Update Time!

So with my Xbox soon to be pawned for money some stories won't be able to be finished for a little while. Below I am listing any that I can not finish without the aid of my Xbox and playing the games connected to it. I am so sorry. Hopefully I will be able to get a new one or an Xbox One and continue on from where I left off. Also a Few will be listed below that need a rewrite. SORRY!

Stories on Hiatus

Ghost of a Chance

Darker Side of Space (Which has been on Hiatus for so long I may just take it down)

Steal Her Heart Away

There's Always a Choice

One Lost, Another Gained

Stories going to be rewritten

His WildFlower

Her Silver Fox

Games that will have stories (Including ones that must wait till I have an Xbox)

Fire Emblem: Birthright

Tale of Two Towns featuring Mikhail

Story of Seasons featuring Raeger

Dragons Dogma