plan."

"Why did Monks want Oliver dead?"

"They're half brothers with a wealthy ancestry. Their parents wanted the fortune to only go to Oliver but he wouldn't unless he was involved in crime, so Monks tried to frame him to get the fortune for himself."

"Wow, that's very sad to hear. Why would he get rid of Bill?"

"Bill took Oliver to the Brownlow's to rob their home. Oliver cried out for help and because of that, Bill wanted to kill Oliver himself, but Monks already wanted to kill the boy himself. Bill was just an accomplice to him, to help him get rid of Oliver. After that, he'd get rid of the rest. I should know, he wanted me to kill everyone in the gang but Oliver."

Justin's eyes widened, "He did?"

I nodded, my hand resting on my forehead, "He took me out a few days ago, and told me if I got rid of the gang, he'd get Anissa out of jail and give us money to start a new life, which is all Anissa and I wanted."

"Why would he spare you but not the gang?"

I shrugged, "He's dead, so we'll never know his motives, but the gang was a threat to him. They could have ratted him out. I wouldn't do that. I couldn't, I wasn't allowed out of the house. I guess a part of him felt bad for me.

Justin stood up, "Well, we need you here. I'll give you a spare room to sleep in."

I smiled, "Thank you."

He smiled back, "No problem. Follow me." He opened the door and led me down a hallway and then he turned a left. He opened another door which led to a guarded room. The guard nodded at Justin, who nodded back and he led me down a hallway of locked doors, which I realized are jail cells. He opened a door and inside was a person, a very familiar looking person.



We ran towards one another and squeezed each other, cutting off our oxygen. I felt my eyes water and Anissa was crying. I heard the door close, but not lock. Anissa and I kept hugging one another, not letting the other go and for the first time in a while, I felt around twenty pounds of weight lift off my shoulders, mostly because I know that everyone is safe. Monks and Bill are dead, and Fagin will most likely be too, and that's all that matters to me.


MAY 14, 1836

9:00 A.M.

I opened my eyes and stretched; seeing Anissa all dressed and ready to go somewhere. Is there something important today? We just reunited, can't it wait? She's applying some makeup on, not noticing that I'm awake. Anissa wearing makeup? Something's up. "Anissa, where are you going?"

She turned to look at me, "I'm doing an interview for the press. They're publishing our story in the paper later today." She grinned, "We're going to be a hit! We'll be popular!"

"How long will you be?" I stood up, "We just reunited again. I want to spend time with you."

Anissa smiled, but it looked sad for some reason. It's like she's hiding something from me, like she'll be gone for a while, "We will when I'm done with everything I need to do."

I raised a brow, "What do you mean by that? Are you going somewhere?"

She nodded and her eyes began to tear up, "I have things I need to do; to fix and discover."

"Like what?"

"It doesn't matter, Julia." She sighed and came over to me and took my hands in hers, "Look, Julia, I love you, you're the only friend I can have and a great person to me. We're like sisters, but these are things I need to do alone. Please, go and stay with Dodger. You need to stay here in London, then when I eventually come back, we can go and get parents together. The police want us to enjoy being outside for a while, so use it to your advantage. Don't worry about me."

I felt like crying. She's leaving to do what it is she needs too. Maybe she's trying to find herself, she knows nothing about her family, and neither do I. I'm not that interested in knowing my family, but I guess she has things to discover. I won't hold her back, I'll let her do what she needs too, but she has to come back. She's the only friend I've had, the only friend I want and the only friend I need. Though, I do think of the boys as my family, even Charley, even though he pisses me off from time to time. What will I do without her?

"I don't know where he went. He kissed me goodbye and disappeared. Maybe he doesn't want to be caught."

"I don't think it's that, Julia. I think he has some things to take care of, just like I do. Trust me, I need to do this. I won't forget you."

"Will you come back?" I whispered

She smiled, "Only for you. I couldn't leave you behind."

I hugged her one last time, "Just promise me you'll tell me what it is you had to fix and discover."

"All the way!" She smiled, hugged me one last time and left the jail cell, leaving me all alone. I took a deep breath and sat down on the bottom bunk, and tried to hold myself together. I have to trust her on this one, she'll be back. Right now, I have to figure out what I'm going to do and where I'm going to go. I don't know what I'm going to do. This type of stuff makes me stressed, but I'll find a place to live, eventually. Until then, I'll just have to stay here.



