A/N: Mmkay basically this isn't a new update. I'm doing some major revisions on this chapter so it makes more sense in general because I was writing the next chapters and going 'k this doesn't make sense' so THIS IS THE FINALIZED CHAPTER. The fandoms involved are FMA, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter. No Soul Eater. No Ouran Highschool/Fruits Basket. Sorry folks, that was just too crazy. I wanted a plot, and that would prevent me from having one. So sorry for the interruptions, I will attempt to get the next chapter out soon.

Bridge the Gap

It takes a strange person to read three different chapters from three different books within about forty minutes, the books in question being Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, along with Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth and Volume 4 of Fullmetal Alchemist. Not to mention reading them at about midnight. With a cat.

A very strange person indeed. But Kiera Riley was a strange girl.

Her floor was littered with books. Tons of books. Along with those books, among the debris of a room which her mother was always telling her to clean, was various collectable junk from the Fandom universe.

There was a collection of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood DVD's in the corner, and the 4th one was missing because it was downstairs in the DVD player. There was a State Alchemist pocket watch hanging from her bedside table, alongside a bag of salt and a replica silver bullet. A broomstick leaned against her bookcase, which was also crammed with books, and two miniature Quidditch teams, along with miniature balls, were frozen in the middle of a Quidditch match, hanging from the ceiling on fishing line. A trident was placed on a wall mount, along with a replica of Riptide in both pen and sword form, both of which were on her desk. A New York Yankees cap was on top of the pen, covering it, her own personal tribute to Percabeth. On the outside of the door to her room was a sign that read 21 Baker St, and on a small hook were her keys, from which hung a sonic screwdriver and a miniature TARDIS, while the inside of her door was hand-painted in the same design. Her walls were plastered with posters from more fandoms then she cared to count, but she wasn't paying attention to that. She was trying to get through the part of Percy Jackson where Rachel throws a hairbrush at Luke/Kronos.

Suddenly, she groaned and dropped her head, causing her forehead to smack into the pages of Harry Potter.

"I think that Rick Riordan, J.K. Rowling, and Hiromu Arakawa are trying to torture me, Crookshanks." She told her orange tabby, who was licking his paw, probably ignoring her. She sighed. She'd named him after Hermione's cat, and he seemed to have taken after the real Crookshanks.

"I mean," she continued as the cat curled up into a ball and tried to sleep, "They present this perfect fictional world, where the characters are all very realistic, and even if the magic, or alchemy, or godly abilities are a bit outlandish, they make sense given the context of the world they've created! Then they publish these stories to kids, and I think that Riordan especially takes sadistic pleasure in torturing his fans. For example, the cliffhanger at the end of Mark of Athena! WHY?!" She vented her frustrations to the inert Crookshanks. "He's such a troll."

"What I want," she told her cat, who was studiously ignoring her, "and it's probably messed up that I want this, but what I want is for them all to coexist in the same universe. Preferably mine. What I mean is that, essentially, the Doctor ACTUALLY EXISTS and would probably destroy some cities that I'm in. And then save them and go to have some chips with Rose or something. Somewhere over in Germany, both Germany and the surrounding area wouldn't exist anymore. Instead, we have Amestris, Creta, Aurego, Xing, and Drachma to take over that area." She drew out her map with her finger, tracing it along her TARDIS patterned comforter. "In New York, we have Camp Half-Blood, and Camp Jupiter and the Underworld entrance in San Francisco. Then in Britain, we have Hogwarts… somewhere… and on Twenty-One Baker Street, Sherlock and Watson ARE ACTUALLY THERE. And through pure coincidence, I could run into Sam and Dean. Wouldn't that be something." she sighed, turning over on her back and placing her hands under her head.


"I need serious help," Kiera muttered, rolling over to pet Crookshanks. It was an idea she'd been mulling over for quite some time, but had never voiced it aloud.

"But seriously, I think that would be the coolest thing ever." She told her cat. "Wouldn't it be cool if it was an actual thing in canon? Forget SuperWhoLock, this would be the crossover of the Fandom world to end all other crossovers!" She looked around. "Just as long as the Twilight doesn't come to light." Living in Forks, Washington had been such a nice experience until Stephanie Meyer had penned that god-awful series.

She pushed herself out from under her covers and walked over to the window, looking up at the stars. She'd long since stopped believing that wishing upon stars got anything for you in life; even Jiminy Cricket couldn't keep that going in her mind forever. However, the idea was so outrageous that she decided to act childish for once and allowed herself to wish. It wouldn't happen anyway.

"Please. Truth, or any Greek god who cares to listen to me right now," she said quietly, "if this wish is at all possible, grant it now, because I think you'd be doing just about every fangirl and fanboy in this universe and timeline something to be very happy about."

She wandered back to her bed, shoving the books off of the pillow and finally going to sleep.

Little did she know that wishes, insignificant though they may seem, can throw the entire universe into chaos and can even come true.

A/N: Again so sorry for this...