Star Trek : Normandy

Mass Effect/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Disclaimer: I don't own Mass Effect or Star Trek.

Summary: The Battle of Wolf 359 left scares on many people. Selena Shepard was no different, for years she has been dealing with nightmares and depression. She even thought about leaving Starfleet and she would have had it not been for a few people giving her the push and drive to stay in Starfleet. Now after years of sitting behind a desk she must find the courage to journey and battle the danger in the final frontier. Is she ready for the challenges that face her and her crew? Well you're going to have to read to find out.

(A/N: Will take place during the DS9 timeframe with a few meeting between the USS Normandy, TNG, and DS9, might go through the dominion war. This is an AU story so in this universe the Bajorans in Starfleet are allowed to wear their earring.)

(A/N: I just now noticed that I had labeled it as Star Trek: Other while I had set it as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. This story takes place during Deep Space Nine but with others things along the way. So please continue to the read this story and enjoy.)

"Hi" someone is talking.

'Hi' someone is thinking.

"Hi" someone is talking over combadge, message, view screen, or stardate log.

Episode 5: IFF part 1

Captain's Ready Room, USS Normandy

"Captain's Log: Stardate50034.4. It has been a month sense the meeting with the Quarian delegation and I hope they are having some luck with making this difficult decision. On a happier note we have recently had some success with the prospect of traveling through the mass relay. It would seem that the relay looks for a certain IFF (1) frequency, before it allows a ship to use its network for travel. With help from a Doctor Mordin Solus and Crewman Tali we are hopefully getting close to cracking that frequency and we are to begin the testing with small probes. End Log."

Selena got up from her desk and walked over to the replicator and ordered an Iced Raktajino, when the replicator finished she took the drink and sat down near the windows and watched the relay. "I wonder what we will learn from you." Selena said out loud. See was deep in thought that she missed a figure appear out of thin air.

"What is it you Federation Captains always finding dangerous things?" A voice said behind Selena.

Selena recognized the voice from the conference given by Starfleet. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Q?" Selena asked in a sarcastic tone as she walked to her desk.

"I'm hurt Captain, I come here with a warning about what dangers lay beyond that object and you treat me with rudeness." Q said in a hurt tone.

"If you're talking about the Relay then I know what is on the other side of it." Selena said calmly.

"Ah so you have met with someone that uses them for travel." Q said in an interested tone. "Did they tell you who made them?" Q asked flat tone.

"Supposedly some race that disappeared about 50,000 years ago by their calendar." Selena said recalling what she had heard from Tali and Mordin.

Q chuckled and said, "That is very funny that they believe the Prothean created the Relays."

"Until I find out more information I will take the word of one of my crewmembers over yours." Selena said in a flat tone.

"I am hurt you think so lowly of me Captain; I say good day to you." Q said before disappearing with a snap of his fingers.

Selena sighed as she put her drink on her desk and massaged her temples. She then sat down and said, "Computer connect me to Admiral Anderson and Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise." A minute later two people appeared on her computers screen. "My apologies for disrupting anything important." Selena said in a respectful tone.

"What is it Selena?" Anderson asked with concern.

"A few moments ago I had a run in with some that has annoyed you quite a few times Captain Picard and his name has one letter." Selena said with annoyed tone.

"You had contact with Q." Picard said already knowing the answer.

"You are correct Captain Picard." Selena said in a tired tone. "He wanted to give me a cryptic warning. I think it is meant for all of Starfleet and possibly everyone in the galaxy." Selena said preparing herself for the next few questions.

"What was his warning?" Picard asked a little curious.

"It's about some danger with the Relays. He also hinted that we don't know who actually created them." Selena said with confusion.

Picard sighed and in an annoyed tone asked, "What is Q up to now?" Selena shrugged not knowing the answer to Picard's question. "How dangerous are these Relays." Picard asked curiously.

"From what my newest crewmember has told me, they really are not that dangerous to anything that is shielded." Selena said calmly. "The energy readings that we take when a ship passed through the relay, back this up. But to safely use the relay we need an IFF designator or something that can send and receive the request for an IFF." Selena explained all that she had learned.

"Any idea how long it might take to find the IFF frequency and make a device to send it?" Anderson asked curiously.

"Maybe take a few more weeks to a month. If I could get just a little more help, then maybe it could cut that time short." Selena said a little annoyed.

"We will be heading to DS9 for refueling and resupplying. If you are able to meet us there maybe our two ships and DS9 could possibly spare a few people to help to speed up the development process." Picard said calmly.