10:00 A.M.

A short, top-hatted teen boy walked into the police station and asked to speak to a boy named Charley. The office clerk led him to a room with a table in it and white walls. The boy thanked the clerk and walked inside, his friend's head perking up and brightening up when he saw who came to visit him. "Dodger!" Charley jumped up and ran over to his best friend. They stayed that way for a few minutes and let go of each other.

"Dodger, you came back!"

Dodger smiled, "Of course I did, Charley. I couldn't go without saying goodbye to you."

"You know Dodger, they're publishing us in the paper. They also allowed us to have families, we're going to be adopted."

Dodger's eyes saddened, "Is that so?" Would this mean their friendship is over? Would they never see each other again?

Charley nodded, "And I was adopted. I was going to give you my address when I could reach you, but you know-" he wiggled his eyebrows, "there is Little Lady. I knew the one person you'd come back for is her, so I was going to give it to her in case you did come back for her, then she'd give it to you." Charley stepped up, "But I know you better than that, you would have come back, especially for her."

Dodger nodded, "Yes, I would have, but I can't see her now. I have things I need to do. Just don't tell her anything."

"I won't, I promise. You know, Fagin's going to be hanged soon, and knowing her, she'll go. Go over and meet up with her."

Dodger grinned, "That sounds like a great idea. But it'll be hard for me. Fagin was the only family I had, besides the gang. He was like a father to me, what will I did without him?"

Charley put a hand on Dodger's shoulder, "You have the boys, Julia, and me. You'll be fine. But I want to come to the hanging and be with Julia and you one last time before they take me."

"Where are you moving too?"

"Greenland, I think," Charley answered and Dodger sighed as his friend handed him a paper with his new address on it.

"I'll write to you every week." Dodger laughed and hugged Charley, "See you, brother. I'll miss you."

Charley hugged him back, "I'll miss you too, and you better!"

And with that, Dodger nodded his head as if to say 'goodbye' and walked down the hallway, feeling his throat tightening up of nerves and relief. Monks and Bill, two dangerous criminals and threats to Fagin and the gang are gone, and there are those that have been loyal to Fagin and he hates how those that were loyal have to see the old man get hanged, but it must be done. Dodger turned around and looked down the hallway, having the urge to find Julia and hold her tight and take her with him, but he can't, not now. He has stuff he needs to do and finish. And with that, he turned around and slowly walked towards the door, took one last glance towards the hallway, and walked out, leaving everyone temporarily behind.


LONDON: MAY 16, 1836

12:00 P.M. - MIDDAY


It's been a few days since I came to the police station since Anissa left and since I've seen anyone from the gang. I'm still in the same room Anissa and I stayed in and I haven't been up to anything really, just wondering what I will be doing after Fagin is hanged. Speaking of Fagin, they published our story in the paper, how they found us and what's happening to the boys, Fagin and me, and how Anissa and Dodger disappeared. Anissa's small interview is in the paper and our photos are in it. Apparently, from what I've heard, everyone's been buying it and it's a hit. One of the most popular stories London's had if that's possible. Someone should bury it somewhere so someone from the future will find it, I think that'd be cool.

I was broken out of my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. I turned to face it and said, "Come in." and a small figure came into the room. It's Oliver! And boy, does he look clean! He's wearing a silk suit and has his hair gelled to the side. It reminds me of when Nancy and Bill kidnapped him and he came wearing an expensive suit and with hair gelled the same exact way it is now. "Oliver!" I stood up and pulled him into a small, gently hug. I noticed he looks a couple inches taller. He's up to my ear now; I feel short.

He hugged me back and looked up at me with a smile, "Mr. Brownlow let me live with him again."

"That's wonderful news, Oliver. I'm happy for you."

Oliver looked at me, "I talked to him about Anissa and you, and he wants you two to stay and live with us."

I almost choked on nothing. Yeah, nothing. That's how shocked I am. "Live with you?"

He nodded, "We'll be a family, You'll have a younger brother and I'll have two older sisters. That's all we wanted, right? To have families?"

I sighed, where do I begin, "Oliver, Anissa isn't here."

He raised a brow, "What do you mean? The newspaper reporters interviewed her! It's all over the paper!"