"We could probably start heading back once another ship arrives to keep watch on the relay." Selena said calmly.

"Captain Nix once the ship arrives I want you to head back to DS9 and meet with Captain Picard. I would like to get this IFF frequency found and the device built so we can find out what is beyond this relay." Anderson said with a hint of stern before he and Picard disappeared from her screen. Selena sipped the drink pondering what Q's warning could have meant.

=== BREAK ===


The Normandy had docked after half a day's travel and Selena was sitting in one of the dining areas shipping her drink, when she finishing her reports that she heard a voice ask, "May I sit here?"

Selena looked and smiled at the person. "Of course you can." Selena said happily.

"So when were you going tell me you were leaving our home to journey through space again?" A female asked with a hint of anger.

"Samantha I'm sorry it completely slipped my mind; between dealing with Tala's death, returning to space, keeping my crew safe, and then making first contact I completely forgot to tell you." Selena said nervously before continuing, "Again I'm incredibly sorry that you were not on the crew list Tala made up."

Samantha looked at her then said, "I will forgive you for now."

Selena knew that Samantha would not give up so easily something must be up. "What are you up to?" Selena asked in a curious tone.

"Can't a wife be forgiving without it being suspicious." Samantha said trying to hide a nervous twitch.

"Of course a wife could but you on the other hand don't forgive so lightly. So who what are you up to and who put you up to it?" Selena asked in a stern tone. Samantha looked at her food and began to eat a little nervously. "Was it David or my mother?" Selena asked sternly. When Samantha didn't say anything Selena sighed and put her hand on Samantha's and looked into her eyes. "Please tell me I won't be anger with you." Selena pleaded in a low tone.

"Both of them asked me to keep an eye on you." Samantha said in a low tone.

Selena sighed and asked, "I can talk with my mother later, but I need to know how are you supposed to be keep an eye on me when you're not a part of my crew?"

"Well Anderson assigned to work as a second counselor aboard the Normandy." Samantha said nervously.

Selena sighed and said, "I am guessing we will be sharing the same room since we're married." Samantha nodded hopefully. "I'm not mad at you Sam, it's just that I wish that David and mom would believe that I am ok." Selena said in an annoyed tone.

"Would you say -" Samantha started to say.

"Do not psychoanalyze me right now Sam." Selena said in a stern tone. Selena took a deep breath and said, "Go talk with Kelly about setting up a work schedule."

Tali came over in a hurry to Selena and asked, "Captain may I have a moment of your time?"

"Yes you may as long as you take a seat Tali." Selena said motioning to a chair. Tali sat down and looked at the other person at the table. "Tali this is my wife Samantha Nix; she will be joining the crew as a second counselor. Samantha this is Tali'Zorah the amazing engineer that we helped rescue and who helped us set up first contact." Selena said introducing Samantha and Tali to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Samantha and Tali said pleasantly to each other. "So she likes spaceship engines as much as you do, do I need to keep an eye on her?" Samantha asked in a teasing tone.

"Of course not Sam you're the only person that caught my eye - stop doing that." Selena said a little annoyed. "I don't know how you do it." Selena said in an annoyed tone.

"It's a gift." Samantha said calmly.

Selena just sighed and shook her head. "What was it that you needed Tali." Selena said hoping to get away from the previous conversation.

Tali was a little embarrassed by the conversation she had walked into and it took her a few moments to calm herself. When she did she took a PADD and handed it to Selena. "With your permission I would like to start work on adapting the Omni-tool for use by the Federation. I am hoping that I can get it to work with your technology." Tali explained in nervous tone.

Selena thought about it then said, "How many people do you think you might need to work on this project."

"Well Lieutenant Adams, Kenneth, and Gabby have said they would be interested in helping. But maybe having a few other people from different departments around the ship. With their help I can have an idea what everyone might need for their work." Tali said in a nonchalant tone.

"As long as it does not interfere with how my ship runs, your studies, as well as your work then I will allow it." Selena said calmly. "I want progress reports on each step of the project, so when you are finished I can send this off to Starfleet. I also want you to try to find a way to make shure that only one person; I don't someone stealing someone else's and do something nasty with it." Selena said calmly.

"Yes Captain I will start right away." Tali said happily.

"Good to hear; if you have any problems with people or you need to talk something out come to Adams, EDI, or me if we are not busy." Selena said calmly. She noticed Tali become a little nervous at the mention of EDI. "Tali are you worried about something?" Selena asked with concern.

"No Captain it's just -" Tali started to say hesitantly.

"Your still nervous around EDI because she is an Android and your people have and problems with synthetic life." Selena said in a low tone.