"She left London. She told me she has things she needs to fix and discover on her own, then she disappeared. She didn't give me details, but I haven't got a clue to where she went or how long she will be, or when she'll return. But I can't live with you."

"What? Why?"

I knelt down to reach head-level with him and put my hands on his arms, "Because Oliver, Dodger and I love each other. I don't know where he went, but when he returns, like he promised he would, I'm going with him. I'm destined to be with him, but I will write to you as much as I can."

Oliver threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly, "I'll miss you." He whispered

I lifted his head up to face mine and I saw his tear stricken face. "Hey, don't cry." I said softly, "I'll visit you soon, I promise." And we stayed that way for a while, just hugging each other in silence, that is until Mr. Brownlow came by with some girl who at first I didn't recognize, but memories of Bill's hanging came back to me. That's when I realized who she is, I just don't remember her name. I let go of Oliver who turned to the three of us and I walked over to the girl, "I remember you. You stepped on my foot at Bill Sike's hanging. I'm starting to think you did that on purpose."

The taller girl smiled, "Ha, that was actually by accident. Let's call it fate, alright? But yes, that's me. I'm Esther, Esther Lancaster." I gasped, I know that last name. Mr. Lacaster, the man who drove Anissa and me to London is her father! "Yes, I'm Mr. Lancaster's daughter, and my brother Joseph is here too, but he's with Bet right now. He's helping her leave this part of London."

"She's moving?"

Esther nodded, "Too much commotion and fame. She wants a fresh start."

"Did you help her kill Monks?"

"What a smart girl you are. Yes, I did. My father read the paper about Anissa a while ago and remembered you two. He told my brother and me to help convince the police Anissa's innocent, but they didn't believe me when I went. I got Nancy's and Brownlow's personal records-don't give me that look." How did she manage to do that? Hm, I'm starting to like her. "That's how we got their addresses. We bumped into them at Bill's hanging and teamed up with them."

I smiled, "Thank you, for everything. If it weren't for you, Monks would still be alive and Anissa would probably be dead. Thank your father for me."

"He's dead." She said I gasped, "He died after giving us instructions to help you out. He may not have looked it, but his immunity was always a bit bad. It got worse only this year. Thank god my brother and I didn't take after him."

"I'm sorry for your loss. I really am. He was a great man."

Esther sniffed, trying not to try, "Thank you, and yes, he was. Well, it was nice to see you again, but I have to get back home. I don't need to see Fagin hanged, but it was nice meeting you again."

"You too." I smiled and hugged her, which she returned, and the three of them left. I sat back down on the bed and thought to myself. Mr. Lancaster barely knew us and wanted to help us, there's always good somewhere in this world. And with that, I laid down and wondered about everything that's happened and where Anissa and Dodger are. I hope they're okay, but knowing them, they most likely will be. No one knows of Dodger anyways. He'll be okay, I know he will.


LONDON: May 19, 1836

1:30 P.M.


It's way after Fagin, the gang and Oliver and I were found, and a few days after Anissa disappeared for good when Oliver said Anissa and I could live with him at Mr. Brownlow's home and when I talked to Esther. A few days after the police took us to the station, the boys were taken by them to the orphanage, some of them have already been adopted. Jackson and his brother were sent to Germany to live with the wealthiest family in Geisenheim. Bet left London, moved farther into England and supposedly got married. How did that happen? I'll never figure out, but she didn't invite anyone to it. She wanted it to be a private wedding, but she sent me a card and apologized for everything, and I wrote to her back. Oliver was returned to Mr. Brownlow and Nicky was taken in by a family that promised to give him a good education. Charley was taken in by a young couple in Greenland.

Basically, the boys were taken in by wealthy families. How they all became rich, I haven't got a clue, but Charley told me he overheard them say they'll turn the boys into strong, educated upper class 'gentleman'. I', guessing they called the boys weak, dumb, and slobs, but I won't repeat what they said. Besides, the boys love their new families and their families adore them. Since the rest (Cameron, Chris, and Xavier) haven't been adopted yet and are in custody, they can't leave without an adult, so they won't see Fagin being hanged, and from what I've heard, they don't want to see it. I am alone. Anissa was doing an interview for the press, the last time I saw her. Apparently, we're famous, I hope it dies down. I hate people pointing me out and asking how I managed to survive. What they don't realize is that I just worked around the house, but what they don't know won't hurt them. I was in the middle of the cheering crowd. The cops brought out Fagin who was mumbling and saying the names of his ex-workers.