"I am trying best Captain it's just -" Tali started to say nervously.

"Do not worry about it Tali you are still getting use to someone like EDI. For me it is easier for me because I have known known and worked with Androids for a while." Selena said in a calm tone. "Give her a chance and I think you will eventually, you will she is no different than you or I." Selena said hopeful tone.

"I will try Captain." Tali said before walking away.

"Good and if you need to talk to someone about what you are feeling, find one of the counselor and talk to them." Selena said in a kind tone.

Samantha waited until Tali walked and said, "I don't have to be a Betazed to see it going to be a tough road for her."

"I know but I have a feeling she will get over her fear and become a stronger person from it." Selena said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Samantha asked curiously.

"Years of knowledge." Selena said with a smirk as Samantha gave a her a really you are going to use that line look. Selena just smiled and shrugged. "So did you bring me anything from home?" Selena asked calmly.

"What am I not enough for you?" Samantha asked with fake hurt. Selena just gave her the same look she had just been given. Samantha sighed and said, "I brought you a couple of models to work on."

"Which ones?" Selena asked happily like kid.

Samantha smiled and said, "You will have to wait to see until we get back to our room. I also brought the latest season of The Simpsons." (A/N: I don't own The Simpsons.)

Selena smiled at hearing this. "You are the best and a tease." Selena said with smile. Samantha just smiled back at Selena.

"Excuse me Captain Nix." A flat voice said interrupting the two.

Selena stiffened at hearing the voice, but quickly squished the memories that came with it. She took a quick breath and looked over shoulder to see Captain Picard, Commander Beverly Crusher, and Lieutenant Commanders Data and Geordi La Forge. "Ah Captain Picard it is so good to see you in person." Selena said respectfully as she stood up. Her fingers twitched a little as another flash from Wolf 359 entered her mind which she quickly suppressed. Samantha and a Data caught the quick twitch but did not or would not ask about it right now.

"Thank you Captain Nix I hope that we are able to help with your problem." Captain Picard said in a kind tone.

"I believe you and your people, will be a wonderful aid to mine and those here at DS9 that are helping as well." Selena said in a kind tone. "Doctor Crush I was wondering if you have been in contact my Chief Medical Officer Doctor Chakwas?" Selena asked in a hopeful tone.

"I have and I would be very interested in helping her." Doctor Crusher said in a kind tone.

Selena smiled knowing that she was fulfilling the promise to help Tali's people. "Thank you for doing this." Selena said in a sincere tone.

"It is for good cause and it gives us a chance to learn something new." Said a very happy Doctor Crusher. "Where should I go to speak with Karin?" Doctor Crusher asked calmly.

"I believe she is in the medical center here on DS9 speaking with a Doctor Julian Bashir." Selena said calmly.

"Thank you Captain Nix." Doctor Crusher said in a kind tone. "Captain I will keep you informed of our progress." Doctor Crusher said to Picard before she headed off.

Selena looked at Picard and said, "I would like to thank you again for the aid you and your people giving."

"You are quite welcome Captain Nix; now where is this IFF we are looking for." Picard said in curious tone.

Selena smiled a little and motioned for them to fallow her. As they made their way to her ship Selena looked at Data. "Is there something wrong Captain?" Data asked in a flat yet curious tone.

"No Commander there isn't I just wondering if you had a chance to read over the information about my new crewmember and her people?" Selena asked calmly.

Data looked at her then said, "Yes she did and if you wish I will return to the Enterprise to do any work or research." Picard and Geordi looked between the to curious as to what was going on.

Selena saw this then explained about the Tali and her people. "But Data and EDI have the same rights as any living being." Geordi said with disbelief.

"By our standards you are correct, but to the people who live in Citadel Space and somewhat abide by their laws; they are nothing more than a dangerous machine." Selena explained in the kindest tone she could.

"Have you showed told them about - you didn't tell them about EDI and Data." Picard said when he saw her look at the floor. "You do know this could cause trouble down the line." Picard said with a mild hint of anger and disbelief.

"I did what I thought was best to protect a member of my crew from coming to harm." Selena said defensively.

"I am not angry but I am just warning you about the problems your decision might cause in the future." Picard said in a calm tone. Picard looked at Data and sighed. "I probably would have done the same thing if our roles had been reversed." Picard said in a low tone.

A lightbulb went off inside Selena's mind causing her to smile. "Commander Data do you think that you could come up a brief biography of yourself and EDI?" Selena asked in a curious tone.

"Of course I could Captain but for what purpose and why?" Data asked curiously.

Picard picked up on what Selena was thinking and said, "To show them that you and EDI are no different than anyone else."

Selena nodded and continued by saying, "Exactly it would show the struggles, the accomplishments, and many import things that you and your sister have done for the Federation and those that have served with you." They talk for a few minutes more never realizing they were back on the Normandy. "Computer what is the current location of Crewman Tali'Zorah?" Selena asked out loud.

"Crewman Tali'Zorah is currently in the Holodeck with Ensign Daniels." The computer said flatly.

"Why don't I show you to engineering so you can help - " Selena started to say when someone came up to her with a PADD and a box. She thanked them and looked over it for a few seconds then smiled. "About time it got through." Selena said happily.

"Good news from Starfleet." Picard said in a questioning tone.

"Yes and I am so glad I get to do this." Selena said handing him the PADD. Picard looked over and smiled at the memory of doing the same thing every so often. Picard handed back the PADD to Selena and continued on their way with a confused Geordi and Data.

=== BREAK ===

Engineering, USS Normandy

When they arrived in engineering Selena looked for Adams and found him working with Donnelly. Selena walked over to Adams and said, "Lieutenant Adams I need you to stop what you are working on and come to attention." Adams was a little surprised and started but did as he was ordered. "It is with great pleasure that I promote you from the rank of Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander." Selena said in a professional tone but happy tone before handing him the PADD and the box.

Adams opened the box to see a new rank pip and smiled. Adams was at a loss for words but the only that came to him were, "Thank you Captain." Several cheers echoed through engineering. "Alright back to work." Adams said calmly.

"Are you not happy with your promotion?" Data asked a little confused.

"I am exhilarated by this, but I have something important I am working on and I have a ship to keep running." Adams said calmly.

"He has a good work ethic." Picard said in an impressed tone. He leaned close to Selena and said, "If you're not careful another Captain might take him from you."

"But Captain Picard don't you already have an amazing Chief Engineer?" Selena asked calmly.

"I wasn't saying that I would try to take him from you." Picard said with a smirk.

"So is there anything I can help you with Captain?" Adams asked curiously.

"I was wondering if you could use some help you with the IFF." Selena said calmly.

"Thanks Captain I can use all the help I can get." Adams said calmly. Selena motioned to Data and Geordi La Forge, she then excused herself to finish her own work.

Over the next few hours they worked on finding the correct frequency, only stopping when they found something odd. Data tapped his combadge and said, "Captain Nix could you please come to Engineering we have something you need to see."

"On my way." Selena said calmly. A minute or so later Selena came into Engineering to see what they had found. "What is it you need to show me?" Selena asked curiously.

"We have found the IFF signal but I would suggest testing out on a shuttle craft or probe first before sending a ship through." Data said calmly.

"Noted Commander is there a throng else?" Selena ask curiously.

"I believe we found some odd code and have yet to figure out what it does." Data said flatly.

"Bring it up." Selena said curious about the code they found and what it could do. Data brought up the code for Selena to look over it. After a few minutes she had a feeling that she had seen something similar before but she didn't know where. "Do you think you can isolate this code for further study?" Selena asked now very curious as to what the code might be.

Data quickly typed up a few commands and said, "It is done Captain, with your permission I will make another copy so that I may look into it when I have a chance."

"Good idea and good job with getting the IFF." Selena said giving Data some praise. She then looked at the time on one of the consoles and decided it was time for her to he'd to her quarters and speak with her wife. "If you will excuse me I am needed elsewhere." Selena said calmly.

=== BREAK ===

Captain's Quarters

Selena walked in and noticed Samantha was sitting on a chair looking over a PADD. She walked over to Samantha and out her arms around her. "So what are you reading?" Selena asked curiously.

Samantha put the PADD down and said, "Sorry I can't tell you."

"But I am the Captain." Selena said with fake hurt.

"Sorry this is between me and the person I was counseling." Samantha said in a calm tone.

"Your no fun to tease." Selena said happily before kissing Samantha on the cheek. She then made her way to the restroom to get ready for the night. When she came out she made her way to the bed and said, "Do not stay up to late."

Samantha looked at her and said, "This should only take me a few more minutes." Samantha quickly fished up and removed her uniform before joining Selena in bed.

Selena planted a kiss on Samantha's forehead and said, "Good night beautiful." She then pulled Samantha closer and before telling the computer to lower the lights.


(1) Identification, Friend or Foe

Important People

Lieutenant Commander Gregory Adams


Lieutenant Samantha Nix

Unjoined Trill