"What's wrong with him?" I heard one person say.

"He's under stress." Another answered.

I didn't pay much attention to what the cops were saying, but I knew they were also talking about Anissa and me. The crowd continued to cheer and they put the rope over Fagin's neck. The old Jew was mumbling and having a tantrum. "What is this? Where am I? Oliver, Charley, Dodger! What did you get today? Julia, Anissa, help me set the table, please!" He let out a shout, but he didn't get to finish because the rope levered him up, hanging him.

I gasped and put my hands over my mouth as the crowd cheered louder than before. From the corner of my eye, I saw a top hat and a long, tan coat. I turned and saw Dodger standing there, looking down when Fagin was dead with Charley. He turned and saw me, widening his eyes. His blue eyes on my blue, gray, and green hazel ones. I stood there but made my way over to him, and he did the same. He hugged me and I returned it. Charley came running over and stood by my side.

"I thought the traps sent you away." Dodger sounded worried.

I let go of the hug, "No, I ran off. They were going too, but they wanted Anissa and me to enjoy the place for a while since we were always inside. You didn't come back right away, so I thought that they found and took you." Charley gave me a small hug from the side and I kind of hugged him back.

Dodger shook his head. "Nope, I ran off that day and hid. I am the Dodger, after all." He gave a smile.

I smiled back but then frowned, remembering Anissa. "Have you seen Anissa?"

He shook his head, "No, I haven't. I thought you did."

"I did, but she said she had a lot of things to do. She said goodbye and disappeared."

"It's alright, little lady, you have us." Charley smiled.

I turned to him and made a face, "Oh lord. Kill me already." Charley made a face and slugged me which caused Dodger and me to laugh. I was looking at Dodger when I caught the glance of a teen boy around the same age as Dodger and me, maybe a bit older. I looked at Dodger again and then at the boy seeing that he's staring at me. Dodger caught on because he turned to look at the boy and sneered. That's when it hit me, he looks kind of familiar. My eyes widened. Oh my gosh, it's Lawrence! I walked past Dodger, "Lawrence?"

Lawrence smiled as Dodger and Charley walked up to us, "Hey, Julia. Well, would you look at that, you're famous? All of England knows about you." For some reason, Charley quietly took hold of my wrist as if to protect me.

"I figured that."

He laughed, "I see that you're still a smart ass. Maybe an even bigger one from the last time I saw you."

"What do you take me for?" I smirked seeing that Dodger was just staring at him, "Dodger, this is Lawrence. Lawrence, Dodger." I turned to Charley, "This is, Charley."

"I thought my name was Joker, Little Lady."

"It will be when we get you green and purple face paint," I smirked, causing Charley to scowl.

"Nice to meet you," Lawrence replied but it seemed fake. I narrowed my eyes, what's his problem? Does he still have a thing for me?

"I guess," Charley replied which caused Lawrence to glare at him and for me to slug him. He poked my nose and I glared which caused him to stop. I guess I'm not the only one that thought Lawrence's statement sounded fake.

"Likewise," Dodger smirked, with sarcasm clearly dripping from his voice. Charley glared at Lawrence. Dodger then turned to me, "How do you know him?"

"He lived in the workhouse with me." Then I rolled my eyes, "He even liked me."

Lawrence shrugged, "Well, I know what you like but I see you already have it."

I narrowed my eyes, "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Charley repeated my question. Then he added, "Enlighten us."

"You have a thing for guys like me and you're now with these guys right here."

"Nah, it's Dodger, boy. I'm just a loyal friend." Dodger glared at Charley for his statement but Charley winked. What's he up too?

Lawrence looked him up and down, "He doesn't seem much of a bad boy to me. If anything he seems just of a thief." Motioning to Dodger.

"Are you retarded? Thieves are bad boys." Charley put emphasis on bad boys.

"Best one around and don't forget it either, kid," Dodger smirked. Now I see what Charley's up too. He's trying to get Lawrence mad which will make him want to leave. He wants Dodger to show off. If anything, it's making Lawrence want to stay and argue, but they'll come up with something.

"You're a phony, Lawrence. You changed yourself to make me like you. Dodger was already everything I liked." This caused Dodger and Charley to smile and for Lawrence to narrow his eyes. "And unlike you, he may be a thief but he is a gentleman. Believe it or not. He was raised to be a criminal you weren't, so stop trying to act tough like you're a hardened delinquent." Charley and Dodger let out an 'O'.

"I don't see what he has that I don't, but if it's what you like, then help yourself."

Dodger walked past me and stood right in front of Lawrence, "Wow, you're not much of a gentleman are ya? Disrespecting a lady and her man. Don't get me wrong she's a handful but I'd never talk to her like you are now. No wonder why she doesn't like you." I gasped in awe at what Dodger said and the fact Lawrence is a lot taller says a lot.

"Oh please, Dodger, you're nothing but a thief that people feel sorry for."

"And you're a workhouse boy clearly interested in the criminal life because you came to see my boss hung. And he raised me that way as a kid what else could I have done to live? Be a workhouse boy? Too unmanly for me." He smirked and I laughed.

Charley stepped in front of me, "I see that you only came here to see her and that you're jealous because she chose Dodger over you. She chose a man, not a boy. And she likes boys like us because we do have soft sides. You're nothing but trash." Dodger stared in shock at what Charley said but patted him on the shoulder.

"You must be too. That is what Julia goes for."

"Excuse me?" I sneered but Charley out his arm out in front of me. "If I liked trash I would have gone out with you. Believe me when I say that."

The two laughed as Lawrence's mouth opened wide. Dodger then shook his head, "If we were trash, which we aren't we have a reason to be. We were raised up by criminals you weren't." Then he got close, "I've known some of the top criminals in London and I still do. I'd watch it if I were you."

Lawrence gulped but acted 'tough'. Charley stepped up too," "Yeah, you never know we just may become the next feared criminals. In that case, if that ever does happen, you'll be the first person we come for. That's a promise."

Lawrence glared at all of us and stomped off, not looking back at us once. I turned to hug the two of them, "Thanks, guys."

"No problem, little lady." Charley smiled, "Well, I must be going. My new family is waiting for me. Dodger, you have my address." Dodger nodded, "See you two around."

I threw my hands around Charley, who seemed rather surprised by it. "Hey, Joker, you may be annoying, but I'll miss you a ton."

"Oh, I know you will, little lady. You're not that unpredictable, but I will miss you too." Then he stared at me, "May I?"

I rolled my eyes, "Sure, just this one time." He wiggled my nose, said goodbyes once more and walked off, disappearing into the descending crowd of people. I smiled back, but then my face went blank as I turned to Dodger. "Well, now what? Nancy's dead, Bill is in jail, Bet moved, Fagin was hanged, and the gang's getting families."

Dodger looked at me, "Well, I love you, and you love me." He took my hand in his, "Julia, will you run away with me?"

"Dodger, it's not that I don't want to be with you, I do, but where will we go?" This is like Anissa and me leaving a year and a half ago.

"We'll stay in London, but farther in. There's too much going on."

I stared at Dodger, "Will we ever see the boys again?"

"Yeah, we will. Before they left, I got their new addresses."

I smiled, "Dodger, let's go. We have a life to live." Dodger put an arm around me, and we walked through the smaller crowd of people, and not once did anyone come up to us. It's all over, once and for all. And I'm happy. I just hope that wherever Anissa went too, she finds and discovers what she's looking for and that she comes home safe. But for now, I'm going to do what the two of us wanted to when we first came to London, live a life of my own, a life that I want to live.



4:00 P.M.


Mrs. Corney is sitting at her desk, reading the last paragraph of the weekly paper. When she was done, she set it down and smiled, happy to hear that Julia and Anissa are okay. She got up and walked over to the window to see the girls outside running around or sitting down talking. It made the older lady think back to when Anissa and Julia were younger, running the same fields just like the girls outside, always running around and happy to be around each other. She felt tears dwell in her eyes and knew that the two young women would be safe. The older woman always thought of those two girls as her own daughters, and it broke her to hear about them leaving, but that's apart of growing up, moving on and going your own way, and that's what the girls did and in the end, it did them justice.


I would just like to thank everyone that has read, favorited, followed, and reviewed this story. It means a lot to me and it has come to an end, but I enjoyed writing it. All good things must come to an end. I hope you all like it. And feel free to check out my other stories.

- Julia